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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Rebellious Treecko

Smash Hero
May 15, 2013
Edge of Existence
Final Fantasy games have differing character casts from game to game. Cloud is the protagonist of Final Fantasy VII, which was released on PS1.

A better character for the franchise would be someone from the first game or a recurring character throughout the series.
Well, if you want recurring characters, there's this:

Represents both Dragon Quest and FF!

Cloud would be interesting, but you're right, but there's a lot of competition; like Squall, or Tidus, or Zidane.

Personally, I'd like the Square rep to be Sora from Kingdom Hearts, but I know that many people groan at that idea. XD


Smash Ace
Feb 26, 2013
Final Fantasy games have differing character casts from game to game. Cloud is the protagonist of Final Fantasy VII, which was released on PS1.

A better character for the franchise would be someone from the first game or a recurring character throughout the series.
at least someone here has logic LOL. plus there is no way square enix would want a FF character in smash. sakurai doesn't want too many third party reps anyways


So much for friendship huh...
Aug 31, 2006
somewhere near Mt. Ebott
Snake, Mega Man, and Sonic have all appeared in games playable on a Nintendo console/handheld prior to their Smash debut correct? If I recall correctly; while Final Fantasy has had releases on Nintendo consoles/handhelds, Cloud Strife has not been present on them. If Sakurai did reach into the Final Fantasy series for a third-party representative it is more likely he'd reach for a character from a game that had been released on a Nintendo platform~.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Snake, Mega Man, and Sonic have all appeared in games playable on a Nintendo console/handheld prior to their Smash debut correct? If I recall correctly; while Final Fantasy has had releases on Nintendo consoles/handhelds, Cloud Strife has not been present on them. If Sakurai did reach into the Final Fantasy series for a third-party representative it is more likely he'd reach for a character from a game that had been released on a Nintendo platform~.
Thank you, I tried to look this info up online, but couldn't find it. I mean obviously there had to be a reason. Usually I already know this kind of stuff.

Shout out: I never did any research on Cloud. I assumed he was just the main character if the series, and did not know what FF's current state was.

Also have the people from the backroom stopped posting here. Cuz I want to be in the backroom if nobody is.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Personally, I think it would be awesome to play as the Caravaner from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. You could switch between one of the four races: Clavat, Lilty, Yuke, and Selkie; each with its own gameplay style.

But if I had to choose a FF rep from the main series, I would choose Terra Bradford.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2012
Hiding in Microsoft Headquarters
Snake, Mega Man, and Sonic have all appeared in games playable on a Nintendo console/handheld prior to their Smash debut correct? If I recall correctly; while Final Fantasy has had releases on Nintendo consoles/handhelds, Cloud Strife has not been present on them. If Sakurai did reach into the Final Fantasy series for a third-party representative it is more likely he'd reach for a character from a game that had been released on a Nintendo platform~.
Actually cloud can get in on a technicality that is chain of memories, but even with him being on a Nintendo console it's still very unlikely, we would see sora if anybody. (If I don't count geno/mallow)

Deleted member

Sora wouldn't be up to Square; Disney would be the one negotiations would have to be with.

thank the heavens....

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Sora wouldn't be up to Square; Disney would be the one negotiations would have to be with.

thank the heavens....
Yea I agree. I am against Sora being in the game. I associate him more with Sony anyway (I don't really know why).

Also, based on Sakurai saying that, "Not just any character from another company can be in Smash Bros.", I really don't see Sora happening.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Actually cloud can get in on a technicality that is chain of memories, but even with him being on a Nintendo console it's still very unlikely, we would see sora if anybody. (If I don't count geno/mallow)
Geno & Mallow will never be playable in SSB. If somebody gives me 1 good reason why so many people want him/predict him, then I will be one happy rabbit because I still to this day I have no idea why. And Cloud isn't gonna get in based on memory. If ANY character could get in based solely on memories we would already have Banjo & Kazooie. Sora is not gonna get in either. Most of his game is Disney based and Sakurai doesn't let just anybody be in SSB, it has to be a special case.

Only Third Party characters I see are Mega Man, Bomberman, and MAYBE Pac-Man.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
I mentioned this in another thread but I see a pattern in how Sakurai and company "cut" characters. And by cut, I mean remove characters that were present Melee that were not present in Brawl. If we look at the cuts that were made (Roy, Pichu, Dr. Mario, Young Link, and Mewtwo), four of them were clones and one of them received a successor in terms of a similar moveset. Young Link also had a successor in Toon Link, but Toon Link is still a clone of Link regardless. Mewtwo replaced by his game's next generation, Lucario. So under this pattern, the first individuals to be cut (not make it Smash 4) would be clones, and characters whose moveset could be moved into another generation. (Note: for the sake of argument, I define clone as anyone who shares similar special moves).

For the clones, the possible clones are Falco, Lucas, Wolf, Toon Link, and maybe Gannondorf. I would resist putting Gannondorf anywhere near this list since he's staying; it's just a matter if they continue declone, make him Ganon perhaps, or keep as it. Falco seems to have staying power. Wolf is Fox's second clone. Lucas unfortunately is a character whose game hasn't been released worldwide and also is a clone. And Toon Link, well, he's kind of a continuation of Young Link anyway. So out of the first cut, it would be Wolf, Lucas, and maybe Toon Link. But I wouldn't be surprised if Toon Link was replaced with another Young Link from ALTTP and ALBW. Sakurai has mentioned that he believes in the importance of having a young Link and an adult Link.

For the generation cuts, the only characters whose series I could see as generational is Lucario, Pokemon Trainer, Ike, and maybe Olimar. For these characters, they would be cut, but a new character from their series would take up their moveset. Olimar seems so important to Miyamoto so I doubt they'll cut him. And Pikmin 3 hasn't even come out yet, so that might impact their ability to replace him with a new captain. Lucario's time as Pokemon of his generation is up it seems. They are other Pokemon receiving the limelight and judging on how Sakurai say they pick the next pokemon, I doubt he'd be the pokemon they would recommend. And the new Mewtwo just seemed so primed to replace him. For Pokemon Trainer, the concept is so good that I doubt we'll see it cut, but it can work with any generation of starters. Black and White were the first pokemon duo to receive direct sequels, so I wouldn't be surprised if that generation got the nod. Oshawott, Servine, and Emboar (my personal pick for the choices, it also follows PKMN trainer's formula) are my favorite starters since the original.

Lastly, Ike has been supplanted by the Awakening generation. As an Ike fan, I would hate to see him cut, but under this pattern he would also be cut and replaced by Chrom. Chrom doesn't fight exactly the same, but there is enough commonality for him take over the specials. Chrom's Critical has a similar jump to Aether; Chrom's aether actually looks like Ike's quick draw. Eruption was a made up move anyway but it would be easy to turn blue. It all depends if Fire Emblem gets a third slot. Personally, Chrom isn't even the Awakening rep I'm rooting for, that would be [spoilers] lucina, but considering I couldn't even say the character's name, there are definite barriers there.

So if I was a betting man (which I'm not), I would bet the second cuts would Lucario and Pokemon Trainer. I can't in good judgement say Ike, but my thought process is there. Additionally, I would not bet on any previously cut clones returning (a Link from ALTTP and Newtwo would not be a returning clone). The most requested, a Roy return, whose game wasn't even released worldwide, does not seem likely due to his place in Nintendo history and Fire Emblem history. Not having a worldwide release limits people truly knowing his story, and limits his appeal as having a place in Nintendo lore. If he were to return, he would either be a clone, or decloned, which would be similar to making a new character. There are other lords since FE6 (his game) who could also easily be clone of Ike, Marth, or the new Awakening Rep.


Luchador Extraordinaire
Jun 19, 2013
Dark Tapestry
Personally, I think it would be awesome to play as the Caravaner from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. You could switch between one of the four races: Clavat, Lilty, Yuke, and Selkie; each with its own gameplay style.

But if I had to choose a FF rep from the main series, I would choose Terra Bradford.
Aw man, Crystal Chronicles was the bomb back in the day.

Back on topic though, I don't really see SE getting a rep. Maaaybe Black Mage, since he's rather iconic and his magic based movevset could be interesting.


Smash Hero
Jul 23, 2012
I still only see us ending up having these three as out guests. Mega Man, Sonic, and Pac-Man. Hell, we might just have Mega Man or two guests.

Snake MIGHT return. But i doubt it. (my opinion hurr)

Deleted member

Only two cuts were deliberate; Pichu and Young Link.
Young Link to make way for Toon Link, and Pichu most likely because it was a joke character that didn't go over well (though honestly, other than Ganondorf and arguably Falco, the Melee clones were all expendable).

Mewtwo, Roy, and Dr. Mario were all planned to be included, but were low-priority characters (as was Jigglypuff) that were screwed over due to time (unlike Jigglypuff).
Mewtwo (and Roy) was not "replaced" by anyone, especially not for the "newest generation".


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
I mentioned this in another thread but I see a pattern in how Sakurai and company "cut" characters. And by cut, I mean remove characters that were present Melee that were not present in Brawl. If we look at the cuts that were made (Roy, Pichu, Dr. Mario, Young Link, and Mewtwo), four of them were clones and one of them received a successor in terms of a similar moveset. Young Link also had a successor in Toon Link, but Toon Link is still a clone of Link regardless. Mewtwo replaced by his game's next generation, Lucario. So under this pattern, the first individuals to be cut (not make it Smash 4) would be clones, and characters whose moveset could be moved into another generation. (Note: for the sake of argument, I define clone as anyone who shares similar special moves).

For the clones, the possible clones are Falco, Lucas, Wolf, Toon Link, and maybe Gannondorf. I would resist putting Gannondorf anywhere near this list since he's staying; it's just a matter if they continue declone, make him Ganon perhaps, or keep as it. Falco seems to have staying power. Wolf is Fox's second clone. Lucas unfortunately is a character whose game hasn't been released worldwide and also is a clone. And Toon Link, well, he's kind of a continuation of Young Link anyway. So out of the first cut, it would be Wolf, Lucas, and maybe Toon Link. But I wouldn't be surprised if Toon Link was replaced with another Young Link from ALTTP and ALBW. Sakurai has mentioned that he believes in the importance of having a young Link and an adult Link.

For the generation cuts, the only characters whose series I could see as generational is Lucario, Pokemon Trainer, Ike, and maybe Olimar. For these characters, they would be cut, but a new character from their series would take up their moveset. Olimar seems so important to Miyamoto so I doubt they'll cut him. And Pikmin 3 hasn't even come out yet, so that might impact their ability to replace him with a new captain. Lucario's time as Pokemon of his generation is up it seems. They are other Pokemon receiving the limelight and judging on how Sakurai say they pick the next pokemon, I doubt he'd be the pokemon they would recommend. And the new Mewtwo just seemed so primed to replace him. For Pokemon Trainer, the concept is so good that I doubt we'll see it cut, but it can work with any generation of starters. Black and White were the first pokemon duo to receive direct sequels, so I wouldn't be surprised if that generation got the nod. Oshawott, Servine, and Emboar (my personal pick for the choices, it also follows PKMN trainer's formula) are my favorite starters since the original.

Lastly, Ike has been supplanted by the Awakening generation. As an Ike fan, I would hate to see him cut, but under this pattern he would also be cut and replaced by Chrom. Chrom doesn't fight exactly the same, but there is enough commonality for him take over the specials. Chrom's Critical has a similar jump to Aether; Chrom's aether actually looks like Ike's quick draw. Eruption was a made up move anyway but it would be easy to turn blue. It all depends if Fire Emblem gets a third slot. Personally, Chrom isn't even the Awakening rep I'm rooting for, that would be [spoilers] lucina, but considering I couldn't even say the character's name, there are definite barriers there.

So if I was a betting man (which I'm not), I would bet the second cuts would Lucario and Pokemon Trainer. I can't in good judgement say Ike, but my thought process is there. Additionally, I would not bet on any previously cut clones returning (a Link from ALTTP and Newtwo would not be a returning clone). The most requested, a Roy return, whose game wasn't even released worldwide, does not seem likely due to his place in Nintendo history and Fire Emblem history. Not having a worldwide release limits people truly knowing his story, and limits his appeal as having a place in Nintendo lore. If he were to return, he would either be a clone, or decloned, which would be similar to making a new character. There are other lords since FE6 (his game) who could also easily be clone of Ike, Marth, or the new Awakening Rep.
Attention Everyone! This is important!

Here's where you're wrong. Pichu was removed because they are 700 Poke'mon so why would you add a character that is just a different version of another Poke'mon. Roy was removed solely because of time restraints and Dr. Mario was kind of a stupid character in the first place (Although I enjoy playing as him.)

But, logically because they are clones they are not a big loss. But, the reason they are removed is because the CHARACTER itself doesn't show much significance. You have de-evolved version of a Pok'emon we already have, a weird choice for a Mario persona, and Ike was more recent and popular than Roy as he appeared in 2 games BOTH international. Plus Ike & Lucario were giving the favorite move of the characters they replaced. This doesn't work for other characters because:

Falco is one of the most famous, favorite, and important characters in Star Fox and considered Fox's partner.

Ganondorf is the major villian of the series, also has huge popularity and fans.

Wolf has been asked for since SSB64 came out, and also is almost as loved as Falco. I was freaking HYPED when I saw he was playable.

Lucas is the most recent Mother protagonist, is clearly stronger than Ness, and was even really close to replacing him twice. He was actually going to replace him in Melee, but unfortunately Earthbound 64 was cancelled. :(

Toon Link obviously proves that Sakurai didn't remove characters for being clones, he removed them for being pointless as a CHARACTER and not what they do. Which is why Young Link was removed and replaced by Toon Link. Because Toon Link has significance, people love that version of Link and Young Link has not appeared in a game since Majora's Mask.

MY POINT: Pichu & Dr. Mario were removed because they aren't as well loved as characters like Falco, Ganondorf, Wolf, and Lucas and they don't have much significance as they do. That's why they were removed NOT because they are clones. I'm sure that made it easier to remove them, but it's not the sole reason. Roy was removed because they couldn't fit him in time, however Ike conviently made up for it (from a general point of veiw, I could never accept the removal of Roy.) and Mewtwo as well was planned to be alongside Lucario, but because Lucario was so similar that made it more okay that they were sadly unable to fit him in. Falco, Ganondorf, and Wolf have nothing to take their place, or at least to a point where it makes up for it.

A perfect example is that Ness is still in SSBB. Because of his character, people love Ness and don't want him to leave. That's why his character is significant and Sakurai kept him. If Sakurai got rid of people for being clones we wouldn't have Ness.

I'll say it again: Clones/Semi-clones whatever you want to call it, are a tradition in SSB. There was still 3 of them in Brawl. He is not gonna get rid of a character because their is no need for their moves. He will get rid of a character because there is no need for the character. If it was as big of a problem as you people make it, the least his gonna do is make them more different. If you are gonna get rid of Falco & Ganondorf, you might as well get rid of Luigi, and I don't consider that statement to be exaggerated.

P.S. Where is the logic in removing the main character of Poke'mon along with 3 Poke'mon characters!?!?!? Oh, yeah because you don't want to switch between them. Again Sakurai will not remove characters because of their moves!




Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
I'll say it again: Clones/Semi-clones whatever you want to call it, are a tradition in SSB. There was still 3 of them in Brawl. He is not gonna get rid of a character because their is no need for their moves. He will get rid of a character because there is no need for the character. If it was as big of a problem as you people make it, the least his gonna do is make them more different. If you are gonna get rid of Falco & Ganondorf, you might as well get rid of Luigi, and I don't consider that statement to be exaggerated.
These predictions were based on following the pattern I saw in the last game, not on personal preference. I couldn't even say Ike was going to get cut. But it's better than those suggesting they cut characters they don't like.

I don't use game date on being on a disk or the forbidden 7 as a factor in my predictions. Rather, I go on what I know happened between games. There's too much we don't know about. How far along exactly was the data? And how much is that in relation to the other characters? I haven't seen anything indicating there were character models and actually programming. Even then, it could be a carry over from using Melee as a base for programming. Too many people see this data, and extrapolate "facts."

I don't know why characters were removed. They may have been unpopular. They may have been pointless. They may have been planned but not made it in. I can't discern that and to my knowledge, no one else can aside from developers. I do however see commonality in their removals, and that cannot be debated. We also don't know why characters are kept on. They are probably kept on for multiple factors (balance, popularity, place in Nintendo history). But there isn't a mechanism to determine how much each factor weighs.

Additionally, I wasn't saying pokemon trainer was going to be removed. Rather, I was suggesting he could replaced with a more recent generation of pokemon trainer. Big difference.


Smash Ace
Feb 26, 2013
just to make sure everyone knows this, don't ever think the original 12 (pikachu, kirby, fox, c. falcon, mario, yoshi, DK, puff, ness, luigi, link, and samus) will NEVER get cut. cutting out the original twleve is destrorying the foundation of great franchise. if you took out ONE of those characters and people are going to be furious. and the one thing they will repeat is "Why did you take out _____? _____ was in the first game!". so for those you saying any of the originals are gonna be taken out, think about it for a second

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
I really don't see any Square-Enix characters being added to the roster anytime soon. As for other third parties, We might see Sonic again, given as how popular he is, and how Sakurai had even noted this a few times. Snake is a bit up for debate, since he's not the most "fitting" for Smash Bros, but Kojima and Sakurai are friends; so if Kojima wants to see Snake in Smash again, might want to do him another favor. We already have Megaman along with the possible return of those two.

So the only options I can see outside of those three are Pac-man, and to a much lesser extent Simon Belmont and/or Bomberman. Pac-man's kinda obvious, he's a video game icon on Mario's level. Heck, the guy's been around longer than Mario too. Namco's influence might have effected Pac-man's chances, though given Sakurai's statements I doubt that. Simon and Bomberman aren't as likely though. But both are(well,recently with Bomberman actually)Konami characters that have close ties with Nintendo. I think that both can fit depending on which characters you chose to compare them to. Simon possibly fitting better with the likes of Link and Marth. While Bomberman looks like he would be in a game with Mario and Kirby. Still I myself would be more than pleased with just Megaman, Sonic, and another possible third party character.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
I still only see us ending up having these three as out guests. Mega Man, Sonic, and Pac-Man. Hell, we might just have Mega Man or two guests.

Snake MIGHT return. But i doubt it. (my opinion hurr)

Just pointing: You say Mega Man & Pac-Man are the only 2 viable.

BUT, at the same time you doubt Snake (A Konami rep) will return.....

I am honestly shocked that almost nobody ever considers somebody with SOOO much impact on Nintendo AND the entire gaming world as a POSSIBILITY. Okay so he's technically OWNED by Konami. That doesn't change Konami hasn't made any Bomberman games since then or that they didn't invent Bomberman.

So what if another Third-Party character has relations to the Konami Character? It's not like having Sonic AND NiGHTS. Not to mention he could replace Snake, not saying he'd need to.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Bah! I would rather have Simon Belmont as the Konami rep! He would be so awesome with his Vampire Killer whip.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
I think being a clone character can be indicative of a character's importance to Nintendo's and franchise's history. These are characters who, in a way, did not merit enough time for the developer to make them into their own character. Or they lack enough within their own history to have moves based on a unique playstyle. It's not always indicative, Gannondorf being the obvious exception. Every character removed thus far had another character in Brawl who used their moveset.

I am not saying this to slight clones. I'm just saying this to make roster predictions.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
I think being a clone character can be indicative of a character's importance to Nintendo's and franchise's history. These are characters who, in a way, did not merit enough time for the developer to make them into their own character. Or they lack enough within their own history to have moves based on a unique playstyle. It's not always indicative, Gannondorf being the obvious exception. Every character removed thus far had another character in Brawl who used their moveset.

I am not saying this to slight clones. I'm just saying this to make roster predictions.
All the clones and semi-clones could of had an unique Moveset and play style. Toon Link could have easily had a WW inspired Moveset involving the Skyll Hanmer, Deku Leaf, and King of Red Lions. Lucas could of had a unique set of B moves as well. While the reason has yet to be seen, I assume it was due to time restraints, roster buffing, and a small amount of laziness.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
I think being a clone character can be indicative of a character's importance to Nintendo's and franchise's history. These are characters who, in a way, did not merit enough time for the developer to make them into their own character. Or they lack enough within their own history to have moves based on a unique playstyle. It's not always indicative, Gannondorf being the obvious exception. Every character removed thus far had another character in Brawl who used their moveset.

I am not saying this to slight clones. I'm just saying this to make roster predictions.

The only one that really got replaced was Young Link, that obviously being Toon Link. And Ike has a completely different moveset from Roy. And no one replaced Dr.Mario or Pichu.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2012
Hiding in Microsoft Headquarters
I think being a clone character can be indicative of a character's importance to Nintendo's and franchise's history. These are characters who, in a way, did not merit enough time for the developer to make them into their own character. Or they lack enough within their own history to have moves based on a unique playstyle. It's not always indicative, Gannondorf being the obvious exception. Every character removed thus far had another character in Brawl who used their moveset.

I am not saying this to slight clones. I'm just saying this to make roster predictions.
The only clones are falco and toon link currently (ganon to a certain extent as well). Those are the only two I actually could see getting cut if anyone. As for ganon they need to freaking get creative and make him a cool dark magic/sword/powerhouse moveset, its not that hard...

A clone that got cut that I can see returning is roy though due to his popularity and recent appearance, I think he will be the only new FE character and will have his moveset unclonified.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
just to make sure everyone knows this, don't ever think the original 12 (pikachu, kirby, fox, c. falcon, mario, yoshi, DK, puff, ness, luigi, link, and samus) will NEVER get cut. cutting out the original twleve is destrorying the foundation of great franchise. if you took out ONE of those characters and people are going to be furious. and the one thing they will repeat is "Why did you take out _____? _____ was in the first game!". so for those you saying any of the originals are gonna be taken out, think about it for a second
What's stopping them from going back to play Smash 64, Melee, or Brawl? Why do these characters HAVE to be in SSB4 too? People will be butthurt no matter what Sakurai does. If Sakurai has to use his broken arm to punch through people's sphincters, then Sakurai needs to get it over with... just cut someone and move on.


Smash Ace
Feb 26, 2013
All the clones and semi-clones could of had an unique Moveset and play style. Toon Link could have easily had a WW inspired Moveset involving the Skyll Hanmer, Deku Leaf, and King of Red Lions. Lucas could of had a unique set of B moves as well. While the reason has yet to be seen, I assume it was due to time restraints, roster buffing, and a small amount of laziness.
clones are ok IMO as long as they have somewhat uniqueness. like luigi and mario from SSB64 were way too similar. but then they fixed it so now luigi is his own character

Deleted member

Every character removed thus far had another character who used their moveset?

Bull****. Where's the one who has Mewtwo's moveset?
And no, having only 2 attacks that are similar doesn't make Lucario count.


Smash Ace
Feb 26, 2013
What's stopping them from going back to play Smash 64, Melee, or Brawl? Why do these characters HAVE to be in SSB4 too? People will be butthurt no matter what Sakurai does. If Sakurai has to use his broken arm to punch through people's sphincters, then Sakurai needs to get it over with... just cut someone and move on.
yeah sakurai will cut people. that's given. but there is no way he will. in fact in an interview right after brawl was released it was said that sakurai thinks that having those original 12 is important for the franchise and they are pretty much given an assured spot in every upcoming game


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
The only one that really got replaced was Young Link, being replaced by Toon Link.
I didn't say replaced. I said they had someone in Brawl who used their moveset. Pichu had Pikachu. Dr. Mario had Mario. Roy had Marth. Young Link has both Link and Toon Link. Lucario and Mewteo share some definite commonality in their movesets. I wouldn't call Lucario a clone but rather a spiritual sucessor.

Deleted member

I didn't say replaced. I said they had someone in Brawl who used their moveset. Pichu had Pikachu. Dr. Mario had Mario. Roy had Marth. Young Link has both Link and Toon Link. Lucario and Mewteo share some definite commonality in their movesets. I wouldn't call Lucario a clone but rather a spiritual sucessor.
OMG they both shoot blue/purple balls. They MUST be the same!
You know who else shoots blue/purple balls? Samus. Guess Lucario and Mewtwo are the same as her too.

EDIT: In other words, there is little in common with Mewtwo/Lucario.
If you actually played as the two characters, you'd see it almost instantly.


Smash Champion
Dec 15, 2007
Switch FC
Geno & Mallow will never be playable in SSB. If somebody gives me 1 good reason why so many people want him/predict him, then I will be one happy rabbit because I still to this day I have no idea why. And Cloud isn't gonna get in based on memory. If ANY character could get in based solely on memories we would already have Banjo & Kazooie. Sora is not gonna get in either. Most of his game is Disney based and Sakurai doesn't let just anybody be in SSB, it has to be a special case.

Only Third Party characters I see are Mega Man, Bomberman, and MAYBE Pac-Man.
As a Geno fan I'll just explain there was a poll that sakurai held for most wanted characters and Geno did surprisingly well in it (along with sonic ridley king k rule megaman and a few others if I remember right) ALSO a track is in the games coding that could very well have been Geno's theme "The Forest's Mushrooms" that is from Mario RPG.

This time around I do not think Geno will get in, brawl was his shot and he missed it, but I just thought I'd enlighten you cause I honestly would never have dreamed of him being in if the fan hype hadn't forced him into sakurai's attention as a possible 3rd party square rep, but back in the brawl prediction days he was seemingly very likely actually.
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