The Spook Factor
Noelle: "I even learned to cast spells on my first visit here!"Hayate: "It's how this place works. We don't understand it too much either"
Kazumi: "I wanted to ask you something, Undyne-san!"
-Yeah, but it's clear only a few of them, so he's careful-
Iroha: I don't which I could pick! Wait, I can't just pick one like that! It's not like they're pets!
Jack: "Oooh, we do have a lot of toys..."
Girafarig: "(Whoa, I'm a Shiny Girafarig now, too!)"
Vulpix: "(Am I an Alolan Vulpix, now?!)"
Pichu: "(Did I change at all, too?)"
Alright, shoot!

-The others are going to start wondering where Thundercracker went or go looking for him if he's gone for much longer...-
-While similar to animals commonly kept as pets in some regards, it's clear that most Pokemon are much more intelligent and also have far wider set of stronger abilities than most animals in general-
(And many video games...)
(Plus tons of books, too...)
Susie: "Anyway, I'm getting some of those macrons! See you guys at the front desk!" -Already running to it--that's what Ruby thought-
-will it?-
-and now it might become something she does more often...-
-Depending on how the next few episodes go, at least...-
-However, once the show is unpaused, it turns out the episode had a unique credits sequence from the usual season credits of Hop Pop and the family traveling the road at night as well-
Moon: "I'm not certain how often I should take entire days off of work, barring emergencies and any other sudden issues that need immediate tending to, but I'd prefer to have at least a few days off a month..."
-she'd wrap both :V-
-and get some guitar strings for Aoko-
Alear: "Oh, that sounds-"
Soren: -interrupting- "Dreadful."
Alear: "Fun~!"
-and that's what Wolf does, using his second Clawshot to grab Corbeau's Doppel and then get on its back for more slashes-
Kanna: "No... I never thought I'd say this but give back Ruby!"
Zelda: "Your guess would be correct, but the way he tried it was by using a Phantom impersonating me."
Palutena: "I don't!"
-but who was phone-
-The defrosting has already long ended this year- :V-Good for both of them- :V
Quetzalcoatl: "Sure, it would be so fun~"
Suzuka: "Unless you're like, a retail worker"
-Lapin's Doppel attempted to to attack his elongated arm while deflecting thrown knives-
-And Corbeau didn't see the laser gun coming so she's hit, while her Doppel tries to slam its own back against the ground to harm Wolf-
Kazumi: "Uuuuh, this is bad, the other girls are in trouble!"
Alina: "Oh if only you knew~" -she has the cube come to her- "Well, well, you'll be quite of use~"
M. Ruby: "...Can I go now?"
Kagari: "Noooooooo~"
Iroha: "Where are Touka-chan and Nemu-chan?!"
Alina: "...Oh, you could tell we caught them?" -chuckle- "It's not like it matters right now, since we have hidden them well~"
Iroha: "Let them go, you, you... You bad exuse of an artist!"
Alina: "Geez, such a goody two-shoes you can't even come with a good insult, quanto ingenuo e stupido from you"
Minou: "Shall we go now? My sisters could require the assistance"
Kanna: "Just a little bit"
Oriko: "Will you kill us...?"
Kagari: "Oh I wish so much to snuff Suzune-chan's life out..." -smugly patted the head of an infuriated Suzune- "But some extra suffering shall happen first~"
Sasa: "Just some of that, and it will make feeding you to monsters all the more rich"
-Fortunately they seem to be so smugly rubbing their advantage at their rivals faces to see they're there-
Tart: "I need to go, our enemies have caught most of the others in a trap!"
Kiyohime: "So that scoundrel also wanted to incriminate you..."
-Medea loves cute things- :V
Medea: "Hmmm..." -listening more-
(Sounds like we've got a case of a Scrooge or Grinch on our hands, here...) I'll pick a random track from my playlists, then!
-Stan tried to grab the Doppel's arm with the literally cursed arm as a counterattack, while Ford tried to land a melee strike on Corbeau to inflict a posion effect-
McGucket: "How do you know?"
Mabel: -Whispering to the others, too quiet for Minou and her crew to hear- "Okay, I have one more idea, but you might want to try and make whatever distance you can while we're still trapped..."
-Dipper immediately realized what Mabel's plan was, and nodded affirmatively-
-With that, Wendy tells Soos and Melody to go to McGucket's manor, while Wendy herself stays in case she needs to try and bail everyone out or buy them some time-
Marco: "Ugh, I knew it! People not answering calls in situations like this is always a bad sign!"
Candy: "You three go and save our friends! We will stay here and try to handle crowd!"
Grenda: "If they won't listen to my voice, they'll listen to my FISTS!"
Lapis: "If he's not using brute force, he's using tricks and manipulation..."
-While Sparky launches Thunder Jolts at Steve from the opposite side that Ophanimon tries to grab him from-
-SHe can't make out any intelligble voice or words from it, just...creepy, unnatural sounds resembling the kind caused by computer crashes, digital errors and what vaguely sounds like a garbled voice...-
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