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Smashboards Creates: SSB If It Was Created During the Switch Era


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2015
I don’t have time to make a long, well-reasoned post, but let me at least vote for the stages:
1. Mushroom Kingdom
2. New Donk City Hall
3. Bowser’s Castle

As for Alts, they should probably be a formal job. For popular characters especially (Mario, Link, Kirby, etc…) I can see people coming up with a few ideas of their own. On the other hand, History Cards could be a more open ended job, provided we settle some guidelines on how many cards per series we should end up having.


Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2016
Fighter - Alph

Latest series game in series around our release (plus 1st to be ported to switch although thats still a year away).

Assist - Guardian

Will shoot attempt to lock-on to an opponent & shoot powerful lazer from background.
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Smash Hero
Nov 23, 2018
Nintendo Land Theme Parks, Incorporated

Min Min (ARMS)


If it ain't broke, don't fix it. We replaced Marth as the first fighter for the FE series, but I don't think that needs to be the case for all of them. Min-Min is one of the most popular characters in ARMS, she was picked as the fighter in Ultimate for a reason. She won the Party Crash Bash and was the personal request of the series creator, so it makes sense for her to be here.
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Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2015
Since we are in a bit of ARMS galore and I don’t want my personal favorite to be left behind, for job 27 I am proposing…

Dr. Coyle!

She is the main baddie of ARMS and she is a very interesting character: her whole gameplay revolves around her floating abilities, something that could be translated well by giving her a very floaty play style. I could see her being a rather heavy fighter with good air mobility, but subpar speed in general, both on the ground and in midair.
In addition to her possible gameplay style and very cool design (in my opinion), Dr. Coyle could fulfill the niche of being one of the probably few villains we’ll have in the roster: so far we only have Bowser and, arguably, DK and Edelgard and I don’t predict we’ll get that many more, perhaps only Ganondorf and King Dedede. Since an ARMS character seems inevitable at this point, I’d take the chance to kill two birds with one stone and choose Dr. Coyle as our ARMS representative

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Plenty of ARMS love this round lol, I'm just hoping the splintered support doesn't cannibalize each other and ruin any of their odds of joining. I remember this happened pretty frequently with series like Pokemon in some of the other roster building threads, and it left us underrepresented down the line. Just something we ought to be aware of and maybe come to a compromise as we move forward.

I'm curious where everyone's preferences would lie on this though. With this exercise I'm pretty adamant about wanting to do as much we reasonably can that's different from our reality for the sake of conversation so I'm not sure how I feel about Min Min yet.


Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2022

Fighter - Princess Zelda
I feel like we should expand our existing franchises first

Assist - Knuckle Joe (Kirby)
Popular character but not too popular to anger fans

Have alts be open ended like your other creation threads


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
From the poll, there will be 300 history cards.

Here are the votes

Bowser’s Castle (Mario Kart 8) 14
Airship Fortress 7
Mario Galaxy 1
Mushroom Kingdom 5
New Donk City Hall 9

Bowser’s Castle and New Donk City Hall are our next stages.

Here are the nominations:
Pupp135 Pupp135 Mythra + Pyra (Aegis)
BritishGuy54 BritishGuy54 Olimar
Masked Borb Masked Borb Lola Pop
Louie G. Louie G. Helix
nirvanafan nirvanafan Alph
Mushroomguy12 Mushroomguy12 Min Min
DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26 Luigi
LoZ00 LoZ00 Dr. Coyle
Northsouthmap Northsouthmap Princess Zelda

Vote for your three most wanted, where yours is not first.

1. Olimar
2. Aegis
3. Dr. Coyle

Pikmin is a franchise that I feel like Nintendo would push for. I’m not heavily invested in ARMS, but I think a spot is warranted here, and I went with one that would probably interest me the most. Luigi and Zelda are more of cases where I’d want to add a couple more franchises before focusing in on supplemental fighters, and they’ll probably join anyway.

Pupp135 Pupp135 Midna
BritishGuy54 BritishGuy54 Captain Toad
Masked Borb Masked Borb Cranky Kong
Louie G. Louie G. Metroid
nirvanafan nirvanafan Guardian
Northsouthmap Northsouthmap Knuckle Joe

Vote for your three most wanted, where yours is not first.

1. Cranky Kong
2. Midna
3. Metroid

I like the idea of Cranky as an assist, and Metroid fits the assist role really well. Leaving out Captain Toad is more of me wanting to see if we want to add some version of Toad down the line.

Job 29: Submit a Donkey Kong and Fire Emblem Stage
Donkey Kong Country
I’ll nominate Gangplank Galleon for Donkey Kong as it is a notable location, and it would be like the SSF2 version.

For Fire Emblem, I’l nominate Gronder Field from Three Houses. This would be a walk off stage, and sometimes arrows or magic attacks will appear on the stage.

Also Pupp135 Pupp135 Pupp135 Pupp135 , should we just add Battlefield and Final Destination as free spaces? I don't know if we need to go through the effort of nominating them, and I know this is not operating under prior Smash logic but it does just feel like a good idea to have a couple standardized Smash stages. Maybe we can vote on this individually, or propose a different direction for them if we see fit?
I wasn’t going to initially do this, but I set up a poll to see if others want them added.

Also, there seems to be a divided stance on alts, so I’m setting up a poll to decide if they should be formal or open-ended jobs.

Feel Free to submit an item in addition to Super Mario and Legend of Zelda Music
I’ll nominate the Warp Star from Kirby, which works as is.
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Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2020
1. Pyra & Mythra
2. Luigi
3. Helix

Let’s not fall into the same trap Melee did by only having multiple characters for very few franchises, while others were left out to dry.

With Pythra, the only suggestion I have is to throw Pneuma into the mix, or at least relegate her to a Final Smash.

1. Metroid
2. Captain Toad
3. Guardian
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Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2016
1 Aegis
2 Olimar
3 Zelda

1 Metroid
2 Guardian
3 Cranky Kong

DK stage 25m

Similar to 75m but hopefully actually fun (always been curious if this layout would have worked better).

Fire Emblem stage Outrealm Gate

Based on Fire Emblem Awakening although Fates had its own version. Will teleport you to other battlefields & castles from various Fire Emblem realms which would be noticeable through theming & cameos. Areas would include but not limited to Valentia, Elibe, & Tellius.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2015
1. Olimar: I consider having a Pikmin rep a top priority, given how beloved & unique the series is. I voted for Olimar instead of Alph because, despite me favoring Pikmin 3 over any other title in the series, Olimar is definitely the most popular and recognizable character from the franchise. With that being said, I can see him being based on Pikmin 3 both in his design (as was the case for Smash for/Ultimate) and in his Pikmin roster i.e. I'd gladly replace Whites and Purples for Pinks and Rocks. But that is a discussion for another day.
2. Dr. Coyle: I consider also an ARMS character to be a top priority for the game and among the admittedly quite balanced and fun roster of fighters from that game, Dr. Coyle is THE one I'd love to see. I mean, Min Min is fun and all, but I'd also like something different for once. Other than that, yeah, I might repeat why I stand for Dr. Coyle specifically, being one of the few villains that has a chance to be brought in (along with the fairly obvious Bowser, Dedede and maybe Ganondorf), as well as quite possibly our only chance at having a female villain in the roster. I also ADORE her design: in a game like ARMS, where character design was SO good, Dr. Coyle manages, in my opinion, to stand above and beyond anybody else.
3. Aegis: Xenoblade is another franchise I WANT to be represented in the game, perhaps with a Xenoblade Chronicles 2 fighter, but I am not necessarily too fond of Aegis being our representative here. I don't know if I'd rather have them or Rex and Pyra, showcasing some different aspects of Xenoblade Chronicles 2. At any rate, I wouldn't oppose Pyra and Mythra outright, so they get my third vote.

Princess Zelda and Luigi are also characters I deeply want in the game. Ideally, form this round, I'd want Olimar, an ARMS rep, a Xenoblade Chronicles 2 rep, Zelda, and Luigi, but before doubling down on franchises we already have I'd rather establish a healthy amount of series to be represented in the first place and then expand upon the ones we decided should be in. Personally speaking, once we introduce a character from Pikmin, ARMS, Xenoblade, Pokemon (perhaps even two, if we are adding Pokemon in the first place), and a retro choice, I'd be happy and then I could start doubling down of a few series which might need some more representation, like Zelda and Kirby.

1. Guardian: An iconic and uniquely scary part of Breath of the Wild, the Guardian is perhaps one of the more interesting choices I've ever seen for an Assist Trophy/Card (I think we might want to use this naming since we're using History Cards instead of Trophies). I think it makes a lot of sense to have it around here in some way, shape, or form, and I'd love to imagine that once it is summoned, the music normally on the stage stops playing, being replaced by the eerie piano solo that accompanies the Guardian. Overall, a fantastic choice that perfectly captures the spirit of the Nintendo Switch, being one of the most iconic aspects of one of its most iconic titles.
2. Metroid: Another brilliant choice that I'd love to see in the game. Honestly, its Smash implementation is quite perfect, so I won't add much here other than: yes, please!
3. Cranky Kong: I decided to go for the fun choice here! Having Cranky Kong bouncing around the stage, perhaps yelling while he jumps would be both hilarious and incredibly sensible, considering that Tropical Freeze was re-released on the Switch. Funky Kong might have been the star of the show for that re-release, but make no mistake: in the original release, Cranky was THE Kong everyone was excited for!

DK Stage:

DK Jungle
Make no mistake, despite the image clearly showing the Mario Kart 7 version of the eponymous course, this stage would be based on the Donkey Kong Country Returns version of the location. So no karts around or anything. It would probably be a rather large stage, with many platforms and even some enemies waddling around, perhaps in the background perhaps in the foreground, I don't know. Of course, one platform would have to be dedicated to DK's bungalow and maybe I can see it introducing vines for characters to hang on and swing. However, before representing any other part of the DK franchise, I felt it was important to properly introduce the Country subseries.

Fire Emblem Stage:

The Arena
Being a series with many different continents represented throughout its many games, coming across a singular, relevant location for Fire Emblem was tougher than expected. So I kind of copied Smash here and I added the Colosseum Arena. Being a recurring aspect of the FE games, the Arena is present in most titles, including (though in a watered down version) Three Houses, the game Edelgard is from. As for its design, I can see it being the replacement for Battlefield, if we don't have it, or another tri-platform stage with moving platforms or something equally simple. The Arena shouldn't be anything too complex, unlike Arena Ferox or the Colosseum.

I might submit music and an item later on

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
1. Dr. Coyle
- She’s cool and seems to have garnered the excitement I was looking for. My only concern is she almost has TOO much going on. She can float, she has three extendable limbs, she sounds like kind of a nightmare to deal with (and we already know Min Min is pretty tough as is). We already have a character who can float as well, so I was looking for someone more centralized and focused on specifically highlighting ARMS’ core mechanic. Nonetheless I wouldn’t be mad here. Always fun to have “boss-like” characters, but I’d be open to workshopping this and finding a streamlined way to pull this off.

2. Olimar - The most obvious choice. Pikmin is on the up-climb during this era and Olimar is its most iconic captain. Pikmin’s gameplay informs a commandeering playstyle unique to him, I’d be interested to know how we switch it up from what we’re already familiar with.

3. Helix - Might be wasting my vote a bit here since it doesn’t look like he’s garnered the right support, but I’m a little disappointed this didn’t catch on. I think Helix is a great, fun character who lets the spirit and uniqueness of ARMS live through his design philosophy. Would still be my first pick but ah well. If we don't bring in an ARMS character this time then I may nominate him again at some point.

Luigi and Zelda will get their chance. Xenoblade just misses out because I want to prioritize these two series first. I’m also still unsure if Aegis is the move, as there are different stance characters that I’m also contemplating and I wonder if Shulk is a good “posterboy” fallback after taking more of a liberty with Edelgard and Fire Emblem. Does that make sense? We’ve been aiming high on the spectacle for some series, and I think we could use a more clear cut swordie moveset on the roster anyway. Also side note, I’m heavily against adding Pneuma to their kit because switching between the two is not only already effective but is more than enough flair for this particular game (remember, we’re not doing Ultimate tier shenanigans).

Min Min gets ignored because ARMS has such a rich cast so I want to do something new. Frankly there’s no point in participating in this game if we just end up vetting in all the characters that are already in Smash instead. At least IMO. I like her a lot but we don’t need it here.

Assist Trophy:
1. Guardian
2. Metroid
3. Cranky Kong

Honorable mention to Knuckle Joe, but Cranky Kong wins the slight nod because I like the idea of him talking your ear off like Resetti.

I’ll probably contribute a DK stage a bit later.

Also Pupp135 Pupp135 I feel as if the alts poll doesn’t really do the conversation justice. Many of us were ok with making the colors open ended but voting on the two costume slots. I’ll be honest, will be a bit disappointed if those are just first come first serve. Least we can do is vote our favorite between the two or three people who might be interested in contributing to that.
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Masked Borb

Smash Cadet
Jul 28, 2024
Cookie Country
Switch FC
1. Dr. Coyle - I've been successfully convinced to vote her over Lola. Any and all of the reasons above fighting for her in the thread apply here.
2. Olimar - Kinda makes sense, since the series had a slight push from Nintendo with the recent Pikmin 3 Deluxe game. Olimar's here just because he's supposedly more recognizable than Alph, who could still be a pallet swap or clone in the end.
3. Aegis - Wouldn't mind having them over Shulk, personally. XC2 was the hot new game at the time, so a rep from there would be more likely, IMO.

Quick honorable mentions to Luigi & Zelda. I know, I wanna fight for them too. But I do see a world where Luigi will have to be a clone character down the line. And I feel we should be getting a few more non-repped franchises in here before continuing to double-up. These two are probably still gonna make it, just not now though.

Assist Trophies:
1. Metroid
2. Cranky Kong
3. Knuckle Joe

Stage: Garreg Mach Monastery

I think GMM is just fine for a 3H stage. Might have to replace some of the background characters from our reality if we kept adding characters from this entry, haha-

Item: Ice Flower

Works like the Fire Flower does in Smash, but it's Ice Climber's Blizzard/Sora's Blizzaga.
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Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2015
Okidoki, as I promised, it is time for an item
Item: Sand Rod

By far my favorite rod out of the four available ones in A Link Between Worlds, the Sand Rod's effect is quite simple, yet effective: the user is able to create a pillar of sand from the ground. Holding down the attack button allows the user to create multiple pillars, although they get progressively smaller. The barriers of sand act as (well) barriers and send opponents flying upwards once they are created. However, they are quite weak, being destroyed in few hits. They are quite similar to taller (the default pillar of sand is roughly as tall as two blocks), less resilient blocks placed by Steve in Ultimate.

As for music... yeah, I don't feel like researching tons and tons of tracks, sorry...

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Item: Hammer

One of the obligatory choices. It's not Smash Bros without the Hammer... as much as I want this to stand as its own thing, there are some traditions worth maintaining and this is certainly one of them.

Also heads up, I switched around my votes a bit after reassessing my priorities. The bottom line is I want to really behind an ARMS character, and right now Dr. Coyle seems like the one with the most support so I'm making her my top billing. If ARMS still doesn't win out then we can start this debate all over again later down the line, but I would really like to get an ARMS character here. Archetypically they seem like exactly the kind of fun unique thing the roster needs.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Job 29: Windmill Hills (Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze)

I’m kind of unsatisfied with the current DKC stage nominations so I’ll throw my hat in the ring before we wrap up. This has always been a standout location from Tropical Freeze for me with its cozy atmosphere and welcoming music. But all the same its focus on windmills creates a fun and easily understood hook to make its layout particularly unique.

Alternatively I was thinking of doing Mine Cart Madness, but I wonder if Tropical Freeze may be the place to turn seeing how it’s got a fairly popular Switch port. That stage would also be decidedly more gimmicky and I contemplated whether or not I want DK’s first stage to have all that going on.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
Here are the votes:
Mythra + Pyra (Aegis) 13
Olimar 22
Lola Pop
Helix 2
Min Min 6
Luigi 7
Dr. Coyle 13
Princess Zelda 3
Olimar is one of the next fighters. I’ll set up a poll for Aegis vs. Dr. Coyle.

Midna 2
Captain Toad 3
Cranky Kong 13
Metroid 19
Guardian 13
Knuckle Joe 4

Metroid, Cranky Kong, and Guardian are the first assists.

Here are the nominations:

Pupp135 Pupp135 Gangplank Galleon
nirvanafan nirvanafan 25m
LoZ00 LoZ00 DK Jungle
Northsouthmap Northsouthmap Jungle Hijynxs
Louie G. Louie G. Windmill Hills

Vote for your three most wanted, where yours is not first.

1. Jungle Hijynx
2. Windmill Hills
3. DK Jungle

Pupp135 Pupp135 Grondor Field
nirvanafan nirvanafan Outrealm Gate
LoZ00 LoZ00 Arena
Masked Borb Masked Borb Garreg Mach Monastery

Vote for your three most wanted, where yours is not first.

1. Garreg Mach
2. Grondor Field
3. Outrealm Gate

From the polls, Alts will be open ended, and Battlefield and Final Destination will be added.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2015
DK Stage:
1. Jungle Hijinxs
: I am trying to stray away from the actual Smash source material as much as possible, but c'mon Jungle Hijinxs was a fantastic stage that we got stripped off due to stage morph being a thing in Ultimate. Yeah, I'd rather have Jungle Hijinxs than stage morph, thank you very much. The gimmick was super fun and it made a lot of sense and even if you removed it from the stage, it would still be a phenomenal representation of the newer DKC games. A terrific choice if I may say so myself.
2. DK Jungle: When it comes to choosing stages, I always like to at least have one that represents the more iconic areas of the series. For the DK series, the jungle fills that criterion quite well. It is a shameless self vote, I know, but there is a reason why I picked it in the first place.
3. Windmill Hills: Definitely a more unique location than the ones we've had so far. I really like the cozy atmosphere and the hazard would be interesting, though easy to understand and to play around. Not much else to say here, except for the fact that perhaps it is a bit too specific for it to be a proper first DK stage? The location is somewhat iconic and a standout though, so I can see it being thrown in.

Fire Emblem Stage:
1. Outrealm Gate
: The idea that we could see older Fire Emblem protagonists and side characters in this stage is what made the difference here: imagine how cool it would be to have Alm, Sigurd, Lyn, Lucina, and Ike in the background as the fight goes on. The idea is pretty cool and I'd love to see it implemented in an actual Smash title.
2. Gronder Fields: Pretty much the same thing as Outrealm Gate, but with Three Houses characters. I don't expect Fire Emblem to get much more stuff than the one it already has in terms of fighters and stages, so I think that we should represent the war aspect of the series quite well and Gronder Fields does an impressive job in that regard (one of my favorite war map not from FE4).
3. Arena: I guess in the background you could have units fighting in the arena, although unnamed generics would make more sense here. It would represent the unit variety and the arena aspect of the series, but in the end the grander wars going on are probably more important and integral.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
Dr. Coyle is our twelfth fighter based on the poll.

Here are the votes.

Gangplank Galleon 2
25m 5
DK Jungle 14
Jungle Hijynxs 15
Windmill Hills 6

Jungle Hijynxs is the Donkey Kong stage.

Gronder Field 6
Outrealm Gate 8
Garreg Mach Monastery 16
Arena 12

Garreg Mach Monastery is the Fire Emblem stage.

Job 30: Submit a Pikmin and ARMS stage
The landing site of the Tropical Wilds in Pikmin 3 Deluxe. Compare with File:01 Site Tropical Wilds.png.
I’ll nominate Tropical Wilds. In terms of layout, it would have the main platform layout similar to Garden of Hope, and a Bulborb would appear as a hazard similar to Distant Planet.

I’ll nominate Sparring Ring, which would have a layout similar to Smash Remix’s Mt. Dedede.

Job 31: Submit Donkey Kong and Edelgard Movesets

For bonus things, feel free to submit an item, and feel free to submit recolors for Mario and Link. Also, feel free to submit 3 history cards from Super Mario and Legend of Zelda (if a character becomes an assist or item, I’ll notify the user that they update their submission)

I’ll submit the Hocotate Bomb, which works like in the real games.

History Cards

Super Mario:
Koopa Troopa
Piranha Plant

Legend of Zelda:
Light Arrows
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Masked Borb

Smash Cadet
Jul 28, 2024
Cookie Country
Switch FC
Quick question-
How DO we format the History Cards? Do we find a piece of artwork of the character/item and then write a description for them?


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
Quick question-
How DO we format the History Cards? Do we find a piece of artwork of the character/item and then write a description for them?
I was just thinking of the user submitting the name and series, and that’s it. This is how I approach trophies in other Smashboards Creates threads that I’ve made.

Masked Borb

Smash Cadet
Jul 28, 2024
Cookie Country
Switch FC
Oh boy-

Job 30:
For Pikmin, I'll suggest Garden Of Hope. I like it just slightly more than Distant Planet.

And for ARMS, I'll suggest Dr. Coyle's home stage.

Fitted with conveyor belts forcing players to keep on their toes, and giant tubes full of green goop that make you slightly slower and makes you take more damage when hit that you can break, it'd be a much more difficult stage to fight on... unless you wanna be that guy and turn hazards off.

...What? You wanna know the name of the stage? It's actually called
... no, it's really called (NAME REDACTED). Seriously, look it up. We could just call it Coyle Factory or ARMS Laboratories or something, if you guys want.

Job 32: DK & Edelgard's Movesets

For the King of Swing himself, I think he could use just a few changes. He's got the roll, he's got big punches, he's got the design. In fact, I'm not even gonna change his normal moves. His jab, tilts, and dash attack are staying the same as in Ultimate. For his grabs, though... His pummel is going to be a standard punch, instead of a karate chop. His Down & Back throws will stay the same, and his Forward Throw is gonna take inspiration from his old rival, K. Rool, slamming opponents down onto the ground. I'd move his Kong Karry to his Up Throw though. It's still here, and still works the same! Please, pUT AWAY THE PITCHFORKS-

So.... his Neutral & Side Specials are also the same. His Up Special has DK hop into a Barrel Cannon that can be aimed for a little bit before exploding and blasting him off. The explosion can damage anyone nearby, and DK can damage anyone he slams into. DK's Down Special give this heavy grappler... a projectile. DK can spawn a Barrel and toss it in front of him to let it roll across the stage until it hits someone or something. There would also be a random chance of a banana peel to pop out of the Barrel when destroyed. For his Final Smash... yeah, it's also the same as in Ultimate. Something I'd like to add is that little jingle from DKC Returns when you beat up a boss and send it flying. Y'know, this one at the end: https://youtu.be/AeFIxQPJDc4
It's kinda satisfying.

Also, I'd like to suggest a Mini Mario Toy for an item. Essentially, taking Bowser Jr's Mechakoopas, turning them into a regular item, but using a different model. I just wanna punt these little guys into stuff, is that so wrong?

Now, for Edelgard. She was an interesting fighter to tackle. Not only does she use an axe and magic, she's.... also the first character we've got that WASN'T IN SMASH ALREADY. So I can't just go "Hey guys, here's one or two moves that I can change, everything else stays the same" this time... but I CAN try to use familiar moves to stich something together! Here I go...

Neutral Attack: Edelgard delivers a knifehand and a kick, like her Professor before her. The third hit is a strike from her axe, which would work like Ike's sword.
Forward Tilt: She brings her axe over and swings it in front of her.
Up Tilt: She swings her axe overhead.
Down Tilt: Edelgard would stab the axe forward, akin to Meta Knight's down tilt, but slightly slower.
Dash Attack: Edelgard would run and hop into the air, bringing her axe down on the opponent, similar to Link's dash attack.

Neutral Air: She twists around with her Axe, like Marth, Chrom, & Lucina's Neutral Air.
Forward Air: She swings her axe down in front of her. This move can spike at high percents.
Up Air: She stabs her axe upwards three times max, akin to... of all things, Jason from Multiversus!?
Down Air: Just stealing Byleth's Down Air in its entirety.

Grab & Pummel: She stabs you in the gut with a knife. Teehee.
Forward Throw: Standard forward shove here.
Back Throw: She swings around and tosses you back. Like Mario's & Byleth's.
Up Throw: She tosses you in the air, and delivers a burst of magical flames up at you.
Down Throw: She pins you down, before slamming her axe down at you.

And now... the Specials!
Neutral Special - Helm Splitter: Stealing, re-naming, and moving Byleth's Down Special! A charged move that gives Edelgard super armor when she starts her swing. It breaks shields at full power.
Side Special - Hand Axe: Edelgard takes out an axe and straight-up tosses it in the direction she faces, before it boomerangs back to her. It would be slightly slower, and would do slightly more damage than Link's Boomerang, because in what world would an Axe do less damage than a Boomerang?
Up Special - Raging Storm: She tosses her Axe upwards and spins around with it, before slamming down to the ground and... yeah, it's like Ike & Chrom's Up Specials.
Down Special - Warp: Stealing Meta Knight's Dimensional Cape move, Edelgard can teleport in any direction on (and off) the stage. In the air, the move sends her into free fall. If the player presses B as she reappears in close proximity to another fighter, she performs a devastating upwards axe strike!

Final Smash - Black Eagles Barrage!

Edelgard rushes forward with her axe thrusting in front of her, trapping any hit fighters in a cutscene showing Edelgard commanding the many members of the Black Eagles House to attack you with all their might, magic, and weapon prowess! And just when the opponents have had enough, Edelgard performs one last axe swipe to send them flying!

...so, how did I do with the Adrestian Empress? I had some other ideas for moves and even different Final Smashes, buuuut some of these either didn't seem as interesting, or they were technically big spoilers for those who haven't played the game.

History Cards (Like this?):
Goomba (Super Mario)
Mini Mario Toy (Super Mario)
Mario & Cappy (Super Mario)

Four Champions (BOTW)(Legend Of Zelda)
Master Sword (Legend Of Zelda)
Toy Link (Link's Awakening - Switch)(Legend Of Zelda)


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2015
Job #30 (Olimar's stage): Twilight River

My personal favorite location from Pikmin 3 and a bit of a standout in my opinion, Twilight River is the premiere water-based location of that game and it forces the player to navigate through its beautiful scenery through giant (actually normally-sized) lily pads. My idea for this stage is to make it a big one (kind of like Temple), where one side of the stage has the fighters climbing on various platforms made of rocks and trees, while on the other side, along with some smaller platforms, players can find a river's bank. On the bank, sometimes, lily pads will appear, much like Kapp'n in Tortimer's Island. A somewhat convoluted stage which I didn't go much into any detail, I feel that a big stage fits the Pikmin series, since part of the charm of it is how small the player feels and actually is compared to the environment.

Job #30 (Dr. Coyle's stage): DNA Lab

Whilst I am a huge fan of [NAME REDACTED] (and I think we should keep that name, it's super cool!), I wanted to throw something else into the mix. The general aesthetic is quite similar to [NAME REDACTED], but I thought that perhaps adding a gimmick where the Helix cylinders are much shorter and host platforms on top of them would be interesting. Naturally, you'd be able to break the cylinders (much like the original ARMS game), temporarily removing the platforms. Unlike, say, the second phase of Castle Siege, the Helix cylinders act as walls and they reappear after being destroyed. We could also make it so that each time you boot up the stage, the layout of the Helix cylinders changes slightly, both in number and height of the cylinders themselves. I don't know, I'm just throwing ideas into the mix. And I just wanted to represent another fighter from ARMS besides Dr. Coyle.

Job #31
Ok, so let me throw my hat into the ring for this job as well. I'm somewhat excited to design Edelgard's moveset, since she is our first wholly original fighter. But first, let me tackle the King of the Jungle, the Prime Primate, the Leader of the Bunch, you know him well...
Ok, for DK I am going to tackle only those moves which I feel like we should change from his current Smash incarnation. Let's-a-go!
  • Forward tilt: A quick clap, similar to King K. Rool's f-tilt. I like the backhand sweep a lot, but the clap is iconic and represents Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat very well. And since I'm changing his f-smash I wanted it to be somewhere in his moveset. As an added bonus, the clap now produces a small shockwave around DK's hands, slightly increasing its reach.
  • Forward Smash: This is where I'd place his Giant Punch, but now, adding a bit of flavor, DK wears boxing gloves. The Giant Punch is a nice move, but I don't like it for DK's Neutral Special. The boxing glove is meant to reference DK's appearance in Punch-Out!! on the Wii and he uses them in all of his Smash attacks.
  • Up Smash: A forward-reaching uppercut. It is based on the finishing blow DK deals to K. Rool in DKC2. Again, DK wears boxing gloves.
  • Down Smash: Same as his current D-Smash, just with added boxing gloves to make it consistent with the other two attacks.
  • Neutral Special -- DK Barrel: DK slams a barrel on the ground forward, dealing damage, then carries it over his shoulder. The barrel is a throwable projectile, but the slam at the beginning prevents the move from becoming a harassing camping tool, which is something DK doesn't need and would go against the character's philosophy.
  • Side Special -- Mine Cart: DK jumps inside a mine cart and dashes forward, kind of like Steve's Side Special, but slower and cannot act as a command grab projectile. As an added bonus, though, DK can also jump while in the mine cart.
  • Up Special -- Barrel Cannon: You know the drill by this point. Quite possibly the single most requested moveset update in all of Smash (along with Ganondorf's Dead Man's Volley)
  • Final Smash -- Donkey Konga: Revert it back to its Brawl and Smash 4 incarnations! Or perhaps, to make it more uniform with the other Final Smashes in the game, just have DK wildly slam on his bongos until they break, creating a barrage of powerful soundwaves, idk.

And now, for the Empress of Adrestia...
Ok, so since Edelgard is our first wholly original character in the game, I would like to spend a few words about her physics and general feeling as a character:
Edelgard's unique quirk among Fire Emblem protagonists is that she is, along with fellow axe-user Hector, the only armored Lord in the series (on top of my mind). This only becomes evident after timeskip, but she has a boon for armor as early as she joins the game. She also has a budding talent for Magic and is one of the few characters in the game able to learn Black AND Dark Magic spells.
Being an armored character, Edelgard is a heavyweight. Probably not as heavy as Bowser or DK, since they are also huge characters and Edelgard's figure is quite petite, but she should definitely be on the heavier and slower side, even more than Ike (to have a point of comparison). To compensate, she has great power, making her a solid heavyweight fighter. Quite interestingly, she would be one of the few small-sized heavyweights: in Smash we have had plenty of tall, slender lightweights (Mewtwo, Sephiroth, and, to a lesser extent, Zelda all come to mind).
Edelgard uses her axe Aymr, for most of her attacks, but for a handful of them she bashes opponents with a shield. The shield disappears after having performed the attack.
  • Jab: Edelgard swings Aymr forward twice. The first hit goes diagonally downwards, while the second one follows the same trajectory but in reverse (going diagonally upwards).
  • Forward tilt: Edelgard bumps forth with a shield. A short reaching move that pushes enemies back and block projectiles.
  • Up tilt: A overhead axe swing, similar to Roy's up tilt.
  • Down tilt: Edelgard sweeps her axe while crouching.
  • Dash attack: Edelgard smashes Aymr on the ground using her running momentum. Based on her attack animation from Three Houses when she first engages an enemy in combat
  • Forward Smash: Edelgard wields her axe with two hands and slashes horizontally forward. A phenomenally strong Smash attack, has also super armor attached to it. Based on Edelgard's combat art animation when using Raging Storm.
  • Up Smash: Edelgard spins Aymr overhead a couple of times, creating a fiery trail while doing so. Kind of like Pyra's Up Smash, it has similar power. As an aesthetic note, while performing this move an image of the Crest of Flames appears on the background of the attack.
  • Down Smash: Edelgard jumps and slams Aymr on the ground with both hands. Creates a shockwave that hits both forward and back, but most of its power is concentrated on the axe itself, which hits forward only. Based on a critical hit animation of Armored Lord, one of Edelgard's exclusive classes.
  • Neutral aerial: Edelgard spins the axe around her, like Ike's neutral aerial.
  • Forward aerial: Edelgard swings Aymr forward, kind of like Ike's forward aerial (I sense a pattern here). UNLIKE Ike's f-air, though, it is a spike.
  • Back aerial: Kind of like Palutena's back aerial, Edelgard hits behind her using a shield. It is a bit slower than Palutena's b-air, but it is also somewhat stronger.
  • Up aerial: An overhead axe swing.
  • Down aerial: I mean, Byleth's down aerial was made for this...

  • Grab: Edelgard grabs with her free hand
  • Pummel: Edelgard casts a small flame from her hand
  • Forward throw: Edelgard hits forward with a sheild
  • Back throw: Edelgard swings back with the axe and tosses the opponent, who is attached to it, as if she was using Aymr to hold the opponent.
  • Up throw: Edelgard tosses the opponent upwards, then hits them with a dark lightning
  • Down throw: Edelgard hits the opponent with a overhead axe swing (picture a medieval executioner decapitating someone, as a rough example)
  • Neutral Special -- Hades Ω: The strongest Dark Spell in Three Houses, Hades Ω is kind of similar to Ike's eruption and Roy's Flare Blade. Edelgard channels all her Dark Magic power in Aymr and charges the attack. Once she releases it, Edelgard slams Aymr on the ground, creating an explosion of dark energy and dark electricity. At full charge, it breaks shields and it can (almost) OHKO. It also releases some dark energy pillars forward, like Ike's Eruption.
  • Side Special -- Imperial Guard Blaze: Edelgard points forward and out of nowhere, two squires appear and toss a barrel on stage. The barrel explodes after a very short time (essentially a right next to Edelgard), creating a persisting fire hazard on the stage.
  • Up Special -- Raging Storm: Edelgard jumps high in the air, then falls down, slamming Aymr on the ground and summoning a dark lightning as she finishes the attack. It is very loosely based on Edelgard's signature combat art Raging Storm and its ability to let her take another action after she performs the art (by moving Edelgard), but it also takes cues from another combat art she can learn, Lightning Axe, and Dark Magic in general.
  • Down Special -- Counter: Unpopular opinion here, but I think that Counter represents nicely the gameplay flow of the Fire Emblem series... if it let the player take some damage when attacked. So I'd propose this modification right there, but otherwise Edelgard retaliates with great strength (1.3x the damage dealt)
  • Final Smash -- Black Eagles Strike Force: Edelgard swings her axe forward in a large arc. Anyone caught by it is launched in a field area (reminiscent of Gronder) and is attacked by the members of the Black Eagles House: Ferdinand charges forward with the spear while riding a horse; Dorothea and Hubert cast magic, the former casting Fire while the latter Miasma Δ; Petra and Bernadetta shoot a volley of arrows; Caspar hits repeatedly with his fists while Linhardt... well, Linhardt naps. For the grand finale, Edelgard swings her axe one last time, launching opponents away.
As an added bonus, the appearance of the Black Eagles students should match at least Edelgard's default costume (either pre- or post-timeskip).

Also I just noticed how both DK and Edelgard both have two spikes AND an attack which involves a barrel. It is a coincidence I swear

I might add some ideas about costumes & items later down the line. You know what? I AM adding an item idea to the mix:

It is the COIN! What does it do? Well, collecting it slightly increases your speed and damage output (by a very tiny amount, like .5%). However the catch is that you can collect up to 100 of them. Getting hit makes you lose some coins (kind of like how Sonic loses his rings, but you wouldn't lose all of them).
The increase of power and speed caps at 50 coins, so what would be the point of gathering 100 of them? Well, if you ever played any Super Mario Bros. game (which I sincerely hope you did) you can already guess it: you either get another stock (stock battles) or an extra point (time battles). Coins would be somewhat common, floating around, like in Super Mario Bros. levels, and they appear in batches. I think that handling this item might be a bit challenging, but I wanted to throw this idea into the mix because I kind of low key like it

EDIT: Let me add a few History Cards as well:
Super Mario Bros.
Fire Mario
Toad (species)

The Legend of Zelda
Wind Fish
Ocarina of Time
Last edited:


Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2022

Distant Planet
The design would be changed to represent the third game.

Sky Arena

Jab: Unchanged, excpet after the first 2 punches, Donkey Kong will perform a rapid jab, followed by an uppercut as a finisher, based off Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat.

Forward Tilt: Forcefully claps his hands in front of himself.

Up Tilt: Unchanged.

Down Tilt: Does a sweeping kick across the ground. Based off of Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat.

Dash Attack: Unchanged. Based on his roll attack in the Donkey Kong Country games!

Forward Smash: Donkey Kong swings and delivers a heavy PUNCH! Based off of Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat.

Up Smash: Does his big ol' UPPERCUT attack from Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat.

Down Smash: Unchanged.

Neutral Air: Donkey Kong will extend his arms out, and spin around. Basically DK's old aerial up special, but has a shorter duration.

Forward Air: Unchanged. (Fun Fact: Did you know that this forward air from Smash 64 is what inspired DK's main air attack in Donkey Kong 64?)

Back Air: This windmill kick he does in Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat.

Up Air: Does an overhead kick! Based off Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat! Very similar to Terry's up air.

Down Air: DK will do this ground pound-like move from Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat. Can spike opponents as he falls down!

Neutral Special: Donkey Kong whips out his trusty Coconut Gun! The way it works in Smash will function like Diddy Kong's Neutral B in Smash Bros. You hold B to charge up the gun, and it fires a coconut! The longer the charge, the farther it goes, and the stronger it gets! If you charge it for too long, then it will explode in Donkey Kong's face, just like Diddy Kong's Peanut Popgun!

Side Special: Donkey Kong summons a barrel, and carry it around it with him by holding B. You can jump move around freely with the barrel, except he isn't allowed to double jump while he's holding a barrel, nor can he do any other command inputs besides throwing the barrel. Let go of the B button to chuck the barrel at the opponent! Only 1 barrel can be summoned at a time, though. I'll be using Donkey Kong Country: Returns as a reference, for the way he picks it up, and the way he throws it.

Up Special: Donkey Kong will use the Barrel Cannon he uses in every game he's ben in! It will function similarly to Diddy Kong's Rocketbarrel Boost in Smash Bros. You hold the B button to stall your fall while you tilt the control where you want to be launched. Release the B button to launch yourself out of the cannon! DK's launch distance remains the same no matter how long you charge it (It goes at a somewhat moderate distance.) as He can still deal damage to the opponents when he gets shot out of the cannon!

Down Special: Unchanged. Based off of his Hand Slap from Donkey Kong Country, though visually, it will be based off the modern DK Country games! It now causes the opponent to trip when used. For his aerial version, he will do a big ol' CLAP! Based off of Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat.

Grab Pummel: Slightly tweaked to be based of this from Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat.

Forward Throw: Cargo Throw will sadly be removed. His new forward throw has him serving up the opponent with a punch. Based on a counterattack from Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat.

Back Throw: DK turns around, and heaves the opponent, like throwing a barrel!

Up Throw: DK grabs them, then delivers an uppercut!

Down Throw: Does a flurry of punches on top of the opponent, based off of Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat.

Final Smash: DK goes for a quick punch, and then is put in a sequence where he delivers a barrage of punches and kicks, and then delivers the final blow, punching the opponent and sending them FLYING to the stratsophere! Based off on Donkey Kong Country Returns!

Will do other jobs later.


Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2016
Spring Stadium

As is in Smash, think its a solid stage.

Onion Formation

Similar to layout to Norfait. Will occasionally inverse layout & have an elemental effect on a platform based on its related Pikmin.


Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2022
Standard Attack: Edelgard swings her axe twice.

Side Tilt: Edelgard twists around and swings her axe to the side.

Up Tilt: Edelgard swings her axe in an arc above her head.

Down Tilt: Edelgard sweeps her axe across the floor.

Dash Attack: Edelgard jumps into the air and then slams her axe down, much like Link and Young Link do for their Dash Attacks.

Neutral Aerial: Edelgard twists with her axe outstretched, similar to Marth, Roy, Lucina, and Chrom.

Forward Aerial: Edelgard swings her axe down in front of her.

Backward Aerial: Edelgard twists around for a horizontal axe strike.

Up Aerial: Edelgard swings her axe in an arc above her head.

Down Aerial: Edelgard swings her axe straight down.

Up Smash: Edelgard swings her axe in an arc above her head.

Side Smash: Edelgard raises her axe high above her head, then slams it down as hard as she can, as if using the Smash Combat Art.

Down Smash: Edelgard sweeps the ground on either side of her with her axe.

Grab: Edelgard simply grabs the target with her hand.

Pummel: Edelgard knees the target.

Forward Throw: Edelgard throws the target forward.

Backward Throw: Edelgard throws the target behind her.

Up Throw: Edelgard tosses the target into the air, then launches them with a burst of fire magic.

Down Throw: Edelgard pins the target, then brings her axe down on them.

Standard Special- Raging Storm:
Edelgard performs a series of strikes with her axe, much akin to Dancing Blade/Double-Edged Dance. However, while this move is stronger, Edelgard can only perform the next strike if she lands the first. Edelgard can perform up to five strikes with Raging Storm.

Side Special- Hades Ω:
Edelgard attacks with a powerful dark magic spell. This attack is slow to execute, but can hit very hard.

Up Special- Teleport:
A standard teleport recovery. Enough said.

Down Special- Flickering Flower:
Edelgard winds up, then delivers an axe attack. This move will stun the target if it lands, much like Focus Attack.

FINAL SMASH- Wilted Flower:
Through unknown magic, Edelgard transforms into a powerful Demonic Beast, unleashing a devastating attack!


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
Here are the nominations:

Pikmin Stage
Pupp135 Pupp135 Tropical Wilds
Masked Borb Masked Borb Garden of Hope
LoZ00 LoZ00 Twilight River
Northsouthmap Northsouthmap Distant Planet
nirvanafan nirvanafan Onion Formation

ARMS Stage
Pupp135 Pupp135 Sparring Ring
Masked Borb Masked Borb NAME REDACTED
LoZ00 LoZ00 DNA Lab
Northsouthmap Northsouthmap Sky Arena
nirvanafan nirvanafan Spring Stadium

Vote for your three most wanted stages for each franchise, where yours is not first.
1. Twilight River
2. Tropical Wilds
3. Garden of Hope

1. NAME Redacted
2. DNA Lab
3. Spring Stadium

Donkey Kong Moveset:
For the King of Swing himself, I think he could use just a few changes. He's got the roll, he's got big punches, he's got the design. In fact, I'm not even gonna change his normal moves. His jab, tilts, and dash attack are staying the same as in Ultimate. For his grabs, though... His pummel is going to be a standard punch, instead of a karate chop. His Down & Back throws will stay the same, and his Forward Throw is gonna take inspiration from his old rival, K. Rool, slamming opponents down onto the ground. I'd move his Kong Karry to his Up Throw though. It's still here, and still works the same! Please, pUT AWAY THE PITCHFORKS-

So.... his Neutral & Side Specials are also the same. His Up Special has DK hop into a Barrel Cannon that can be aimed for a little bit before exploding and blasting him off. The explosion can damage anyone nearby, and DK can damage anyone he slams into. DK's Down Special give this heavy grappler... a projectile. DK can spawn a Barrel and toss it in front of him to let it roll across the stage until it hits someone or something. There would also be a random chance of a banana peel to pop out of the Barrel when destroyed. For his Final Smash... yeah, it's also the same as in Ultimate. Something I'd like to add is that little jingle from DKC Returns when you beat up a boss and send it flying. Y'know, this one at the end: https://youtu.be/AeFIxQPJDc4
It's kinda satisfying.
<img src="https://mario.wiki.gallery/images/thumb/0/05/MvDK_NS_DK_Bag.png/800px-MvDK_NS_DK_Bag.png" data-url="https://mario.wiki.gallery/images/thumb/0/05/MvDK_NS_DK_Bag.png/800px-MvDK_NS_DK_Bag.png" class="bbImage" data-zoom-target="1" style="width: 453px" />
Also, I'd like to suggest a Mini Mario Toy for an item. Essentially, taking Bowser Jr's Mechakoopas, turning them into a regular item, but using a different model. I just wanna punt these little guys into stuff, is that so wrong?
Ok, for DK I am going to tackle only those moves which I feel like we should change from his current Smash incarnation. Let's-a-go!
  • Forward tilt: A quick clap, similar to King K. Rool's f-tilt. I like the backhand sweep a lot, but the clap is iconic and represents Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat very well. And since I'm changing his f-smash I wanted it to be somewhere in his moveset. As an added bonus, the clap now produces a small shockwave around DK's hands, slightly increasing its reach.
  • Forward Smash: This is where I'd place his Giant Punch, but now, adding a bit of flavor, DK wears boxing gloves. The Giant Punch is a nice move, but I don't like it for DK's Neutral Special. The boxing glove is meant to reference DK's appearance in Punch-Out!! on the Wii and he uses them in all of his Smash attacks.
  • Up Smash: A forward-reaching uppercut. It is based on the finishing blow DK deals to K. Rool in DKC2. Again, DK wears boxing gloves.
  • Down Smash: Same as his current D-Smash, just with added boxing gloves to make it consistent with the other two attacks.
  • Neutral Special -- DK Barrel: DK slams a barrel on the ground forward, dealing damage, then carries it over his shoulder. The barrel is a throwable projectile, but the slam at the beginning prevents the move from becoming a harassing camping tool, which is something DK doesn't need and would go against the character's philosophy.
  • Side Special -- Mine Cart: DK jumps inside a mine cart and dashes forward, kind of like Steve's Side Special, but slower and cannot act as a command grab projectile. As an added bonus, though, DK can also jump while in the mine cart.
  • Up Special -- Barrel Cannon: You know the drill by this point. Quite possibly the single most requested moveset update in all of Smash (along with Ganondorf's Dead Man's Volley)
  • Final Smash -- Donkey Konga: Revert it back to its Brawl and Smash 4 incarnations! Or perhaps, to make it more uniform with the other Final Smashes in the game, just have DK wildly slam on his bongos until they break, creating a barrage of powerful soundwaves, idk.
Jab: Unchanged, excpet after the first 2 punches, Donkey Kong will perform a rapid jab, followed by an uppercut as a finisher, based off Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat.

Forward Tilt: Forcefully claps his hands in front of himself.

Up Tilt: Unchanged.

Down Tilt: Does a sweeping kick across the ground. Based off of Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat.

Dash Attack: Unchanged. Based on his roll attack in the Donkey Kong Country games!

Forward Smash: Donkey Kong swings and delivers a heavy PUNCH! Based off of Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat.

Up Smash: Does his big ol' UPPERCUT attack from Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat.

Down Smash: Unchanged.

Neutral Air: Donkey Kong will extend his arms out, and spin around. Basically DK's old aerial up special, but has a shorter duration.

Forward Air: Unchanged. (Fun Fact: Did you know that this forward air from Smash 64 is what inspired DK's main air attack in Donkey Kong 64?)

Back Air: This windmill kick he does in Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat.

Up Air: Does an overhead kick! Based off Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat! Very similar to Terry's up air.

Down Air: DK will do this ground pound-like move from Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat. Can spike opponents as he falls down!

Neutral Special: Donkey Kong whips out his trusty Coconut Gun! The way it works in Smash will function like Diddy Kong's Neutral B in Smash Bros. You hold B to charge up the gun, and it fires a coconut! The longer the charge, the farther it goes, and the stronger it gets! If you charge it for too long, then it will explode in Donkey Kong's face, just like Diddy Kong's Peanut Popgun!

Side Special: Donkey Kong summons a barrel, and carry it around it with him by holding B. You can jump move around freely with the barrel, except he isn't allowed to double jump while he's holding a barrel, nor can he do any other command inputs besides throwing the barrel. Let go of the B button to chuck the barrel at the opponent! Only 1 barrel can be summoned at a time, though. I'll be using Donkey Kong Country: Returns as a reference, for the way he picks it up, and the way he throws it.

Up Special: Donkey Kong will use the Barrel Cannon he uses in every game he's ben in! It will function similarly to Diddy Kong's Rocketbarrel Boost in Smash Bros. You hold the B button to stall your fall while you tilt the control where you want to be launched. Release the B button to launch yourself out of the cannon! DK's launch distance remains the same no matter how long you charge it (It goes at a somewhat moderate distance.) as He can still deal damage to the opponents when he gets shot out of the cannon!

Down Special: Unchanged. Based off of his Hand Slap from Donkey Kong Country, though visually, it will be based off the modern DK Country games! It now causes the opponent to trip when used. For his aerial version, he will do a big ol' CLAP! Based off of Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat.

Grab Pummel: Slightly tweaked to be based of this from Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat.

Forward Throw: Cargo Throw will sadly be removed. His new forward throw has him serving up the opponent with a punch. Based on a counterattack from Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat.

Back Throw: DK turns around, and heaves the opponent, like throwing a barrel!

Up Throw: DK grabs them, then delivers an uppercut!

Down Throw: Does a flurry of punches on top of the opponent, based off of Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat.

Final Smash: DK goes for a quick punch, and then is put in a sequence where he delivers a barrage of punches and kicks, and then delivers the final blow, punching the opponent and sending them FLYING to the stratsophere! Based off on Donkey Kong Country Returns!
Edelgard Moveset
Now, for Edelgard. She was an interesting fighter to tackle. Not only does she use an axe and magic, she's.... also the first character we've got that WASN'T IN SMASH ALREADY. So I can't just go "Hey guys, here's one or two moves that I can change, everything else stays the same" this time... but I CAN try to use familiar moves to stich something together! Here I go...

Neutral Attack: Edelgard delivers a knifehand and a kick, like her Professor before her. The third hit is a strike from her axe, which would work like Ike's sword.
Forward Tilt: She brings her axe over and swings it in front of her.
Up Tilt: She swings her axe overhead.
Down Tilt: Edelgard would stab the axe forward, akin to Meta Knight's down tilt, but slightly slower.
Dash Attack: Edelgard would run and hop into the air, bringing her axe down on the opponent, similar to Link's dash attack.

Neutral Air: She twists around with her Axe, like Marth, Chrom, & Lucina's Neutral Air.
Forward Air: She swings her axe down in front of her. This move can spike at high percents.
Up Air: She stabs her axe upwards three times max, akin to... of all things, Jason from Multiversus!?
Down Air: Just stealing Byleth's Down Air in its entirety.

Grab & Pummel: She stabs you in the gut with a knife. Teehee.
Forward Throw: Standard forward shove here.
Back Throw: She swings around and tosses you back. Like Mario's & Byleth's.
Up Throw: She tosses you in the air, and delivers a burst of magical flames up at you.
Down Throw: She pins you down, before slamming her axe down at you.

And now... the Specials!
Neutral Special - Helm Splitter: Stealing, re-naming, and moving Byleth's Down Special! A charged move that gives Edelgard super armor when she starts her swing. It breaks shields at full power.
Side Special - Hand Axe: Edelgard takes out an axe and straight-up tosses it in the direction she faces, before it boomerangs back to her. It would be slightly slower, and would do slightly more damage than Link's Boomerang, because in what world would an Axe do less damage than a Boomerang?
Up Special - Raging Storm: She tosses her Axe upwards and spins around with it, before slamming down to the ground and... yeah, it's like Ike & Chrom's Up Specials.
Down Special - Warp: Stealing Meta Knight's Dimensional Cape move, Edelgard can teleport in any direction on (and off) the stage. In the air, the move sends her into free fall. If the player presses B as she reappears in close proximity to another fighter, she performs a devastating upwards axe strike!

Final Smash - Black Eagles Barrage!

Edelgard rushes forward with her axe thrusting in front of her, trapping any hit fighters in a cutscene showing Edelgard commanding the many members of the Black Eagles House to attack you with all their might, magic, and weapon prowess! And just when the opponents have had enough, Edelgard performs one last axe swipe to send them flying!

<img src="https://cdn.fireemblemwiki.org/thum...png/600px-FETH_Edelgard_03.png?20190510201448" data-url="https://cdn.fireemblemwiki.org/thumb/0/01/FETH_Edelgard_03.png/600px-FETH_Edelgard_03.png?20190510201448" class="bbImage" data-zoom-target="1" style="width: 332px" />
...so, how did I do with the Adrestian Empress? I had some other ideas for moves and even different Final Smashes, buuuut some of these either didn't seem as interesting, or they were technically big spoilers for those who haven't played the game.
Ok, so since Edelgard is our first wholly original character in the game, I would like to spend a few words about her physics and general feeling as a character:
Edelgard's unique quirk among Fire Emblem protagonists is that she is, along with fellow axe-user Hector, the only armored Lord in the series (on top of my mind). This only becomes evident after timeskip, but she has a boon for armor as early as she joins the game. She also has a budding talent for Magic and is one of the few characters in the game able to learn Black AND Dark Magic spells.
Being an armored character, Edelgard is a heavyweight. Probably not as heavy as Bowser or DK, since they are also huge characters and Edelgard's figure is quite petite, but she should definitely be on the heavier and slower side, even more than Ike (to have a point of comparison). To compensate, she has great power, making her a solid heavyweight fighter. Quite interestingly, she would be one of the few small-sized heavyweights: in Smash we have had plenty of tall, slender lightweights (Mewtwo, Sephiroth, and, to a lesser extent, Zelda all come to mind).
Edelgard uses her axe Aymr, for most of her attacks, but for a handful of them she bashes opponents with a shield. The shield disappears after having performed the attack.
  • Jab: Edelgard swings Aymr forward twice. The first hit goes diagonally downwards, while the second one follows the same trajectory but in reverse (going diagonally upwards).
  • Forward tilt: Edelgard bumps forth with a shield. A short reaching move that pushes enemies back and block projectiles.
  • Up tilt: A overhead axe swing, similar to Roy's up tilt.
  • Down tilt: Edelgard sweeps her axe while crouching.
  • Dash attack: Edelgard smashes Aymr on the ground using her running momentum. Based on her attack animation from Three Houses when she first engages an enemy in combat
  • Forward Smash: Edelgard wields her axe with two hands and slashes horizontally forward. A phenomenally strong Smash attack, has also super armor attached to it. Based on Edelgard's combat art animation when using Raging Storm.
  • Up Smash: Edelgard spins Aymr overhead a couple of times, creating a fiery trail while doing so. Kind of like Pyra's Up Smash, it has similar power. As an aesthetic note, while performing this move an image of the Crest of Flames appears on the background of the attack.
  • Down Smash: Edelgard jumps and slams Aymr on the ground with both hands. Creates a shockwave that hits both forward and back, but most of its power is concentrated on the axe itself, which hits forward only. Based on a critical hit animation of Armored Lord, one of Edelgard's exclusive classes.
  • Neutral aerial: Edelgard spins the axe around her, like Ike's neutral aerial.
  • Forward aerial: Edelgard swings Aymr forward, kind of like Ike's forward aerial (I sense a pattern here). UNLIKE Ike's f-air, though, it is a spike.
  • Back aerial: Kind of like Palutena's back aerial, Edelgard hits behind her using a shield. It is a bit slower than Palutena's b-air, but it is also somewhat stronger.
  • Up aerial: An overhead axe swing.
  • Down aerial: I mean, Byleth's down aerial was made for this...

  • Grab: Edelgard grabs with her free hand
  • Pummel: Edelgard casts a small flame from her hand
  • Forward throw: Edelgard hits forward with a sheild
  • Back throw: Edelgard swings back with the axe and tosses the opponent, who is attached to it, as if she was using Aymr to hold the opponent.
  • Up throw: Edelgard tosses the opponent upwards, then hits them with a dark lightning
  • Down throw: Edelgard hits the opponent with a overhead axe swing (picture a medieval executioner decapitating someone, as a rough example)
  • Neutral Special -- Hades Ω: The strongest Dark Spell in Three Houses, Hades Ω is kind of similar to Ike's eruption and Roy's Flare Blade. Edelgard channels all her Dark Magic power in Aymr and charges the attack. Once she releases it, Edelgard slams Aymr on the ground, creating an explosion of dark energy and dark electricity. At full charge, it breaks shields and it can (almost) OHKO. It also releases some dark energy pillars forward, like Ike's Eruption.
  • Side Special -- Imperial Guard Blaze: Edelgard points forward and out of nowhere, two squires appear and toss a barrel on stage. The barrel explodes after a very short time (essentially a right next to Edelgard), creating a persisting fire hazard on the stage.
  • Up Special -- Raging Storm: Edelgard jumps high in the air, then falls down, slamming Aymr on the ground and summoning a dark lightning as she finishes the attack. It is very loosely based on Edelgard's signature combat art Raging Storm and its ability to let her take another action after she performs the art (by moving Edelgard), but it also takes cues from another combat art she can learn, Lightning Axe, and Dark Magic in general.
  • Down Special -- Counter: Unpopular opinion here, but I think that Counter represents nicely the gameplay flow of the Fire Emblem series... if it let the player take some damage when attacked. So I'd propose this modification right there, but otherwise Edelgard retaliates with great strength (1.3x the damage dealt)
  • Final Smash -- Black Eagles Strike Force: Edelgard swings her axe forward in a large arc. Anyone caught by it is launched in a field area (reminiscent of Gronder) and is attacked by the members of the Black Eagles House: Ferdinand charges forward with the spear while riding a horse; Dorothea and Hubert cast magic, the former casting Fire while the latter Miasma Δ; Petra and Bernadetta shoot a volley of arrows; Caspar hits repeatedly with his fists while Linhardt... well, Linhardt naps. For the grand finale, Edelgard swings her axe one last time, launching opponents away.
As an added bonus, the appearance of the Black Eagles students should match at least Edelgard's default costume (either pre- or post-timeskip).

Also I just noticed how both DK and Edelgard both have two spikes AND an attack which involves a barrel. It is a coincidence I swear
Standard Attack: Edelgard swings her axe twice.

Side Tilt: Edelgard twists around and swings her axe to the side.

Up Tilt: Edelgard swings her axe in an arc above her head.

Down Tilt: Edelgard sweeps her axe across the floor.

Dash Attack: Edelgard jumps into the air and then slams her axe down, much like Link and Young Link do for their Dash Attacks.

Neutral Aerial: Edelgard twists with her axe outstretched, similar to Marth, Roy, Lucina, and Chrom.

Forward Aerial: Edelgard swings her axe down in front of her.

Backward Aerial: Edelgard twists around for a horizontal axe strike.

Up Aerial: Edelgard swings her axe in an arc above her head.

Down Aerial: Edelgard swings her axe straight down.

Up Smash: Edelgard swings her axe in an arc above her head.

Side Smash: Edelgard raises her axe high above her head, then slams it down as hard as she can, as if using the Smash Combat Art.

Down Smash: Edelgard sweeps the ground on either side of her with her axe.

Grab: Edelgard simply grabs the target with her hand.

Pummel: Edelgard knees the target.

Forward Throw: Edelgard throws the target forward.

Backward Throw: Edelgard throws the target behind her.

Up Throw: Edelgard tosses the target into the air, then launches them with a burst of fire magic.

Down Throw: Edelgard pins the target, then brings her axe down on them.

Standard Special- Raging Storm:
Edelgard performs a series of strikes with her axe, much akin to Dancing Blade/Double-Edged Dance. However, while this move is stronger, Edelgard can only perform the next strike if she lands the first. Edelgard can perform up to five strikes with Raging Storm.

Side Special- Hades Ω:
Edelgard attacks with a powerful dark magic spell. This attack is slow to execute, but can hit very hard.

Up Special- Teleport:
A standard teleport recovery. Enough said.

Down Special- Flickering Flower:
Edelgard winds up, then delivers an axe attack. This move will stun the target if it lands, much like Focus Attack.

FINAL SMASH- Wilted Flower:
Through unknown magic, Edelgard transforms into a powerful Demonic Beast, unleashing a devastating attack!
Vote for your two most wanted movesets for each fighter, where yours is not first.

1. Masked Borb
2. Northsouthmap

1. Loz00
2. Masked Borb

Job 32: Submit a Fighter from an Unrepresented Franchise
Super Mario
Donkey Kong
Legend of Zelda
Fire Emblem
Animal Crossing

I’ll nominate Aegis from Xenoblade as a transforming character is a cool gimmick, and Xenoblade 2 was a successful game during the Switch era.
Job 33: Submit an Assist Trophy Not from Donkey Kong, Legend of Zelda, or Metroid.
822. R.O.B.
I wanted to nominate a notable gaming relic here with R.O.B. I’d envision him taking sets of disks in the background, and he would stack them, so players can use them as platforms.

For bonus things, feel free to submit recolors for Mario and Link. Also, feel free to submit 3 history cards from Animal Crossing and Splatoon (if a character becomes an assist or item, I’ll notify the user that they update their submission)
Animal Crossing
Redd, Kapp’n, Mabel

Squid Sisters, C. Q. Cumber, Commander Tartar
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Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
1. Twilight River
2. Garden of Hope
3. Distant Planet

I think Garden of Hope might be the move here, but I'm giving Twilight River a little bump because it feels like an inspired choice. I don't want to just fall back on stages that are already in Smash, let's be a little creative! But I'm not mad if we do go through with Garden of Hope anyway... it's a great choice.

2. DNA Lab
3. Sky Arena

The first two picks are Coyle related, so those seem like safe bets. Although Sky Arena is a climactic area in ARMS that feels like a suitable catch-all series stage if that's what we want to go with. I feel like Coyle is something of a standout villain so I think she should have a characteristic stage. As the lineup stands she's almost coming off to me like she could be the big bad of the whole thing. For now at least.

Anyway, I love the idea of DNA Lab as kind of a compromise for my shattered dreams of adding Helix. But [NAME REDACTED] has a bit more going on where it just feels like it might be the more fun stage to have around. So I'm voting off that potential, I think it's a standout.

1. Borb
2. Loz

Giving Borb the edge here because having DK hop into a Mine Cart and donning boxing gloves is a bit more "prop" than I'd like with him. Still, both of these are nicely in tune with the character's essence. I commend North for the effort, but I really just don't like the idea of giving DK his Coconut Gun.

1. Loz
2. Borb

All of these were good, I just prefer Raging Storm to be the Up B. I'm dubious of the summon Side Special that Loz is proposing, but I quite like the Neutral B pitch and I enjoy the way Edelgard has repurposed elements of other FE characters into her own. Great work to everyone for their creativity here though.

Hey Pupp135 Pupp135 , I'll submit something when I get the chance but just to appease my strange nitpicks...

I feel like the Samus image we're using should be a Varia Suit. Dread Suit would likely be a skin or an alternate costume but since this is the first ever Smash game I think we should use a more universal version of the character. Besides Dread is just barely out by the time this game releases. I would recommend the art from Samus Returns, that feels like it would have been the most current basis for her design at the presumed time of development.


Also, it'd be nice to have a full body render of Dr. Coyle, so here's an alternate option.
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