1. I believe Mario is getting another representative, with the roster size going up the most important series will get one more representative to keep their ratio about the same. The most unique addition would be Paper Mario in the sense that he comes from a completely different line of games and has a completely different play-style because his game isn't even the same genre. This is the reason I think Paper Mario is the most probable of all Mario characters to appear in this game.
2. King K. Rool is not only a great addition to an underrepresented franchise, but it is one of the most wanted characters, period. He also is long over-due.
3. I believe that in order to fill in a spot for the Zelda series and in order to get in a character from the last games (and the next upcoming game, which there are many theories that it could be a direct sequel to Skyward Sword like Majora's was to OoT or Spirit Tracks was to Phantom Hourglass), Zelda and Sheik will be separated. Sheiks moveset will be incorporated into Impa who would be redesigned to feel and look more like Sheik but in the end she would still be SS's Impa. Zelda on the other hand would get a new down-B.
Note: Ganondorf would get a completely new moveset that uses his dark magic and his sword gameplay that is cannon to the Zelda series, technically making him a new character, but, more on that later.
4. Following the separation of Zelda and Sheik, Samus and ZS Samus would be separated in order to make it more obvious to players how to choose her. (as there are many casual players who believe this can only be achieved by Final Smashes, I ain't kidding you, I actually know these people), this can also be done to "round-up" the roster and make it look more organized (which is why I did it quite honestly xD).
5. A long overdue character for an underrepresented franchise. Ridley is also one of the most wanted characters since Melee. He is not only very much asked for but also highly debated, as we all know, which only increases his popularity and chances of getting in.
6. With Uprising, Kid Icarus fame has risen (bad joke?) and the game has built a very big fanbase which crave for more characters. As we all know, Nintendo lack a lot of strong female characters that are actually important or play any role in their games, they shouldn't pass down on one that fits not only all those bills but any other criterias thrown at her. Let us not forget the fact that her complete redesign was done by the same man who is making the game.
7. Black Shadow. Now here's the thing... Why not Samurai Goroh? Well it's because quite honestly Black Shadow would serve to please the current Ganondorf fans. With the inclusion of Dark Shadow, Ganondorf's current moveset could be de-clonified a bit further and then given to Black Shadow as his movement set and Ganondorf could then get a complete overhaul and moveset redesign from scratch in order for him to use black magic and his sword, cannon to the games.
Black Shadow would then take the torch for all the old Ganondorf fans that liked him because of his moves and feel instead of his actual character, and people who like Ganondorf for his character would love to have him redesigned and use all those cool abilities from the games thus everyone is happy. (Except Samurai Goroh fans I guess).
8. Mewtwo returns. Do I seriously need to explain this one?

. Mewtwo is the most wanted character in the game right now, he is also the new face of the X and Y games that are being developed and was also chosen to be the new face of generation 6 as a whole (at least from what we can tell from all the ads and commercials), not only that but he is being given the main part in the upcoming Pokemon movie. (The question here is, will we get old Mewtwo, new Mewtwo, a transformation between them or both?)
9. Roy returns. Roy is competing to be the second most wanted character in most eastern and western polls, beating all newcomers except for Megaman. He was already in smash which increases his chances of appearing in the game, the only two things going against him are his cloned moveset and the fact that he wields a sword just like the two other characters from FE we already have, when that franchise has so much more diversity to choose from.
10. Little Mac is a very popular character. He basically has a built in moveset already made which makes his inclusion that much easier. Very popular in the western continents and very important to Nintendo history.
11. There have been many hints to remembrance of Takamaru's games like the mini game in Nintendo Land. Also if I am not mistaken he has been mentioned a lot lately around and is also a very popular and very wanted character in the game. Smash would be an ideal game to revive said character which is something that seems to be in the making.
12. The Golden Sun franchise has a big fan base and many people want Isaac in. Although not very popular in the east, the franchise as a whole has been acknowledged by Sakurai by having Isaac as an AT last game and Isaac is still in the list of the most wanted characters, albeit he is low. Some people argue that he no longer holds as much relevance to the series and that if Golden Sun made it into the game it would probably not be Isaac, but the new protagonist. Even though this holds merit, it is my believe that Smash is not only a promotion game, but also a fan-service game and sometimes decisions are not solely based on what makes more money but also on what people actually want to play as.
13. I am pretty confident there will be at least 1 Namco representative, given that they are helping develop the game. In my opinion it will most likely be Pac-Man as a character from their other fighting games will probably seem a bit off in Smash. Basically getting a character from Namco would require much less hassle than getting any other 3rd party, period. In my opinion when waging hassle vs reward Pac-Man would come out on top of any third party character given the fact that no other third party comes close in ease of implementation.
14. When Brawl was finished, many people were dissapointed Megaman was not in the game. It was revealed that Sakurai never approached Capcom and Capcom showed no sign of displeasure at the idea of Megaman being in the game. With Smash 4 being made, it is now a different story now that Megaman is the most wanted newcomer (and second most wanted character overall, only behind Mewtwo) by a huge margin, no other character's popularity even dents Megaman's numbers. Also Megaman just fits so perfectly in the game it is austounding.
Note: Also I believe Snake might be cut. With the new inclusion of Playstation Allstars it might be harder to get Snake into the game. And I know Sakurai and Kojima are great friends and that it was actually Kojima who wanted Snake in the game since Melee, but I have a weird feeling that Sony might just buy out Snake or do some deal with Kojima (or Konami) about him not being in Smash.
15. To end it, I also think that there will probably be one more 3rd party newcomer, although I have no idea who, but I do believe there will be one more. Because of this I have added Bomberman, who after Megaman (and obviously Pac-Man), I believe is the most probable 3rd party to be introduced. (That might be a bit biased because personally I want him to get in).
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a lot.
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