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Oregon Smash Community [OSC] - Oregon's official Smash Community est. 2005

Digital Watches

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2006
The People's Republic of Portland
There's no rule against it, but it's in bad taste and would probably get you disqualified just because. That's not the only way a person can interact with the other player, you realize.
The Big Lebowski features a character who calls himself The Jesus. He **** talks The Dude and Walter in the alley. Enter mindgames.
Um... Am I missing something here? Let's go back to the basics of what we're arguing about:

Do you deny that, assuming that a person has mastered the technique of DDR, can step on the arrows at the right moment every single time, there is no way to beat him, outside of cheating in some way, such as the example I've given, and which you've now corroborated as grounds for disqualification?

Of course if you let **** talk get to you, you'll probably play a sub-optimal game, but some people are capable of ignoring that sort of thing, and regardless of what the Jesus character says, he can't actually interfere with the Dude's game without breaking the rules of bowling.

Thusly, assuming players capable of breaking the game, meaning getting a perfect score consistantly (whether or not these players exist), the result of two masters playing will always be a tie if no one cheated. I don't deny that there is skill involved, as in fact, these are games where the only factors are technical skill and levelheadedness (Ability to maintain that skill under pressure).

Do you deny this?


Smash Lord
Dec 2, 2005
Everybody seems to be misunderstanding DW's arguments. He never said DDR and bowling don't take skill. He never said they can't be competitive. He has very valid points, and everybody has yet to prove him wrong on any of them.

Josh, please explain high level play of DDR to prove him wrong instead of explaining instead that he has no knowledge of DDR competitive play.

**** talk is most definitely not metagame material, BTW.


Smash Lord
Jun 13, 2006
Also, like I said, I'm not going to play your daddy through your intellectual discovery. I'm not particularly inclined to take this thread into the next level of hell, either. ... If you actually want to learn for knowledge's sake, and not just try and save face on the internet, then talk to me personally. Or get serious about whatever it is you have doubts about (DDR, track, bowling, whatever) and then try competing.
Cmin and I are down for smash today, NoOr. We promise we'll go easy ;D

Digital Watches

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2006
The People's Republic of Portland
Also, like I said, I'm not going to play your daddy through your intellectual discovery. I'm not particularly inclined to take this thread into the next level of hell, either. You have no place debating about the game because you have no idea how it works competitively. If you actually want to learn for knowledge's sake, and not just try and save face on the internet, then talk to me personally. Or get serious about whatever it is you have doubts about (DDR, track, bowling, whatever) and then try competing.
Um. Lulz. If you don't want to argue, don't argue, but it's kind of silly to try and argue a point and then give up and essentially say "I'm right, and I'm leaving" without proving anything.


Smash Lord
Dec 2, 2005
Josh, you are a ridiculously defensive person. You need to learn how to have civil arguments about things. DW's initial argument "If you like bowling" was in no way in bad taste, and you took it as such. The points he has made seem to be very, very accurate, and you have done nothing except try to debunk his opinion as valid since he "has no experience" with the game.

You are a fool.

Taken from wikipedia:

DDR is a phenomenon around which subcultures of fans and enthusiasts have gathered. Tournaments are held worldwide, with participants usually competing for higher scores or number of Perfects (referred to as "Perfect Attack" tournaments). Less common are "freestyle" tournaments, where players develop actual dance routines to perform while following the steps in the game.

Event Mode is a game option whose function differs between arcade and home versions of DDR. On arcade machines, Event Mode is an operator setting that disables all menu timers, and also disables the "Extra Stage" on DDRMAX and above. A player will also not fail a song immediately even when their dance gauge drops to zero - instead, the song failure message occurs at the end of the song. This setting is used primarily in tournaments, to give judges more time to take an accurate tally of the players' Dance Points. In home versions, Event Mode (settable in the Options menu) returns players back to the song selection screen when they fail a song, and also after completing the normal number of stages. (All Xbox versions of DDR have Event Mode enabled by default.)

Those are the only two paragraphs I could find that mentioned anything about tournament play, and neither of them speak of interaction between players.


Smash Lord
Jun 13, 2006
DW, I told you you could talk to me personally if you actually wanted to learn. You haven't. What are you trying to prove?
Of course I'm defensive. We all are. What's wrong with that? Bart, DW swore negatively in his rebuttal to Jem. Is that civil? His original argument was also, "right, because we all love bowling." That is very much in bad taste because he clearly gave bowling a negative connotation. Sure his points seem accurate, that's certainly nice.
It's cute that you like to call me names here and all, but give me a break, buddy. I could argue with DW, but never with you, man. You must be like brdy. A big time alpha male. I don't want to try anything against you, dude. Not without some serious alpha-repercussions.


Smash Lord
Dec 2, 2005
Jem, why do you act so condescending about the whole thing when you actually took part in it?

Digital Watches

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2006
The People's Republic of Portland
DW, I told you you could talk to me personally if you actually wanted to learn.
Um. Why?
You haven't. What are you trying to prove?
That DDR, Bowling, and other games that do not involve player interaction do not have a strategic metagame involved. Nothing more.
Of course I'm defensive. We all are.
Arguing and acting defensive are two different things. I made a comment that was meant to be funny, you tried to call me on it, and I was glad to argue with you on this topic when you started saying inaccurate things.
What's wrong with that?
Nothing, if you know that internet arguments like this shouldn't be taken personally. I question whether you do.
Bart, DW swore negatively in his rebuttal to Jem.
Sorry about that.
Is that civil?
It's not THAT bad. People swear all the time.
His original argument was also, "right, because we all love bowling." That is very much in bad taste because he clearly gave bowling a negative connotation.
Right, and it was a jocular remark.
Sure his points seem accurate, that's certainly nice.
You've yet to prove that they're not. You've just been spouting defensive rhetoric about how I don't know a thing about the game, not actually discussing how I'm wrong.
It's cute that you like to call me names here and all, but give me a break, buddy. I could argue with DW, but never with you, man. You must be like brdy. A big time alpha male. I don't want to try anything against you, dude. Not without some serious alpha-repercussions.
Again, calm down. This is what he means by defensive.

Because it's a stupid arguement? COOL HE IZ ON THE DEBATORS CLUB ON SMASHBOARDS.COM, cool ****ing cool. Not.

This is smash, not debaters hall.
So? What, all arguments should happen in the debate hall? No one is allowed to argue about anything outside of that particular forum? What's your point, sir?


Smash Lord
Jan 29, 2006
Phoenix, AZ
If I recall correctly that wasn't an argument, Josh. "Because we all love bowling!" is a sarcastic remark referring to the fact that bowling and DDR have similar metagames and by the way it sounded, he doesn't like them. That's all I took from it.

Digital Watches

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2006
The People's Republic of Portland
If I recall correctly that wasn't an argument, Josh. "Because we all love bowling!" is a sarcastic remark referring to the fact that bowling and DDR have similar metagames and by the way it sounded, he doesn't like them. That's all I took from it.
Well, at least that I don't find them as interesting as smash or other games, since his original comment was "DDR > Everything"

But yeah, you pretty much summed it up.


Smash Lord
Jun 13, 2006
I'm going to try ignore all of your most irrelevant quotations.

"Arguing and acting defensive are two different things. I made a comment that was meant to be funny, you tried to call me on it, and I was glad to argue with you on this topic when you started saying inaccurate things."

I called you on it after you explained your motives further. Don't delude yourself. Must I quote you directly, or are you different than the rest of the pawns I've dealt with in your capacity to check the order of things you've said in the past?

"Nothing, if you know that internet arguments like this shouldn't be taken personally. I question whether you do."

I don't care what you question about me, nor do I really care if you believe me on this, but I'll say it anyway. I'm not taking it personally. I decided I would speak on the topic of DDR. How is anything I've said here been indicative of me taking this too personally? Please, quote me. I don't believe I've been running around saying inappropriate things like "what the ****."

"You've yet to prove that they're not. You've just been spouting defensive rhetoric about how I don't know a thing about the game, not actually discussing how I'm wrong."

Read back through everything I've said, and not everything brdy has said.

"Again, calm down. This is what he means by defensive."

Defensive? I'm just asking him to not be so offensive to me. How is that not being calm?

"If I recall correctly that wasn't an argument, Josh. "Because we all love bowling!" is a sarcastic remark referring to the fact that bowling and DDR have similar metagames and by the way it sounded, he doesn't like them. That's all I took from it."

Don't care moving on

"So? What, all arguments should happen in the debate hall? No one is allowed to argue about anything outside of that particular forum? What's your point, sir?"

It's off topic. Taking the thread into further circles of hell. BACK ON TOPIC.

Digital Watches

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2006
The People's Republic of Portland
I called you on it after you explained your motives further. Don't delude yourself. Must I quote you directly, or are you different than the rest of the pawns I've dealt with in your capacity to check the order of things you've said in the past?
My motives? Pawns that you've dealt with? You're getting weirder and weirder about this. Calm down.

I don't care what you question about me, nor do I really care if you believe me on this, but I'll say it anyway. I'm not taking it personally. I decided I would speak on the topic of DDR. How is anything I've said here been indicative of me taking this too personally? Please, quote me. I don't believe I've been running around saying inappropriate things like "what the ****."
I don't really understand why you keep coming to this "ooh, you used a curse word" point. I use those in normal conversation. I interpret your speech as taking it personally because you say things like
This is a completely ******** assumption for you to make not only because it's false but because you have no idea what you're talking about and no experience to back it up. You said, "I don't see how this could not be true," and that's exactly your problem. You're just wildly assuming the negative. The highest competitive level for things like DDR and bowling definitely do not die off.
This calls my assumption ********, and says that I have no experience, but does NOT actually point out what's wrong with what I said. I view this kind of talk as defensive and taking things very personally. Maybe I'm wrong and you're taking this all calmly in stride, but jeez, it doesn't sound like it.

Read back through everything I've said, and not everything brdy has said.
Just because we agree doesn't mean that we're wrong. That's flawed logic again. I interpret what you're saying as defensive rhetoric, and you have YET TO LOGICALLY REFUTE ANY OF MY POINTS. I capitalize that to emphasize it, because it's the main problem with what you're doing.

Defensive? I'm just asking him to not be so offensive to me. How is that not being calm?
Because again, you're taking what he's saying too seriously.

Don't care moving on
Whatever man, you're welcome to argue or not argue, but the way I see it, you can be mature and rational about this in one of two ways. Either concede my point and stop arguing, or refute my point with something that actually makes sense, not nonsense like "How would you know? Your point is ********! This is STUPID!"

It's off topic. Taking the thread into further circles of hell. BACK ON TOPIC.
Um, what topic? This whole thread is just Oregon players talking about random nonsense with the occasional tournament or smashfest thrown in whenever one happens.

Oh, and:

Joshisrad on AIM said:
[16:22] Advael: So um.
[16:22] Advael: I'm actually curious.
[16:28] SuperFreakingRad: Oh, I doubt that.
[16:28] SuperFreakingRad: I'm inclined to believe that this is just another attempt of yours
[16:28] SuperFreakingRad: regrettably, this must continue at another time
[16:28] SuperFreakingRad: peace
I think that speaks for itself.


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2007
Taken from wikipedia:

DDR is a phenomenon around which subcultures of fans and enthusiasts have gathered. Tournaments are held worldwide, with participants usually competing for higher scores or number of Perfects (referred to as "Perfect Attack" tournaments). Less common are "freestyle" tournaments, where players develop actual dance routines to perform while following the steps in the game.

Event Mode is a game option whose function differs between arcade and home versions of DDR. On arcade machines, Event Mode is an operator setting that disables all menu timers, and also disables the "Extra Stage" on DDRMAX and above. A player will also not fail a song immediately even when their dance gauge drops to zero - instead, the song failure message occurs at the end of the song. This setting is used primarily in tournaments, to give judges more time to take an accurate tally of the players' Dance Points. In home versions, Event Mode (settable in the Options menu) returns players back to the song selection screen when they fail a song, and also after completing the normal number of stages. (All Xbox versions of DDR have Event Mode enabled by default.)
Woah, I said THAT?

EDIT: Ok, I wasn't going to tell anyone, not even my family, but this is in dire situations. I shave my legs. Yes, I happen to love the feeling of newly shaved legs against clean bed sheets. I have a picture on my phone if you guys don't believe me.



Smash Journeyman
Aug 5, 2006
Lake Oswego, OR
Doesn't matter to me. I dislike hair myself, I don't shave my legs cause I have little hair in the first place, but if it isn't on my head I don't like it.


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2006
Portland, Oregon
its been my experience that I will compete in almost any activity which I feel I have a potential to be better than most people and plenty that I dont. It is also my experience that the majority of guys are like this, I played in a bowling league, basketball league, baseball little league, DDR mostly casual but still competing against friends, and Smash plus a dozen other fighting games like GGXX, KOF, ect.

Now all of those games were fun for me because there was a possability I could become better than another person, are all those games as deep as smash? no. But they were all just as fun during the times I played them, and I will readily admit I havnt played any game as long as I did smash but I have played alot of competetive games and they were all very fun. And to be fair I beleive that at some level bowling and DDR do have a metagame, someone had to learn how to cross their feet rather than shuffle, I had a good player show me how to move my feet better to keep up with patterns, different people will slide their feet and apply pressure, as for bowling people learned about spin control, lets assume you dont hit a strike every single time and that when you dont you pick up hard spares which takes alot more skill than hitting a 300.

Well I think I have said enough, I will say smash is deeper and I feel its a better game than any other I have ever played, but I still enjoy playing basketball, I still enjoy casual DDR, I still enjoy WC3, I still enjoy DotA, I just dont dedicate as much time to them as I do smash because I like it more.


Smash Lord
Jun 13, 2006
"My motives? Pawns that you've dealt with? You're getting weirder and weirder about this. Calm down."

I am calm. O_o

"I don't really understand why you keep coming to this "ooh, you used a curse word" point. I use those in normal conversation."

With your parents?
You need to learn how to tell when I'm talking to you and talking to someone else. I was talking to Bart when I was bringing up the fact that you swore at whoever it was. We're coming to it now because you decided to try and butt it on it. He was talking abou being civil. It's another irrelevant point to discuss, but that's all the thread has become now, it seems.

"I interpret your speech as taking it personally because you say things like (snip)
This calls my assumption ********, and says that I have no experience, but does NOT actually point out what's wrong with what I said. I view this kind of talk as defensive and taking things very personally. Maybe I'm wrong and you're taking this all calmly in stride, but jeez, it doesn't sound like it."

That's where the problem lies, then. Oh well. Again, it's all irrelevant.

"Just because we agree doesn't mean that we're wrong. That's flawed logic again."

I never said that because you agree means you're wrong. Where are you coming from with that?

"I interpret what you're saying as defensive rhetoric, and you have YET TO LOGICALLY REFUTE ANY OF MY POINTS. I capitalize that to emphasize it, because it's the main problem with what you're doing."

I refuse to refute anything here because I've been in plenty of situations that involve arguments through the internet and they all end the same way. This thread is just going to turn even worse. I've hinted in directions for you to use your brain and logically figure it out, but you weren't able to. Probably because you aren't familiar with the games at competitive level. Like I said, you can talk to me personally if you actually want to learn(when I have the chance).

"Because again, you're taking what he's saying too seriously."

I didn't take Bart seriously at all. Did you not see the way I talked to him? And brdy, for that matter? You should be smarter than that. I mean, you use words like jocular.

"Whatever man, you're welcome to argue or not argue, but the way I see it, you can be mature and rational about this in one of two ways. Either concede my point and stop arguing, or refute my point with something that actually makes sense, not nonsense like "How would you know? Your point is ********! This is STUPID!""

There seems to be a misconception on your part and others. I haven't really been debating with you about anything. I haven't refuted anything you said, or at least tried to withhold myself from doing so. But your "point" is ********, and this is indeed stupid.
Moreover, I hate to say it again, but I wasn't talking to you with that quotation. I was talking to brdy. I thought that was obvious enough.

"Um, what topic? This whole thread is just Oregon players talking about random nonsense with the occasional tournament or smashfest thrown in whenever one happens."


"Oh, and:

Originally Posted by Joshisrad on AIM
[16:22] Advael: So um.
[16:22] Advael: I'm actually curious.
[16:28] SuperFreakingRad: Oh, I doubt that.
[16:28] SuperFreakingRad: I'm inclined to believe that this is just another attempt of yours
[16:28] SuperFreakingRad: regrettably, this must continue at another time
[16:28] SuperFreakingRad: peace

I think that speaks for itself."

It certainly does. I had more important things to do at the time. Did I tell you then that I would not explain anything to you?

Digital Watches

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2006
The People's Republic of Portland
Now all of those games were fun for me because there was a possability I could become better than another person, are all those games as deep as smash? no. But they were all just as fun during the times I played them, and I will readily admit I havnt played any game as long as I did smash but I have played alot of competetive games and they were all very fun.
I'll agree with that.
And to be fair I beleive that at some level bowling and DDR do have a metagame, someone had to learn how to cross their feet rather than shuffle, I had a good player show me how to move my feet better to keep up with patterns, different people will slide their feet and apply pressure, as for bowling people learned about spin control, lets assume you dont hit a strike every single time and that when you dont you pick up hard spares which takes alot more skill than hitting a 300.
See, this is the sort of thing that JIR should have been saying. Even though what you're describing is still technical skill, not a strategic metagame, at least it's a point, and it's respectable.

Well I think I have said enough, I will say smash is deeper and I feel its a better game than any other I have ever played, but I still enjoy playing basketball, I still enjoy casual DDR, I still enjoy WC3, I still enjoy DotA, I just dont dedicate as much time to them as I do smash because I like it more.
That's cool. It's definitely good to see people dedicating time to getting good at something. Though I have to say... I like GGXX a little more than Smash, (But that's purely a matter of preference, and no reason to start an argument.)

I am calm. O_o
Good to know.

With your parents?
Not moreso than elsewhere, but yeah. Why?
You need to learn how to tell when I'm talking to you and talking to someone else. I was talking to Bart when I was bringing up the fact that you swore at whoever it was. We're coming to it now because you decided to try and butt it on it. He was talking abou being civil. It's another irrelevant point to discuss, but that's all the thread has become now, it seems.
What does who you said it to have to do with whether I'm allowed to respond to it?

That's where the problem lies, then. Oh well. Again, it's all irrelevant.
Um... Okay?

I never said that because you agree means you're wrong. Where are you coming from with that?
You claimed that I was getting my assumption from brdy's post, and therefore it sounded as though you were implying that us inferring the same thing from you meant that we were wrong somehow.

I refuse to refute anything here because I've been in plenty of situations that involve arguments through the internet and they all end the same way.
...because of additudes like that. If people would just make logical points in the thread instead of all the other bull**** involved with an internet argument, there wouldn't be a problem.
This thread is just going to turn even worse. I've hinted in directions for you to use your brain and logically figure it out, but you weren't able to.
No offense, but I don't like the condescending manner in which you've phrased your attempts to end this argument without actually putting anything forth. Perhaps you'd like to elaborate as to what it is that you think that I should have been able to figure out.
Probably because you aren't familiar with the games at competitive level. Like I said, you can talk to me personally if you actually want to learn(when I have the chance).
Again, why is this necessary?

I didn't take Bart seriously at all. Did you not see the way I talked to him? And brdy, for that matter? You should be smarter than that. I mean, you use words like jocular.
I'll ignore the condescending rhetoric to say that your other statements, being at times equally nonsensical and others equally insulting, made it easy to believe that you were serious. Perhaps it's just a case of sarcasm and the like not carrying over well to the internet.

There seems to be a misconception on your part and others. I haven't really been debating with you about anything.
Not very well, anyway.
I haven't refuted anything you said, or at least tried to withhold myself from doing so. But your "point" is ********, and this is indeed stupid.
All I ask of you is to explain why. Why do you continually refuse to do so?
Moreover, I hate to say it again, but I wasn't talking to you with that quotation. I was talking to brdy. I thought that was obvious enough.
Again, I don't feel that this limits my right to respond to the comment.


It certainly does. I had more important things to do at the time. Did I tell you then that I would not explain anything to you?
I was more referring to the comment about that being an "attempt of [mine]" (To do what?) and my point was that you're acting highly defensive


Smash Lord
Jun 13, 2006
Going to try and ignore the red herrings again.

"What does who you said it to have to do with whether I'm allowed to respond to it?"

You'll speak when spoken to.

I never said that because you agree means you're wrong. Where are you coming from with that?

"You claimed [implied] that I was getting my assumption from brdy's post,"
"and therefore it sounded as though you were implying that us inferring the same thing from you meant that we were wrong somehow."

I refuse to refute anything here because I've been in plenty of situations that involve arguments through the internet and they all end the same way.

"...because of additudes like that."

No, it's not because of attitudes like mine. Attitudes like yours, Bart's, brdy's, anyone who has been egging me on for a good show, are the reason. I'm trying not to succumb here, but unfortunately I'm just feeding the issue by responding to everything you're saying. So at least I'll prevent myself from debating with you.

"If people would just make logical points in the thread instead of all the other bull**** involved with an internet argument, there wouldn't be a problem."

You really want to talk about logical fallacies? That's a BIG one.

"No offense, but I don't like the condescending manner in which you've phrased your attempts to end this argument without actually putting anything forth."
Don't care.
"Perhaps you'd like to elaborate as to what it is that you think that I should have been able to figure out."
The way that people interact with eachother.

"Again, why is this necessary?"

because you aren't familiar with the games at competitive level.

"I'll ignore the condescending rhetoric to say that your other statements, being at times equally nonsensical and others equally insulting, made it easy to believe that you were serious. Perhaps it's just a case of sarcasm and the like not carrying over well to the internet.

Or that you wanted to believe that I was taking things too seriously. But hey, how would I know.

"Not very well, anyway."

Underhanded and irrelevant. How can I not being doing it well if I'm not doing it? I probably shouldn't have responded to this for the sake of cleanliness.

"All I ask of you is to explain why. Why do you continually refuse to do so?"

I've told you already. Why do you keep asking?

"Again, I don't feel that this limits my right to respond to the comment."

Again, I'm supreme and you are subject to my command. Further, again, you will speak when spoken to.

"I was more referring to the comment about that being an "attempt of [mine]" (To do what?) and my point was that you're acting highly defensive"

You're acting highly offensive. So what? Do you expect me to take your crap? Should I start calling every antagonist of mine out on being extremely offensive now? I don't think that's really relevant. Doesn't get anybody anywhere. And no further is any of this getting us anywhere.


Smash Champion
Mar 23, 2004
Portland, OR

You don't know how to go along with things at all, and despite you complaining about the thread being off-topic, if you wouldn't have dragged out the argument thing for ten posts by trying to get out of it, then it wouldn't have gotten off track.

Also, a quote from way back, but
Cmin and I are down for smash today, NoOr. We promise we'll go easy ;D
I'm sure you meant it the other way :)

Jem, you're ******** as well. Read the WA thread more. I already posted like once or so that OR isn't making it because of stuff.

Also, a tournament at Alex's house >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> random Empire Games tournament without a thread or advertising.

Oregon people suck.


Smash Champion
Mar 23, 2004
Portland, OR
Wait, is there actually an Empire Games thing this weekend?

You said there was one set in stone for the 11th Binx, then your next post said they were every 3rd Saturday, and it now occured to me that the 11th isn't exactly the 3rd Saturday.

Josh and Alex, like delete your posts or something, it's taking too long to scroll to the bottom of this page. Or people should spam about 15 messages.


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
afterjames, whos alex and when is that gonna happen?

i think the only way to settle this rather pointless argument is over a best of 99 game money match between the two, eh eh?


Smash Lord
Jun 13, 2006
James. Please.

You don't know how to go along with things at all,
Vague. Elaborate.

and despite you complaining about the thread being off-topic, if you wouldn't have dragged out the argument thing for ten posts by trying to get out of it, then it wouldn't have gotten off track.
It takes two, you fool.

Also, a quote from way back, but

I'm sure you meant it the other way :)
DW recently employed the term "jocular" into conversation.

James, is your interaction here just to serve as another troll?


Smash Champion
Mar 23, 2004
Portland, OR
You're ********. Learn how to not take things seriously and not question random statements not meant to be accurate in the least. <--- Don't quote this and try to argue it, as it would completely defeat the purpose of this statement

Also, you're bad at smash, so I was saying that if Jesse and I came, it'd be the other way around for who went easy on who.

Also, you play Mewtwo, wtf.


Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2005
Sherwood, Oregon
why cant us oregon folks just get along :(

EDIT: james, i thought this empire tourney was near the end of the month. where did you hear that it was this weekend?


Smash Lord
Jun 13, 2006
You're ********.

Learn how to not take things seriously and not question random statements not meant to be accurate in the least.
The only thing I'm taking seriously is you blatantly insulting me.

Also, you're bad at smash,
no u

so I was saying that if Jesse and I came, it'd be the other way around for who went easy on who.
As if you would not john out of something friendly for once? And not like we'd ever get to both of us not sandbagging on eachother.


Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2005
Portland, Oregon
arguments are fun to read despite their pointfullness haha :)
I agree with you peach master.

why cant us oregon folks just get along :(

james, i thought this empire tourney was near the end of the month. where did you hear that it was this weekend?
Because to many people like being stupid such as James and Bart.

No it is not this weekend.


Josh James is fricken stupid don't let him get to you.


Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2005
Portland, Oregon
Aleight fair enough I will back off and leave my feelings to my self lol but for the record the only smashers I don't like if everyone doesn't already know are BART & JAMES all I am saying is don't let people like James get to you he loves trying to think he's the smartest guy in the world.

Anyway I am done unless someone wants to start up with me :)


Smash Lord
Jun 13, 2006
ANYWAY anybody thinking about maining Ike? I have to wonder what he'll be like in comparison to Roy and Marth. But I'm sure we can expect no end of the 'hey ike, where's mike?' lines OH HO HO
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