Seeing as the admin position was tied in voting, all t1mmy had to do was vote for himself and get that position, but he abstained.Dude, you made a thread to get his locked. The only problem you had with his panelists is that it wasn't discussed with all of Oregon, and that is obviously not cool, but now it's taken care of and it's the exact same with the addition of you. And since the majority is voting for his style and all.. conceding seems natural. In any case, I assume you guys have a conclusion to tell Neal.
Some people keep forgetting t1mmy never tried to get Bart's thread locked, that was a mod's decision, ask the mods yourself why it was locked.
He's been trying to keep things calm even in face of Bart's rather harsh assumptions and accusations. All this voting seems to just ask for a slam campaign.
PS: Props to Wikipedia, you're constantly being put in a position to defend your opinions, that just means you're presenting a different view to be considered, don't let anyone convince you it's wrong.