inb4 You get a New 3DS if a TTYD remake is announced with new features. Right?

Yeah, I guess this means the YouTube app the 3DS has won't suck as much as it did on the normal 3DS.
There's actually another reasons than my love for TTYD that I mention speedrun on this game.
Because my glitch hunting was for speedruns purposes. It happens that the most active and probably the only one that much active is almolicious.
He still has the record for this game and still streams today. My contribution got me a mod status in his chat and he has link only for mods on his chat so I can post links while others can't
He has a lot of mods, but you don't get it by just asking.
That's why I was referencing almo. I actually recommend to watch him, chat quality is very funny at times. Also, several flavio jokes