toph comedown to Olympia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! either that or i could work something with syler, maybe smash in lakewood, bring some peeps too
That actually requires you to get ahold of me and not be dodging me whenever i see you in person lol
lmao don't bus to oly bro, bad idea plus it'll take hella long
if anything i'll just organize a carpool to go down to one of syler's fests or something... i don't think shane can come tho xD
Yeah, maybe i'll host more fest when I actually play smash more, though im willing to help out the local up and comers, but that's about it. Maybe the occasional visit. And lol at the shane comment.
nah I feel that, **** I wish I still had my car I'd mob up all the time. But yeah, I realy just wanna play some good players so I can get my *** kicked for once and actually get better instead of facerolling my friends lol. So ill just make a trip up sometime instead, if anything is happening Friday let me know I should make it.
I use to feel that way till I started playing ppa0.. he pushed my **** in with luigi for like 6 months

. I didn't want to play the game after the first few weeks lol
And I talked to ppa0 he said he's interested in playing you since he lives in the same area (auburn) and he's a lazy pos to go anywhere else. He's a bit rusty but im sure he'll still tap.
idk man, I consider chars like puff/shiek/peach noob friendly. So I wouldn't put much into it. Their a lot easier to play and abuse at the lower to mid skill lvls. (like when I play those chars for example) Everyone else just calls those chars gay though lol.
Connor an Pcheck have the DPK falcons, deep penetrating knees!!
Needs to be DP falcons for double penetration you know what im sayin!?
@krynxe, the south doesn't usually host anything, but once in a BlueMo0n (the beers overrated)
The beer is really the only reason I don't hang out with you lol. But im sure you already know that. Actually tempted me of deleting you on fb quite a few times cuz it seems almost every other post is only about beer and it gets pretty annoying. For someone that makes fun of people bragging about it, you sure mention it a lot(no offense).
Jigglypuff da bess

:jigglypuffbrawl: :jiggs:
**** like that gets you ****ed up around these parts son!!
I'm pretty pumped that we are both trying to get into the scene at the same time, we will have someone to gauge our improvement on and ****.
Ppa0 suggested I train miguel and he train you for a month and then guage who's a better teacher. We'll see if that actually happens lol.
EDIT: idk if mentioned this but welcome back toph!! ^^