I liked it. It was fun. I liked exploring. That was fun too. Catching Pokemon was also fun, and I liked training Pokemon. Music was nice and everything, and I liked the graphics.Exp Share's functionality take all challenge out of an already super easy franchise, while also making it more annoying to train up individual underlevelled pokemon if you're trying not to use the auto easy mode. The hub city of faux-Paris is absolute **** and a nightmare to navigate, with awful camera controls. The Battle Mansion is boring as **** replacing something that was at least slightly more interesting, and the game has little to no endgame post-E4 content to speak of, alongside lacking any neat sidequests for stuff like a legendary trio or anything like that.
The small quality-of-life changes they made to having better models and only having a pseudo-grid on the overworld are nice, but they don't make up for the rest of the shortcomings of the game enough to make it worthwhile.
I'm definitely not going to buy Sun/Moon unless it's abundantly clear that they've managed to do something actually new and interesting with it, or at least bring back the neater stuff like obscure puzzles for legendary trios. There doesn't feel like there's any mystery in the Pokemon games to me anymore, and it's not just because of familiarity and internet guides.
I thought it was a fun game.