Galacta Knight:
Chance: 30%
Suprise! I rank him 10th in chance personally.
I've completely lost "hope" in a unique Kirby newcomer. I don't think there's even a chance we'll get one at this point.
And since this is Sakurai, this would put a Kirby character clone surely into consideration, yes?
"Who's to say Sakurai's just going to add a bunch of clones everywhere now that there's one?"
Ah, well, Lucina was an alt, yes?
And was turned into a full character, yes?
Now, who's to say Galacta Knight wasn't planned as a MK alt early in development. It makes sense. If Lucina could be one, and she's not the same person as Marth. Plus, I've heard Brawl MK had a move or 2 inspired from a Galacta Knight fight... not sure if this is true, but it definitely seems like something Sakurai would do.
And Galacta Knight is popular among the Kirby fanbase. Not exactly requested among Smash fans, so he's not above 50%
Anyways, I think an early alt makes logical sense. And an upgrade makes logical sense. He's currently on my roster despite me ranking him below 50%
Anyways, I think this has a very good shot of happening.
Want: 75%
Wouldn't care too much though. MK was broken in the last game and it'd be scary to see 2 MKs in this game, each with slightly different stats. I'm sure it would be balanced... kind of, but I mostly only want it because I think it's likely. Which is funny, most people go the other way around.
you can look now ;D
Karate Joe:
Chance: 1%
Another suprise. I rank him very low.
I still think that Gematsu is legit, sue me.
Chrom was probably planned early on, does that not make sense? It does, he's the face of Awakwning.
Then Sakurai was like "Oh **** what do I do with this bland lord!" and scrapped him.
Anyways, I will enjoy my ironic battles of Robin vs Chorus Kids when the game comes out
Oh, and also, I don't think this puch for a RH character would have happened w/o the leak. W/o it I think the Sneaky Spirit would have gone almost completely unnoticed like most of the SR enemies.
Want: 1%
I try to like his design, but I just can't, and I just don't find his potential interesting. I'm not against a RH character, I swear, but... this is the one I don't want, sorry!
x3 Cia
x2 Lana
Villain Trailer: 55%
Possibly too much hype

3rd party assist thing: 12%
Rayman gives this hope but idk...
Egh, what if Snake was an assist?...