My ALL NEW Roster!!!
Ninten - Most of you will disagree on this, and that's totally understandable. But, the reason I have him in is because we have the main protagonist of Mother 2 & 3 I think Sakurai will decide to reboot Ninten, give him a new look and add him to the roster. Other characters have been rebooted from the NES. Pit, Ice Climbers, Takamaru. Luigi use to look more like Mario than Ninten looked like Ness. and look at Roy's new look. Plus Ninten can have his own moves given the variety of PSI powers in the series. PK Beam, Hypnosis, Teleport, Ground, Brainshock, Counter. I consider it to be the next logical step.
Starfy- Starfy has become a recurring Nintendo character and has even had a game released in the west. He has a lot of potential in terms of moves as well. I'd honestly be surprised if he wasn't in SSB4.
Matthew- I think Matthew will get in over Issac for a number of reasons. Dark Dawn was the most recent Golden Sun installment. Most people say he's not a likely character at all and that Issac will no doubt be in his place. Well, Issac being the one is just as likely so don't take the choice of Matthew too personally. When SSB64 came out there were 2 Mother games. Both of their main protagonists were pretty much identical and the same, so logically they just went with the more recent one, plus Mother 2 was the only one released in the west. Although Issac appeared in all 3 titles (even though he was not the main of the third.) and they sold more and had better reception I don't consider Golden Sun to be popular enough for it to really matter which one they choose. And so I put Matthew in the roster because he's more modern and put Issac in the Alt. Choices section as he could just as well be in the game instead. A lot of characters will get in for being more recent. Much like Lucario, Lucas, Ike, and Toon Link.
Eirika- I think if Fire Emblem gets 4 reps that at least one of them will be a female hero. There are a lot of females in the series that fans enjoy. I believe that since Eirika is the only one who is a main character that she will make it in. But, we might just get 3 FE reps. If Eirika gets in it's possible she may be a Marth semi-clone, but she has her own uniqueness.
Sheriff- You can't really blame anyone for having him or not having him. He was the first Nintendo game and would be the first Arcade rep in the series (Not counting Mario Bros & DK) He could have a lot of moveset potential as well. I think he's very likely as a retro rep and seems to be a fairly popular candidate.
Shulk- I can't imagine him not being in the game. He would make SUCH a great fighter, and Xenoblade Chronicles was such a big hit. Monolith Soft is even coming out with a new video game for Wii U. Plus it's important that we have a character from a new Nintendo series. I say he's another guaranteed character.
Ridley- I still think it'd be akward and I think a bounty hunter is more likely (nobody's gonna agree with that.) I think Ridley is gonna get in because EVERYBODY wants him. There is so much demand for him. I still don't see it. Although he works better as a boss, he's probably gonna happen.
Newtwo- Not only would we have a new X & Y rep, we'd also be bringing back Mewtwo! One of the two characters people want most in SSB. And Sakurai wouldn't have to bring back an already removed character. If he gets new moves that will be awesome or at least if they get rid of Confusion. Again I say he is guaranteed.
Chrom- My concern is that there isn't really anything unique to him. He has the same sword of Marth, similar look, and is a descendent of him. If he had his own elemental sword attacks like Roy and his fire that would help. But, I'm sure Sakurai can think of a moveset for him. Is he guaranteed? Probably.
Takamaru- he is pretty much the most likely retro rep. He seemed popular enough to get into Nintendo Land and since people in the west know who he is that adds onto it because he's already popular in Japan.
Little Mac- Another almost guaranteed retro rep. It may be hard coming up with neutral moves that are all fist oriented, but it's not impossible.
Bomberman- Bomberman has only 1 single reason not to be in SSB. Because he was bought out by Konami. But Konami hasn't made any Bomberman titles since and didn't invent bomberman. They just own the rights to him. Bomberman has more of a history with Nintendo than Sonic, Snake, and Mega Man combined. So much he is often mistaken for a Nintendo character himself. He appeared in Nintendo comics, he appeared alongside Wario in a game, he originated on NES and is one of the most famous game characters ever. I think he is the most likely Third-Part rep.
King K. Rool- He's definitely gonna be in it. He's famous, has tons of moves, is the main antagonist of the DK series, and everyone seems to want him. Not appearing in Return & Tropical Freeze doesn't really mean anything.
Paper Mario- Bowser Jr. is just as likely, and if anybody even mentions him in their roster it should count because it's such an obvious choice. I put Paper Mario because I think he is just as likely. I also think there should be a Mario persona and Paper Mario is a requested character with a lot of moves. It's either him, Junior, or Toad.
Alternate Choices
Leif (Fire Emblem Series)- Leif appeared in 2 Fire Emblem games on Super Famicom. He seems fairly popular in the FE universe too. The assumption would be that he is a Marth semi-clone and that he uses the element of light with his sword attacks similar to how Roy uses the element of Fire. I guess in SSB it would be translated into Electricity. But, since he looks a lot like Marth and everybody would clearly want Roy instead (which is a better choice.) I did not add him in my roster.
Roy- Roy has been given a new badass look, now people want him more than ever and next to Mewtwo is the most requested character to return. He was a great idea then and people still love him today. I did not include him in my roster because I don't feel I'll be blamed if he appears and I don't have him. I think if Sakurai DOES do DLC he would be a great choice. He better return.
Sylux- I was going to have Sylux in my roster. I had him in the others. But, everybody wants Ridley and he is the most requested. I think it makes more sense to add a Bounty Hunter and keep Ridley a boss. People say it's kind of random, but he's kind of like the Wolf of SSB4. And Sylux does stand out more than the others. He has more of a hatred for Samus and appeared in more games.
Poke'mon Trainer B- If they add a 5th Poke'mon character I think it will be a second Poke'mon Trainer from either Gold/Silver or X/Y. The one in the roster is depicted as Gold/Silver with Totodile, Bayleef, and Typloshion. Plus it would give us an extra 3 Poke'mon. Plus there are so many trainers and pokemon we'd be getting more of both.
Issac- Again, may take the place of Mattew.
Skull Kid- I also believe he will be the 5th Zelda rep if we have one. Majora's Mask is remembered by everyone (and for good reason
). It is one of the most popular Zelda games ever and always will be. It doesn't really matter if it came out that long ago.
Snake- Will he return? I have no idea.
Paulatena- Paulatena actually works because even though she is a godess, in the Kid Icarus promotional anime short it shows she isn't all powerful. She was overrun by a herd of Carrots. But, I don't have her because even though it's Sakurai I don't see why Kid Icarus needs more reps. Pit seems okay on his own. But, she is a good idea for a rep so I put her in alternate choices.
Bowser Jr.- It's a fight between him and Paper Mario, and Toad is in the background hoping.
Dry Bowser- Activated through Final Smash. Whether it will just be for show or have his own moves I do not know. I consider this a guaranteed form.
Sonic- Unlike Snake it's kind of hard to imagine him not being in SSB after he appeared in brawl. Now that I think about if Bomberman appeared that would kind of make up for it. Maybe Bomberman will replace Snake?
Other Possibilities
9-Volt: He owns several Video Game peripherals. He would make a good fighter.
Metal Mario- A special character you can only get after achieving something great in the game after you have all other characters
So those are all the characters I predict. I'd love to hear feedback. If you have some problems with some character like Sylux or Ninten that's totally understandable. I'd love to hear what you like or have suggestions for.