Hayate: "It is! I could see a whole game revolving around them!"
Nanoha: "Or a TV show..."
Fate: "...Or movies..."
Kazumi: "I don't know too much details, but he drained them all of magic... And killed them all almost simultaneously to ensure they couldn't revive"
-They would figuratively sigh, reluctantly agreeing to not bother the royals more than they already have-
-Pretty much... Alternatively, maybe one mething that would remind her of Ui-
-Like a fox-like Pokémon or a Bug-type-
-Jack nodded at that-
Girafarig: "(Oh! What kind of game?)"
Vulpix: "(What's a TV show?)"
Squirtle: "(Or a movie...?)"
Steven: "...Toffee...was the one who wiped them out...?"
Peridot: "Well
that's a plot twist..."
-Even though the royals themselves truly don' want to put even these four former Decepticons in danger...-
-And there's several fox-like and Bug-type Pokemon here...-
Did he also sound crazy?
Ruby: "Figuring out what option's the best out of that the party has is something I do a lot on the field."

Weiss: "Yeah, it was."
Ingrid: "If he does it while Daisuke goes all out... I'm not saying he could break out but I'm also not saying him breaking out is impossible."

"His best odds would have been to trap him while he's not conscious enough to use his lightning."
Daisuke: -gets punched- "Hahaha! What a worthy foe!"

-now goes for a punch too-
Ralsei: "Then you must be "pro" at leading your team and others in battles as well! Did I use that slang correctly, Susie?"
Susie: "For once, yeah, ya got some modern lingo right."

-Professor Herringbone then walks into the dorm, and, visibly concerned yet sympathetic, asks "Mr. Plantar? May I have a word?" Sprig is just despondently like "You've heard, huh...?", to which the headmaster answers "Yes. I've spoken with your professors. Sprig, both stressed from the classes and failures as well as disappointed in himself thinking he's let Hop Pop down, just remarks "And they all think I'm a terrible student... I get it. I'll leave..." Professor Herringbone tries to remain supportive of him, however, semi-awkwardly telling him ""Leave"? Oh, no, no, no, no. It's true, your energy can be a bit...disruptive, but it's a
good disruption!"-
-While Sprig reacts with confusion to that answer, Professor Herringbone continues to to explain "And, since this is going to be such a project, we are starting early. No waiting for next semester." He then chuckles before finishing his explanation to state "No, no, no, no. Tomorrow, you officially start as a student of Newtopia University!", much to Sprig's shock-
Hekapoo: "Oh, no, it'd be impossible. Glossaryck gave Rhombulus the power to create crystals that turn a trapped person unconcsious instantly. As soon as someone gest fully encased in one of those crystals, it's lights out until he thaws it out or some kind of external factor like a magical contract forces it to."
Rhombulus: "Grrrr, you're still gonna lose this!" -Punched in his crystaline eye- "Ow!"
-Wolf and Link also paying attention-
Kanna: "You don't need to worry about that."

Zelda: -whispers back- "Fair enough."
Link: "Those things were
crawling in the Depths."
-he's not going to be 4th place... but he will lose that last stock almost right after whoever loses-
Palutena: "Oh no, Kazuya's on my sight!"
Kazumi: "Okay, so they and myself, along a few others with us, are called magical girls, who have been granted magic by aliens known as the Incubators..." -she proceeded to tell offscreen all about the magical girls and Witches system that the Incubators had settled up as a means to harvest their emotions to delay entropy, turning many girls through history into undead magical monsters whose souls were ripped out their bodies-
Iroha: "We'll be sure to contact with the Pines twins too"
Suzune: -Untransforms, and starts to look around the school-
Oriko: "That sums it up well enough"
-Not drawings, I meant they're actual people that are trapped-
-Also for some reason I... Kinda got this mixed up with Dipper and Mabel actually, so woops-
Kiyohime: "Hmmm, that doesn't sounds any nice..."
Ophanimon: "You'd better not get combo'd by him"
Unreplied Uni
McGucket: "...Huh? S-So these crazy alien critters did all this?! Are they working behind the scenes now, too?!"
Ford: "The only other good news we have to report is that the INcubators are all deceased. Normally, I wouldn't cheer for the extinction of any species, but based on everyone's accounts of them, their entire species' may have very well been devoid of any natural ability to feel ampathy or care for anything other than their own preservation..."
-Will Suzune find anyone or any clues?-
Melody: "That's awesome! I don't think we've ever had any fully experienced magic-users or superheroes in town before!"
-...Okay, now I'm confused, do Tart and the others see any trapped people in the halls at all then?-
C-Crawling with them?! H-How many of these Marbled Gohmas were there...?
Sparky: "(I'm still totally gonna win this match! Or, well, at least I've got to try.)"

What Digi said.