(Huh, for a crocodile-like Pokemon, he doesn't seem all too eager to snap at or bite people or even other Pokemon very much...)
-Rollout, right? How effective is at soccer?-
(I don't believe my old Trainer intended it. All of us, even the Pokemon of his who dealt the fatal blow were shocked when it happened...)
(...But he had no remorse or sympathy for causing it...Neither to their horrified and grieving Trainer, nor to the Pokemon themselves...)
Roman: -looking at Moriarty- "Already have some schemes in mind with our new partner?"
-Mama raised him well, at least the amount she was able to-
Huh? Spill.
-still charging up his mane with electricity-
Like for sport?
-she gets a bit lost on the field like she's the ball but it still is fun for her to roll around-
-he's growling now at the thought-
-he DEFINITELY would have straight up mauled the Trainer with no care of consequences-
-Indeed... As a drone attempts to shoot at him from behind!-
KoDokugumon: "A grrat power beyind what you or I can comprehend is hiding, and will strike you down soon"
Sakura: "Indeed, it's all to get stronger and better in fun! At least from what I've seen"
-Cute for Burrito-
-And dang, can't blame Whiskers-
Moriarty: "For what is worth, I am considering some more already"
Marco: "Careful, everyone. He's still putting up one heck or a fight..."
Mabel: "Anyone want a power boost?" -Pulls out the Crystal Flashlight-
is that really.gonna work?
Star: "But what?! He's barely hearing us, and every time he does, he just think it's Toffee talking!"
Moon: "We need to bring him back to his senses. Either we can try to calm him down with a spell, or try to bypass the hallucinations by jogging his memory! I just don't know which method is going to work for certain..."
Alear: -calmly moving towards him- "You were still someone else's prisoner, and like that woman said, you wouldn't need to hide if all that bravado meant something." -points her sword at him- "Besides, you wouldn't be the first conqueror this blade would cut through."
-Emblem Eirika attempted to go for another strike while Veyle did a ranged attack cover her-
Palutena: "What kind of costume though?"
-was the charge disrupted?-
Mess up the thing inside, the rest of the big guy falls?
-some of his attacks get a little too close now....-
-Some large putties likely tried attacking Fishbunjin-
Zedd: "I can sense it, there's a malign side inside you, girl. I wonder if I should bring it out" -he says while before Eirika's strike!-
Trini: -At Mabel- "Could use it"
Kama: "Maybe a demon-like one?"
Zephyrmon: "You got it. It's what we can try to do"
Lily: "WOAH!" -doged one- "Um, maybe we should and fast"
-Medea doesn't wants to use reatraining magic binds... But she might need to-
Squirtle: "(Well, I guess Sparky believed that same advice...)"
Pichu: "(The doctors and people who cook food here are all really nice!)"

Peridot: "I still owe everyone an apology for the false alarm."
Noelle: "Th-That's okay, Peridot. We don't know much about Kazumi's powers or Witches, either!"
Susie: "Yeah, I'm kinda lost, here..."
-The others can't believe Thunderblast still wants to rejoin the Decepticons, or do they know her well enough that they expected this?-
-There's no doubt that Ui would've loved these critters, but petting them herself seems to have truly cheered
her up while grieving her loss as well...-
I sure did! With help from Charlotte!
Tasque Manager: "I suppose many here are probably curious of his full knowledge of the Dark Fountains and the legend his ancestors passed down to him..."
Fate: "They treat others well, good to hear the same for you"

Hayate: "Hey, what are your powers?"
Nanoha: "Ah, isn't that too soon to ask?"
Kazumi: "Sorry for confusing everyone!" -bowed-
Mash: "Ah, that's not necessary..."
-They totally do, rolling their optics as she's too obvious-
Tankor: "Forget about it, that war has been nothing but hell"
Demolishor: "I once was dutiful to the cause... And it ended with death afrer death after death"
Sky-Byte: "I'd much rather get stuck in an asteroid than return"
-Indeed, so Iroha has a small smile now-
Jack: "Then we must thank her too!"
Charlotte: "The info isn't very accessible if at all to others, it seems..."
-will she say it?-
Celica: "Whatever it is, I'm sure it looks very good."
Byleth: "..." -hugging Homura more- "Then I'll keep trying my best until she stops doing that..."
-so warm...-
Minervamon: "I lost another one!"
Elizabeth: "HA!"
-Maybe she will... A good excuse to hang with one of her besties-
Jalter: "Y-You don't have to see it!"
Tart: "Hm?"
Homura: "..." -blinks in surprise, though not complaining-
Arcueid: "I'll say you're going to succeed"
-The gnome them stands out of the shadows and hisses at them!-
Ford: "Easy, there! What brings you do here? Are you the only gnome down here?"
-The gnome is visibly surprised upon recognizing Ford-
Pacifica: "...
That's what just happened in this hallway?"
Dipper: "...We'll try our best!" -Confident-
Mabel: "We'll save Gravity Falls again!"
Marco: "I always try my best..."
Star: "Sometimes, stealth is necessary..."
The "omnipotent" claim is debatable.
Oh, a-and I'm Dr. Alphys!
Sparky: "(Have you ever played a video game before?)"

That, or any old keepsakes of theirs. Something capable of jogging their memories.
-is the gnome Schmebulock?-
Kanna: "...You managed to take pictures despite being blind? You're so amazing, Abby-chan..."
Yunobo: "I don't even know what omnipotent means... But you're a merchant you say? That must mean you're interested in what YunoboCo has to offer."
Ingrid: "Such a sore loser." -giggling-
-Minou probably has some stuff?-
-I assume he is-
Kazumi: "He is really a gnome!" :O
Abby: "Heheh~"
Suzune: "Yes, and there might be more of those through this town"
Iroha: "Indeed..."
Which means they really captured Touka-chan
They are confident... I hope they really know what they're doing.
-It was soon that they'd see plenty of through the place-
Tart: "Okay, this is odd... But other than that the place is starting to look like a Witch's Labyrinth"
da Vinci: "Of course~ Also willing to show some goods myself!" -somehow has a bag full of them now-
Spadamon: "I tend to habe more important business than something like this"
Namely clean the messes of other Knights.
Minou: "I suppose their original masks are worth using" -takes them out-
Sasa: "You know what? I won't ask how you got those"