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Rate Their Chances: GAME OVER! Join the RTC Social Group Today!

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Smash Ace
Jul 11, 2014
The smasher comes from the bottom of the arena
Oh boy:
Chance: 10%
Want: 35%
He will most likely be a stage boss at Pyrosphere like he was teased as months ago. I've grown very indifferent to him over the past few months due to all the controversy around him,

K. Rool:
Chance: 5%
Want: 10%
Like Ridley my want for him has dropped over the last few months, unlike Ridley I was pretty ambivalent towards him from the start.
I don't care for his design and I doubt we will see him playable here because he can't even get into new games in his own series, let alone Smash.

Chance: 15%
Want: 25%
Never cared for him in Melee, I don't particularly care for him as a Pokemon and I would honestly take one of the other Pokemon Trainers Pokemon back over him.

Fight Me
(Don't actually)


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
"The Hype Three"

Shrooby isn't alone. I miss the Elite Four status.

Chance: 25%

He's the most wanted character in the world bar none. He's popular. He's relevant. He's recently received two megas. He's the second most popular Pokemon in the world right after Charizard.

Sakurai said he's 'Thinking' about adding him though, which makes me think he's going to be DLC. Which is of course, incredibly clever from a business POV. Everyone here will pay through the nose for Mewtwo, and it makes Sakurai appear ready to listen to the fans at the same time. Cunning.

There's a small chance he's actually in the initial roster, but I'm banking on DLC. Loadsaloadsamoney.

Want: Abstain
He was awful in Melee. AWFUL. Couldn't even duck under projectiles properly.

If he returns unchanged, I'll be disappointed, but we've seen Ganondorf return twice now as an unfitting (semi)clone so I'm not overly confident we'll see an improved Mewtwo. This Mewtwo gets a fat 5% want from me, and only because he's Mewtwo.

On the off chance he's buffed so he feels like the ultimate Pokemon and not fodder for Pichu(of all things) you can slap a 100% want on this.

Chance: 40%

I'm not overly convinced Ridley IS a stage hazard still, but I'm certainly leaning that way more nowadays. I thought his fate was sealed when we saw All Star mode's 1986 section with Samus but no Ridley, but yesterday's Pic of the Day rescued that by stating you can play without unlocking everyone.

Want: 60%
Played the guy on Crusade, and he's fun enough. Going to get destroyed when he actually gets in due to his huge target size though. It'll be interesting to see if Sakurai can balance him so he's not a massive punching bag though.

I think the fanbase deserves a bone tossed their way, and if it means the Smash speculation scene can move past talking about Ridley at every given opportunity, he really can't come soon enough.

Seriously though Sakurai, I'm sick of Ridley discussion. Just stick him in and shut everyone up already.

King K. Rool
Chance: 3%

No chance at all:
Retro don't care about K. Rool.
Nintendo aren't pushing K. Rool to be in DK.
Kremlings being in Smash changes very little.
Popularity stated as the main reason to include him. Mewtwo is more popular than K. Rool all over the world and yet hasn't reappeared yet.

Until K. Rool makes a triumphant return in DK's reboot, he's as out of luck. Try and get him back in that first and then he stands a good shot in Smash.

Want: 12%. For Groose's sake.
Abstaining from explanation because I'll be jumped on by every Kut Throat here as per usual if I bad mouth the king.


Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2013

Chance - 50% - I don't know anymore. I'm just gonna wait this one out and see what happens.

Want - 100% - My most wanted after Palutena was confirmed.

K. Rool

Chance - 20% - Yeah, not optimistic after so long. Just waiting to see what will be unveiled.

Want - 75% - I like the guy, but he's not completely necessary in my option.


Chance - 90% - He's basically one of the few Melee cuts likely to be back. Way too much teasing.

Want - 95% - Don't have to explain this, do I? It's Mewtwo!

And with that, I complete my 100% attendance rating on this thread. I have given input on every day we have had a rating. Good job, everyone, and hope to see you soon. I may post an overview in this thread when I have more time.


Smash Cadet
Jun 17, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
A quick note on contrarions: If you dislike something just because other people like it, it doesn't make you cool or unique. You need to get over your own ego.

Chance - 90%:
I hope Sakurai isn't stupid enough to not include the most wanted character worldwide this time.
Want - 95%:
The most important Pokémon other than Pikachu and possibly Charizard.

King K. Rool:
Chance - 60%:
Nothing has been said about him either way, but the Kremlings are a good sign.
Want - 99%:
Donkey Kong deserves his villain. Tons of potential for uniqueness in both character and play style. My second most wanted...

Chance - 75%:
I can't believe that Sakurai would be this ignorant of the fans' desires. How could he tease one of the most wanted characters for so long without a direct disconfirmation?
Want - 100%:
My most wanted. I've wanted him since Melee. If he isn't in, then I'll keep hoping until the next time.
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Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
Ooh, I'm so excited for this one.


Chance: 50%
Want: 100%

The original legendary Pokémon. The only non-clone character to have been cut until now. There's a lot that he has going on, on both sides.

I may be slightly biased (I wouldn't go as far as calling myself a genwunner, but I do like the first two generations much better since I grew up with them, among other reasons. True, there are later gen elements I like and vice versa, but gen one started it all), but Mewtwo has always been one of my favorites. He was the original OP mon before it was fashionable to put in more legendaries than you can count one two hands. In Melee, however, he was pathetically floaty and had useless specials. Still, it was Mewtwo.

Since Melee, he's lost a lot of steam because of the overabundance of later-gen legendaries, up to mons like Arceus. But he's also recently come back into light, gaining a signature move, TWO mega evolutions, and he's been featured in the latest movies. The other thing he has going for him is the massive fan base, being the number one most requested character worldwide. There was a significant fan outcry when he was cut from Melee, and with Sakurai wanting to please as many people as possible, I would think that Mewtwo would be one of the first characters he puts in.


Chance: 80%
Want: 100%

Well here's someone who's tired of being a background character. Ridley's fanbase is mostly in the West, which may be a strike against him, but look what happened to Little Mac. However, Ridley has the relevance argument going for him.

He's still the most well known enemy of the Metroid series, a series which does reasonably well in the West, and which only has two characters featured in all of smash bros history (one, technically). The time is ripe for another to make his appearance. Sakurai has come up with movesets for stranger choices, so that's not an issue. We've also now got a character who fights in a floating car and one who is good on the ground but terrible in the air, so a primarily aerial fighter is not too hard to conceive.

What Ridley has going for him most is his fans, though. Ridley has been teased incessantly for over a year by this point, with no official confirmation of his role (or even mention of his name). Logically, Nintendo would not do that if they were scared of fan backlash since this will just make it worse. Every other assist/background character/stage element has been explicitly mentioned by name, and deconfirmed as playable by Nintendo, usually on the day of reveal. Remember how Nintendo tweeted about Prince Sablé's unplayability since Sakurai's post was slightly vague? They don't want to build false hype. Also, if they deconfirmed someone a while ago, we'd get over it. Dragging it out for a year is excruciating. It is utterly moronic from a business standpoint to torture fans for laughs since they may not end up buying your product out of spite. Yes, Sakurai is a troll, but he's not an idiot. And the latest POTD series has just been chipping away at the major arguments against Ridley.


Chance: 10%
Want: 95%

And finally, the King. K.Rool is a great villain, but I don't think he has anywhere near the chances of the other two. True, he's highly requested in both Japan and the West, but he's also been out of the picture for a while, technically since right after Brawl's release. It'd be great to have another villain/heavyweight/DK character, but I don't see it happening here.

As most of the fake leaks have implicated, Dixie is actually the most likely character. She's female, was in the latest game, was part of the forbidden 7, and could conceivably end up as a Diddy clone. K.Rool, on the other hand, would need to be made from scratch from games which are at least 6 years old by now. Naturally, I'd rather the Rool, but he's not got much chance besides the fans, who Sakurai does listen to...sometimes...

K.Rool has also not been teased as much as the others here. I don't think anybody can truthfully say Ridley hasn't been teased. Mewtwo not so much, but the number of 'fan reaction' videos on Youtube following Greninja's reveal do point to something. K.Rool, on the other hand, is limited to the few times we've seen the Kremling trophies, compared to any other ones in the game. That may have meaning, but it's really subtle if it does.

I'm naturally pulling for K.Rool, but I know we're probably not getting all of the big 3. But if Sakurai wanted to make the best character game ever, he'd be an idiot not to include at least two of them.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
A bit relevant, I think:

Note that the pic of the day confirmed that each character gets 8 palette swaps/alt costumes. Wasn't the leak that mentioned that also the one where Mewtwo, Ridley, Chorus Kids and Dixie were included?

I'm not sure at all if I'm mixing up the series of leaks we've had and would like to know if I'm accurate to know if I should get hyped about this PotD.

The only info that came out of Ninka's mouth was this:
Hey team, just thought I'd let you know something that may interest you all. A friend of mine recently found out that a friend of his from college is currently a beta and bug tester for Sm4sh! While he has revealed that he is in fact aware of the roster he fears that his job would be compromised by giving us large details so he has essentially dropped a couple of details to us that are small but none the less interesting

Keep in mind that I got my information about a week before the direct so some stuff has since been proven, I just didn't wanna talk about it until I got more substantial info/proof.

-Roster is allegedly in his words going to be "The most beloved in the series to date" With him saying that there are some very unexpected surprises in store (Me and my friend speculate he is referring to the Chorus Men as well as Greninja)

-Lot's of nintendo fanservice from series that have previously gotten little representation (was not specific as to what the representation was)

-The game has been the most enjoyable in the series thus far gameplay wise (According to my friend, our source is a hard core melee guy, and hated design choices present in brawl, leading me to believe that the game leans more towards melee then brawl)

-Costume colors have been completely redone axing some colors that have been present since N64. While no examples were given, his exact words were "There's some CRAZY stuff. Super tasteful, as usual."

While I'm confident in this source, take it with a grain of salt, I know it's not that interesting of stuff, but it get's me pretty hyped.
Oh and out of courtesy of my source, I'd rather that these observations and quotes do not leave this thread, and that if they do, at least credit me anonymously to keep from anyone getting fired and such! Thanks a lot all, and I hope you might enjoy these tidbits
Little bit of info for you guys, according to my source, Charizard and Mario specifically will be getting some new costumes, with Mario's Blue team costume being replaced with something "Much more team friendly". He also stated that The outlines are hard to get used to on the 3DS but once you do, they work wonders, but didn't mention how team colors work on console.
So I got more info...
Unless my friend is pulling my leg, there's some pretty crazy crap left to be revealed.

-Snake, Lucas, Ice Climbers (Why), and Wolf are cut
-Doctor Mario is back as a clone
-Dark Pit is a newcomer as a clone
-Each character gets 8 alternate costumes, whether they be pallet swaps or new costumes.
-Alph appears as 4 of Olimar's costumes, while the other 4 are Olimar's.
-Shulk will be playable with Gaur Plains as his stage, his neutral B changes his Monado mode which essentially makes him dish more damage and take more, or do less damage, and take less.
-Bowser Jr appears as a new comer and allegedly fights from a mario kart... has no alt colors, but instead has the 7 koopalings as alts.
-Duck Hunt is in... from what I've been told it's the duck hunt dog fighting with ducks on his back who assist for certain attacks...

*Edit more info
-Shulk has like 5 different mode swaps
-Bowser Jr rides in a koopa kart that attacks with cannon balls and boxing gloves and stuff that eject from the clowns mouth.

note* The kart sounds more like the koopa clown car to me as I read it.

Now I'm not even sure from this stuff so take it with a grain of salt, but my friend recently quit as a tester due to family reasons, so if he decided he no longer cares what leaks, I could see why he'd tell me.
He was also unclear to me as to if that is the rest of the roster so also be wary.
No Dixie is mentioned in his info.
I'll go rate later.


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
**** it I'll do this as well.

Chance - 35%
Want - 20%
Mewtwo was kinda fun to play as in Melee but I believe the only reason he has more of a chance now is due to Dr Mario being back. He's nowhere near the top of my wanted Pokemon newcomer but you lot have been begging Sakurai to throw him back in and restore the good ol days of melee. Another thing that benefits him the most is that he already has a moveset made up. Plus the whole Genesect vs Mewtwo film (I'd love it if Mewtwo had a more feminine voice like he seemed to have in that film)

Chance - 20%
Want - 1%
Dixie's more popular and more of a logical choice. K.Rool's been out of the DK world for quite some time now and I really don't see him as anything more than a trophy. Wouldn't really care if I was wrong though.

Chance - 5%
Want - 0%
He was already teased as a boss on Pyrosphere while displaying very boss-like movements. I also think he would be extremely clunky if scaled to a playable size.
Plus wouldn't the vicious purple space dragon that looks like it will tear the limbs off of other fighters show up in the ESRB video?

I'm afraid these three seem to be a pipe dream.
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Smasher 101

Smash Lord
Jul 21, 2013
Switch FC
Mewtwo's chances: 90% - I'm of the belief that we haven't seen the full roster, and I'm confident Mewtwo is going to be one of the last characters.

K. Rool's chances: 30% - I also still think we're going to get a newcomer from DK, but I'm leaning on it being Dixie nowadays.

Rildey's chances: Abstain - I don't even know anymore

Want for all: 100% - Ridley and K. Rool have always gotten 100%s from me every time we've rated them, but I've never personally cared much about Mewtwo, and still don't really. But when I recently looked through the leak to see what I would like and dislike about it if it were to be the final roster, I realized that one of the most disappointing absences was Mewtwo's. He's someone that really should be there.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Chance - 10%
Want - 1%
Dixie's more popular and more of a logical choice. K.Rool's been out of the DK world for quite some time now and I really don't see him as anything more than a trophy. Wouldn't really care if I was wrong though.
Wohoho, wow, you sure didn't do the research. King K. Rool is far, FAR more popular. In fact, King K. Rool is the #1 most requested Nintendo newcomer, period. The only more requested characters out there are Mewtwo and Mega Man. Dixie is somewhat popular, but she doesn't even come CLOSE to K. Rool's popularity. Dixie isn't even in the top five characters for both the west and east. The only reason Dixie is the more popular suggestion brought up NOW is because she returned to the DK franchise before K. Rool. That's literally it.

Being a more logical choice is an opinion, so I can't really argue about that one, and I won't.

Capybara Gaming

Just Vibing
Feb 5, 2013
@ Groose Groose - is....is today RTC last day? :(

Chance: 60% - I'm gonna say it now; I think we're getting both Ice Climbers and Mewtwo back as unlockables. He's the most requested in the world. If we only get one of these 2 to make the cast 52, it'll be him.
Want: 100% - My Melee and Project M Main.

K. Rool:
Chance: 5% - He's possible but I doubt it. Dixie will probably take any new DKC character slot, be it main roster or DLC.
Want: 100% - YESH.

Ridley (AGAIN):
Chance: 0% - Thanks to Metal Face in Shulk's trailer, we have a boss foreshadow pattern. Almost deconfirms him; never thought he had a chance anyway.
Want: 0% - I used to want him. His fanbase changed my mind. Freakin' straw graspers.

a smart guy

Smash Journeyman
Apr 5, 2014
St. Louis
Alright, it's time to finish this.

Chance: 70% He has always been the mostly likely character to return from Melee. Now that Dr. Mario is in, I don't see any reason not to include him.
Want: 90% It's time he came back. He's so popular right now, it would be a mistake not to add him.

King K. Rool:
Chance: 10% All of the newcomers (except for Duck Hunt our token Retro) have come from recent games. K. Rool hasn't.
Want: 50% I don't see any reason to add him but I'll be happy for the fans.

Chance: 0% He's a stage boss. Why is that so hard to accept?
Want: 20% He works well as a boss; however, his fans want him, so I'll give him a little bit of want.


Amateur Youtuber
Mar 1, 2014
My Parents Basement

Last rating we'll do until the end... How sad...

Ah well, better make this count:

FIRST OFF: I see people that keep bringing up that these characters "wouldn't fit" on the character select screen, therefore they cannot be in the game. This is such a flimsy argument I'm tempted not to even call it an argument. The roster moves as the characters are unlocked, they don't design this thing with Roster Maker, they can take liberties with moving the characters around :p

We know the roster is ordered chronologically, right? Therefore, as long as you organize the single and multi rep franchises in chronological order, the pattern still works.

For example:

Order is still kept. Wasn't even that hard to make.

If you don't think they are playable, that's fine, but don't use this as a reason.

K. Rool Chance: Abstain

I don't know anymore. He doesn't have nearly as many things pointing to him as the other 2 we're rating do, and he has stiff competition in the form of Dixie.

Want: 100%

I've never played a game that K. Rool has featured in. Not one. However, he has one of the biggest fanbases in the world, and it would be a shame for him to skip out on this iteration of Smash.

Mewtwo and Ridley Chance: 90%

- 10% for post game DLC

I wholeheartedly believe that both Mewtwo and Ridley are playable in this iteration of Smash. I'm not going to post my arguments as I've already written ginormous posts on both of them.

Want for both: 100%

It's sad. I used to just want these in because I loved the characters. Mewtwo is one of my favorite Pokemon of all time, Ridley is my favorite Nintendo villain of all time. I always thought it would be extremely cool for both of these characters to be in Smash Bros, and I was ecstatic to see Mewtwo in Melee. I was looking forward to both being in this one, so I decided to start getting involved in pre Smash Bros speculation. Sounded fun, right?

Oh how wrong I was...

All of the sudden I was engulfed in a torrent of insults, bashing, and the most illogical, moronic arguments I have ever seen on he internet. (And that's saying something!) Where the hell does this come from?! What is it about Smash speculation that brings out the worst in people?!

Mewtwo isn't relevant anymore, he was replaced by Lucario and Greninja, Ridley is too big and can't be a character because he can fly and would be "too cheap" (wtf?) I mean, come on, people believe this crap?!

And then I try to bring up logical arguments that I have actual evidence for to back up my wanted characters, and am met with cries of "straw grasping" and "denial". (I swear, every time I see one of those phrases I want to kill a puppy. It infuriates me that much.)

I no longer care about my personal wants for Mewtwo and Ridley in Smash Bros. That has been slowly drained out of me over the last year of speculation. I want them in so I can rub it in the face of every ****ing detractor I have met in the last year, and so I don't have to go through another 6 years of internet hell supporting them until the next Smash comes out.

Plain Yogurt

Smash Ace
Feb 13, 2014
Presumably your fridge.
Mewtwo Chance: 75% He got so much gen 6 promotion, he's already said to have been considered for the game, he's one of the top requested characters, and he hasn't been seen in a Master Ball. I dunno about you guys, but if I wasn't gonna put Mewtwo in the game and I was gonna make an item that only contained legendary Pokemon, Mewtwo would be one of the first ones I'd show off. He is cutting it pretty close though, but I think he has a decent shot.

Want: 85% I think he deserves it, plain and simple, melee moveset or not. I don't really like his Melee set though.

King K. Rool Chance: 15% It's looking kinda grim for him. The CSS leak just doesn't leave a ton of room for him. His popularity and the chance for some weird character warping when the roster is finished (assuming it isn't already) may give him a small shot though.

Want: 75% I've never fought the King, nor did I ever have a huge attachment to him in my playthrough of DK64. But in my time here I've seen just how much people want him, just how important he is in Donkey Kong, just how much potential he has. And so I feel he does deserve to be here, even if I'm mostly indifferent.

Ridley Chance: 1% As far as I'm concerned he's been disconfirmed since April, and the only reason people haven't given up on him yet is because it's Ridley. I will give him a pity point because it IS kinda weird Sakurai hasn't just shot him down already. But seriously, he's gonna be a stage boss.

Want: 55% I really don't care much for him anymore, mostly cause I'm sick of hearing about him and how awesome he is and how deserving he and how Sakurai has done some kind of disservice to the world by not putting him in. Ironically though, this puts him 5 points above indifference for me: if we finally get him we don't have to talk about him anymore, though I'm sure we'd find some other thing to complain about, like which Ridley it is or how he doesn't have this or that move or how he's trash tier or something. Ugh. Sorry, I'm just kinda sick of this guy.


Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
Ok lets talk about the big 3

King k rool

Chance abstain

Yea ever since the leak and all others pointed toward dixie i don't know anymore

Want 100%

Imwould a dk villian in


Chance 95%

Once again i see all of you are morely haters and refuse to look at the facts

Check page 2 of the ridley thread

Look at my shadow size chart (and i see fools using metal face as a arguement thats stupid metal face is bigger than ridley in his series.)

And for the leak character icons get rearanged as you unlock characters

Want 100%

Holding on till the very end (that ending is a 100% Genuine full roster leak or sakurai saying ridleys fate himself.)


Chance 95%

Same as ridley far too many hints for him

Hes higher because you can rearrange his character row easily and thats ROB or DHd put next to ness or shulk after you unlock mewtwo.

And this is for both mewtwo and ridley but yesterdays potd prooves that roster leak is not the whole thing.

Want 100%

Look at ridleys want section

Sonic Poke

Smash Lord
May 14, 2011
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Triple tens in chance, triple hundreds in want.

Dear Sakurai: This shadow was a sadistic cruel joke, gave us hope for nothing!
And why have you said you considered Mewtwo at first? More dreams to the trash...


Smash Journeyman
Jun 20, 2014
Gangplank Galleon
It all comes to this huh... the Big Three, the Holy Trinity of requested characters...
Chance: 75%
I'm not going to put ALL of my support behind a text leak like I did with Gematsu (that didn't work out too well), but the recent one is looking good. It accurately predicted a ton of stuff found in Pics of the Day and the ESRB pictures/videos. Mewtwo is on that list, so he's got a good shot. He's also insanely popular (probably the second most popular Pokemon behind Charizard), AND relevant after XY. I also think Sakurai realizes that if he puts in Dr. Mario, but not Mewtwo, that there will be riots. Finally, he was hinted at in Greninja's trailer, they purposely removed Greninja's webbing to make him seem like Mewtwo. Sakurai knows he's wanted, and we all know how Sakurai feels about false hype

Want: 90%
My Third favorite legendary pokemon behind Rayquaza and Articuno. I hated him in Melee, but seeing him back would be great. Hopefully he gets a nice rework, and adding in his Mega Evolution would be awesome. I know him, along with Charizard represent the "genwunners" (people I cant' stand), and four Gen 1 pokemon is pushing it, but he's credentials cant' be denied. I do beileve Pokemon deserves 6 reps, if Mario can get 6/7 (not sure if Dr. Mario will be counted as a Mario Rep this time)
Ridley (get it cuz he's big)
Chance: 70%
Also in the text leak which I tend to believe. There's so much controversy surrounding him, and Sakurai KNOWS how much he's wanted. A thousand-million-billion people have said this, but Sakurai is hiding SOMETHING about Ridley. Yeah, he COULD be a stage boss, but I have this feeling Sakurai is just pulling at our heart strings. Once again, Sakurai doesn't like false hype, so why tease his existence for a YEAR.

Want: 95%
His fanbase is starting to drive me crazy, and I want them to shut up lol. They have gone through alot though, (from what I understand he's been heavily requested since pre-melee), so I guess I can understand. That said, I finally got around to beating a Metroid game, and it made me want ridley juts that extra bit more. He could be SO unique, and he'd be worth getting just to see the internet melt down in hype. However getting him would be the end to hilarious Ridley Confirmed Jokes, similar to the end of Hoenn Confirmed. He is the biggest (don't you dare say it) Nintendo character to never be in Smash, no question, and Metroid deserves more than Samus...twice.
King K Rool
Chance: 5%
Unfortunately for the Kremling King, relevance will trump popularity 99% of the time. Dixie is just more relevant these days, K Rool hasn't been the main antagonist in way too long. I kinda get the feeling Nintendo and Retro just want to quietly forget he was a thing. The fact that Dixie Kong is stated in the aforementioned text leak, and not him, only further hurts him. Yes, the Kremlings are in Smash Run, but looking back, it probably doesn't mean as much as I thought it did. He'll only ever get in Smash if he stars in a new DK game first. He was always a long-shot, even if I did bloat my scores at times in the past. Deep down, I knew Dixie was always more likely. YOU BETTER BE WORTH IT DIXIE

Want: 100%
My most wanted for the entirety of Smash 4 speculation. As someone who grew up on DKC 1 and 2, he's a character I've grown exceptionally fond of. He could be so unique, and be hilariously expressive like Dedede. Not to mention... villain. It's sad he's (mostly) dead at this point. I just hope he makes it in some capacity, like a stage boss or an assist trophy

RIP Rate Their Chances. It's been fun


Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2014

Chance - 90%, Want - 100%

What does Mewtwo really have against him other than potential time constraints? He has worldwide popularity, has previously appeared (And was intended to appear all three times), a lot of relevancy thanks to the recent games (and movies) and a mention from Sakurai after the roster should have been finalised.

King K. Rool:

Chance - 50%, Want - 100%

Awesome character with (I believe) more going for him than the vast majority of other newcomers, but with seemingly few spaces left it is difficult to feel confident in any particular character.


Chance - 5%, Want - 50%

Ambivalent to the space dragon pirate. I expect him in the game but as a boss (and before I am directed to read the Ridley thread because I rated so low, note that this is the only reason I gave him any chance).

Capybara Gaming

Just Vibing
Feb 5, 2013

Chance - 5%, Want - 50%

Ambivalent to the space dragon pirate. I expect him in the game but as a boss (and before I am directed to read the Ridley thread because I rated so low, note that this is the only reason I gave him any chance).

Thank You. THIS GUY ^ Gets it.


Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2013

Chance: 65% - Given how Sakurai himself answered a question regarding Mewtwo in SSB4 at a Pokemon Event, says that Mewtwo is seriously being considered. Though we have not heard of Mewtwo since then, if there exists 6 playable character slots for the Pokemon section then he is getting in.

Want: 83% - I would not mind Mewtwo at all being in the game, but I would not be devastated if he did not get in.

King K. Rool

Chance: 71% - Seeing the Kremlings in Smash Run does bode well for him, but nothing else has been said about King K. Rool from Sakurai.

Want: 93% - He is the first video game boss that I beat by myself with no help from my family or friends and he would have a moveset that no other character would use. Adding the fact that King K. Rool is a big part of the Donkey Kong Country Franchise and how noticeable he is and you got one of the main characters to add to the Super Smash Brothers Family.


Chance: 82% - Even though someone might say that Ridley was "officially" shown in the April 8th Smash Bros Direct as a Stage Boss, Sakurai never revealed Ridley's full model. He also mentioned that if Ridley is in the game that he would be slow and asked if that was okay. With teasing from Sakurai that has not happened to any other character and has not been mentioned in a long while, you got one of the most likely characters in the game.

Want: 95% - I have always loved the Metroid series and wanted another character that had a unique moveset. Ridley's style of play and ruthlessness would be a character who would own the skies with his Aerial gameplay and whose unique moveset would make him a blast to play. Adding the fact that he is a huge part of the Metroid series and is considered the series villain, you got one of the best characters to add to the Super Smash Brothers Roster.
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Smash Lord
Jun 16, 2013
Wow. This is really sad. I can't believe that these will be our last rtc character ratings. Any regulars may know who I am. I post regularly (I had perfect attendance for around 100 days). And most importantly - I run the music section. After today, I will no longer be updating that. I know that not many people probably use it now, but I want it to be there for people to see when Smash 5 starts development.
So, today I ask you to please give as many suggestions as you can for the music section
The music section is what got me into video game music in the first place. I remember the first song I saw on there, In the Final. It has been and always will be my favorite video game track. I also remember the first day that I started listening to video game music. I missed like 3 calls because I had my headphones in and was listening to it all day. I had my tablet by the sink when I brushed my teeth, by my plate when I ate, and by my bed as I slept just listening to music.
After that day I started my "Top 100 Nintendo Music" When I started, my goal was to make a top 50. I didn't even know if I could handle that. However, I kept building it up, one song at a time. It is where I go to listen to music whenever I don't want to sort out what I do and what I don't want to hear. It is constantly shifting, and soon it will probably take a huge change as Smash 4 comes along. To anyone that is a fan of video game music: This is a great thing to make. As you go along you can just add a song to your list if you like it. It's really easy and fun to do and once you're done it is probably one of the most convenient thing to have on the internet.
This brings me to my last amazing memory of video game music: the day @ Groose Groose gave me the music section. i can not express how happy I was, and I expressed it poorly when I was thanking Groose. You know that saying "You just made my day"? Well, it was like that, but better. I would say that he made my month. Or even two or three of them. I have been working on the music section for a long time now, and it is one of my favorite ways to pass the time. I was going thru a hard time when he gave me the music section (school was going bad, and many much more personal things). I was going thru a little depression and I think that the music section, and video game music in general is the only way I got out of it so quickly. This just goes to show that the little things do matter and anyone can make a difference. Groose didn't know it at the time, but he just helped me out by an extreme amount and saved me much, much trouble.
I'm sad that the music section has to come to a stop, however, I hope future smashers can look at it and maybe even a few more people can get into video game music because of it.
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Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
I don't think Sakurai cares about character popularity as much as we thing he does. He gauges popularity and picks some from the popular characters group, but it doesnt matter to him who is the most popular. Or both Ridley and King K. Rool would have already been in Smash.

Chance: 1%
Everything seems to indicate a boss character on the Other M stage. I think fans see what they want to see when it comes to the teases. Sure, Dark Pit was also teased, but there teases were different. Ridley's tease was very direct about how we would see him.
Want: 1%
For the fans of the character, I hope he gets in. But I'm okay with him not being on the roster.

King K. Rool
Chance: 1%
He doesnt play a big role in the series currently, and Retro Studios probably has the biggest say on his inclusion. Some have said in the past that they wanted to include him in DKCR, but I think they wanted to forge their own path on the series.

All of his want doesnt really matter.

Want: 0%
Unfortunately, I have no want for the character. All of that goes to Dixie Kong.

Chance: 50%
The only one out of these characters with a real chance. Sakurai has teased him and he's been in the discussion of the leaks. If I was to bet, he is the most likely character to be not on the currently leaked roster. But why has his status been so murky?

Want: 60%
The character is cool, but his last moveset sucked. And Sakurai has changed all characters that are in need of makeovers.

To me, honestly, complaining about over-representation of Gen 1 Pokemon is a little like complaining about over-representation of characters from Super Mario Bros. 1 in the Mario series.
The series are vastly different because pokemon is generational series. The best comparison you could make would be Fire Emblem, Nintendo's other ongoing generational series. If Fire Emblem only had characters in Smash from FE1 or FE7 (first international game), that wouldnt make much sense. The same is true with Pokemon. The difference is that pokemon can continue to play a role beyond their generation, but that role changes. Pikachu occupies the same role as the mascot, but Mewtwo lacked a role after generation 2 until generation 6. But comparing them to Super Mario Bros makes no sense, because Mario is usually the star of every major Super Mario game, and everyone else is supporting characters (aside from exceptions like Yoshi's Island).

I prefer showing different generations because it shows the evolution of the series. Within the Pokemon series, generation 1 is the most iconic. But most of the key pokemon from other generations are iconic, and because of the reach of the series, are more recognizable and iconic than some of the other fighters in Smash. At the end of the day, Greninja is much more iconic to Shulk, simply because Pokemon X has sold 12 million copies.

Although across the board generation1 designs were better, you are only getting select Pokemon for Smash. So Pokemon like Lucario and Greninja have strong designs anyway, and would have stood the test of time regardless of Smash.

It's been fun everyone. Hope to catch you on the flippity flip.
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Smash Lord
Jun 16, 2013
I'm sad that I don't have much to say about these characters. These are the last ones that I get to rate in a long time (and very possibly forever). However, the leak pretty much confirmed all of the characters.

Mewtwo: 25% He is the most likely one in the group.

King K. Rool: 10% I don't see it happening.
Want: 100%

Ridley: 5% Very unlikely now.
Want: 100%

However, I have some things to say about want on Mewtwo.

Mewtwo: 100%
Pokemon is one of my favorite franchises. My first video game system was the Gameboy. I was so happy when I got it. That one little blue block that had a little (soon to be pink) blob flying around dodging eye-lazer dudes and little muffin people (my names were so creative when I was little weren't they? Just for the record that's Kirby, Waddle Doo, and Waddle Dee respectively.). It also had Pokemon. Oh, man. I absolutely hated pokemon (weren't expecting that were you?). I knew how to play the game, but I just didn't like it. It wasn't fun. It was to boring. It was bland. However, I picked the game up years later (around the time that gen 3 came out) ind played the heck out of it. I was to the age where I could understand more and understand strategy. (and also to understand that you don't ask why people are fat or bald. Sorry uncles!). I loved the game so much. It was amazing. Then, there was a movie and an anime. That anime had become my favorite thing to watch. And when the movie came out... I thought that was the most amazing movie ever. I can still watch that movie and be amazed. From then on, Mewtwo was my favorite pokemon... Well, until gen 4 came out with Toxicroak. But whatever, it's Mewtwo again, and I really hope that he can get in another official smash game.

Okay, tell about your history day is over.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Might as well make this count, I'll try to make it as easy to read and understand as much as possible.

Mewtwo Chance:
2% This character is currently the #1 most requested character in Smash Bros. for 3DS and Wii U. He's a veteran from Melee, has been considered by Sakurai in E3 2013, and honestly doesn't have that much against him. But considering the Ninka_Kiwi leak, it looks like Mewtwo is not on the leaked CSS at all. And the conclusion that I got from this is..

That he'll probably be a DLC character.. for one reason..

It's for marketing purposes. With the good points he has in his favor, Nintendo is most likely going to use him to sell Nintendo big money. It's a great move from Nintendo honestly, as most people will buy DLC just to download Mewtwo into their Wii U/ 3DSs. And this guy (one of Neo Zero's sources for the Ninka_Kiwi) outright disconfirms that Mewtwo (and Wolf) is not one of the last DLC characters in the roster:

I may as well introduce myself. I'm one of Neo's 2nd hand leakers. Disclaimer, I did not want the title "leaker", I wasn't trying to leak anything. I was just simply having conversations about things i've heard from a "Nintendo rep" (who is 100% legitimate now). But seeing as a ton of stuff is out there now, I don't feel bad, so long as the name of my source has not been disclosed.

Luckily, my friend Chris posted about what we'd learned the day of http://gamrconnect.vgchartz.com/thread.php?id=188067&page=1
Important points:
*Bowser Jr. and The Duck Hunt Dog
*49 characters total
*Not in the post but he also called Dr. Mario, Pitoo, & hinted at Shulk.
*Dr. Mario we thought was a skin, but that may have been a communication error.

If you count the members on the CSS leak, it's 48. If you add the Mii, that's 49. No way this guy was BS-ing. . However, Neo and others are working out something very big right now so there may be more hidden characters.
His chances overall have been downgraded severally, and it's mostly due to the Ninka_Kiwi leak not showing him as a character slot for the roster.

King K. Rool Chance: 2% He has the same chances as Mewtwo, and that's mostly because he has not been the main villain for the Donkey Kong Country series for two installments. His last, major, notable appearance was Donkey Kong 64. Considering the fact that most of the newcomers that aren't retros or icons of gaming are being used for marketing purposes to sell the most recent Nintendo games:

:4villager::4wiifit::rosalina::4greninja::4palutena::4robinm::4lucina::4shulk: (and Dark Pit)

K. Rool doesn't have any recent DKC games that star him as the main villain, which is why I doubt he's going to be added at all, even with his popularity (in the West mainly) as a character and the potential he has. If we were to get a Donkey Kong character, it would most likely be Dixie Kong with the release of Tropical Freeze. But even now, I'm thinking it is just way too late to consider her for Smash, as she was the main reason I considered a DK character a possibility. Now I think there won't be any DKC newcomers in the roster at all. At most, DLC is K. Rool's best option, but considering Mario Kart 8 DLC has characters that recent games, I highly doubt he's going to be playable, unless the fan-demand matters for DLC.

Ridley Chance: 0.1% At this point I have given up on Ridley, after experiencing constant debates of sizes for Ridley, constant debates about the Pyrosphere and the stage hazard, constant debates of the Ridley tease in the Nintendo Direct, and constant debates about how he can work as a playable character, and the constant jokes of Ridley and the pure straw-grasping at every corner of Sakurai's words throughout the whole year of speculation for Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS, I have come to a big conclusion that Ridley has lost his chance at being playable due to this one tease, one tease that forever changes my point
of view of the Space Pirate:


Sure we have some good support arguments with Ridley such as his biggest fan-demand (In the West mostly), his uniqueness as a character being a rough, air-borne fighter, but all that business is shot down by this tease now. It's clear that even Sakurai can tease characters as bosses as a shadow, and that shadow in the Pyrosphere (in my opinion) is Ridley as a stage hazard. Sure,
you can argue the Alfonzo complex is possible, but him not showing up in the leaked CSS picture makes me think he's not a playable character at all.

With the tease of Ridley Sakurai has made, there's honestly no going back to deconfirming as a playable character, as the amount of rage that will entail will be on Sakurai's back, and for that very reason, it's why I think Ridley is going to be playable..
as a playable stage hazard that exclusive to the Wii U version of Smash Bros. It's pretty much over for Ridley for being a playable character, unless he can get in as DLC, which I think he has a good chance of being one like Mewtwo, I think from this point on, the 'hints' to Ridley being playable is straw-grasping.

Thanks to @ Groose Groose @lonekonwolf @Brawler610 @ Smasher 101 Smasher 101 @ PK_Wonder PK_Wonder @colder_than_ice @ Toxicroaker Toxicroaker and @Erimir
for making this game possible.

Also would like to give shout-outs to @Glaciacott @andimidna @Delzethin @Xenigma @BigAxle @Cheezey Bites @ YoshiandToad YoshiandToad @Smash Daddy @ Burigu Burigu @Brawler610 @ Groose Groose @loganhogan @Spears In Smash Bros. @Wariofan1 @Rockaphin @cephalopod17 @Aqua Rock X @ Toxicroaker Toxicroaker @colder_than_ice @Erimir @ PK_Wonder PK_Wonder @lonekonwolf @ Capybara Gaming Capybara Gaming @ThatWasPeachy @KingShadow @False Sense @ jaytalks jaytalks @SethTheMage @Leafeon523 @TCT~Phantom @Hippopotasauce @Louie G. @TumblrFamous @ DarkKry4 DarkKry4 @Arcanir @Pacack (especially) @FalKoopa @Captain Toad @ Chandeelure Chandeelure @ Sid-cada Sid-cada @ Plain Yogurt Plain Yogurt @RankoChan @Bauske @Kikwi-Kiwi @Spinosaurus @Sabrewulf238 @ultimatekoopa @SmashShadow @Pega-pony Princess @BKupa666 @KingBro1 @ The Light Music Club The Light Music Club @MargnetMan23 @legendofrob1 @NickerBocker @ Sonic Poke Sonic Poke @KenithTheGatherer @Mega Bidoof @ a smart guy a smart guy @Arcadenik @chronomantic @ Kalimdori Kalimdori @Zwzchow and @TitanTeaTime for putting in the most effort into playing the game and/or those who have been playing for the longest time. (I hope I didn't forget anyone)

It was fun playing this game with you all, it personally helped me become better at writing better descriptions for the future I will have soon!
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Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2010
Rate Their Chances: Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS comes to a beautiful end. I look forward to five, six, seven years from now when we're speculating on the next iteration of our favorite Nintendo all-star fighter. This won't of course be the end of our discussions in this thread, but it is the end of rating characters. What a bittersweet moment indeed.

What a great note to end on. The three most wanted characters on this website, and my personal three most wanted characters, who I have strong attachment to.

Pokemon, the first game series I EVER played other than a Pac-Man arcade machine, and Mewtwo was that legendary superPokemon the entire playground talked about everyday. Like millions, I saved my Master Ball for him.

King K. Rool, the main antagonist of the first console game, Donkey Kong 64, I ever beat. I went back and experienced the incredible DKC games, and I have a spot in my heart for the nostalgic and deranged reptile.

Ridley, the character I have wanted for twelve years, from the moment I immersed myself into the first person atmosphere that was Metroid Prime back in 2002 (I was ten), I loved everything about the series, and I have always wanted to play as my favorite villain in gaming. Please give me the chance, Sakurai.

I could write a page each of why I want them so much, but I need to go to work, so I'll leave it at this:
My final Want rating is triple 100s.

Mewtwo - 85%
Ridley - 80%
King K. Rool - 40%


Yeah Shulk, get stuck in!
Apr 10, 2010
Independence, MO
Switch FC
Day 322: Calm, decent, peaceful atmosphere, tranquil auras. Cloudy day. Probably my 3rd time playing RTC. Anyhow I'll RTC starting with:
Starting off strong with our first character rating with a big image. And I'd be lying if I said I didn't want this pokemon in the rosters. I've wanted this MatchUp to exist in Sm4sh & 5mash so much to satisfy me endlessly when I break the agonizing petty arguments of "Mewtwo was replaced by Lucario" & "Lucario was a clone of Mewtwo" with sure wins under Lucario's belt. This MU feels like it will be one of the most fan-demanded battles, but ultimately I'm ready to accept whatever the outcome will be. Even with all his recency & popular fan-demand, only hearing "We're thinking about it" from sakurai when asked about MegaMewtwoY, is not enough to convince me. One last point I'd make that others posted often about is the business move Nintendo may do putting Mewtwo up for DLC to make $$$$$$$$$$$$$. It makes so much cents sense, it makes dollars. *crickets*
Want: 80%
Chance: 50%
Unfortunately coming to the decision to rate for him, it's depressing because I like the character, & KKR is overall the main antagonist to the Donkey Kong series games. He's Mario's Bowser to DK so-to-speak, so it's rough saying he isn't likely otherwise. My want for his inclusion is far beyond decent chances, but I don't see him making his way to Smash despite his popular fan-demand for him. My wanting is high but my opinion on his chances are low, so I won't mind too much if he's perma-MIA.
Want: 80%
Chance: 15%
Short & sweet. Ridley to me during the first mention or reveal we get of the character at all & it's an unofficial confirm of Ridley being a Stage Boss hazard. Personally I don't want to believe half of what I see, but frankly I don't believe anything I hear when it comes to Ridley. Even now I expect Ridley to be a Stage Boss for Pyrosphere despite having a cool trailer idea for Ridley. Overall I can't see his chances being too high & it's depressing too because I want a floating / flying air-fighting character to be in Smash. I'm prepared for his outcome, but I wouldn't mind him being in the game or not:
Want: 80%
Chance: 30%
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Hades the Magnificent

Smash Cadet
Dec 16, 2013
What about me? Clearly I'm the most inspirational user ever to grace this thread with my presence...



Smash Rookie
Aug 22, 2014
Chance: 30% - I don't see him fitting in (size pun unintended) as far as feel and aesthetic goes but has a chance because of his popularity alone... please don't castrate me.
Want: 15%

King K. Rool
Chance: 25% - Although i see him as perfectly viable, I think dixie is more popular and likely to nab his spot if it came down to that
Want: 60%

Chance: 60% - I think he's more likely than not to make the cut.
Want: 70%

Gre ninja'd

Smash Apprentice
Aug 4, 2014
Dallas, Texas
Hype 3!!!
Chance: 100%
Want: 100%
Chance: 100%
Want: 100%
King k rool
Chance: 33%
Want: 100%


Jun 16, 2014
One las hurrah for this game, huzzah for making it till the end!
Chances: 65%
I'd say he's still pretty likely, I mean, if Dr. Mario is apparently coming back, the possiblity of another Melee vet joining back the roster is not impossible, especially for a series as big as Pokemon.
Want: 100%
I liked Mewtwo, but I hope he gets some fixes to his moveset, confusion and disable suck, and I wasn't that fond of his tail attacks either (albeit I really do like his down smash, neutral air and forward air). That being said, he's one of the most iconic Pokemon out there, and probably the most fitting of the legendaries to join. If he comes back I'll pretty much have no reason to go back to Melee too so...pls Sakurai.
Chances: 30%
Sadly my hopes for him making it in are dwindling, but it's still not absolutely impossible, all the teasing might lead onto something, but I won't hold my breath on it.
Want: 100%
Ever since I saw Melee's opening I thought he was unlockable in the game, it was kinda sad to see that it wasn't the case, and for some reason I completely forgot about him by the time Brawl came out...Anyways, tied as my most wanted newcomers alongside Isaac, you'd honestly fill the Metroid representation quota for just about every future Smash game and he could have a really fun play style. Being a space dragon/pterodactyl creature also boosts his awesomeness level in my eyes.
King K. Rool
Chances: 5%
To be honest I never saw him as all that likely, I know he's requested, but I dunno...I just never saw it as likely. Maybe it's his absence in the newer DK games, or maybe the fact that I'm just pretty indifferent to the series as a whole (even though I did surprisingly enjoy DKC2, I do find the first game to be entirely forgettable, so maybe that makes me biased on the subject). It's odd, despite DK being one of Nintendos biggest series, I never felt it needed a new character, different strokes from different people I guess.


Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
Chances: 85%
No competition FROM OTHER POKEMON, favorable points, fan demand. That's it's.
Want: 100%
Fixed, of course.

Chances: 30%

He has good arguments to his favor, but I sincerely believe he'll be the Pyrosphere boss and Sakurai has just been trolling all these months.

Want: 10%

Might be fun for laughs, but I don't support him.

King K. Rool
Chances: 20%

The Kremlings don't necessarily point to him, and he's been rather obscure recently.

Want: 30%

I'd play him, but for fun. My mains are set in stone.
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Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
We (myself included) said the same crap about Dark Pit not being playable, and he was physically shown. That's the reason why most of us are holding on to his (Ridley's) chances at being playable.
I didn't see this point, but the difference between Dark Pit's tease and Ridley's tease was that Ridley was shown in gameplay-wise, and Dark Pit was shown, but not shown in gameplay.


Editing Staff
Writing Team
Aug 3, 2014
New Jersey
Switch FC
Chance: 50%
Want: 40%

People were mad that he didn't make it to Brawl, and he did have a mega form in X/Y, although he still didn't make it into Brawl. I never really got into Mewtwo back in Melee.

King K. Rool
Chance: 40%
Want: 60%

Hasn't been in that many games recently, though it would be kool (see what I did there?) to have another D.K. rep

Chance: 20%
Want: 30%

Most likely a stage boss, I never really liked the idea of having him anyway (*holds up shield*)
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Smash Ace
Apr 10, 2014
This is it our final battle (+10 points if you got the reference)

Last day on Rate their chances? now how I am going to pass my time?

Chance: 50%
People claiming popularity, relevance and those, haven't you learned anything sometimes popularity or fan demand means NOTHING to Sakurai. Yes we got some but if popularity is the only factor to consider Mewtwo wouldn't have been cut in Brawl on the first place.

Mewtwo stands the most realistic chance of any of these, and Sakurai mentioning Mewtwo? of course he is going to say that "he is considering", he is not going to say "NO Mewtwo is not returning" confirmantions and deconfirmations need proper timing so discarting Mewtwo in a random question clearly isn't the best idea.

That said with the big among of characters the Mario series got, it is no surprise for Pokemon to get another one and Mewtwo is the prime candidate.

Sakurai is just plain unpredectible, claiming Mewtwo a shoe in is over optimistic at best. For the things going for "it" and against it I don't see strong evidence sustaining both sides so half the chances for Mewtwo.

Want: 50%
You probably don't know this but the Pokemon series is the franchise with the most games in my colection it all started back in Pokemon Yellow. So I am a First Gen starter. Logic would say I am a fan of anything related to the 151 original pokemon but the truth is... I am not, I get the importance of Mewtwo and he forever would be that OP Psychic type ruining my live in R2 of Pokemon Stadium, he is a clearly icon in Pokemon, but I just don't feel that conection or nostalgia to favor him over new pokemon.

I am just that kind of fan that likes every generation, because I just like Pokemon as a whole. That is why my want is only 50% he is iconic I am ok either with Mewtwo in or out.

King K. Rool
Chance: 25%
Yesterday I rated Dixie with 25% so here is the other 25% of chance that the DK series gets a new character. Like with Dixie Rool don't have anything really standing out to speculate a realistic chance. Yes we got the Kremlings, but as most of the time I see people over analizing way to much.
Dixie makes a return but K Rool is still in the dark, I see Dixie getting in more likely by a tinny margin but otherwise they are even

Want: 35%
Ok I feel really bad for giving him this lackluster want score, since I have read most of the post and the devotion people have for him but as stated yesterday my ties with this series are pratically zero, I guess I need to see him in action to become a fan, because to this day watching his design alone don't make me like this character.

Chance: 25%
I am not sure about Ridley so much has been said so much words or theries have arised, I simply don't know, I give him a low score because, I prefer to stay pesimistic the only fotage we have of him tease him as a boss, I am not saying Sakurai isn't trolling us because as stated above Sakurai is just unpredictable and that is why I am giving Ridley a 25% of chance that is the chance of Sakurai pulling of a master troll and Ridley is indeed playable. Otherwise I always prefer to stay with the evidence at hand and that is Sakurai saying other bosses also appears while showing his shadow. Everyone can speculate about the shadow in the end nobody knows if these theories are true or just theories.

I have seen some people giving Ridley and Rool almost 100% chances scores but their reasoning fit more their WANT SCORE, characters being demanded or saying Sakurai is "ruining" this game if these are not included and therefore giving them 100% or near that chance because Sakurai can't be that stupid is far from actual evidence and shoud be fitting claims for a want score.

Want: 75%
Ridley grew on me, since I played both Zero Mission and Fusion recently, not to the point I want him 100% yes as a pokemon series fan a favor Ridleys inclusion more.

Now for the record I find every of these characters deserving in a perfect world they all are going to happen but that appear more like a dream world than the reallity. Maybe that dream for so much people become a reallity

Since Pokemon already have plenty of representation I prefer to pick DK or Metroid if any of these characters are in the game.

Also I want to thank every person here and every person responsable of making this thread possible I am not tagging any user out of fear or missing someone. But if I have interacted with you in some way you are probably included in this. I am not the kind of person who jump from thread to thread so it was nice interacting with other users outsite of the Palutena fandom. :lick:
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Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2006
Chance - 0%
Want - 0%
Development time was spend on him in Brawl. With the model they had and moves they made for him in that game, they could have easily made him a playable character (given his very vocal fanbase).... but they didn't. And now they're hinting hes a boss character again. His announcement would surely hype up the release but now we're days away from the game coming out and no announcement of his inclusion has been made. Hes done and hes not gonna be in. My theory has always been that Sakurai sees him as a boss character and nothing more. Him being in a smash game will not likely happen as long as sakurai is in charge. As for want, i never liked him or his design.

K. Rool
Chance - 0%
when was the last time this guy made a serious appearance in the DK series??? I don't see Nintendo wanting to put him in this game if they don't even want to make the effort to put him in any of the recent DK games.
Want - 0%
I'm more than satisfied with the roster atm. It doesn't need him.

Chance - 5%
his chances are much better than Ridley and K. Rool because hes actually a veteran and has already been in smash. the thing is, nothing that's come out lately points in his favor.
Want - 20%
the only pokemon i care about returning is Jigglypuff..... Mewtwo's playstyle never appealed to me so i really don't care if he comes back at all.

its been fun guys. i kinda came back to this for a while knowing the end of this game was near and the japanese release was soon. I enjoyed reading everyone's opinions, even if they were different from mine. Until the next smash game, i hope i'll see yall again.
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Chance - 0%
Want - 0%
Development time was spend on him in Brawl. With the model they had and moves they made for him in that game, they could have easily made him a playable character (given his very vocal fanbase).... but they didn't. And now they're hinting hes a boss character again. His announcement would surely hype up the release but now we're days away from the game coming out and no announcement of his inclusion has been made. Hes done and hes not gonna be in. My theory has always been that Sakurai sees him as a boss character and nothing more. Him being in a smash game will not likely happen as long as sakurai is in charge. As for want, i never liked him or his design.

K. Rool
Chance - 0%
when was the last time this guy made a serious appearance in the DK series??? I don't see Nintendo wanting to put him in this game if they don't even want to make the effort to put him in any of the recent DK games.
Want - 0%
I'm more than satisfied with the roster atm. It doesn't need him.

Chance - 5%
his chances are much better than Ridley and K. Rool because hes actually a veteran and has already been in smash. the thing is, nothing that's come out lately points in his favor.
Want - 20%
the only pokemon i care about returning is Jigglypuff..... Mewtwo's playstyle never appealed to me so i really don't care if he comes back at all.
Wow, you are the complete opposite of most smash fans...Hype 3 being your loathed 3...

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King K. Rool
Chance: 30%
Want: 100%
Only the text leak with Dixie brings him down.

Chance: 95%
Want: 100%
Greninja's trailer was an obvious tease if you analyze the details changed to make Greninja appear to be Mewtwo. Not to mention he was pretty likely anyway.

Chance: 99%
Want: 100%
I believe he is in no matter what; not going to argue here to keep things civil.
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