Yo Andy, can I suggest something a little unconventional? Instead of hosting a standard tournament that caters exclusively to the WA Smash scene like we usually do, try to set one up where a lot of students from the UW can enter, like the old McCarty tournaments, then just have the smash scene show up as usual. Lots of people + good quality matches in later rounds of the tournament could be a lot of hype lol. So in other words, advertise it to the smash community as normal, but put up flyers around campus, make a facebook event page, get Miguel to invite everybody LOL... yeah. Just to increase the number of attendants. Who knows, maybe 2 or 3 people will want to get into competitive melee because of it :D
Btw, whoever your "audience", look into renting out the space in the basement of the HUB. It's really NOT too expensive, especially the one party room down there if it's under 40 people. Talk to the person at the desk by where the old DDR Extreme used to be. You know, the bowling alley. There are some good deals, I just never got around to putting anything together.
Anyway, that's where the SF4 community hosts their tournaments. Right down in that same venue, and they get like 40 people. Plus they do a normal pot payout and run it like a completely normal fighting game tournament, catered to non-UW-students, and they have never received any hassle from the campus staff or whatever.
(My impression is that if you run a tournament in the dorms, you might have to like, keep pot payouts under the table, etc.)
So yeah it's definitely doable on campus, you just gotta look around.
If you don't see this post, I'll crosspost it to your facebook later too :P
and yes, everybody should go to GC. :D