Sweet. I was kinda hoping that Ultimate would include majority of mechanics from all games, but to each their own (their meaning Nintendo.)
Anyways, last night after grueling teamfight matches I've gotten 2 characters to Elite Smash. I only play with those 2 characters for one game before I am killed by assist trophies and ejected from Elite forced to climb again. Climbing is fun, and that's what's helping me to make friends when I'm able to. It gets annoying once I pass that line, because I can't seem to stay in for long. I still don't plan to take the game serious, but I would like to at least fight one of the top players once to see where I need to improve at.
Edit 1 (8/2/21): Running on 3 hours of sleep last night, but I'm not sure whether to call this the best night or the worst.
I load up into a FFA match. Time to climb with

. I placed 2nd losing to a

. Everyone leaves, but us 2. Then we had our 1v1s. I lost it all. I wasn't discourage, because I was keeping up with her, but I was confused at to why she was at an elite level GSP to begin with. That night I had 2 tests.
(I need to re-figure out what is the entry level for elite smash. It was 9.1 million to get in, but since my

has went from 8.9 mil to 9.1 mil without me even touching him I now have to grind for more points.)
The first test was playing with the other big people. Me and

wasn't alone for long. Other people around her level started to join, and before you know it we were enjoying team battles. However, there was a difference between 8.4 mil and 9.6 mil. The team battles lasted for 20 mins average, but once people knew my GSP rating they started to leave me for last leaving me to tank stock for my partner. I lost majority due to having to 2v1 when my partner lost all their stocks. It was gruesome.
The second test was learning the matchup. It was already difficult trying to win the


matchup, but then the system decides to throw in 2 more

s in the room. So while everyone is spamming their specials to kill each other I'm left stuck having to fish for Uair kills since my other kill options would put me in a disadvantage state to where I could be majorly punished. Like last time for team fights I was losing majority, if not all of team fights due to the previous strategy I described earlier.
However, the night ended with me and the 2

s, and I was shocked. I took advantage of the very small GSP I was getting for placing second with the huge gap I had, but for some reason, unlike the other short games I had where people punished me for playing very passive I started to win from purely being ignored. At one point the rules were set to 3 stocks/3 minutes, no items. I won 2 games, and I was surprised that the people in my room were cool about it. Matter of fact, I'm surprised that people were willing to play with me despite being in the wrong room. I went from 8.1m to 8.75 mil. The players were okay with this before I left, and I was just left stunned. Like why would people do this for me?
I'm pretty sure that someone is going to recognize this night, but for those that was involved that are now reading this thank you for letting a low level player like me play a few games with you all. It was a learning experience...literally.
Edit 2 (08/08/21): I might be getting crazier and crazier. Here's my theory: smashers are crazy to begin with. All smashers. Rulesets are never the same. Yet, they never make sense either.
-Timed game, no items?
-3 stocks, 7 mins, items, and smash meter?
-1 stock, 7 mins?
-3 stocks, 7 mins in a stamina battle?
I can go on, but that's my point. The game does not make sense at all whatsoever. Sad part is that that I have to deal with this when I finally pass that threshold for elite smash. If people know how to control summons and pokeballs there goes my point and whatever work I did to get there. It sucks, but it's life I guess.
There will also be rooms where I'll somewhat be in a taunt party. My whole gripe is the taunt players themselves. While I don't mind them the fact of the matter is that unless people are reported the bullying still exist. Thank god there's a leeway (forget you smash 4 lol), because there is a difference between ganging on one person because they're running away and ganging up on one person because they're choosing to fight. I usually leave to avoid being reported for ganging.
Funny enough that my average GSP has climbed, because that's somewhere at the elite level. (I think as of today the entry for elite smash for a character is 9.2 million GSP?) I've finally gotten 4 characters there, but I don't expect either of them to stay at all. I just don't.
Edit 3 (09/13/21): I have gotten 10 characters into elite now. Here's what I'm starting to notice....the more closer you are towards the line between normal and elite the more rage quits I see. I don't know stats for elite smash. All I know is that it's just there. Well, since it was difficult to get anymore characters there I tried to climb with the ones I had in. It took a good hour before every single character I had in got booted. So now I'm locked out of elite completely until I can get one character in again. It would be nice if Nintendo made things easier as far as telling how many players are in elite and the percentages of characters that are in elite, but alas they're too casual...
Edit 4 (11/09/21): GSP entry for smash elite rose, back to 0 characters in elite. I'm just too bad being with the big boys despite proving that I can do decent casually. One of there days I'll be able to just chill at a high level. Fun matches. Just a chore to stay in one room however.
Edit 5 (10/09/23): GSP now over 12 million. I still have no clue where the thresh hold for entering elite smash is. I'm somewhere floating between 8 mil and 10mil. On a very good night 11 mil. On a horrible night, 7 mil. If I somehow get that low I actually have to win a ton of matches since I do get those players that will rather rage quit than let me climb. It sucks that you can get punished in this game by going even with your win rate ratio simply because people will rage quit to deny you from getting points. I don't know what Nintendo was thinking here.
I'm not sure if anyone still does quickplay from the forums. I still do. I don't do arenas, and I don't plan on ever doing arenas due to bad internet connections. Still, I do find it somewhat easy to climb at times depending on matchups. Most of the time though, if you know how to survive stock battles are the way to go. In non team fight matches just play extremely passively, especially in the 4 way free for all, and punish those that comes in your space. It helps to keep a lookout for those that loves to spam projectiles across the map. If you can easily get knockouts, however, consider timed battles. That's something I despise. So...use that to your advantage lol.
While I do have to put everything on the line for some measly points I do find it easier and much more enjoyable to climb with another random. If I happened to find myself higher than this person and I can enjoy my gaming with them I'll do what I can to get their points to raise, even if it means donating my own points here and there. That way, when they're high enough they can enjoy the higher level games, even if they happened to sink to the bottom again. Sometimes, I have to kill them in order to get the point across. I've already gotten banned having separate 1v1s in a free for all room and winning against a salty player. I did not want to get banned once more for teaming up in a free for all room. They usually get the message though. So we both rake up points, and they usually end up leaving higher than they were. This usually ends up in friend requests being put out which I'm happy about. The only thing I wish I could do is actually message the people I add. It sucks that I cannot play with them outside of quickplay because of lack of messaging options. Not everyone has a discord. Not everyone uses social media. It sucks. It is what it is though. I'm pretty sure that this part of me isn't going to change anytime soon. I'm competitive now. At heart though, I'm just looking to have some fun with other people. Hopefully those that has played long games with me for a couple of hours has enjoyed themselves.
I do wish I had a main for ultimate. 2 years, and I still don't have one...
Edit 6 (11/05/23: Somewhere above 12.5 mil is the entry way for Elite Smash. I have finally made it in within the few days that I was playing around.
I got in as

only to get out in one match. I've faced an awesome

(I think...) that day. I legit did not have any answers to that player leading to an easy 3 stocks and a one way boot out the door.
I also got in as

. CPR had to be done on me however, as I choked against

. One of us was going to be forced to go back to normals due to matchmaking. I hope he's able to survive up there.
I've finally gotten in as

, not

. I don't see myself switching characters ever, even if the recovery options calls to do so. I've spent the entire time playing the game slow and attempting to actually treat this as a fighting game with her. Dodge roll as little as possible, [x]-tilt as much as possible, and have a great ground game. Somehow I flew up to 13.1 mil, but now it's getting easier to lose GSP while simultaneously getting difficult earning GSP. I'm not safe yet until I can reach 14 mil at least. Is it even possible though...?
All of this time playing, and I still do not have a single main whatsoever. I do plan on learning new characters as much as possible. I may as well take the time to enjoy this online version before Nintendo shuts this down years down the line. I do not want to be caught out like I did when I could not play Brawl online. I plan on getting more characters into elite. I do know that I need to stay out of the air if I want to properly hold my own against heavies and other great grounded characters like Little Mac.
Edit 7: I got in with

. I just chose the wrong time to play finding myself in a room full of heavies, one

and 2

s. It took 2 games to get me ejected mainly because of my bowser. 1st game I had to tank stock. Somehow things went down to everyone final stock before Bowser and I died at the same time, mainly me jumping in to try and save bowser only to be F-smashed twice at the same time. 2nd game run back, same thing. Only our deaths were 5 seconds apart. While I was salty I can definitely say that I wasn't the only one that was kicked.
I also found myself in Elite with

by just AFKing. I was about to use that same tactic in elite seeing that folks wanted to 1v1 instead of double teaming me while I had the lead. One person rage quitted however. I then get taken out by

in a different room. Definitely loved the player that played her. Decent dash game, great conversions. I started to lose concentration on my last stock running into her attacks while trying to get away from the ledge. Just goes to show how much more prepped i need to be if I want to enjoy what the top has to offer me.