Roman: "...Did it seriously leave the ball? And here I thought she'd like the class."
(I wonder if the little guy will ever be on board with the idea of having a proper Trainer...)
-at least for now-
-but now they must prepare for a future war....-
A sentinel that gets caught by the enemy is worthless. You should know that.
You're one to talk, Yuri. Need I remind you how you acted over a pen?
-wait, they tried USING the Ball already?-
Artoria: "for now, I recommend you rest. Maybe take a bath"
-But over what? Taiga doesn't knows...-
White-haired woman: "And announcing your presence is?"
Yuri: "........." -so red now- "P-Please no..."
-I'm honestly as surpised as Goldie LOL-
Nel: "And that should be the end of him."
-Upon seeing the explosion in the sky, Undyne lets out a heavy sigh-
...It's over. He might not be gone forever, but Zedd is finally dead...
Star: "Any way I can help you brew it? We're still kinda on a time crunch, here!"
-and with the enemy slain, he reverts to his normal state and walks off into the sunset-
-and burns up because he literally walked into the sunset; he'll be fine though-
-she can't avoid both and gets caught-
-he's starting to wake up....-
Jeanne: "Seems we can finally rest..."
Luvia: "...You think that this 'Fishbunjin' will be okay?"
Martha: "Something tells me he'll be"
Kimberly: "....It's over...It's finally over, legit..."
-VenomMyotismon smirks, before Kazemon tries to kick his hidden face-
Kazemon: "WHY, DON'T, YOU, STOP?!"
-VenomMyotismon sees no worth in absorbing her data, and as a result, chooses to swat her away, with her crashing near its Tamer-
Kazemon: "Ah... N-No... ****..."
Rogue Tamer: "Huh, maybe we didn't need to worry after all"

Trader Tamer: "No kidding! I wonder how much this one will sell for!"
Tamamo: In fact yes, let's do it quick!" -and offscreen with help of the wand-
Medea: "Lucario?"
Pichu: "(Squirtle's right, the lemon cake is yummy!)" -Eating a slice of it as well-
-The Vulpix meanwhile is eating smaller samples of every cake they ordered-
I'd call the jerks out on it, but I doubt my actions alone will make much a difference...
Why do you think we came all this way? 
-But would she be aware of their survival at this point in time?-
(Is this really going to wake her up...?)
-Just not too much-
Nanoha: "Very glad to know!"
Kazumi: "Aw... I really hope things get better some day..."
da Vinci: "Perhaps" -in the seat now- "But for now, we have a mission!"
Shockwave: "Fortunately, we found the stolen Enigma of Combination"
Scorponok: "Okay, so you really have the means to..."
-Probably not, since this is before leaving to GF-
Jack: "See?"
Alear: "Never thought I'd meet someone who could relate to
that, honestly..."
Celica: "This all seems exciting. I bet your sketch will be wonderful."

Byleth: "Someone they didn't approve of..."
-In fact the eyes of all but Ana shined at that moment-
Oriko: "..."
They are making the same stare as little Yuma...
Tart: "It wasn't a pleasant experience, but my friend joined me in fighting from that day on, and I could always count on her and others!"
Jeanne: "Indeed, Medea is very knowledgeable in a whole lot of costuumes!"
Medea right now, but instead of Artoria, it's over Emblem Lucina:
Fujino: "Indeed..." -sounds like it comes from experience-
-Great, it's gonna be one of those time-based side quests like tons of the items in the BIggoron Sword Quest- :V
Soos: "I think that's what they gave us, too. Eugh!" -Throws his away, and Melody instantly does the same-
-Wendy was wise enough to throw hers away before going to investigate the Gravity Falls high school-
-The Lich is now able to cast open portals to other dimensions, without even directly coming into contact with the wand-
-Even if he did, Magical Ruby likely wouldn't be able to make a contract with him, as The Lich's power would likely corrupt or resist that of the wand's-
What a remarkable building...
I-Incredible...This ancient temple concealing tons of Hyrule's ancient history was buried right under your noses this whole time! This is just like how they the Great Sphinx of Giza in Egypt!
-Then Tamamo's question- Huh?
Claptrap: -Peeking up from behind the control panel, still a bit scared- "She's still your officially contracted Master!"
-perhaps Sothis's trump card could show up to help they?- :V
Kanna: "Feeling better now, Iroha-chan?"
Epimenides: -to himself-
Hopefully he doesn't figure out the wand too quickly...
Riju: "What kind of question is that? Link is a trusted ally and hero to my people. I deeply value working at his side but-"
Buliara: "I think this one wanted to know if you were dating him."
Riju: "Oh by the Goddess, not at all. He's not refined enough to be my type. I do see him as a close friend but nothing deeper than that."
Link: "Can you stop being jealous at any woman we see, Tamamo...?"
Riju: -heard that question and started to chuckle- "So
that is why you asked? Well, while he may not suit my personal tastes, I can tell you you've gotten quite the catch, lady. He may be rough around the edges, but he's always loyal, reliable and willing to do whatever it takes to make people smile. Most women would kill for a partner half as good as him. So no need to be so clingy about him, alright?"
-and because I forgot, Buliara actually has art!-
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Shez: "And she's stuck with me for better or for worse."
-In fact said trump card in on the ceiling above, and the Emblems started to hear a laugh-
Kazumi: "Ah, those are really Evil Nuts!"
Suzune: "Good, but there are surely plenty more"
Iroha: "I think so..."
-Indeed to both statements, and the magical girls seem okay with this result...-
Tamamo: "...Well, you are right about all of those praises. But he's also mine"
That sounds embarrassing...
Draco: "Until the day I fully recover my power and I can get rid of you..."
Spadamon: "...You should take security measures with this one"