Hey everyone, I need some help here. I'm trying to use (Z)+(+) to change my character into WarioMan in Basic Brawl (To screw around basically.) My code is
284F7880 DFEF2010
F6000001 80508100
7C7C1B78 7CBD2B78
14000170 38A0002D
E0000000 80008000
It works fine without that first row of code, but for some reason when I add that for the button activator it doesn't work. Because you need to press + to advance to the stage select, then again to get to the practice stage I figured I had to add it to the Z button code. If this is wrong let me know, I'm using a Wiimote+Nunchuck, NTSC-U, game ID RSBE01. Same goes with my deactivator code, which I can't guarantee works unless I can get the character in the first place. The code for that is
284F7880 BFEF4010
F6000001 80508100
7C7C1B78 7CBD2B78
14000170 7FE5FB78
E0000000 80008000
If anyone could help and fix these up for me that'd be greatly appreciated!
Hello! I took a look at your codes, and I think I have a few that should work for you.
Give these a go, and see what happens:
Press Z and + for Wario Man:
284F7880 00002010
F6000001 80008180
88040071 7C030000
1400002C 3860002D
E0000000 80008000
Press C and + to disable:
284F7880 00004010
F6000001 80008180
88040071 7C030000
1400002C 7C6400AE
E0000000 80008000
These aren't exactly the same as yours, as they are modified forms of Bully@WiiPlaza's Universal Character Modifier,
but they should get the job done.
I also want to make sure you know; If you use these on
WiFi Basic Brawl, only
YOU will be affected.
However, if you use them offline,
ALL bots will be affected, with the exception of those in SSE, Events, and Challenges.
If you have any problems, please tell me!
Also, does anyone know a way to revert any music changed with a music modifier, such as:
Universal Music Modifier [Bully@WiiPlaza]
Is there a way to revert the music back to default for the next stage?
Oops. Seems like I mixed up some music codes <_<