Just wondering here but Star Fox as a whole with 6 games outsell Fire Emblem with 14? For me the total number of games is pretty significant, why a low franchise would have more games than a bigger franchise like Star Fox?
If Star Fox is such a milking money bag I don't see reason for not pushing more games for it, Adventures, Assault and Command weren't heavy hitters in sales. I am aware FE has its own issue regarding sales but Fire Emblem has been pushed more than Star Fox and that is undeniable, that is why I am asking what exactly makes Star Fox bigger than Fire Emblem?
Now welcome Krystal fans I expected a bunch of you to come to this thread today you are welcome, that said my rating might not be that favorable to Krystal, if you want please about the rest of this post.
Chance: 0.1%
Well I have to say Star Fox is pretty unlikely to get 4 reps. I know I know Fire Emblem got 2, but the general lack of revealed character baring Fox tell me that Falco and Wolf are both in the wings, if Krystal were to be planned at this point, I would except either Falco or Wolf already being revealed.
Star Fox is not that big of a franchise with only 5 games and 1 remake, and is already really well represented with what it has, I don't see or thing it is necesary for the franchise to get a forth rep.
Mario, Pokemon, Zelda, Metroid and Kirby are the represented and "big" series of the roster of these 2 of them got a Newcomer already and Zelda seems to fit better for a newcomer than Star Fox. Kirby? well I am unsure about it, Kirby got a whole 2 new characters last game so I am unsure. Star Fox has got a new character every new game so I don't see it getting a new one this time around.
Realistically speaking it is odd how franchises like Metroid and Fire Emblem with a lot more games that Star Fox got only 2 reps (if you count ZSS) in Brawl.
If there are franchises way more prominent that need new reps I would put my money first on Metroid and then in Zelda, Star Fox can't simply compete with these 2.
I don't like to think franchises can get "overrepresented" but there are bigger franchises or even smaller ones that deserve a newcomer way more than Star Fox, that series is pretty well represented already.
Want: 0%
I have to say I never ever have liked Krystal, her design I don't like it at all, don't see the appeal for Smash ( I am aware she can be unique etc) that is not the problem, but WHY her WHY bring another character for Star Fox when the franchises sits at a really good number already.
I prefer to have Snake back (which I don't really like) than having Krystal
I have lurked in the Krystal thread sometimes and I am aware there are tons of legit fans out there and you guys have my respect but there are always the fellows who want Krystal in for other really creepy reasons, I can understand felling attracted to a fictional human character, but getting attracted to an anthropomorphic animal? I find that really really creepy. (please legit fans don't explote over this, I am aware most of the people here like her for legit reasons don't think I am implying all of Krystal fans want her for creepy reasons

Chance: 0% dumped once no reason to bring him back
Want: 0% Duck Hunt Dog is more interesting
Unlockeable Taunts x 5