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Rate Their Chances MultiVersus Edition: Day 148 - Concept: Doom Patrol content and Mr. Frog (Smiling Friends)

Do you want me to start locking in the top 14 instead of top 7?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 77.8%
  • No

    Votes: 2 22.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Smash Master
Feb 5, 2019
New Mexico
Hello everyone.

I know it has been a little while since there has been any activity in this thread. The reason for this is, and I'll be frank, I saw the writing on the wall. MultiVersus' player base has dropped dramatically, 4 months have passed since we've gotten any new characters and overall the speculation scene has lost a ton of steam. And considering the extremely low activity in this thread recently, I felt it was best for us to have a break.

Now today we got some major news. MultiVersus' open beta will close on June 25th and the full release will happen in early 2024. This most likely means that we won't get any new characters, or any major content drops until 2024.

In light of this news, I want to ask you all if you are fine with RTC taking a break until the full release comes out. I figure this would be the best decision to make, but I wanted to make sure it was alright with you all. I will open a strawpoll, but feel free to ask questions or make recommendations underneath.

That said, no matter what happens, I do have something special planned for the April Fools day. Stay tuned for that, because I know most, if not all of you will be excited for it.

Here is the poll:

Could i still update my rating for Migo?


Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
Just a quick update. As it was decided on by unanimous vote, this thread will pause after the April Fools day until early 2024.

Eventually I'll catch up on calcs. This will most likely be done when the thread resumes. But for now here are my ratings:


Small foot, big world

Chance: 10%

Smallfoot was a small film that just kind of went and came in 2018. It did decently well at the box office and it was nominated for several awards. But otherwise I just don't see WB gunning for this. It's no longer new and while the writers have talked about a sequel, there are no solid plans for it as of now. Even if MultiVersus manages to make a big comeback, Migo would be quite low on the food chain.

Want: 60%

It looks like a solid film that I wouldn't have known about if it wasn't for this thread. Thanks to whoever nominated this, I'll keep it in mind. As for Migo himself, sure it would be cool to play as a yeti.


Hey listen!

Chance: 0%

I'm just gonna go there for this one because no way in heck is this happening. I could maybe see this if it was 2012-ish, but now? This guy is just a dead meme and with him being a straight up orange, it's tough to imagine a moveset for him.

Want: 0%

Even back during the Annoying Orange's prime when I was just a young teen, I never got the appeal of this character. I didn't think he was funny and his show was boring as sin. No thanks.


Day over.

Rate Walter White from Breaking Bad.

Here are some videos to fall into the Breaking Bad mood:

And yes, we are rating Walter for real. So please keep your chance scores realistic.
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Smash Cadet
Feb 13, 2022
"I am the Breaking Bad!" - Walter White (Probably)

Chance: 0.5%

Breaking Bad is one of the biggest TV shows in the past decade. Receiving critical praise for its writing, characters, and performances, Breaking Bad went on for 5 seasons and its success has led to a sequel film and spin-off series which itself has been immensely well received, with some even considering it superior to its predecessor. One of the chief aspects that led to the show's critical acclaim is its main character, Walter White. A chemistry teacher faced with a cancer diagnosis, Walt begins to cook nearly 100% pure methamphetamine and ultimately becomes one of the most notorious drug kingpins of all time under the alias "Heisenberg." Portrayed expertly by Bryan Cranston, Walter White has become one of the most iconic and popular fictional characters of all time, with Cranston winning several Emmy awards during the show's run and continuing to play the character for other appearances such as commercials. So great is the popularity of Breaking Bad that not only has the show single-handedly increased tourism to New Mexico, a bronze statue of its main characters, Jesse Pinkman and of course, Walt himself, was recently installed in the Albuquerque Convention Center. Naturally, like popular series, Breaking Bad enjoys a massive online fanbase, with the show gaining a large number of memes, some taking the show's most powerful moments out of context and running with it.

There is no question that if Walter White made it in, it would make waves, bring attention back to the game, and just overall be one of the best things that could possibly happen for the game's relaunch. Mostly due to memes, Walt is one of, if not the, most highly requested character for Multiversus, and the developers are almost certainly aware of the demand. However, there exist massive obstacles in his way. The first being that Breaking Bad is not owned by Warner Bros. at all. The series has very little ties to WB as is, with the show being a Sony property that aired on AMC (a rival network to HBO) and has had its spin-offs released on Netflix. This isn't a complete blocker, as the old datamines included references to Eleven from Stranger Things, so even if this data is more than likely invalid at this point for the future of the game, it indicates third party content is possible. The second, and more important obstacle is ratings issues. Breaking Bad is about drugs. It is simply not possible to remove the drug references even if Walt mixes non distinct chemicals in his moveset just by including Walt himself. This could potentially make including him impossible. While there are some vague references to mature content already, with Walt, his sheer presence presents an issue just from association. Lastly, if this can be worked around, there are the likeness issues to solve. This is easily the most manageable of the obstacles in his way because if Walt existing doesn't bump the rating up to impossible levels and a deal is reached with the rights holders, given his demand I expect they'll do whatever they can to secure Bryan Cranston's likeness and voice. The problem is getting to that point.

Overall, I feel like the logistical issues are just too great for Heisenberg to make an appearance, mostly due to the ratings issues. It's not as simple as making Rick less crass or removing the sexual content from Game of Thrones - Breaking Bad and Walter White being in the game at all is the problem. I just have severe doubts there is an acceptable level of Breaking Bad on the table for this game to retain its rating. You can scrub all references to the actual title but you still have Walt being a drug reference himself and it gets really messy.

Want: 100%

I'm a terminally online goober, of course I would like to see Walter White in the funny Shaggy/Batman game. Beyond just the funny "oh my god they actually did it" moment, Breaking Bad is one of my favorite shows of all time and no small part of that is owed to Bryan Cranston's portrayal of Walter White. While I do prefer Better Call Saul's greater focus on character and especially for fleshing out my favorite from the original series, it cannot be said enough how good of a character Walt is. He's a despicable human being, but we love to see him make loathsome choices anyway. Honestly a lot of my want for the character just comes down to trying to imagine the little things like character interactions. Just this cast of wacky characters interacting with Walter White gets a kick out of me. I imagine stuff like Superman calling Walt's "disguise" lame, or Velma asking Walt to teach her chemistry and it sends me.

This thread has been an absolute blast. While I ultimately have mixed thoughts about the game itself, it's a really fun thing to discuss just because of the vast pool of candidates available, and the loose rules here have allowed us to discuss everything from Charles Kane to Milf Manor and I couldn't be happier. It's a bit sad we have to shut down for a while but, as with the game's delay, I feel it will ultimately be for the best and I cannot wait to discuss more next year. Just want to extend my thanks to DanganZilla5 DanganZilla5 for running this thread as well as it has been.


Beauty in the Chaos
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
"Waltuh...put your F-Tilt away Waltuh...I'm not gonna play Multiversus with you."

Chance: 50%

I'm going to be honest, I'm more optimistic to Heisenberg's chances than others. I'd liken him to Waluigi in traditional Smash Speculation in that his popularity is wide and, in part, inspired by memes. It really depends on if Player First Games listens. They seem very receptive to the community surrounding Multiversus and have stated that they are open to third party characters joining the game, so I could see it happening. I wouldn't call it as likely as most characters, especially considering that, based on leaks, they have a solid pipeline going years out, but I'd say it's more likely than you'd think.

Want: 100%

He's Walter ****ing White. For one, it'd be hilarious, but for another, Breaking Bad is a highly influential piece of media and seeing it immortalized in Multiversus alongside other iconic series would be great. This is probably the only chance we have for Breaking Bad to be immortalized in this way, and I'd love to see it happen.

Anyways, real shoutouts to DanganZilla5 DanganZilla5 for running this as well as he did. RTCs aren't easy, and it's been fun popping in for whatever weird characters I care about. Here's hoping they turn Multiversus around and, come 2024, we'll have a more alive game to speculate over.


Smash Ace
Dec 26, 2018
Walter White

Chance- 50%
Despite his series ended a while ago, his popularity is still steady thanks to memes for part of it. The Multiversus developers are pretty receptive to the community so I don't really see Walter having too much downsides outside of Breaking Bad creators may not be interested in Multiversus.

I haven't seen Breaking Bad as much but Walter does seem like an interesting concept. He seems like the type of character I might have fun playing in Multiversus if he was in.


Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019

Chance: 25%

I do think Dune brings up a good point in regards to the issue relating to drug references. While I don't agree that the association with Breaking Bad alone would automatically bump up the rating, it is a slippery slope. I checked the ratings for the game and at least in Europe the game is rated PEGI 12, which from my research doesn't seem to allow even drug references. If anyone from Europe could clarify this it would be appreciated. Anywho, this means that the devs would have to be careful with incorporating any kind of drug references to the game to prevent the rating from increasing in certain countries. I do believe that if they just have him use unidentifiable chemicals it could work well enough. Otherwise they can base his moveset around weapons he uses and elements from his action scenes.

If they can get pass the drug issue though, I think Walter White is in an excellent spot. He's one of the most requested characters for the game, the Breaking Bad universe is extremely iconic and popular, it just makes a ton of sense even if there is no direct connection to WB. After all there was that one model found in the files that is of a character from a certain popular Netflix show. That does at least imply that the devs have thought about getting characters from material that has no connection to WB. Also, like if they want to re-open this game with a bang, this is how to do it.

Want: 100%

I confess that I have never seen Breaking Bad. I just haven't had the drive or opportunity to watch it. But I do have to agree that Walter White's inclusion would be huge. So many people are rallying for this idea and we do need more hype picks if this game wants to solidify its future. Plus Bryan Cranston is just plain awesome. He's great in Godzilla 2014 and he was also really good in the X Files episode "Drive". In fact that's how he got the role of Walter White since Vince Gilligan was a part of the production team and he was impressed by Cranston's performance. Funny how things work out huh?
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Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
Say My Name

Chance: 15%
Granted, any rating at this point has to take into account the uncertainties regarding this game's future, and what type of budget it'll have, what will its priorities be, what will change with its business model, etc. With that in mind...

Walter Hartwell White, also known as Heisenberg, is the iconic main character of seminal TV series Breaking Bad. A 50-year old chemistry teacher living a mediocre suburban life, his whole world is upended when he receives a diagnosis for terminal lung cancer. With two years left to live, Walter comes up with a plan: to use his once-in-a-generation knowledge of chemistry, and the street smarts of former student Jesse Pinkman, to cook methamphetamine in order to save money for his family. Thus the two wade into the criminal underworld of New Mexico, which they will change (and be changed by) forever.

Breaking Bad is commonly considered to be one of, if not the best show of all time (I would agree with this assessment). It ran for 5 seasons and earned 92 wins and 248 nominations for various awards. It went on to spawn a movie (El Camino) and a spin-off (Better Call Saul) both of which were acclaimed and successful in their own right. I don't think I need to explain that Breaking Bad is big. So, moving on.

Walter White has somehow emerged as one of the most wanted characters for MultiVersus, despite having no connection to WB whatsoever (more on that later). There are several seasons for this. Of course, the franchise has a large fanbase, and a big chunk of said fanbase very much likes memes. There is something to be said about the contrast between a gritty, incredibly dark, often humorless story of crime, violence, tragedy, and the nature of good and evil, and... le big funni ****post. Hey, it's not my thing, but people have their own ways of showing enjoyment and appreciation, and for some that's making memes. Regardless, it plays into the fun of MultiVersus really well. The game where Game of Thrones can meet Adventure Time thrives on this contrast (much in the same way Snake was originally so refreshing in Brawl). Like we've discussed on several days, this is very appealing for many characters who would otherwise never be in this type of game. However, for Walter, it works even better, because that contrast is present in his DNA. Chemistry teacher Mr. White, a sympathetic, ineffectual loser, is drug kingpin Heisenberg, a man who earns the fear and respect of titans of the cartels. There is an element of comedy and irony to that in the character, and that is why I believe so many latched onto him for MultiVersus. If Heisenberg is evil born in the most unlikely context, then surely that contrast is simply more pronounced in an even unlikelier context (which in this case would be fighting LeBron James and the Iron Giant in a Rick and Morty stage).

This demand has been noted by the developers, so they would probably want it to be a thing. The main barrier here is licensing. WB does not own Breaking Bad. They're nowhere close to owning it. The rights are squarely in the hands of Sony. Walt would be a third party character. So how is WB's relationship with Sony? Well, they partnered on The Last of Us, an HBO-produced and distributed show based on a PlayStation IP. That's pretty recent. As for videogames, Sony has put its characters in WB's hands (recall Kratos in Mortal Kombat 9). A recent State of Play served mainly as an in-depth showcase for WB's Suicide Squad game. That's a relatively close partnership all things considered. So it's possible, I'd say, and we know they've seriously considered other third party reps. It all boils down to the matter of cost vs budget. If the devs want to make some real noise, there's no better character they could pick, which is why my score is relatively high here.

One last thing I want to tackle is the drug content. Yes, Breaking Bad is a show about drug manufacturing, and crime in general. It's violent, graphically so, and doesn't shy away from showing the effects of heavy drug use and the consequences of a criminal lifestyle. However, I don't think it's something that would bar inclusion or raise the game's age rating. There is nothing inherently adult about the name Breaking Bad or the character Walter White. It's not exactly like he's struggling with moveset potential; a big part of the pleasure of the show is watching him come up with creative solutions for problems using chemistry. Thermite, ricin, fulminated mercury, anyone who's seen the show knows about the uses these are given and how they could make up a moveset with no problem. And then you have things like the acid bathtub and barrels (which fall into the Arya's pies category of being apparently harmless unless you know), roof pizza, the giant magnet, the turret from Felina, you could fill up Walt's moveset with things he actually does in Breaking Bad and never have a reference to meth. Same for any other content, stages, quotes, references, you can pretty much treat Walter like your average villanous type and not really delve into what exactly he does for a living. I dunno, I think it's a non-issue. Again, Solid Snake, from the franchise about nuclear proliferation and the horrors of war got into T-rated Brawl without a peep. Walter has it easier than that.

Want: 100% (mild spoilers ahead)
Breaking Bad is a show about how every single one of us wants to do a little evil. Every character in the show, from the major criminals to the most domestic side characters, needs an outlet to do just a little wrong, just enough to get to what they feel they deserve and to distract themselves from the unideal lives they get to live. Being the main character, this thesis is clearest on Walt. The man is a genius, an unappreciated one, who could've changed the world if things had gone right, but they did not, and he knows it. At the start of the show, he leads a life that's hard to call amazing. His love life lacks any passion, his family mocks him, his job isn't intellectually rewarding, he's forced to work a second job to make ends meet. So when he decides to take control of his life, become a badass who finally gets to apply his talent, who wouldn't root for him? You like Walter, you pity him, and you probably, in some way, relate to him. And so you back him in his schemes, which only escalate in awesomeness, against antagonists in crime (the insane Tuco Salamanca, the Machiavellian Gus Fring) and family (his wife Skyler and DEA Agent brother-in-law Hank, complex characters whose flaws make them, on a first watch through, immediately unlikable, and thus seen only as obstacles to Walt rather than people in their own right).

At some point, which is hard to pinpoint and changes per the viewer, you start to wonder if Walt really is even a good guy. After all, he justifies his actions, and you buy into that. You want him to cook drugs, to escape mundanity, because that's entertaining for you, as a viewer. Turns out, it is for Walt too. And that's a problem, isn't it? But you keep watching, complicit, until the point where it's no longer possible to pretend. Walt's justifications don't hit with truth, but with performatory pretence, the disaffected tone of someone who has gotten used to coming up with a reason why it's okay to do what he does, but has forgotten to believe it. And it happens right before your eyes, and it's so seamless you don't notice it. And you go back and rewatch, and see how other characters saw it way before you did, but, like Walter, you didn't want to listen.

That's the brilliance of Walter as a character. He mixes pathetic and badass. Genius and tragic fool. He can't decide whether he's a victim who keeps getting wronged, who keeps being backed against the wall, or if he is, well, the danger. He's both, in fact. In a way that feels not contradictory but instead inherently human. Everyone wishes they could win at life, that rules didn't apply to them and them alone. Walter just shows us what happens to someone when precisely that happens. What do we call someone who breaks the rules and keeps winning?

Well, we call them evil.


I'd like to take this chance to congratulate and thank my good friend DanganZilla5 DanganZilla5 for the wonderful job they've done running this thread. I have dipped recently (through no fault of this thread or the game itself, just me trying to reduce my social media intake) and am just finding out about the impending hiatus. Having been part of the team for Ultimate's RTC for years, I can't commend enough how well this thread was run, how smoothly it all went, how open it was for feedback and how willing Dangan was to try out new things in order to make it a better running, more enticing, and overall more fun experience for those involved. And sailing the ship solo, at that! It's been a trip. MultiVersus speculation is its own special breed of fun, with the breadth of things that are possible, and I know everyone has learned about things they hadn't before (I promise to check out Maniac Cop!) Hope the game comes out of the hiatus in a better state, and that RTC just keeps on trucking when it does! Cheers y'all. Hope to see you in one year when we rate, like, Saul Goodman.

Also I really like Prattboards just thought I'd say


Smash Master
Feb 5, 2019
New Mexico
Hi, I'm Chris Patt and I've decided to make a profile on Prattboards, Hahaha!

Wait, April Fools was yesterday? dang it...well better atleast write this to make fun of myself for missing out


"I am not in danger, Skyler. I am the danger. A guy who opens his door and gets shot, and you think of me? No...
I am the one who knocks"
Walter White
His Theme: Title Theme

50%: Walter White is the main protagonist & i guess Antagonist? of Breaking Bad, it's a show about a teacher who gets into drug dealing in order to make money privately while dealing with cancer(based on the synopsis i found for the show, hopegully i'm explanating what it is in short details well).
Breaking Bad was a pretty popular series back in the late 2000's and lasted until it's conclusion during the early 2010's, the show years later would get a resurgence through internet culture bringing memes of walter aswell as other stuff such as a re-animation of the first episode as a cartoon network show.

The show was also able to get a prequel series called "Better Call, Saul" walter & jesse's lawyer and a movie called "El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie" following Jesse Pinkman, one of the main characters, and the show also won a pretty great number of awards such as Primetime Emmy for three actors Bryan Cranston(Walter White), Aaron Paul(Jesse Pinkman), and Anna Gun(Skyler White)

While Walter has no connection to warner brothers, the multiversus fandom started meme'ing him in the game to make a joke of "what if walter white got in multiversus" but it ended up creating a vocal group of support for him that walter became the waluigi of multiversu-scratch that, became the hugh neutron of multiversus, only except he's the main character.

the multiversus is very aware of what fans want and there might actually be hints of walter already in the game, heck he could be saved as the last reveal before the final version releases.

people are concern if the show's content with drugs will effect his chances since it's been banned in other countries, i'm pretty sure they might find a way to censor it for him to fit in or at the very least other countries will censor it out while america doesn't and i think it's fair for said censorship since walter was a chemistry teacher, correct?

There is also the licensing but again i think he might be coming to the game and there might've already been a partnership deal to put walter in multiversus but we have to wait & see.

50%: I've never seen breaking bad and probably had avoided it due to what the content is however that wasn't the case, mostly have to do with never checking it out even after finding out about it's existing from Toonsmyth's Ultimate Cartoon Fighting and Annoying Orange parodying the show(and Joshscorcher bringing it up in his Top 10 Worse Endings in Video Games as an example of Good Endings Versus Bad Endings in Media(Don't worry breaking bad was labeled with the good endings category)), i have been invested in checking the show but i'm a little cautious since the idea of walter decending into villainy is or was a tough subject for me on a personal level mostly.

I had a friend who's a fan of breaking bad and we both got to see The RV from the show at comic con over at albuquerque(they were having a tour over at new mexico which apparently they filmed the show over at, funny enough i live there but no information drop)and it has increased my interest to watch the show even more, i just need some help & determination to cast my doubts aside and i will be able to make my first view.

Well, i kinda already have so.....

Edit at 5/26/24 at 11:01 AM: I give all my nomination points to Aquaman.
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Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
After some thinking I've decided to just keep this day open until right before the thead resumes next year.

Before I go though, I want to leave some words. I want to thank everyone who has ever participated in this thread. You all have made this worth it. I was super hyped when I got permission to make this thread and it surpassed my expectations. The consistency of writeups was stellar, whether it came from our regulars, or someone who just wanted to come in one day to gush about a certain character or series they are passionate about. I sensed that love from many of you and it means a lot. Even as I was getting burned out toward the end, I was motivated to continue this thread because you all kept bringing your A game.

I appreciate all of the insightful opinions and discussions that happened over the past year. Two of my main goals with this thread are:
A. Make RTC a welcoming place where anyone from any background can feel comfortable sharing their perspectives and passions.
B. Encourage discussion that introduces people to new media that they might like.

Judging from the overall positive vibe and feedback I've received, I'd say we have succeeded in maintaining these goals. And I have confidence we will keep the momentum going next year. I hope you all have gotten something out of the thread and that you will stick around for when we come back next year.

For now, all I have to say is...hasta la vista.

Never forget your kindness.

And may the odds be forever in your favor.

Alright, I'm done for real this time. I've had my six.
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Smash Rookie
Nov 1, 2022
N O N E C R O P O S T I N G .
Anyways 50%, has potential, but meth is bad.
Coconut Fred tho that would be really funny just having a Spongebob ripoff in a fighting game.


Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
As said earlier in the thread, it is on pause until the full release.

I wonder if it’ll come back earlier if we happen to get a character reveal.
If there is a character reveal before the game's rerelease, then I will just do the formal 'confirmed' announcement.

And yes, this thread will be up and running on May 28th.


Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019



Chance: 97.28%
Want: 76.06%

RTC's most likely character is official? Don't make me laugh. But hey, it's happening to no one's surprise.

And as a side note, I will update the calcs sometime soon before the thread officially relaunches.
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Smash Master
Feb 5, 2019
New Mexico
Considering all that has happened (Dune Part 2, Godzilla vs. Kong, Rooster Teeth shutting down, (insert purge here), etc.), how many of these characters should be re-rated?
Maybe it'd be wise to check the full list of character we talked about and see if their chances have changed or not, but i think characters from those newer stuff currently would take top priority.


Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
I agree with the above two posts, so here's my proposal: We do a fixed rerate schedule for characters and concepts that we deem to have had significant changes in their circumstances during MultiVersus' break. To be clear, this is a rerate schedule, meaning that I will only be adding characters/concepts we have already rated in the past. Of course, we also had a fixed schedule before the break that we didn't finish so the remaining characters from that will be added as well.

With that in mind, I suggest we do the following rerate schedule:
Day 127: Godzilla and King Kong
Day 128: Paul Atreides and Duncan Idaho
Day 129: Concept: RWBY rep, Concept: Red vs Blue rep, Wiz and Boomstick
Day 130: Neo (The Matrix) and Gandalf (Lord of the Rings)
Day 131: Barbie and Willy Wonka
Day 132: Osmosis Jones, Concept: Venture Bros rep, Ryo Hazuki (Shenmue)

I figured we would start with the big stuff first to bring the thread back with a bang. Jones, Venture Bros and Ryo will get their day soon enough. And for the record, Duncan was originally paired with Osmosis Jones but I decided to push him up and pair him with Paul. I hope nobody minds that, but I do think it's for the best.

I am open to suggestions for other characters and concepts to be added to this schedule. So don't be shy. Again, the list of all the characters and concepts we have rated are on the top of the first page (hidden by a spoiler tag). The schedule will be locked down by May 28th.
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Feb 9, 2023
I've made a comprehensive list of characters and concepts we've already discussed over the first year of speculation, plus those that were on the backburner, not counting those that have been confirmed in the game or are already being discussed over the next few days. Yes, I was bored.

  • Scorpion
  • John Oliver
  • Freddy Kreuger
  • Tony Soprano
  • Popeye
  • Ben 10
  • Austin Powers
  • Eric Andre
  • Gumball
  • Harvey Birdman
  • Agent K
  • Daffy Duck
  • Richard Dastardly
  • The Grinch
  • Mucha Lucha rep
  • Willy Wonka
  • Ed, Edd, n Eddy
  • Numbuh 1
  • Eustace Bagge
  • Quan-Chi
  • Rebecca Bunch
  • Agent Smith
  • Tenet Protagonist
  • Top Cat
  • Dio Brando
  • Neo
  • Ellie Williams
  • Lola Bunny
  • Samurai Jack
  • Maxwell
  • Pim and Charlie
  • Big Chungus
  • The Winchester Brothers
  • Peacemaker
  • Zatanna
  • Mad Max
  • Peanuts rep
  • Harry Potter
  • K.O.
  • Fred Flintstone
  • Renee Montoya
  • The Powerpuff Girls
  • Stede Bonnet
  • Deathstroke
  • Scooby-Doo
  • Characters without WB connections
  • Total Drama rep
  • Kuroyukihime
  • Cats Don’t Dance rep
  • Charles Kane
  • Johnny Bravo
  • Juliet Starling
  • Doomsday
  • Static
  • Sweeney Todd
  • Impractical Jokers rep
  • Bilbo Baggins
  • Beetlejuice
  • Rampage rep
  • Lion-O
  • John Constantine
  • Hunter X Hunter rep
  • Dexter
  • Pinkie Pie
  • Homura Akemi
  • All Elite Wrestling rep
  • Raven
  • Jessica Cruz
  • Knight and Ostrich
  • Ash Williams
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! rep
  • Pacific Rim rep
  • Princess Bubblegum
  • Henry Hill
  • Sam Spade
  • Vilgax
  • Transformers rep
  • Sub-Zero
  • He-Man
  • Mami Tomoe
  • Gandalf
  • Poison Ivy
  • Shuichi Kitaoka
  • Ultraman
  • Johnny Cage
  • Animaniacs rep
  • Jack Torrance
  • William Cage
  • Roger Smith
  • Elvis Presley
  • Discord
  • Goku
  • Monkey D. Luffy
  • Pennywise
  • Kyoko Sakura
  • Jotaro Kujo
  • Audrey II
  • Grim
  • Steve Urkel
  • Six Flags content
  • Blue Beetle
  • Gone with the Wind content
  • Another Steven Universe rep
  • Sailor Moon
  • Shao Kahn
  • Tetsuo Shima
  • Guy Fieri
  • Jason Vorhees
  • Mob
  • Courage
  • The Doctor
  • Gilmore Girls rep
  • Naruto Uzumaki
  • Larry David
  • Haruko Haruhara
  • Lion
  • Code Lyoko rep
  • Madoka Kaname
  • Sayaka Miki
  • Dream
  • House of the Dragon rep
  • Tien Shinhan
  • John Spartan
  • Jolyne Cujoh
  • Mac and Bloo
  • MythBusters rep
  • Sheldon Cooper
  • Geralt of Rivia
  • The Mask
  • Rhedosaurus
  • Spear and Fang
  • Pikachu
  • Tyrion Lannister
  • Terry McGinnis
  • Bob Odenkirk
  • JFK (Clone High)
  • Chowder
  • Beerus
  • John Gotti
  • The Conjuring Universe rep
  • Marceline
  • Huey Freeman
  • The Flash
  • Edward Malus
  • Tales from the Crypt rep
  • Youngblood Priest
  • Evangelion rep
  • Simon the Digger
  • ATHF rep
  • Wile E. Coyote
  • Sesame Street rep
  • Spy vs. Spy rep
  • Craig Williams
  • Mothra
  • On Cinema content
  • John Shaft
  • Matthew Cordell
  • Kangaroo Jack
  • Totally Spies rep
  • Space Ghost
  • Regular Show rep
  • Peppa Pig
  • Overlap with Smash Bros.
  • Sam-I-Am
  • Snow Miser
  • Homelander
  • Gilligan
  • Barbie
  • Rue Bennett
  • Fortnite rep
  • MILF Manor stage
  • Cyborg
  • Sanda and Gaira
  • Alex DeLarge
  • Riverdale rep
  • Uncle Grandpa
  • Buddy the Elf
  • Migo
  • Annoying Orange
  • Osmosis Jones
  • Walter White
  • Shang Tsung
  • Krypto the Superdog
  • Aquaman
  • Bloodsport
  • Ratcatcher II
  • Polka Dot Man
  • King Shark
  • Rick Flag
  • Professor Fate
  • Gundam
  • Wilt
  • Leonardo (TMNT)
  • The Red Guy
  • David Powers
  • Foghorn Leghorn
  • Omar Little
  • Rosie the Robot
  • Leonidas
  • Prohyas and Vambre
  • Kazuma and Co.
  • Yogi Bear
  • Tanjiro
  • Sam (Trick r Treat)
  • Jackie Chan
  • Alfred E. Neuman
  • John Stewart
  • Danny the Street
  • Yusuke Urameshi
  • Green Arrow
  • Rapsittie Street Kids rep
  • Velma (2023) skins
  • Eva Ernst
  • Penelope Pitstop
  • Ponyboy Curtis
  • Sonic the Hedgehog
  • Slappy Squirrel
  • Robin / Nightwing
  • Johnny Test
  • Marvel rep
  • Harry Hill
  • Victor and Valentino
  • Sylvester and Tweety
  • Elmer Fudd
  • Groo the Wanderer
  • Clarence
  • My Hero Academia rep
  • Cat in the Hat
  • Supergirl
  • Booster Gold
  • Swamp Thing
  • John J. Sheridan
  • Shana
  • Jarro
  • Godzooky

Some of these characters have gotten luckier, while others have been dealt shorter straws, for a variety of reasons such as:
  • Coyote vs. Acme presumably getting written off.
  • Urkel Saves Santa not getting written off.
  • MeTV Toons being announced, giving characters from Fred Flintstone to Krypto the Superdog more relevancy.
  • Godzilla vs. Kong being a hit in theaters.
  • One Piece getting a resurgence thanks to the Netflix series and the debut of Gear 5 Luffy.
  • Films like Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom, Blue Beetle, and Wonka.
  • Checkered Past premiering with shows like Courage the Cowardly Dog and The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy.
  • Totally Spies really getting a seventh season after all.
  • Total Drama Island's reboot finally airing on Cartoon Network.
  • Chuck Lorre's budget going to Georgie Cooper instead.
  • Warner Bros. investing in its own anime studio.
  • And more.
With that said, here are some characters who could be added to the rotation:
  • Marine Boy
  • Concept: Xiaolin Showdown rep
  • Captain Planet
  • Georgie Cooper
  • Dorothy Gale
  • Concept: Two and a Half Men rep
  • Gollum
  • Concept: Abbott Elementary stage
  • Johnny Cypher (Johnny Cypher in Dimension Zero)
  • Coconut Fred
  • Catwoman
  • Concept: 2020s Cartoon Network content
I am aware there's a lot of animated picks for my new suggestions, but that's my personal preference here.
Last edited:


Smash Master
Feb 5, 2019
New Mexico
I've made a comprehensive list of characters and concepts we've already discussed over the first year of speculation, plus those that were on the backburner, not counting those that have been confirmed in the game or are already being discussed over the next few days. Yes, I was bored.
  • Scorpion
  • John Oliver
  • Freddy Kreuger
  • Tony Soprano
  • Popeye
  • Ben 10
  • Austin Powers
  • Eric Andre
  • Gumball
  • Harvey Birdman
  • Agent K
  • Daffy Duck
  • Richard Dastardly
  • The Grinch
  • Mucha Lucha rep
  • Willy Wonka
  • Ed, Edd, n Eddy
  • Numbuh 1
  • Eustace Bagge
  • Quan-Chi
  • Rebecca Bunch
  • Agent Smith
  • Tenet Protagonist
  • Top Cat
  • Dio Brando
  • Neo
  • Ellie Williams
  • Lola Bunny
  • Samurai Jack
  • Maxwell
  • Pim and Charlie
  • Big Chungus
  • The Winchester Brothers
  • Peacemaker
  • Zatanna
  • Mad Max
  • Peanuts rep
  • Harry Potter
  • K.O.
  • Fred Flintstone
  • Renee Montoya
  • The Powerpuff Girls
  • Stede Bonnet
  • Deathstroke
  • Scooby-Doo
  • Characters without WB connections
  • Total Drama rep
  • Kuroyukihime
  • Cats Don’t Dance rep
  • Charles Kane
  • Johnny Bravo
  • Juliet Starling
  • Doomsday
  • Static
  • Sweeney Todd
  • Impractical Jokers rep
  • Bilbo Baggins
  • Beetlejuice
  • Rampage rep
  • Lion-O
  • John Constantine
  • Hunter X Hunter rep
  • Dexter
  • Pinkie Pie
  • Homura Akemi
  • All Elite Wrestling rep
  • Raven
  • Jessica Cruz
  • Knight and Ostrich
  • Ash Williams
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! rep
  • Pacific Rim rep
  • Princess Bubblegum
  • Henry Hill
  • Sam Spade
  • Vilgax
  • Transformers rep
  • Sub-Zero
  • He-Man
  • Mami Tomoe
  • Gandalf
  • Poison Ivy
  • Shuichi Kitaoka
  • Ultraman
  • Johnny Cage
  • Animaniacs rep
  • Jack Torrance
  • William Cage
  • Roger Smith
  • Elvis Presley
  • Discord
  • Goku
  • Monkey D. Luffy
  • Pennywise
  • Kyoko Sakura
  • Jotaro Kujo
  • Audrey II
  • Grim
  • Steve Urkel
  • Six Flags content
  • Blue Beetle
  • Gone with the Wind content
  • Another Steven Universe rep
  • Sailor Moon
  • Shao Kahn
  • Tetsuo Shima
  • Guy Fieri
  • Jason Vorhees
  • Mob
  • Courage
  • The Doctor
  • Gilmore Girls rep
  • Naruto Uzumaki
  • Larry David
  • Haruko Haruhara
  • Lion
  • Code Lyoko rep
  • Madoka Kaname
  • Sayaka Miki
  • Dream
  • House of the Dragon rep
  • Tien Shinhan
  • John Spartan
  • Jolyne Cujoh
  • Mac and Bloo
  • MythBusters rep
  • Sheldon Cooper
  • Geralt of Rivia
  • The Mask
  • Rhedosaurus
  • Spear and Fang
  • Pikachu
  • Tyrion Lannister
  • Terry McGinnis
  • Bob Odenkirk
  • JFK (Clone High)
  • Chowder
  • Beerus
  • John Gotti
  • The Conjuring Universe rep
  • Marceline
  • Huey Freeman
  • The Flash
  • Edward Malus
  • Tales from the Crypt rep
  • Youngblood Priest
  • Evangelion rep
  • Simon the Digger
  • ATHF rep
  • Wile E. Coyote
  • Sesame Street rep
  • Spy vs. Spy rep
  • Craig Williams
  • Mothra
  • On Cinema content
  • John Shaft
  • Matthew Cordell
  • Kangaroo Jack
  • Totally Spies rep
  • Space Ghost
  • Regular Show rep
  • Peppa Pig
  • Overlap with Smash Bros.
  • Sam-I-Am
  • Snow Miser
  • Homelander
  • Gilligan
  • Barbie
  • Rue Bennett
  • Fortnite rep
  • MILF Manor stage
  • Cyborg
  • Sanda and Gaira
  • Alex DeLarge
  • Riverdale rep
  • Uncle Grandpa
  • Buddy the Elf
  • Migo
  • Annoying Orange
  • Osmosis Jones
  • Walter White
  • Shang Tsung
  • Krypto the Superdog
  • Aquaman
  • Bloodsport
  • Ratcatcher II
  • Polka Dot Man
  • King Shark
  • Rick Flag
  • Professor Fate
  • Gundam
  • Wilt
  • Leonardo (TMNT)
  • The Red Guy
  • David Powers
  • Foghorn Leghorn
  • Omar Little
  • Rosie the Robot
  • Leonidas
  • Prohyas and Vambre
  • Kazuma and Co.
  • Yogi Bear
  • Tanjiro
  • Sam (Trick r Treat)
  • Jackie Chan
  • Alfred E. Neuman
  • John Stewart
  • Danny the Street
  • Yusuke Urameshi
  • Green Arrow
  • Rapsittie Street Kids rep
  • Velma (2023) skins
  • Eva Ernst
  • Penelope Pitstop
  • Ponyboy Curtis
  • Sonic the Hedgehog
  • Slappy Squirrel
  • Robin / Nightwing
  • Johnny Test
  • Marvel rep
  • Harry Hill
  • Victor and Valentino
  • Sylvester and Tweety
  • Elmer Fudd
  • Groo the Wanderer
  • Clarence
  • My Hero Academia rep
  • Cat in the Hat
  • Supergirl
  • Booster Gold
  • Swamp Thing
  • John J. Sheridan
  • Shana
  • Jarro
  • Godzooky
Some of these characters have gotten luckier, while others have been dealt shorter straws, for a variety of reasons such as:
  • Coyote vs. Acme presumably getting written off.
  • Urkel Saves Santa not getting written off.
  • MeTV Toons being announced, giving characters from Fred Flintstone to Krypto the Superdog more relevancy.
  • Godzilla vs. Kong being a hit in theaters.
  • One Piece getting a resurgence thanks to the Netflix series and the debut of Gear 5 Luffy.
  • Films like Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom, Blue Beetle, and Wonka.
  • Checkered Past premiering with shows like Courage the Cowardly Dog and The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy.
  • Totally Spies really getting a seventh season after all.
  • Total Drama Island's reboot finally airing on Cartoon Network.
  • Chuck Lorre's budget going to Georgie Cooper instead.
  • Warner Bros. investing in its own anime studio.
  • And more.
With that said, here are some characters who could be added to the rotation:
  • Marine Boy
  • Concept: Xiaolin Showdown rep
  • Captain Planet
  • Georgie Cooper
  • Dorothy Gale
  • Concept: Two and a Half Men rep
  • Gollum
  • Concept: Abbott Elementary stage
  • Johnny Cypher (Johnny Cypher in Dimension Zero)
  • Coconut Fred
  • Catwoman
  • Concept: 2020s Cartoon Network content
I am aware there's a lot of animated picks for my new suggestions, but that's my personal preference here.
"Coyote vs. ACME presumably getting written off"

But we refuse to give up and so does steve ray.

Also, i'd add Ninja Kamui on that list.


Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
I've made a comprehensive list of characters and concepts we've already discussed over the first year of speculation, plus those that were on the backburner, not counting those that have been confirmed in the game or are already being discussed over the next few days. Yes, I was bored.
  • Scorpion
  • John Oliver
  • Freddy Kreuger
  • Tony Soprano
  • Popeye
  • Ben 10
  • Austin Powers
  • Eric Andre
  • Gumball
  • Harvey Birdman
  • Agent K
  • Daffy Duck
  • Richard Dastardly
  • The Grinch
  • Mucha Lucha rep
  • Willy Wonka
  • Ed, Edd, n Eddy
  • Numbuh 1
  • Eustace Bagge
  • Quan-Chi
  • Rebecca Bunch
  • Agent Smith
  • Tenet Protagonist
  • Top Cat
  • Dio Brando
  • Neo
  • Ellie Williams
  • Lola Bunny
  • Samurai Jack
  • Maxwell
  • Pim and Charlie
  • Big Chungus
  • The Winchester Brothers
  • Peacemaker
  • Zatanna
  • Mad Max
  • Peanuts rep
  • Harry Potter
  • K.O.
  • Fred Flintstone
  • Renee Montoya
  • The Powerpuff Girls
  • Stede Bonnet
  • Deathstroke
  • Scooby-Doo
  • Characters without WB connections
  • Total Drama rep
  • Kuroyukihime
  • Cats Don’t Dance rep
  • Charles Kane
  • Johnny Bravo
  • Juliet Starling
  • Doomsday
  • Static
  • Sweeney Todd
  • Impractical Jokers rep
  • Bilbo Baggins
  • Beetlejuice
  • Rampage rep
  • Lion-O
  • John Constantine
  • Hunter X Hunter rep
  • Dexter
  • Pinkie Pie
  • Homura Akemi
  • All Elite Wrestling rep
  • Raven
  • Jessica Cruz
  • Knight and Ostrich
  • Ash Williams
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! rep
  • Pacific Rim rep
  • Princess Bubblegum
  • Henry Hill
  • Sam Spade
  • Vilgax
  • Transformers rep
  • Sub-Zero
  • He-Man
  • Mami Tomoe
  • Gandalf
  • Poison Ivy
  • Shuichi Kitaoka
  • Ultraman
  • Johnny Cage
  • Animaniacs rep
  • Jack Torrance
  • William Cage
  • Roger Smith
  • Elvis Presley
  • Discord
  • Goku
  • Monkey D. Luffy
  • Pennywise
  • Kyoko Sakura
  • Jotaro Kujo
  • Audrey II
  • Grim
  • Steve Urkel
  • Six Flags content
  • Blue Beetle
  • Gone with the Wind content
  • Another Steven Universe rep
  • Sailor Moon
  • Shao Kahn
  • Tetsuo Shima
  • Guy Fieri
  • Jason Vorhees
  • Mob
  • Courage
  • The Doctor
  • Gilmore Girls rep
  • Naruto Uzumaki
  • Larry David
  • Haruko Haruhara
  • Lion
  • Code Lyoko rep
  • Madoka Kaname
  • Sayaka Miki
  • Dream
  • House of the Dragon rep
  • Tien Shinhan
  • John Spartan
  • Jolyne Cujoh
  • Mac and Bloo
  • MythBusters rep
  • Sheldon Cooper
  • Geralt of Rivia
  • The Mask
  • Rhedosaurus
  • Spear and Fang
  • Pikachu
  • Tyrion Lannister
  • Terry McGinnis
  • Bob Odenkirk
  • JFK (Clone High)
  • Chowder
  • Beerus
  • John Gotti
  • The Conjuring Universe rep
  • Marceline
  • Huey Freeman
  • The Flash
  • Edward Malus
  • Tales from the Crypt rep
  • Youngblood Priest
  • Evangelion rep
  • Simon the Digger
  • ATHF rep
  • Wile E. Coyote
  • Sesame Street rep
  • Spy vs. Spy rep
  • Craig Williams
  • Mothra
  • On Cinema content
  • John Shaft
  • Matthew Cordell
  • Kangaroo Jack
  • Totally Spies rep
  • Space Ghost
  • Regular Show rep
  • Peppa Pig
  • Overlap with Smash Bros.
  • Sam-I-Am
  • Snow Miser
  • Homelander
  • Gilligan
  • Barbie
  • Rue Bennett
  • Fortnite rep
  • MILF Manor stage
  • Cyborg
  • Sanda and Gaira
  • Alex DeLarge
  • Riverdale rep
  • Uncle Grandpa
  • Buddy the Elf
  • Migo
  • Annoying Orange
  • Osmosis Jones
  • Walter White
  • Shang Tsung
  • Krypto the Superdog
  • Aquaman
  • Bloodsport
  • Ratcatcher II
  • Polka Dot Man
  • King Shark
  • Rick Flag
  • Professor Fate
  • Gundam
  • Wilt
  • Leonardo (TMNT)
  • The Red Guy
  • David Powers
  • Foghorn Leghorn
  • Omar Little
  • Rosie the Robot
  • Leonidas
  • Prohyas and Vambre
  • Kazuma and Co.
  • Yogi Bear
  • Tanjiro
  • Sam (Trick r Treat)
  • Jackie Chan
  • Alfred E. Neuman
  • John Stewart
  • Danny the Street
  • Yusuke Urameshi
  • Green Arrow
  • Rapsittie Street Kids rep
  • Velma (2023) skins
  • Eva Ernst
  • Penelope Pitstop
  • Ponyboy Curtis
  • Sonic the Hedgehog
  • Slappy Squirrel
  • Robin / Nightwing
  • Johnny Test
  • Marvel rep
  • Harry Hill
  • Victor and Valentino
  • Sylvester and Tweety
  • Elmer Fudd
  • Groo the Wanderer
  • Clarence
  • My Hero Academia rep
  • Cat in the Hat
  • Supergirl
  • Booster Gold
  • Swamp Thing
  • John J. Sheridan
  • Shana
  • Jarro
  • Godzooky
Some of these characters have gotten luckier, while others have been dealt shorter straws, for a variety of reasons such as:
  • Coyote vs. Acme presumably getting written off.
  • Urkel Saves Santa not getting written off.
  • MeTV Toons being announced, giving characters from Fred Flintstone to Krypto the Superdog more relevancy.
  • Godzilla vs. Kong being a hit in theaters.
  • One Piece getting a resurgence thanks to the Netflix series and the debut of Gear 5 Luffy.
  • Films like Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom, Blue Beetle, and Wonka.
  • Checkered Past premiering with shows like Courage the Cowardly Dog and The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy.
  • Totally Spies really getting a seventh season after all.
  • Total Drama Island's reboot finally airing on Cartoon Network.
  • Chuck Lorre's budget going to Georgie Cooper instead.
  • Warner Bros. investing in its own anime studio.
  • And more.
With that said, here are some characters who could be added to the rotation:
  • Marine Boy
  • Concept: Xiaolin Showdown rep
  • Captain Planet
  • Georgie Cooper
  • Dorothy Gale
  • Concept: Two and a Half Men rep
  • Gollum
  • Concept: Abbott Elementary stage
  • Johnny Cypher (Johnny Cypher in Dimension Zero)
  • Coconut Fred
  • Catwoman
  • Concept: 2020s Cartoon Network content
I am aware there's a lot of animated picks for my new suggestions, but that's my personal preference here.
My apologies for not making this clearer, but I am making this new fixed schedule only for characters we have already rated.

And for the future, please hide long lists like that with a spoiler tag. It makes scrolling through pages easier for everyone.


Smash Master
Jun 21, 2019
I've made a comprehensive list of characters and concepts we've already discussed over the first year of speculation, plus those that were on the backburner, not counting those that have been confirmed in the game or are already being discussed over the next few days. Yes, I was bored.

  • Scorpion
  • John Oliver
  • Freddy Kreuger
  • Tony Soprano
  • Popeye
  • Ben 10
  • Austin Powers
  • Eric Andre
  • Gumball
  • Harvey Birdman
  • Agent K
  • Daffy Duck
  • Richard Dastardly
  • The Grinch
  • Mucha Lucha rep
  • Willy Wonka
  • Ed, Edd, n Eddy
  • Numbuh 1
  • Eustace Bagge
  • Quan-Chi
  • Rebecca Bunch
  • Agent Smith
  • Tenet Protagonist
  • Top Cat
  • Dio Brando
  • Neo
  • Ellie Williams
  • Lola Bunny
  • Samurai Jack
  • Maxwell
  • Pim and Charlie
  • Big Chungus
  • The Winchester Brothers
  • Peacemaker
  • Zatanna
  • Mad Max
  • Peanuts rep
  • Harry Potter
  • K.O.
  • Fred Flintstone
  • Renee Montoya
  • The Powerpuff Girls
  • Stede Bonnet
  • Deathstroke
  • Scooby-Doo
  • Characters without WB connections
  • Total Drama rep
  • Kuroyukihime
  • Cats Don’t Dance rep
  • Charles Kane
  • Johnny Bravo
  • Juliet Starling
  • Doomsday
  • Static
  • Sweeney Todd
  • Impractical Jokers rep
  • Bilbo Baggins
  • Beetlejuice
  • Rampage rep
  • Lion-O
  • John Constantine
  • Hunter X Hunter rep
  • Dexter
  • Pinkie Pie
  • Homura Akemi
  • All Elite Wrestling rep
  • Raven
  • Jessica Cruz
  • Knight and Ostrich
  • Ash Williams
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! rep
  • Pacific Rim rep
  • Princess Bubblegum
  • Henry Hill
  • Sam Spade
  • Vilgax
  • Transformers rep
  • Sub-Zero
  • He-Man
  • Mami Tomoe
  • Gandalf
  • Poison Ivy
  • Shuichi Kitaoka
  • Ultraman
  • Johnny Cage
  • Animaniacs rep
  • Jack Torrance
  • William Cage
  • Roger Smith
  • Elvis Presley
  • Discord
  • Goku
  • Monkey D. Luffy
  • Pennywise
  • Kyoko Sakura
  • Jotaro Kujo
  • Audrey II
  • Grim
  • Steve Urkel
  • Six Flags content
  • Blue Beetle
  • Gone with the Wind content
  • Another Steven Universe rep
  • Sailor Moon
  • Shao Kahn
  • Tetsuo Shima
  • Guy Fieri
  • Jason Vorhees
  • Mob
  • Courage
  • The Doctor
  • Gilmore Girls rep
  • Naruto Uzumaki
  • Larry David
  • Haruko Haruhara
  • Lion
  • Code Lyoko rep
  • Madoka Kaname
  • Sayaka Miki
  • Dream
  • House of the Dragon rep
  • Tien Shinhan
  • John Spartan
  • Jolyne Cujoh
  • Mac and Bloo
  • MythBusters rep
  • Sheldon Cooper
  • Geralt of Rivia
  • The Mask
  • Rhedosaurus
  • Spear and Fang
  • Pikachu
  • Tyrion Lannister
  • Terry McGinnis
  • Bob Odenkirk
  • JFK (Clone High)
  • Chowder
  • Beerus
  • John Gotti
  • The Conjuring Universe rep
  • Marceline
  • Huey Freeman
  • The Flash
  • Edward Malus
  • Tales from the Crypt rep
  • Youngblood Priest
  • Evangelion rep
  • Simon the Digger
  • ATHF rep
  • Wile E. Coyote
  • Sesame Street rep
  • Spy vs. Spy rep
  • Craig Williams
  • Mothra
  • On Cinema content
  • John Shaft
  • Matthew Cordell
  • Kangaroo Jack
  • Totally Spies rep
  • Space Ghost
  • Regular Show rep
  • Peppa Pig
  • Overlap with Smash Bros.
  • Sam-I-Am
  • Snow Miser
  • Homelander
  • Gilligan
  • Barbie
  • Rue Bennett
  • Fortnite rep
  • MILF Manor stage
  • Cyborg
  • Sanda and Gaira
  • Alex DeLarge
  • Riverdale rep
  • Uncle Grandpa
  • Buddy the Elf
  • Migo
  • Annoying Orange
  • Osmosis Jones
  • Walter White
  • Shang Tsung
  • Krypto the Superdog
  • Aquaman
  • Bloodsport
  • Ratcatcher II
  • Polka Dot Man
  • King Shark
  • Rick Flag
  • Professor Fate
  • Gundam
  • Wilt
  • Leonardo (TMNT)
  • The Red Guy
  • David Powers
  • Foghorn Leghorn
  • Omar Little
  • Rosie the Robot
  • Leonidas
  • Prohyas and Vambre
  • Kazuma and Co.
  • Yogi Bear
  • Tanjiro
  • Sam (Trick r Treat)
  • Jackie Chan
  • Alfred E. Neuman
  • John Stewart
  • Danny the Street
  • Yusuke Urameshi
  • Green Arrow
  • Rapsittie Street Kids rep
  • Velma (2023) skins
  • Eva Ernst
  • Penelope Pitstop
  • Ponyboy Curtis
  • Sonic the Hedgehog
  • Slappy Squirrel
  • Robin / Nightwing
  • Johnny Test
  • Marvel rep
  • Harry Hill
  • Victor and Valentino
  • Sylvester and Tweety
  • Elmer Fudd
  • Groo the Wanderer
  • Clarence
  • My Hero Academia rep
  • Cat in the Hat
  • Supergirl
  • Booster Gold
  • Swamp Thing
  • John J. Sheridan
  • Shana
  • Jarro
  • Godzooky

Some of these characters have gotten luckier, while others have been dealt shorter straws, for a variety of reasons such as:
  • Coyote vs. Acme presumably getting written off.
  • Urkel Saves Santa not getting written off.
  • MeTV Toons being announced, giving characters from Fred Flintstone to Krypto the Superdog more relevancy.
  • Godzilla vs. Kong being a hit in theaters.
  • One Piece getting a resurgence thanks to the Netflix series and the debut of Gear 5 Luffy.
  • Films like Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom, Blue Beetle, and Wonka.
  • Checkered Past premiering with shows like Courage the Cowardly Dog and The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy.
  • Totally Spies really getting a seventh season after all.
  • Total Drama Island's reboot finally airing on Cartoon Network.
  • Chuck Lorre's budget going to Georgie Cooper instead.
  • Warner Bros. investing in its own anime studio.
  • And more.
With that said, here are some characters who could be added to the rotation:
  • Marine Boy
  • Concept: Xiaolin Showdown rep
  • Captain Planet
  • Georgie Cooper
  • Dorothy Gale
  • Concept: Two and a Half Men rep
  • Gollum
  • Concept: Abbott Elementary stage
  • Johnny Cypher (Johnny Cypher in Dimension Zero)
  • Coconut Fred
  • Catwoman
  • Concept: 2020s Cartoon Network content
I am aware there's a lot of animated picks for my new suggestions, but that's my personal preference here.
I'm pretty sure we also did Wiz and Boomstick from Death Battle and I didn't see them listed.
Last edited:


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2017
That Distant Shore
I agree with the above two posts, so here's my proposal: We do a fixed rerate schedule for characters and concepts that we deem to have had significant changes in their circumstances during MultiVersus' break. To be clear, this is a rerate schedule, meaning that I will only be adding characters/concepts we have already rated in the past. Of course, we also had a fixed schedule before the break that we didn't finish so the remaining characters from that will be added as well.

With that in mind, I suggest we do the following rerate schedule:
Day 127: Godzilla and King Kong
Day 128: Paul Atreides and Duncan Idaho
Day 129: Concept: RWBY rep, Concept: Red vs Blue rep, Wiz and Boomstick
Day 130: Osmosis Jones, Concept: Venture Bros rep, Ryo Hazuki (Shenmue)

I figured we would start with the big stuff first to bring the thread back with a bang. Jones, Venture Bros and Ryo will get their day soon enough. And for the record, Duncan was originally paired with Osmosis Jones but I decided to push him up and pair him with Paul. I hope nobody minds that, but I do think it's for the best.

I am open to suggestions for other characters and concepts to be added to this schedule. So don't be shy. Again, the list of all the characters and concepts we have rated are on the top of the first page (hidden by a spoiler tag). The schedule will be locked down by May 28th.
Here are a few characters I think warrant rerates.

1: Neo (the Matrix). We just got Agent Smith, is he going to be the sole Matrix rep, or will he be joined by his nemesis?

2: Gandalf (Lord of the Rings). The rights to the series are still... weird, but untangling the Jason knot gives hope to other characters in a similar limbo

3. Barbie (Barbie). The movie made a gazillion dollars.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Here are a few characters I think warrant rerates.

1: Neo (the Matrix). We just got Agent Smith, is he going to be the sole Matrix rep, or will he be joined by his nemesis?

2: Gandalf (Lord of the Rings). The rights to the series are still... weird, but untangling the Jason knot gives hope to other characters in a similar limbo

3. Barbie (Barbie). The movie made a gazillion dollars.
I'd argue the hinted characters should get rerates too.
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Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
By the way, it's still technically Walter White's day, so if anybody hasn't gotten the chance to rate him yet, do so very soon.

Also, I have taken the liberty to slightly change one rule: You now have a grace period of 2 hours to get your ratings in after a day has ended.

I updated the upcoming fixed rerate schedule as well. I will be on the lookout for more recommendations, but otherwise I will see you all in three days!

Uncle Grandpa
Chance: 31.33%
Want: 40.33%

Buddy the Elf
Chance: 17.33%
Want: 65%

No scores

Annoying Orange
Chance: 0.53%
Want: 16.67%

Noms List

Gundam x55

Wilt x48
Foghorn Leghorn x35
Guardians of Ga'hoole rep x35
Shang Tsung x30
Jay Gatsby x30
Concept: Any character originally played by Bryan Cranston x30
Concept: Ballmastrz 9009 characters x27
Prohyas and Vambre (Mighty Magiswords) x27
Kazuma & Co. (Konosuba) x26
Krypto the Superdog x25
Aquaman x25
Bloodsport x25
Ratcatcher II x25
Polka Dot Man x25
King Shark x25
Rick Flag x25
Professor Fate x25
Cat in the Hat x25
Summer (Rick & Morty) x25

Sam (Trick r Treat) x24
Leonardo (TMNT) x20
Red Guy x20
David Powers x20
Concept: Velma (2023) skins x20
Omar Little x17
Rosie The Robot x16
Leonidas x15
Mumble (Happy Feet) x15
Yogi Bear x13
Tanjiro x13
Black Dynamite x13
Jackie Chan x11
Alfred E. Neuman x11
John Stewart x10
Concept: Danny the Street stage x10
Yusuke Urameshi x10
Green Arrow x10
Concept: Rapsittie Street Kids rep x10
Eva Ernst x10
Lum the Invader x10
T-800 x10
Concept: Moral Orel rep x10
Penelope Pitstop x7
Ponyboy Curtis x7
Sonic the Hedgehog x7
Aunt Slappy Squirrel x6
**** Grayson x6
Johnny Test x6
Concept: Marvel characters x6
Harry Hill x5
Victor & Valentino x5
Sylvester and Tweety x5
Elmer Fudd x5
Groo The Wanderer x5
Clarence x5
Concept: My Hero Academia characters x5
Supergirl x5
Booster Gold x5
Swamp Thing x5
Andrew W.K. x5
John J. Sheridan x4
Shana x2
Jarro x1
Godzooky x1

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