This Direct was GREAT. I'm glad with some of the new content.
Shadow is not an echo fighter. THANK YOU SAKURAI. Thank you thank you thank you. That would have been a waste of a potentially unique newcomer that I could actually get behind. Here's another cool thing. Lip got a Mii Costume, when I figured she was basically forgotten by Sakurai completely at this point. And since Geno supporters say that's usually a good sign towards a character's potential inclusion... hmmmmmm... nah, that could never happen.
MARIO PAINT FLYSWATTER ASSIST TROPHY!!! That game was my childhood. I'm happy that was included.
I'm impressed that Incineroar managed to make it in despite eeevvvveeerrryything that happened last week. Guess I should have stuck with Vergeben even after the Grinch leak.
PIRAHNA PLANT IS A GOD TIER CHARACTER CHOICE I DONT CARE WHAT ANYONE SAYS. One of the most versatile Mario enemies thanks to all the different species and forms making for, based on what I've seen, a very unique and creative Smash fighter, one of the most iconic video-game enemies, which every casual will likely recognize, and NOBODY EXPECTED IT. I've spent years wondering, "gee, what if a Mario enemy were just included as a fighter? Nah that would be really stupid, they wouldn't be anything more than Smash Run enemies and Assist Trophies." This is something I loved and screamed about when it happened.
If I was gonna get BTFO by any newcomers, I'm glad it was Incineroar and PP.
The one and only thing I'm VEERRRY disappointed with is Spirits just being stickers from SSE. World of Light's cutscenes and overworld exploration look to be promising, but I doubt I'll have nearly as much fun with it as I had hoped.