Not that I particularly have any strong feelings about Palutena, but saying she's disconfirmed because of a statue seems dense. If she's playable I'd guess we'd see her fairly soon, though. If she doesn't show up before E3 I'll be pretty surprised.
I don't know if this has ever been done before here, or if it belongs here or not... but:
Vote 1 of these 4, who would you rather have in Smash Bros 4?
Don't say none. Which one would you like to happen more than the others!
Hmmm...Tiki or Impa. Tiki because she'd offer something no other FE character can do thus far and Impa because she's not actually a terrible idea, she just has bad press as a Sheik replacement.
I actually prefer King Boo to both, but I'd like Luigi to rep his own series before adding the villain to do so. Also a floating invincible character in a game reliant on being punched in the face to rack up enough damage to knock off platforms seems hax.
Yes I'm aware you can change the canon rules, but it'd stick out pretty hard.
New Question!
We all know Super Smash Bros is lacking in both females and villains... so how about we vote on our favorite female villain!
Which of these 4 do you want to see in Super Smash Bros!
Last Question:
The winner is King Boo with 8 votes!
2nd place goes to Tiki with 4 votes!
3rd place goes to Impa with 3 votes!
Last place is Tabuu with 1 vote, sorry!
A. There's really no better Wario rep available...outside of Wario himself I mean.
Let me ask you a question, if you don't mind me asking...
How do you distinguish Marth's specials from his regular slashes?
I have no doubt Little Mac will be a practical fighter like Marth, but practicality=/=entertaining. Most the entertainment from Punch Out!! seems to be from Doc and the opponents who all have a case of the wackiness.
Basically everyone in Punch Out!! is more interesting than Little Mac himself. You know it's true deep down.
Oh, nice! Me too this year.
Not to you obviously.
(at least not yet)
I'm having a Smash Bros. themed stag/bachelor night over in Berlin. So mentioning that is at least a little on topic.
So I have been planning a gamegrumps-style show with my friend, where we sit and play games and ****.
Would anyone here be interested in watching it/have any game suggestions? We plan on starting with mario galaxy and Pokemon rumble.
To reiterate what thekewlusername said;
Try and find a unique angle. As it is you will be compared to Game Grumps putting you at a huge disadvantage since they've had years of practice and a large(and rabid) fanbase. Best of luck though, and link it somewhere on this site so we can view it...just be prepared for judgement.
I have no idea what is going on, but here is my order for Pokemon.

Gen 1
Gen 2
Gen 3
Gen 6
Gen 5
Gen 4
Gen 3
Gen 1
Gen 6
Gen 5
Gen 4
Gen 2
Couldn't stand Diamond and Pearl personally, which was enough to put me off buying Platinum(which is apparently superior) but HG and SS saved that gen for me.
Emerald hit when I was at the peak of my Pokemon fandom...Diamond and Pearl killed it. Black revived it a bit, White 2 seemed overall kinda lame.
Why does Nintendo keep insisting on removing story from their games sequels? BW2 and Paper Mario: Sticker Star...yeesh.
Oh, and **** the Dream World forever. Great idea, terribly implemented.
X/Y are really polished, great selection of Pokemon, great features...I'm just not as into it as I once was.
Obviously Red/Blue/Yellow have a special place due to them being the games that got me into handheld gaming and made me pay more attention to Nintendo than before.
Gen 2 just had a crappy selection of Pokemon, even if it gave us the majesty that is Wobbuffet. I appreciated we got two regions in one game though...