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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Deleted member

I just think it would be weird and that there are much better choices for third party characters. Also those Mario Kart games were arcade games. I think he's one of the only characters who might get in JUST because everybody wants him.

Sakurai DID say he wasn't gonna add Namco reps just because they were helping with the game.
Last time I checked, Pac-Man was definitely not the most wanted character and for a third-party, Mega Man outclassed him by a wide margin. Bomberman, a second Sonic rep and to a lesser extent, a Tales rep (because of very strong demand in Japan) are also competitive with Pac-Man in requests.

That said, I'm going to need a source on the latter. I have doubts about Sakurai adding a Namco rep, but proof is needed.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
I'm not too excited about Pac-Man, but if it means that we'll get content and music tracks from Mario Kart Arcade GP and Galaga Arrangement, then I'm in.

Actually your roster is pretty good.

Only Problems

Captain Syrup- We don't really need another Wario rep, and even if we did she's kind of obscure and well, doesn't represent the Wario franchise very well.

Dillon- Should be an assist trophy in my opinion.

Issac (Adult)- If Issac is in SSB he would be in the form from his original 2 games

Felix- Don't know who he is so I can't comment

Porkey- I just don't see it.

2 choices I don't think are bad:

Black Shadow- Wouldn't he be another Ganondorf. Maybe not so hes not a bad choice.

Samurai Goroh- This is a good choice, but not for any roster that has Takamaru and a lot of FE reps.
Sources please.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC

I think this video does the best job at summing up how badass Pac Man can really be, especially at the end. :cool:


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Finally has a moveset for the Prince of Sable:

Prince Sable

Special Moves:

Dust!: Prince Sable swivels the ground to create dust that stuns opponent for a moment to give priority to do a quick attack. It only last as much as the time Mewtwo used Disable on an opponent.

Whip: Prince Sable turns into a Snake to whip out the opponents straightforward. However, this move does not damage the opponent, but rather make a good knockback far enough to escape from a situation.

Frog Jump: Prince Sable turns into a Frog to jump very high but in a straight vertical way (Just like Luigi’s Super Jump, only higher and a small delay occurs before using). This move does not make knockback, nor does damage anyone. It’s a risky move to use.

En Garde!: Much like Marth’s counter, only it’s a multihitting attack by jamming the special butting to attack more. This move can only be used when Sable is near the opponent(Not Jigglypuff correctly using Rest near, just a little far than that). Oddly enough, this does not create knockback, but it’s worth pummeling out lots of damage out of En Garde!

Smash Attacks:

Side-Smash: Prince Sable turns into Snake form to bite the opponent in great knockback. This attack also stuns the opponent for a short period of time (Referencing how Sable could turn enemies into blocks using Bite) before the knockback begins if you wanna pummel some more.

Up-Smash: Prince Sable turns into Snake form to jump and bite the opponent in the air.
It’s a straight-forward move but powerful in damage and knockback.

Down-Smash: Prince Sable Turns into Snake form to Whip around a circle of knockback. Although not as powerful as the smash attacks, it creates good all around hitbox around Sable for space.

Aerial Attacks:

Neutral-Air: Prince Sable turns into Frog form to scramble attack (much like Luigi’s dash attack) with good knockback at the end. This is good to annoy the opponent, as it fastest to use.

Forward-Air: Prince Sable swings his sword in the air twice for good knockback. Much like Metaknight’s F-Air, only a little slower and better in knockback.

Back-Air: Prince Sable turns into Frog Mode to kick backwards for great knockback. Like Mario’s Back-air, only better in damage and knockback.

Up-Air: Prince Sable turns into Frog Mode to headbutt in the air for good knockback.

D-Air: Prince Sable turns into Frog Mode to kick downwards and (guarenteed) meteor smash. Although it does not do damage and it only can be used when below the opponent, when using D-air when the opponent is on the ground, it pounces the opponent to lie on the ground. This move has very-fast start-up to make up for it.

Standard Attacks:

Neutral Attack: Prince Sable attacks with his Golden Sword to combo into a finishing (Link-Melee-esque) multi-hit jab attack.

Side Attack: Prince Sable swings his sword upward to create knockback vertically. Pretty good move to use if you want be tricky.

Dash Attack: Prince Sable Stabs the opponent similar to one in the final battle. It has great straight forward knockback with great damage.

Down Attack: Prince Sable turns into Snake form to whip out the opponent with slightly good knockback and damage.

Up Attack: Prince Sable turns into Frog Form to spin attack in the (like Olimar’s up attack).

(Prince Sable turns into frog form to capture the opponent with the tongue)

Forward Throw: Prince Sable (In frog form) swings the opponent out in the air forward.

Back Throw: Prince Sable (In frog form) swings the opponent out in the air backwards.

Down Throw: Prince Sable (In frog form) spits out the opponent to the ground to lie the opponent down with good damage.

Up Throw: Prince Sable (In frog form) spits out the opponent in the air and turns into human form to swing his sword in the air for good knockback and damage.


Up Taunt: Prince Sable shows the bag of money (he possibly received back in the end of the game) and drops it (Saying,”Here’s your bet!” in Japanese). The money bag serves as a blocking Sandbag that resists only a few attacks for a short while.

Down Taunt: Prince Sable turns into Snake form and hisses at the opponent.

Side Taunt: Prince Sable turns into Frog form to capture a fly (from the game) with his tongue.

Victory Themes:

Victory 1: Prince Sable turns into frog form and flip bounces around.

Victory 2: Prince Sable plays with his sword and says,”You definitely need some courage” in Japanese.

Victory 3: Prince Sable turns into Snake form and slithers in circles.

Final Smash: Prince Sable creates balls of fire (platform ranged), that if the opponent is surrounded, will be attacked by Sable with the stabs from the final battle, with a powerful stab as the finishing move.


Smash Master
Jun 3, 2013
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Lucario is the most popular non legendary Pokemon out of the 3rd 4th and 5th gens combined right?


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
I take it back I have no confidence that Pac-Man will make it at all.

I think this video does the best job at summing up how badass Pac Man can really be, especially at the end. :cool:
Any video game character can pose like sonic does and then claim to be as equally popular and "badass" as he is. Just sayin.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
What exactly is badass about Pac-Man? I see Lloyd as a lot more badass than that yellow circle with a creepy smile. He scares me!

Seriously though guys, less than TWO DAYS! We're almost there.

Deleted member

What exactly is badass about Pac-Man? I see Lloyd as a lot more badass than that yellow circle with a creepy smile. He scares me!

Seriously though guys, less than TWO DAYS! We're almost there.
I actually don't find Pac-Man's new design to be all that creepy, but more lame.

If we absolutely must deal with Pac-Man, I'd rather have his Pac-Man World design. Don't like how his new game makes him look kind of robotic.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
I actually don't find Pac-Man's new design to be all that creepy, but more lame.

If we absolutely must deal with Pac-Man, I'd rather have his Pac-Man World design. Don't like how his new game makes him look kind of robotic.
I honestly would rather have Pac-Man as an Assist Trophy. I picture it like when he grabs a Power Pellet, and then attacks everyone after they turn blue like the ghosts from the original game. It would be a lot more fitting to me anyway.

I think Lloyd could very well happen. How is Tales of Symphonia when compared to other Tales series games? A friend of mine says it is considered one of the best, if not THE best. That would be significant for Lloyd. Not to mention the remake on the way. That has to mean a little something.

Deleted member

"If we must deal with Pac-Man"
You say that, I say "If I must deal with Lloyd". Personally, I find no legit reason for me to want him in the game.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
"If we must deal with Pac-Man"
You say that, I say "If I must deal with Lloyd". Personally, I find no legit reason for me to want him in the game.
This is true. Honestly, in my opinion, while I don't WANT Pac-Man, and would certainly be disappointed if he got in over Lloyd, I'm sure I would get used to it and get over it.

Have you ever played Symphonia Golden? I'm just wondering because I know that some people don't particularly like Lloyd even after playing it. I do like him myself (obviously). Although, I can't say anything about any of the other protagonists because Symphonia is the only game of the series I've played.


Smash Ace
Mar 25, 2013
The pichu bouncy castle in nimbasa city
I fixed my roster up for before E3. Lets see what you all think.

And here is some of the method behind the madness:

mario series: No one new is important enough to warrant inclusion besides bowser jr. but I opted him out. Could make good DLC.

DK series: King K is hugely popular and hugely awesome. No newcomers are shoo-ins at this point, but King K is about as close as you can get. As for Dixie, she could warrant inclusion in future titles but for now I'm not seeing it.

Paper Mario: This guy is the star of 4 different hit nintendo titles. The only thing standing in his way is that he shares identities with mario. I dont think this is a problem though since he would 99% likely have a unique moveset.

TakaMac: For Takamaru I dont know where its coming from but he is overflowing with popularity even though he has only had one crappy japan only game. He is an awesome samurai though so I got no complaints. Little Mac is also popular, and with some good games to back him up.

Retros: While the ice climbers aren't very popular, their moveset is too unique to see them going anywhere. As for balloon fighter, from what I hear his old game was pretty good, plus he just got revived in nintendo land. Ive always had a thing for the guy too, I just think he would have an awesome moveset.

R.O.B.: I dropped Rob before, but Neon convinced me to put him back on my roster. Round of applause for Neon.

Pokemon: Dropped Lucario and added Mewtwo. Mewtwo will likely be back with Newtwo transformation no sense debating his inclusion. As for Lucario I opted hi out for space constraints, great old veteran DLC opportunity.

Shulsaac: Shulks game is incredibly popular and incredibly awesome and a great new franchise. Perfect mix for a great character. As for Isaac his game is less popular, but is already in a series and it is pretty awesome as well. Also Isaac could potentially have one of the most unique and awesome movesets we've seen yet, so color me excited for that.

Fire Emblem series (My Expertise): Marth is staying due to having become the face of the franchise and starring in 4-5 games due to whether or not you count awakening's marth as an appearance. I cut Ike before, but playing through Path of Radiance has changed my mind. Try playing through Path of Radiance and NOT wanting Ike, I dare you. As for Chrom he is the face of the latest fire emblem game which was the best selling and saved the series from damnation. Plus he is pretty baller himself. I would think that he has a great shot in this game and would be surprised and confused if he was not included. Roy is a difficult case. He is incredibly popular among smash fans and they want him back. The thing is really the only thing going for him is his veteranship. I feel that if he was included he would end up being a last minute clone. But I feel like Sakurai will decide to save him for DLC. I am still sure we will see both Roy and Chrom in this game though.

metroid: Im actually surprisingly on edge about including ridley. The importance and popularity are definetly both there but my problem is of course with his size. I know many of you are saying size doesnt matter but I would have to say that people saying that are wrong. The fact of the matter is size MIGHT not matter. But it still very well could. Wasnt Ridley considered a shoo-in for brawl? Well than why was he not included? The answer could very well be his size. Right now I am 50/50 on Ridley but decided to include him to not piss people off. Be sure that if he is not playable, he will definetly still be around as a boss.

Kid Icarus series: Palutena is important, popular, and her last game was made by sakurai himself. The only way she wont be in the game is if someone else from kid icarus is.

Dillon: dont know much about this armadillo but he looks pretty awesome and comes from one of the best eshop games. Nintendo seems to be promoting the eshop more and more so his inclusion is not farfetched.

3rd parties: the world would explode if sonic were taken out. I personally wouldnt care but for certain the world would explode. Megaman is the most popular new 3rd party addition. This is in no way a guarantee of his inclusion, but it is at least a show that sakurai will strongly consider him. As for yoshimitsu I chose him as my namco rep since he is featured in both soul calibur and tekken. I also dont care how many of you think he is super unlikely and that he ruins my roster, he is staying where he is. As for cutting snake I feel he is expendable since he is third party and sakurai has stated he doesnt want the game to be overflowing with 3rd parties. I would think that two is the limit plus a namco character for helping witht the game. and mega man and sonic are definetly the most likely to take those spots. so sorry snake.

Good DLC choices: Bowser Jr., Lucario, Roy, Krystal, Snake, Goroh, Another Kid Icarus character like medusa or magnus, original character who comes from the story of smash 4


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
If we're forced to get Pac-man (hint: we're not), he better at least be a competent fighter.

I've said this before, but how a character plays can be a pretty big deal breaker.


Smash Hero
Jul 23, 2012
I fixed my roster up for before E3. Lets see what you all think.
And here is some of the method behind the madness:
mario series: No one new is important enough to warrant inclusion besides bowser jr. but I opted him out. Could make good DLC.
DK series: King K is hugely popular and hugely awesome. No newcomers are shoo-ins at this point, but King K is about as close as you can get. As for Dixie, she could warrant inclusion in future titles but for now I'm not seeing it.
Paper Mario: This guy is the star of 4 different hit nintendo titles. The only thing standing in his way is that he shares identities with mario. I dont think this is a problem though since he would 99% likely have a unique moveset.
TakaMac: For Takamaru I dont know where its coming from but he is overflowing with popularity even though he has only had one crappy japan only game. He is an awesome samurai though so I got no complaints. Little Mac is also popular, and with some good games to back him up.
Retros: While the ice climbers aren't very popular, their moveset is too unique to see them going anywhere. As for balloon fighter, from what I hear his old game was pretty good, plus he just got revived in nintendo land. Ive always had a thing for the guy too, I just think he would have an awesome moveset.
R.O.B.: I dropped Rob before, but Neon convinced me to put him back on my roster. Round of applause for Neon.
Pokemon: Dropped Lucario and added Mewtwo. Mewtwo will likely be back with Newtwo transformation no sense debating his inclusion. As for Lucario I opted hi out for space constraints, great old veteran DLC opportunity.
Shulsaac: Shulks game is incredibly popular and incredibly awesome and a great new franchise. Perfect mix for a great character. As for Isaac his game is less popular, but is already in a series and it is pretty awesome as well. Also Isaac could potentially have one of the most unique and awesome movesets we've seen yet, so color me excited for that.
Fire Emblem series (My Expertise): Marth is staying due to having become the face of the franchise and starring in 4-5 games due to whether or not you count awakening's marth as an appearance. I cut Ike before, but playing through Path of Radiance has changed my mind. Try playing through Path of Radiance and NOT wanting Ike, I dare you. As for Chrom he is the face of the latest fire emblem game which was the best selling and saved the series from damnation. Plus he is pretty baller himself. I would think that he has a great shot in this game and would be surprised and confused if he was not included. Roy is a difficult case. He is incredibly popular among smash fans and they want him back. The thing is really the only thing going for him is his veteranship. I feel that if he was included he would end up being a last minute clone. But I feel like Sakurai will decide to save him for DLC. I am still sure we will see both Roy and Chrom in this game though.
metroid: Im actually surprisingly on edge about including ridley. The importance and popularity are definetly both there but my problem is of course with his size. I know many of you are saying size doesnt matter but I would have to say that people saying that are wrong. The fact of the matter is size MIGHT not matter. But it still very well could. Wasnt Ridley considered a shoo-in for brawl? Well than why was he not included? The answer could very well be his size. Right now I am 50/50 on Ridley but decided to include him to not piss people off. Be sure that if he is not playable, he will definetly still be around as a boss.
Kid Icarus series: Palutena is important, popular, and her last game was made by sakurai himself. The only way she wont be in the game is if someone else from kid icarus is.
Dillon: dont know much about this armadillo but he looks pretty awesome and comes from one of the best eshop games. Nintendo seems to be promoting the eshop more and more so his inclusion is not farfetched.
3rd parties: the world would explode if sonic were taken out. I personally wouldnt care but for certain the world would explode. Megaman is the most popular new 3rd party addition. This is in no way a guarantee of his inclusion, but it is at least a show that sakurai will strongly consider him. As for yoshimitsu I chose him as my namco rep since he is featured in both soul calibur and tekken. I also dont care how many of you think he is super unlikely and that he ruins my roster, he is staying where he is. As for cutting snake I feel he is expendable since he is third party and sakurai has stated he doesnt want the game to be overflowing with 3rd parties. I would think that two is the limit plus a namco character for helping witht the game. and mega man and sonic are definetly the most likely to take those spots. so sorry snake.
Good DLC choices: Bowser Jr., Lucario, Roy, Krystal, Snake, Goroh, Another Kid Icarus character like medusa or magnus, original character who comes from the story of smash 4
My only problems with this are Yoshimitsu and the fact that you cut out Lucario.

I don't see Yoshimitsu up there with Lloyd and Pac-Man. Hell, he isn't even up there with the Mishimas.

Deleted member

This is true. Honestly, in my opinion, while I don't WANT Pac-Man, and would certainly be disappointed if he got in over Lloyd, I'm sure I would get used to it and get over it.

Have you ever played Symphonia Golden? I'm just wondering because I know that some people don't particularly like Lloyd even after playing it. I do like him myself (obviously). Although, I can't say anything about any of the other protagonists because Symphonia is the only game of the series I've played.
It's not that I don't like Lloyd.
It's just that I really don't see the big deal about him and why he's the better choice for Smash.

I mean, Pac-Man is Pac-Man, and while that reason is rather shallow, that is reason enough for me to be fine with his inclusion.
The only Namco-Bandai character I'd kill to have included has no shot in Hell (Hint: he's lion-related) and it's unlikely another character from the same franchise will make it anyway.

I don't really care about any particular 3rd Party enough to give heavy support to (other than a 2nd Sonic rep like Tails/Shadow/Eggman, but Sonic's fine on his own), though if one has to be "settled on", I'd rather it be someone who gives off an air of belonging. I just don't see that air coming from Lloyd or any Tales character.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
I don't really care about any particular 3rd Party enough to give heavy support to (other than a 2nd Sonic rep like Tails/Shadow/Eggman, but Sonic's fine on his own), though if one has to be "settled on", I'd rather it be someone who gives off an air of belonging. I just don't see that air coming from Lloyd or any Tales character.

Like Snake?

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
It's not that I don't like Lloyd.
It's just that I really don't see the big deal about him and why he's the better choice for Smash.

I mean, Pac-Man is Pac-Man, and while that reason is rather shallow, that is reason enough for me to be fine with his inclusion.
The only Namco-Bandai character I'd kill to have included has no shot in Hell (Hint: he's lion-related) and it's unlikely another character from the same franchise will make it anyway.

I don't really care about any particular 3rd Party enough to give heavy support to (other than a 2nd Sonic rep like Tails/Shadow/Eggman, but Sonic's fine on his own), though if one has to be "settled on", I'd rather it be someone who gives off an air of belonging. I just don't see that air coming from Lloyd or any Tales character.
Fair enough.

My reasoning for wanting him is slightly similar to my support for Chrom, being the first and only protagonist that I've become attached to for their respective series. But I also believe that Lloyd could be considered iconic for the Tales series in regards to NIntendo, with Symphonia being as popular as it is within the series and such.

Then again, I don't know much about the other installments in the series so I can't say too much about it.

Seriously though. LESS THAT TWO. FREAKING. DAYS.

EDIT: I didn't even think of that Habanero.

Another point to add, is that the Tales series harbors a sort similar playstyle to Smash. Granted it isn't exactly he same, but Lloyd (or for that matter any Tales character) could definitely fit in if done well. Similar to Snake as Habanero mentioned.


Smash Champion
Sep 11, 2012
Hyrule Fields
the Tales series is kinda meh to me. i see the appeal but its just not for me. id much rather see Pac-Man cause i do like him and his games.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Bomberman is the S***. He is one of my favorite characters ever just because of the nostalgia of blowing up/ losing my friends in multiplayer.


Smash Ace
Feb 26, 2013
Here is my realistic prediction roster

More Predictions

1. I could easily see another zelda rep due to it being such a huge franchise and getting a new rep every game, I just dont know which one.

2. I could easily see toon link and dr. mario returning if sakurai wishes or he will most likely make them costumes.

3. Mewtwo will transform or always be in that new form.

4. F Zero could easily get a character since they have had only captain falcon for several games but this is also hard to determine.

5. Depending on whether sakurai wants to recognize luigi as his own ip I could foresee the inclusion of king boo (popular or not).
see this is the kind of predictions that make sense! thank you!


Smash Champion
Sep 11, 2012
Hyrule Fields
i dont see how Pac-Man would be unfitting considering they made Snake fit just fine and Pac-Man is far closer design wise to many of the cast within Smash already.
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