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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Smash Master
Dec 22, 2013
Gusty garden galaxy
I don't know, if you guys would be so kind, could you please order the value of "shoe-in" characters for me. I am just curious how likely everyone actually thinks each character will be. Essentially, I want to find out how much everyone wants a character and what their overall likeliness is equivalent to. You can do it in any format you want.
These are the "shoe-in" characters I am curious about- Ridely, K. Rool and/or Dixie (depends on preference), Palutena, Little Mac, Shulk and/or Isaac (depends on preference), Mewtwo, Chrom and/or Roy (depends on preference).

Example 1- Mewtwo, Palutena, Chrom, Ridley, Dixie, Little Mac, Isaac.
You are just ordering their likeliness from most to least.

Example 2- Mewtwo (99%)
Palutena (85%)
Chrom (75%)
Ridley (50%)
Dixie (50%)
Little Mac (30%)
Isaac (25%)
You are assigning an arbitrary value to each "shoe-in".

Example 3- Mewtwo, Palutena, Chrom
You are listing the only characters that you actually believe to be "shoe-in".

Example 4- Character prediction format, essentially example two, but you add the component of "want".
Mewtwo Want: 100%
Mewtwo Chances: 99%

Or any other format you want. I am just wondering what people think about "shoe-in" characters against each other. No doubt all of these characters are likely, but I want to know just how likely they are comparatively. I just figured it would be something else to discuss.
I'd rate those 7 like the following:

Mewtwo: 99%
Dixie Kong: 85%
Little Mac: 70%
Chrom: 60%
Ridley: 50%
Isaac: 20%

When I call a character a shoo-in character, it means I think they have more than a 50% chance to get in Smash Bros. I agree on Ridley being exactly 50%, it can go either way, there is so much to say for both sides, the debates are ridiculous. I would love his addition, but I'd call it a toss up. Who knows. Especially with that stage hazard hint and now this Toon Link swap-out. Too confusing for me.

I want all of these, but...
How much I want:

Palutena: 100% (my 3rd most wanted)
Dixie Kong: 100% (my 4th most wanted)
Mewtwo: 99%
Chrom: 95%
Little Mac: 85%
Ridley: 75%
Isaac: 65%

Since I want them all, they're all above 50%.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression


Smash Apprentice
Jan 2, 2014
This thread gets the weirdest topics sometimes... Which reminds me, episode 15 of Kill la Kill is out! Woot!

Anyways I saw that Panel de Pon was among the first games in Japan to be released for the Wii U's Virtual Console and was also previously on the Wii's VC as well:

Do you guys think this helps her chances any? I'm hopeful that in the event she does get in Smash we'll see a western VC release of Panel de Pon (translated or not) to promote her character. Especially since Nintendo can't re-release Tetris Attack due to the Tetris brand unless they take the time to modify the game. It kinda makes me wonder where the series would be today had it not received so many re-brands back in the day.


work in progress
Nov 24, 2008
You guys can easily run out of topics, how bout discuss some more Palutena.
we have talked about every thing several times :c
This thread gets the weirdest topics sometimes... Which reminds me, episode 15 of Kill la Kill is out! Woot!

Anyways I saw that Panel de Pon was among the first games in Japan to be released for the Wii U's Virtual Console and was also previously on the Wii's VC as well:

Do you guys think this helps her chances any? I'm hopeful that in the event she does get in Smash we'll see a western VC release of Panel de Pon (translated or not) to promote her character. Especially since Nintendo can't re-release Tetris Attack due to the Tetris brand unless they take the time to modify the game. It kinda makes me wonder where the series would be today had it not received so many re-brands back in the day.
the Dixie in your avatar looks unnaturally fixated on Palutena


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
This thread gets the weirdest topics sometimes... Which reminds me, episode 15 of Kill la Kill is out! Woot!

Anyways I saw that Panel de Pon was among the first games in Japan to be released for the Wii U's Virtual Console and was also previously on the Wii's VC as well:

Do you guys think this helps her chances any? I'm hopeful that in the event she does get in Smash we'll see a western VC release of Panel de Pon (translated or not) to promote her character. Especially since Nintendo can't re-release Tetris Attack due to the Tetris brand unless they take the time to modify the game. It kinda makes me wonder where the series would be today had it not received so many re-brands back in the day.
No, not really, but it does help Sakurai be notified of the characters such as Muddy Mole and Sable, who finally had their VC release 2 years ago.


Smash Master
Dec 22, 2013
Gusty garden galaxy
dude reviews aren't that important
Never said that, there's a reason why Zelda is my favorite franchise after Smash itself. Besides, like Reznor said, reviews aren't that important.
Yet "was considered the 48th-best game ever made on a Nintendo system by Nintendo Power" is? REALLY?
"it is also the third-best selling game of June 2004 in North America, with 155,000 units" These awards are laughable. If you think the only thing I put was pointless reviews, and the only thing you put were major awards... you're crazy.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
My updated version. Hope you like it! :

As for the undetermined characters:

I personally don't find that 2 WarioWare characters are entirely likely. I am not precisly sure if Waluigi even counts as a WarioWare character. Other than that, it is certainly an over-looked series and Wario predominately utilizes his WarioWare look, so a second representative is much more likely than people give it credit for. I just don't know about 2 newcomers from that particular series.

Chrom over Ike honestly disheartens me. Ike isn't going anywhere. So if anything, Chrom should be on your undetermined list or whatever (IMO).

Another Mario representative is highly unlikely in the event that we get 2 WarioWare characters. I think you could fix this by making Waluigi your new Mario representative as Daisy's chances are next to none (aside from alt costume/pallet swap Peach). Toad is pretty much de-confirmed at this point, I say this with a heavy heart as I was a Toad supporter prior to the dark dark day... the second dark dark day. As for Paper Mario, most believe he will represent his own series.

Waddle Dee is the only plausible Kirby representative in my opinion. Dark Matter is probably his only real competition.

If you aren't going to blatantly cut Lucario, you might as well keep him on your roster for the time being. He has no reason to go.

I know nothing of Mike Jones or Muddy Mole, but based on what I read here, the Mole is the more valid candidate.

Magnus as the second Kid Icarus representative is fine. Personally I prefer Hades for a plethora of reasons. The most prevalent notion is that he represents more than just Nintendo, Kid Icarus, or his character. He is recognizable to players that have never played a Nintendo game before. His role in the game was more important as well. Magnus screams assist trophy to me. However, I do see a potential second character from Kid Icarus. If he is your pick, more power to you. But you should consider what he offers over characters like Medusa.

Samurai Goroh... nice.

Bomberman over Snake... honestly, this is one thing that will actually make me regurgitate all over my poor cat.

Saki... never mind, two things that will make me puke all over my cat.

Krystal over Wolf... I take it back. Apparently a lot of things will make me throw up on my cat.

Monkey D. Luffy. Nice. Lets prove that anime characters can get into Smash.
(I am just joking around, Andy is cool).

Ghirahim over Tingle and Toon Zelda. I might need to know the reason. If it is solely based on preference, that is fine, but if we are talking about precedent and Smash relevance in conjunction with importance to the series.... he just pales in comparison.

Anyways, thanks for this fun roster. I get tired of all of the emulated rosters.
- Ridley
- Little Mac
- Palutena
- K. Rool/Dixie
- Shulk/Isaac
- Takamaru
- Chrom/Roy

Mega Dunsparce

Smash Journeyman
Oct 24, 2013
Precipice of Insanity
I personally don't find that 2 WarioWare characters are entirely likely. I am not precisly sure if Waluigi even counts as a WarioWare character. Other than that, it is certainly an over-looked series and Wario predominately utilizes his WarioWare look, so a second representative is much more likely than people give it credit for. I just don't know about 2 newcomers from that particular series.

Chrom over Ike honestly disheartens me. Ike isn't going anywhere. So if anything, Chrom should be on your undetermined list or whatever (IMO).

Another Mario representative is highly unlikely in the event that we get 2 WarioWare characters. I think you could fix this by making Waluigi your new Mario representative as Daisy's chances are next to none (aside from alt costume/pallet swap Peach). Toad is pretty much de-confirmed at this point, I say this with a heavy heart as I was a Toad supporter prior to the dark dark day... the second dark dark day. As for Paper Mario, most believe he will represent his own series.

Waddle Dee is the only plausible Kirby representative in my opinion. Dark Matter is probably his only real competition.

If you aren't going to blatantly cut Lucario, you might as well keep him on your roster for the time being. He has no reason to go.

I know nothing of Mike Jones or Muddy Mole, but based on what I read here, the Mole is the more valid candidate.

Magnus as the second Kid Icarus representative is fine. Personally I prefer Hades for a plethora of reasons. The most prevalent notion is that he represents more than just Nintendo, Kid Icarus, or his character. He is recognizable to players that have never played a Nintendo game before. His role in the game was more important as well. Magnus screams assist trophy to me. However, I do see a potential second character from Kid Icarus. If he is your pick, more power to you. But you should consider what he offers over characters like Medusa.

Samurai Goroh... nice.

Bomberman over Snake... honestly, this is one thing that will actually make me regurgitate all over my poor cat.

Saki... never mind, two things that will make me puke all over my cat.

Krystal over Wolf... I take it back. Apparently a lot of things will make me throw up on my cat.

Monkey D. Luffy. Nice. Lets prove that anime characters can get into Smash.
(I am just joking around, Andy is cool).

Ghirahim over Tingle and Toon Zelda. I might need to know the reason. If it is solely based on preference, that is fine, but if we are talking about precedent and Smash relevance in conjunction with importance to the series.... he just pales in comparison.

Anyways, thanks for this fun roster. I get tired of all of the emulated rosters.
- Ridley
- Little Mac
- Palutena
- K. Rool/Dixie
- Shulk/Isaac
- Takamaru
- Chrom/Roy

Autumn ♫

I'm terrible with these Custom Titles.
Apr 20, 2013
Sakurai's Secret Headquarters
Yet "was considered the 48th-best game ever made on a Nintendo system by Nintendo Power" is? REALLY?
"it is also the third-best selling game of June 2004 in North America, with 155,000 units" These awards are laughable. If you think the only thing I put was pointless reviews, and the only thing you put were major awards... you're crazy.
I'm saying all reviews aren't that important, including mine.
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