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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
But Doc.Mario and Mario have diference in damage and other stuff, right?
In this case will be just a color, like Wario alternate clothes. I can't understand your point to impossibilite this.
My point was that Dr. Mario, despite being a different version of the same character does not share the same roster slot.

Then why should Marth and Lucina, who are two COMPLETELY DIFFERENT characters share the same spot?

If Lucina is included, she WILL get her own spot on the roster, separate from Marth. And more importantly, they will be clones/semi-clones, like Mario and Dr. Mario.


Smash Lord
Feb 4, 2012
So she couldn't happen. I can't believe Sakurai will make more and more clones to SSB franchise.
I believe that with this game he could evolve. So whatever you says, I will keep my bet in Marth/Lucina or just Marth, never in separated spot.
About Lucinda and Marth be "completely different" characters Lucinda is extremely similar a Marth in looking and fight-style ( did you play the game?)... is not like put together Ike/Chrom.


Smash Lord
May 28, 2013
Who's asking?
Why Rosalina? ( Mario franchise)
I think all we here know that SSB has few female characters. And more, Nintendo loves Rosalina. Rosalina is in MKWii and Galaxy 1 and 2.
Is very possible that she doesn't will appear in future entries so now is the time.Anyway, even if she isn't there , her chances are similar do Paper Mario and Bowser.Jr to me, and her moveset could be interesting.
Roslina isn't a popular choice among the fans. Because poeple would much rather see Bowser Jr., Paper Mario, or even Toad, Rosalina is highly unlikely.

Why remove Falco,Ike,Lucario and Jigglypuff?
About Falco: Fox,Falco and Wolf share some similar (obviously not equal) moves so... Three is too much. Fox for a faster gameplay and Wolf for a slower and stronger gameplay is something I would not complain. And to give a Starfox Newcomer (and a female character) : Krystal.I know it's sad to see a character go ( much more if you main him) but think about it.
Falco was added first, and is the most used Star Fox character, I believe. If he's gone, the fans will most likely be pissed. I agree that Krystal would replace him, though. I doubt we'll see either Falco or Wolf leave, though.

About Ike : Ike is my favorite Fire Emblem character. Unfortanely , Marth is my most hated. But Marth is the most know character from Fire Emblem and now have a way to put him and publich a new game (Awakening) with Lucinda being playable with the same moveset.Yeah, hard imagine something nice like Lucinda being a pallete for that stupid Marth, but don't sound like SSBros?( We have even Ganon and C.Falcon with similar moveset). Lin is other popular character, and already appear like a trophy in SSBB. Ike is dead to Nintendo. The hero of FE: PoR and FE: RD it's gone and I believe we will not see him in SSB anymore. Truly in my heart I just believe in Marth and Chrom in SSB4... but i put some hope.
Chrom and Ike definately have clear similarities, so I can see the removal of Ike happening, but I don't like it.

About Lucario and Jigly: Jigly is in SSBB to keep the "initial 12" ... Come on, nobody cares about that ball , Kirby is much more cool.
Lucario is a character that i don't like but i see representate the bad-*** pokemon for a new generation. But with the return of Mewtwo, nobody will miss Lucario. I really think that the possibility that Sakurai keep Lucario and returns Mewtwo is almost 0. So, Mewtwo.
Jigglypuff is very popular in Japan and Sakurai's favourite Pokemon. Nobody has complained enough to get it kicked out so far, so it's doubtful we'll see it go. Lucario could stay or go.

Other Newcomers( Shulk, Jin , AC.Player,Toon Ganondorf, Jin and Mii):
Toon Ganondorf is a masterplan. Nintendo is remaking Wind Waker , put Toon Ganondorf make some marketing. After all, Ganondorf was the most trolled character in Super Smash Bros, being a slower clone of C.Falcon without purpose. Give him new abilities and a new look. To end with it, I bet the presence of Ghiraihim in this game, and he is not "Toon". So one villain to Link, and one villain to Toon Link.
Toon Ganondorf is much less significant than Ganondorf, end of story. I have considered giving Toon Ganondorf's twin-blade fighting style to Ganondorf in Smash, though.

Shulk and Jin:
Xenoblade chronicles is a incredible RPG and with Monolith software being a first-party, it's a nice gift.Her moveset is easy to make, Shulk presence will make people know Xenoblade (a AD help) and consequent know X ( next Monolith RPG for Wii U). Other point is his problably appearence in the X teaser. Is a nice "3º" party inclusion. Jin should be Namco character. Why one Tekken Char? Nintendo is actually giving Tekken more suport than Tales series... We have Tekken Tag Tournament 2 to Wii U and no Tales announced and after all the only char Tales could give us is Lloyd, another swordfigther. Jin could be the human character in the place was Snake in Brawl.
I wouldn't doubt that Sakurai would either choose Pac-Man (mascot) or Lloyd Irving as the Namco rep. These to are easily the two popular choices. Shulk makes perfect sense, but your explanation is awkward. People already know about Xenoblade, which is how it got to North America in the first place.

A.C Player :
Now it's time. I don't give a f*** about what Sakurai says. Sakurai already says a lot of things that doesn't necessary happens in SSB. The moveset could be the more simples to do... just look a the game, he does a lot of things. Put Tom Nook is nice, and he have charisma but her problem is not have any moveset. Tom Nook talk, and throw Bells and itens in enemies ? I think the villager is a better choice. About her appearence put a default and a option to import the avatar of your save of AC:New Leaf . "Oh god, how it's is possible?". Smashville already read the time of your Wii to modificate the scenario... it's not so impossible or hard to make. It's like they already must do with the Mii, other char I think could be interesting. With so many sports and with Sport Resorts, moveset is not a problem at all. Is not build your char, it's just Mii... we already have in Mario Kart and the game doesn't suck for this.
Adding an Animal Crossing character as a fighter completely disrupts the innocence of the character which misrepresents the series. There are also other, and more popular, choices for misc.

The cutting of Marth makes no sense as he is the icon of Fire Emblem in Japan.

The cutting of R.O.B is questionable as well seeing as though no one is complaining about him.

So she couldn't happen. I can't believe Sakurai will make more and more clones to SSB franchise.
I believe that with this game he could evolve. So whatever you says, I will keep my bet in Marth/Lucina or just Marth, never in separated spot.
About Lucinda and Marth be "completely different" characters Lucinda is extremely similar a Marth in looking and fight-style ( did you play the game?)... is not like put together Ike/Chrom.
Lucina and Marth are similar in fighting style, but they are two different people. That was his point.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
I said Lucina would be a semi-clone, did you not read? :p

As for different characters, I'm not talking in terms of moveset, but in terms of identity.

Marth is a boy, Lucina is a girl. They will atleast have different voice acting, and a few different moves at least. Is that not sufficient to give them separate slots?


Smash Lord
Feb 4, 2012
I don't really know Jigly was Sakurai favourite pokemon...
But I think your critic was construtive and you understand my point of view.
It's very sad cut characters, but i think much people will be that sad later, because it will happen.

I expect that Namco Bandai are working in balance so... we don't will have more 10 chars.
Now I'm sad that Jigly will problaby stay. And I can see Ike going away... no Ike, NO! Fight for your friends once more :urg:
PS: About ROB, I can see why he is in SSBB. But with so many space and do many chars to input, I can see him retiring too.He is one of the less expected chars in SSBB and yet problably the most unknown... I'm tired of explain some friends that he isn't Wall-E.

If any of my bets happens but Dixie appear... Everything would be forgotten.


Smash Lord
May 28, 2013
Who's asking?
What do you think of my roster, on the first post of the page?
Oh, I missed it. I'll have a look too.
There are only two things. I question the likelihood of Tingle (though I do think he's a good choice) and I really don't like the idea of having four swordsman to represent Fire Emblem. It misrepresents the series. There are other aspects we can look at, such as magic.

Overall, it's a really good roster. :) Why not have a 50th character, though?


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Oh, I missed it. I'll have a look too.
There are only two things. I question the likelihood of Tingle (though I do think he's a good choice) and I really don't like the idea of having four swordsman to represent Fire Emblem. It misrepresents the series. There are other aspects we can look at, such as magic.

Overall, it's a really good roster. :) Why not have a 50th character, though?
That gap in the corner is for the random button.

And actually there are 52 characters, if you take into account Pokémon trainers 3 pokémon and Sheik.


Smash Lord
Feb 4, 2012
It's not a horrible rooster (like you say about mine) but I can't believe in him.

Mario franchise : O.k, your choice is even more possible then Rosalina(Yet I yet believes in her).

Zelda Franchise : Crazy, at least. I can't imagine that the unique diference shoul be the inclusion of Tingle. Talking about moveset, so many characters has better options. And you can't deny, Giraihim is much more possibly.I don't even could imagine Tingle playable.

Metroid : The same way you can't see Marth/Lucinda together, I can't see ZSS and Samus in diferent spots. I can believe that she could be playable by a easier motion and should be nice if transform Samus in ZSS could be easier too, but just that. After all, I don't believe in Ridley like a playable character different for the most people says.

Kid Icarus: I don't know if Palutena gameplay will be nice, so I rather don't input her in my rooster, but is a nice shot. I don't choose her because my rooster has -9 chars ( 49 is too much, seriously).

Star Fox: I expect something New. I remove Falco for my rooster but could be the cut of Wolf too. But not the same trio again... I think is just .. MEH

Fire Emblem: Fire Emblem will never have more reps than Donkey Kong. It's a crime. And I really love the franchise but I accept that is a dream. Even if we have 4 chars of FE, return Roy and keep Ike don't make any sense to me. Is similar fight style with Chrom, anyway. And too much swordmen for one franchise. If we have 4 FE chars I rather some magic or even axe(AXE in FE is for N00BS).

You have some chars that I REALLY don't support and can't expect.
Snake will be cutted. Believe me.

Takamaru and Isaac have chances but Sakurai says he don't want many 3º's in the game, so I don't expect more than 3.
Sonic will still, so we just will have more 2. I believe in a Namco/Bandai char, so o.k with Pacman.

I doubt too of Mewtwo and Lucario in the same game.

In resume... I don't believe in this. First of all because have so much chars and second because have some absurd choices ( like Tingle,Snake and Roy).


Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
I don't really know Jigly was Sakurai favourite pokemon...
But I think your critic was construtive and you understand my point of view.
It's very sad cut characters, but i think much people will be that sad later, because it will happen.

I expect that Namco Bandai are working in balance so... we don't will have more 10 chars.
Now I'm sad that Jigly will problaby stay. And I can see Ike going away... no Ike, NO! Fight for your friends once more :urg:
PS: About ROB, I can see why he is in SSBB. But with so many space and do many chars to input, I can see him retiring too.
You're basing alot of things on completely baseless "what-ifs" and don't seem to have full knowledge of all involved characters. I'm also going to guess that English is not your first language.

Don't worry so much. Remember that Sakurai was very pleased with Brawl's roster, so I wouldn't expect cuts at all. In addition, I'd expect at least 7 newcomers. That's part of what builds so much hype and they know that!

I'm gettin a doom-and-gloom vibe here man, mellow out a bit!

Edit: Snake isn't going anywhere. People these days...


Smash Lord
Feb 4, 2012
About knowledge of all involved characters, I just don't know Sakurai relation with each one.
Other way, no problems. Is not like a don't know someone in Brawl and want it cutted because means nothing to me.

About the language, you're right. I'm trying to make it "readable".Sorry any problems with this.

And about the cutted characters, I think will happen. Maybe not with Falco or Wolf, but someone, I insist.


Smash Hero
Jul 23, 2012

1. I don't see Pikmin getting a new rep. Especially not one that would probably end up being a clone.
2. Krystal is an interesting choice and props for not cutting Falco or Wolf just to add her.
3. I don't see there being two Fire Emblem Awakening reps and i don't see Ike getting cut.
4. I can't see Dixie and King K Rool both getting in. But i wont deny how great that would be.
5. If F-Zero gets a new rep they will only get one. Not two. Samurai Goroh is the more preferred one.
6. Mike is a bit of an unlikely choice. He isn't popular or even thought about much except by a small handful of people. But it would be cool to see an NA/EU only character (Mike) fight a JP only character. (Takamaru)
7. Seven would be awesome. But i can't see Xenoblade being added with two reps.
8. I can't see the Hoenn Trainer being chosen to replace the GEN 1 trainer. However, i can see the Hoenn Trainer (Male and Female) act as alternate costumes for the GEN 1 Trainer.
9. Zoroark seem unlikely now. However, i could see it get chosen if they wanted to add a Black and White rep. But i can't see them replacing Jigglypuff either.
10. I'd recommend cutting out "Seven", Mike, Black Shadow, either "Marth" or Chrom, Dixie or King K Rool (Depends who you like more in the DK section), and Alph. But thats just me.
11. For a roster that has no third parties, this is a decent roster.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Okay, I made a new roster. This one is no way realistic (it has 74 characters!), but follows a certain set of rules...
See if you can figure out by yourself without opening the spoiler tag!

Pseudo Wishlist Roster.png

[collapse="The Spoiler Tag"]The roster's main criteria is that all veteran series except Yoshi's Island, Pikmin and retro series (Ice Climber, R.O.B. and Game & Watch) get at least 4 characters, while adding several new series, all represented by only one character.
All veterans return, except Young Link and Pichu.[/collapse]

I warn again: THIS IS NOT A REALISTIC ROSTER. Though I had some of Sakurai's criteria in consideration.
Another note is that Waluigi is considered part of the main Mario series (Mushroom icon), despite being grouped with the Wario characters.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
@New Dumal
I separated ZSS so that I could make a rectangle. :p
I'm pretty sure that they will share the same spot, though.

Takamaru and Isaac are Nintendo characters. Yes, they're first party.

As for StarFox, the Brawl trio is the most popular one, and I believe they will stay. Sakurai had the option for adding Krystal in Brawl, but he added Wolf. Why? He is more important to the series. Falco is a two time veteran, and was chosen over even Wolf, for Melee, so there is no reason for either of them to go.

About Fire Emblem getting more characters than Donkey Kong, it is very possible. You see, Fire Emblem has a much larger cast of feasible characters than DK. And Sakurai is also a big FE fan. Both Roy and Chrom are very popular choices as well.

About Pokémon, Lucario has a chance to be cut, I'll admit, but his continued popularity even in the face of Gen V shows that he has staying power. Though we will see.

You say there are too many characters, but it's only a little above 50. Characters sell the game. Seriously.

Snake was added as a personal favour, and it would be a slap in the face of his friendship with Kojima if Snake is cut.

Now, Tingle. He is very popular in Japan, and has 4 spin-off games of his own. I believe he is the most logical Zelda character to add. If you have played, Tingle's Rosy RupeeLand, he does fight in that game.


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
I'm here to say one thing.


Anyone who suggests he will be... I just... There's no words I can say to express how confused you make me. There is 1 pre-requesite to be a smash character and only one. The character must have limbs. Characters without limbs are automatically disqualified on account of the fact that they cant do anything. Pac man has no limbs. Therefore, he can not do anything. He cant jump, he cant grab, punch, kick, dodge or do anything.


This is an example of what having no limbs does to your ability as a fighter. Would the black knight be a good character in smash? No, but at least hes more realisic than pac man.


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
So some cover-art to give the character more personality than a rock is now official.

Why dont nintendo make the smash ball a playable character by giving it arms and legs. same difference.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
So some cover-art to give the character more personality than a rock is now official.

Why dont nintendo make the smash ball a playable character by giving it arms and legs. same difference.
You are a troll, aren't you?


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
So some cover-art to give the character more personality than a rock is now official.

Why dont nintendo make the smash ball a playable character by giving it arms and legs. same difference.
That has always been his official art. He had no limbs in his original arcade game due to hardware limitations.

In his 3D games, he has limbs. In Street Fighter X Tekken, he has limbs.


Smash Hero
Jul 23, 2012
I'm here to say one thing.


Anyone who suggests he will be... I just... There's no words I can say to express how confused you make me. There is 1 pre-requesite to be a smash character and only one. The character must have limbs. Characters without limbs are automatically disqualified on account of the fact that they cant do anything. Pac man has no limbs. Therefore, he can not do anything. He cant jump, he cant grab, punch, kick, dodge or do anything.


This is an example of what having no limbs does to your ability as a fighter. Would the black knight be a good character in smash? No, but at least hes more realisic than pac man.
Lrn 2 google you idiot. Seriously do some research before saying stupid comments like this. Also, if you're a troll, well you're garbage at what you're trying to do.



Smash Lord
May 13, 2006
Western NY
Pac-Man fits many of the criteria of Smash. He's an iconic video game character, and unlike the other possible Namco reps he is recognized even beyond gamers. He has a long history on Nintendo consoles going back to the NES. He has a art style and possible move-set that would fit well in Smash. Etc.


Smash Hero
Jul 23, 2012
Why is it when people think Pac-Man can't work they are too lazy to research or are just garbage trolls? (i'm not lying when i say this is usually what happens)

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Hoo boy....

I'm kinda glad I wasn't here for some of this.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 22, 2013
I don't think I have ever seen anyone more stupid then this. Except for that one person I met who wanted master chief. I am not a supporter of pac man ( Lloyd for the win ) but everyone knows he has limbs. Do some research before you rant.


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2010
Shoreline, WA
I agree with the getting cut and coming back. But, I mean other people do it to. I originally had Leif instead of Roy, and Ike instead of Lyn.
Neither of those is likely. I think Ike staying and Roy not making it in is much likelier vice versa. People like Ike. If he's cut we'll see a similar backlash to Roy's. If Roy doesn't return people will just stay disappointed.

And I guess I agree with Ridley not being overpowered, but it WOULD be kind of weird after Ridley was such a hassle to beat in the Subspace Emissary.
Doesn't matter. Adventure mode isn't a thing when determining characters. Besides, you don't see G&W swarming with Primid juice or R.O.B. dropping Subspace bombs in battles.

And the reason I have Roy is because I never saw reason for him to be cut in the first place. But then again if I had Leif or Eirika as the Marth clone (like I have for so long. Everybody would be like, where's Roy?
Roy wouldn't be returning as a Marth clone though? He'd almost certainly be a semi-clone at most. If Sakurai was gonna add a Marth clone for the sake of being a Marth clone, I'm pretty sure it'd be the lady who pretended to be him in Awakening (Lucina), not the less-popular protagonist of one game or someone who hasn't been around in a while.

I just don't base my rosters on what OTHER people think unless it's clearly obvious that it's a bad idea. Because like what people on here criticize about, other forums and websites about SSB4 praise. You know stuff like Matthew, Ninten, Leif and Newtwo. So I go with what I think is more likely.
I just think the face of the series (Isaac), a more unique character (Masked Man? Porky?), and a more recent character (Lucina maybe?) are more likely.
Also Mewtwo's Awakening form would probably be an option or a transformation, I think, not his only form.

(One time I made one with Paulatena just to see what would happen because everyone was like "She's the most likely rep. But, then everyone on IGN was saying why she just wouldn't work and complained about her. So I IMMEDIATELY scrapped her.)
She'd work fine. Didn't you just say you don't base your roster on what other people think?

Palutena is one of the likeliest newcomers in Smash 4, I think.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 22, 2013
Neither of those is likely. I think Ike staying and Roy not making it in is much likelier vice versa. People like Ike. If he's cut we'll see a similar backlash to Roy's. If Roy doesn't return people will just stay disappointed.

Doesn't matter. Adventure mode isn't a thing when determining characters. Besides, you don't see G&W swarming with Primid juice or R.O.B. dropping Subspace bombs in battles.

Roy wouldn't be returning as a Marth clone though? He'd almost certainly be a semi-clone at most. If Sakurai was gonna add a Marth clone for the sake of being a Marth clone, I'm pretty sure it'd be the lady who pretended to be him in Awakening (Lucina), not the less-popular protagonist of one game or someone who hasn't been around in a while.

I just think the face of the series (Isaac), a more unique character (Masked Man? Porky?), and a more recent character (Lucina maybe?) are more likely.
Also Mewtwo's Awakening form would probably be an option or a transformation, I think, not his only form.

She'd work fine. Didn't you just say you don't base your roster on what other people think?

Palutena is one of the likeliest newcomers in Smash 4, I think.
Is it safe to assume that this was based towards Noah because I can't tell. Luckily I don't see his posts anymore.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
I don't think I have ever seen anyone more stupid then this. Except for that one person I met who wanted master chief. I am not a supporter of pac man ( Lloyd for the win ) but everyone knows he has limbs. Do some research before you rant.
Supporting a yellow pizza-shaped ball with limbs, I see the problem here :p

Okay, I made a new roster. This one is no way realistic (it has 74 characters!), but follows a certain set of rules...
See if you can figure out by yourself without opening the spoiler tag!

View attachment 789

[collapse="The Spoiler Tag"]The roster's main criteria is that all veteran series except Yoshi's Island, Pikmin and retro series (Ice Climber, R.O.B. and Game & Watch) get at least 4 characters, while adding several new series, all represented by only one character.
All veterans return, except Young Link and Pichu.[/collapse]

I warn again: THIS IS NOT A REALISTIC ROSTER. Though I had some of Sakurai's criteria in consideration.
Another note is that Waluigi is considered part of the main Mario series (Mushroom icon), despite being grouped with the Wario characters.
I'm surprised that there is no historic rep.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2006
Western NY
Really, the only historic (Mario, Sonic, Pac-Man level) video game character I can think of that definitely wouldn't work is the Pong paddle.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
My reaction to the last two pages: :facepalm:. The ****storm may have already begun people. Man the shelters!

Snake will be back.

Chrom will be the initial Awakening Rep chosen. Read my rant in the Chrom thread if you wish to know why I say that.

Dr. Mario can return as an Alt costume. This is not Melee.

Pac-Man can work.

Noah is still being ignorant as ever. Surprise surprise.

Seriously. Groups. Now.


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
Lrn 2 google you idiot. Seriously do some research before saying stupid comments like this. Also, if you're a troll, well you're garbage at what you're trying to do.

Yes I've seen that video before, and it changes nothing to me. I've also read blogs and whatnot about reasons why he would be in and they all have the same amazingly shallow argument of 'namco is making it'. Because we all know that when nintendo were in full control it, characters like waddle dee, starfy and balloon fighter were such guaranteed newcomers. With no personality or suitability for a fighting game, they get shafted. Despite that, they still have way more of a chance than a yellow circle.

All smash characters have nintendo history in some way or another and dont anyone try to give me this 'oh they put snake and sonic in as 3rd parties so why cant pac man?' because you should all KNOW why they were put in and that Pacman has exactly no bargaining power compared to what those two had, from Kojima and the smash bros fan base respectively. And although having 3rd parties in the game was not smash bros formula, at the least THEY WERE VIABLE FIGHTING CHARACTERS. That SF video is just dumb, putting pacman in an eggman-style machine. Because thats totally going to happen in smash.

Obviously people in this thread are far too new to smashboards to know that im not a troll, and besides the point you dont even know the definition of the word. Look it up, and youll find what im doing is posting an opinion. Find where I insulted anyone directly or incited flame wars. I didnt.

The point is, is pac man gets in, I will be very surprised and extremely disappointed, that chunk of data could have been better programmed for an extra platform on New Pork City 2.0. I sincerely doubt he will get in for the aforementioned reasons, and peoples attachment to the character makes no fathomable sense to me. Like, I cant stand kingdom hearts, for 100 reasons. But I can still see sora getting in and I wouldnt care. I liked playing pacman on my old mobile phones, doesnt mean i ever want to see him in smash, wasting precious disk space.


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2007
Nowhere, Alaska
Sleep makes me miss so much! Mobile sucks so im gonna address thoughts without quoting but you all know who you are.

Dr. Mario is not a different incarnation if Mario. He's Mario in a Doc suit. Toon/Young Link is a separate entity from adult Link.

Noah you lost all claims to logic when i saw your possible inclusion/DLC list thingy. There's no logic there at all. Same with not even at least including Ridley on that list.

Lulz at the guy labeled as a Smash Hater haha. Never seen that.

And congrats new dumal in having a roster worse than Noah's. Yikes. *roster btw. Rooster sounds a little...strange.
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