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Some dumb roleplay thread, I guess (Warning, it's not dumb)


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Sothis: "I... don't want to talk about any of the details but to put it simply, my life had been claimed by human hands after a terrible war."
-but who does...?-
-pretty much yeah-
Steven: "Oh..." :urg:

-Hopediah says he's got one, and claims "And it's the scariest one yet. It's called.." before saying in a very deep and foreboding voice "Dead End."-


(...What's this one going to be about? A graveyard? A road?)

-Will Hinoka mention any of this to Undyne tho?-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Vulpix: "(Does he know how to cast magic, too?)"

Wait, for real? Does she try to make her own headlines with violence often?

Steven: "I don't think any siblings have a choice on who they're born with or not..."
Connie: "Except for certain species of sharks, to a extent...But maybe now's not the best time to mention that."

(...) -Doesn't point out the sheer similarities in their voices yet, but he notably looks confused-

Sweet: "Five malevolent teenagers?"
Cap'n: "Never heard of them. Are they also trying to conquer the world?"
K_K: "Five? Oh no! Have our buddies gone rogue?!"
Nanoha: "Of course! He taught me a lot, and he's one of my best friends too" :)
Ran: "More than youd think"
Kazumi: "Oh, that's not good..."
Ran: "Yeah, so she often gets away... Or defeated"
-Sky-Byte, Gnaw and Sea Phantom from the Seacons sneeze-
Breakdown: "Moreso when they're all born twins, as humans call them" -they don't know a red and a blue muscle cars are approcahing-
Atalanta: "...Palutena is looking for you as well then?"
Oriko: "I believe so, at leastso far"
Atalanta: "Good, after all Merlin is a very troubling person"
Oriko: "So I heard..."
-And neither realize their voices are identical-
Semiramis: "Not anyone you know, just some really awful girls from another world who use magic"
-they very much are-

-Nel even got in the spirit of things-
Shez: "Whatever you say. Still, I hope you'll like this one." :p

Sigurd: "That is an apt analogy."
Byleth: "I sometimes forget you're a clone. You seem so... truly human."
Mary: "Hey, Miyu~!"
Miyu: ❓
Alice: "It's time for a game~!"
-What are her thoughts?-
-Jalter nodded and took the drink-

Sitonai: "Moreso since, you know, horse" :p
Kazumi: "Because my wish was to become human! Even if it only lasted a second before becoming a magical girl, it was worth it!"
Mabel: "...Duly noted."
Dipper: "Actually, wasn't Azura planning a big concert at some point? Not sure a karaoke machine would really work for that..."

Kris: "In that case, we're still following you two." :p
Susie: "Maybe we don't know much about the Grid, but what the heck do either of you know about Dark Fountains?"

Ralsei: "H-Heh, I really hope so!"

-Only for Jenny herself to catch even that attack with her own free hands-

Mabel: "Then that's how we defeat Isabeau and daughters."

-Didn't stop several of the students from trying to either break the bubbles or move them while Minou and co. were distracted, assuming that they're essentially literal bubbles outside of being made of magic-

You'll see in time, child. We cannot afford to draw the attention of any adversaries who have the potential to stop neither my nor Isabeau's plans yet.

-What Digi asked?-
TLink: "The one Tetra and I knew is gone for good, at least..."

And the two Chaldea has contended with also seem to be deceased...

Hekapoo: "They're mostly demons, but yeah." :p
Alear: "What's karaoke? It sounds fun." :)

Ingrid: "Their presence can bring great instability to a world, can they not?"
Kanna: "Well, I still think you can be strong without your wand, Illya-chan." :)

-or Epimenides's... not like the Lich knows lol-
-he totally did-

Zelda: "Ours should be as well... hopefully..."
Sothis: "I suppose that is fair enough..."

Pandora: "Awwwww, some cute little demons." :p
Martha: "It means to sing a song or many ones as music is playing"

Yukari: "To the point they could destroy them, correct?"

Lindy: "Thank you for your cooperation, I'll take the lead from here... And you go enjoy some time" :)
-Launching Kuroto and allowing Emu to strike him with his hammer!-
Illya: "I still have my cards so I can still fight. Still, it's worrying what they might be doing using Ruby..." -notably more concerned for how Magical Ruby might be getting used than Magical Ruby herself, and really, who blames her?-
Tart: "Indeed! Plus Jeanne told they'll be getting more people to go!"

-They're cubes, but yeah made of Alina's magic-
Sasa: "But hey, we didn't get out empty-handed" :p
Kanna: "Heh, these will make fine additions to our roster"
Minou: "Or cannon fodder, not like that's a bad thing"

Airi: "Alright, not my place to meddle in... I just hope they can kill the Pleiades"
-Also, the people of Gravity Falls have yet to realize that the former Northwest Manor has been completely destroyed from the previous fight, in large part thanks to memory alterations from Kagari, Sasa and Kanna, but also... Because another building has taken its place, as if it was always what the Northwest Manor looked like-

Iroha: "I'm glad you're free from having to fight him, at least..."
Ophanimon: "Nothin personal, I'm just doing my job here"
Kiara: "I understand, however, I refuse to give in to that Beast inside my mind"

Medusa: "She's fine with any sentient race worshipping her" :p

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Steven: "Oh..." :urg:

-Hopediah says he's got one, and claims "And it's the scariest one yet. It's called.." before saying in a very deep and foreboding voice "Dead End."-

(...What's this one going to be about? A graveyard? A road?)

-Will Hinoka mention any of this to Undyne tho?-
Sothis: "Indeed..."
Weiss: "We're about to find out..."
-no reason to...-

Mary: "Hey, Miyu~!"
Miyu: ❓
Alice: "It's time for a game~!"
-What are her thoughts?-
-Jalter nodded and took the drink-

Sitonai: "Moreso since, you know, horse" :p
Kazumi: "Because my wish was to become human! Even if it only lasted a second before becoming a magical girl, it was worth it!"
-even Ana had a tiny smile-
Alear: He's quite the nice king...
-was it good?-

Sigurd: "Indeed." :)
Byleth: "Well, I still think you're a very human person."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Nanoha: "Of course! He taught me a lot, and he's one of my best friends too" :)
Ran: "More than youd think"
Kazumi: "Oh, that's not good..."
Ran: "Yeah, so she often gets away... Or defeated"
-Sky-Byte, Gnaw and Sea Phantom from the Seacons sneeze-
Breakdown: "Moreso when they're all born twins, as humans call them" -they don't know a red and a blue muscle cars are approcahing-
Atalanta: "...Palutena is looking for you as well then?"
Oriko: "I believe so, at leastso far"
Atalanta: "Good, after all Merlin is a very troubling person"
Oriko: "So I heard..."
-And neither realize their voices are identical-
Semiramis: "Not anyone you know, just some really awful girls from another world who use magic"
Squirtle: "(I don't think any of us have met him...)"

Have any of ever tried...actually talking to her about this? Or doing anything other than defeating her in a battle and waiting for her to eventually start attacking a town again?

-To be fair, they're not actual sharks- :V
Steven: "Not all Cybertronian siblings are twins? Does that mean that the Sparks can take a while before they're actually born as Cybertronians?"

(...Do neither of you really not notice that-Never mind, I'm sure it's merely a coincidence...) -Actually rubbing his forehead in confusion. This is utterly flabbergasting to him-

K_K: "Phew, that's a relief! The part about our friends not going evil, not the part about a bunch of evil mages being the real problem."
Cap'n: "Are they in the Light World?"
Sweet:""Even if they are, you can count on all of us to help however we can!"

Sothis: "Indeed..."
Weiss: "We're about to find out..."
-no reason to...-
Steven: "Yeah...losing someone you care about can definitely change someone's perception about anyone who was involved or wherever it took place at for the worse..." -Thinking of the Diamonds, and how Yellow Diamond and Blue Diamond have grown to utterly despise the Earth and his mother for shattering Pink Diamond-

-The story begins on a stormy day on a road in Wartwood, as Hop Pop narrates "Long ago, when I was just a young frog, I got my first job as a wagoner...", before showing the taxi wagon in question that Hop Pop is driving along with Bessie towing it traveling across the road-


-...Then he immediately brushes that topic aside to talk about the hair he also had back then, saying "But never mind that! I had the most beautiful thicket of hair that Wartwood had ever seen!"-



-Even though Undyne was the one who brought up the idea of whether or not Hinoka could defeat Urbosa in a fair battle?-

Alear: "What's karaoke? It sounds fun." :)

Ingrid: "Their presence can bring great instability to a world, can they not?"
Kanna: "Well, I still think you can be strong without your wand, Illya-chan." :)

-or Epimenides's... not like the Lich knows lol-
-he totally did-

Zelda: "Ours should be as well... hopefully..."
Sothis: "I suppose that is fair enough..."

Pandora: "Awwwww, some cute little demons." :p
Martha: "It means to sing a song or many ones as music is playing"

Yukari: "To the point they could destroy them, correct?"

Lindy: "Thank you for your cooperation, I'll take the lead from here... And you go enjoy some time" :)
-Launching Kuroto and allowing Emu to strike him with his hammer!-
Illya: "I still have my cards so I can still fight. Still, it's worrying what they might be doing using Ruby..." -notably more concerned for how Magical Ruby might be getting used than Magical Ruby herself, and really, who blames her?-
Tart: "Indeed! Plus Jeanne told they'll be getting more people to go!"

-They're cubes, but yeah made of Alina's magic-
Sasa: "But hey, we didn't get out empty-handed" :p
Kanna: "Heh, these will make fine additions to our roster"
Minou: "Or cannon fodder, not like that's a bad thing"

Airi: "Alright, not my place to meddle in... I just hope they can kill the Pleiades"
-Also, the people of Gravity Falls have yet to realize that the former Northwest Manor has been completely destroyed from the previous fight, in large part thanks to memory alterations from Kagari, Sasa and Kanna, but also... Because another building has taken its place, as if it was always what the Northwest Manor looked like-
View attachment 398799
Iroha: "I'm glad you're free from having to fight him, at least..."
Ophanimon: "Nothin personal, I'm just doing my job here"
Kiara: "I understand, however, I refuse to give in to that Beast inside my mind"

Medusa: "She's fine with any sentient race worshipping her" :p
Mabel: "And along with the lyrics to an existing song! It doesn't matter if you do amazing or terrible, the whole point is to have fun!"

Susie: "Basically, the more that exist at any given time, the more the balance of light and darkness gets messed up...If uh, too many exist at once, apparently the whole world or universe is going to get shrouded in darkness. And that's going to summon a bunch of titans to destroy whatever's left..."
-Is that even worse than what Ingrid and Yukari thought or were otherwise informed of?-

Ralsei: "Heh, my people and I won't be able to manifest in Basel for much longer, but until then, I'll take a break and go hang out with my friends!" :grin:

-Before XJ-8 zapped him with explosive dark blue laser beams from her eyes-

Pacifica: "Uh, isn't that wand alive? Shouldn't you be worried about what's happening to her, too?"
Star: "Trust me, Illya's more worried about the powers of Magical Ruby's they're using for several good reasons." :glare:

-The more athletic students are shouting things like "LET US GO, YOU INSANE FREAKS!" at Minou and her cew with pure anger in their voices-

That's a part of all of our goals, but remember that it was Minou and her companions who requested your revival. Your only obligations here are to assist them, and not interfere with the eradication of all life...

-Welp, that's an even worse sign...Whether it's fully magical or not, the Pines and their close allies are gonna have to work hard to prove that Minou and the others have been deceiving the people of the town...-

W-We all are are as far as we know, at least... No other version of him has shown up elsewhere, a-and the ones we have encountered have y-yet to return again in any form...

TLink: "Zelda raises a good point. Did you actually manage to take any pictures of the Ganondorf from, Link...?"

Hekapoo: "I was thinking more along the lines that she'd be able to form an alliance with the kingdom of Mewni's Underworld and the Lucitor family..."

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-even Ana had a tiny smile-
Alear: He's quite the nice king...
-was it good?-

Sigurd: "Indeed." :)
Byleth: "Well, I still think you're a very human person."
Miyu: "Ah, but I'm busy now"
Ana: "No,you should come"
I meant Nel's but fair enough
-Indeed, even with all the conquest-
Jalter: "...Woah"

Sitonai: "Yeah, still pretty good to know!"
Kazumi: "Thank you! I do my best to do so!" :)
Suzune: Doing better than me, for sure...
Squirtle: "(I don't think any of us have met him...)"

Have any of ever tried...actually talking to her about this? Or doing anything other than defeating her in a battle and waiting for her to eventually start attacking a town again?

-To be fair, they're not actual sharks- :V
Steven: "Not all Cybertronian siblings are twins? Does that mean that the Sparks can take a while before they're actually born as Cybertronians?"

(...Do neither of you really not notice that-Never mind, I'm sure it's merely a coincidence...) -Actually rubbing his forehead in confusion. This is utterly flabbergasting to him-

K_K: "Phew, that's a relief! The part about our friends not going evil, not the part about a bunch of evil mages being the real problem."
Cap'n: "Are they in the Light World?"
Sweet:""Even if they are, you can count on all of us to help however we can!"
Nanoha: "I can present you to him later! I know he won't mind"
Ran: "More than once, by this point it's kind of expected"
-Fair LOL-
Breakdown: "I meant some can be triplets, but that's much rarer"
Atalanta: "Hm? Notice what"
-Seems not-
Jack: "Thank you!"
Semiramis: I somehow doubt it if they'll become inanimate objects when not in a Dark World

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Martha: "It means to sing a song or many ones as music is playing"

Yukari: "To the point they could destroy them, correct?"

Lindy: "Thank you for your cooperation, I'll take the lead from here... And you go enjoy some time" :)
-Launching Kuroto and allowing Emu to strike him with his hammer!-
Illya: "I still have my cards so I can still fight. Still, it's worrying what they might be doing using Ruby..." -notably more concerned for how Magical Ruby might be getting used than Magical Ruby herself, and really, who blames her?-
Tart: "Indeed! Plus Jeanne told they'll be getting more people to go!"

-They're cubes, but yeah made of Alina's magic-
Sasa: "But hey, we didn't get out empty-handed" :p
Kanna: "Heh, these will make fine additions to our roster"
Minou: "Or cannon fodder, not like that's a bad thing"

Airi: "Alright, not my place to meddle in... I just hope they can kill the Pleiades"
-Also, the people of Gravity Falls have yet to realize that the former Northwest Manor has been completely destroyed from the previous fight, in large part thanks to memory alterations from Kagari, Sasa and Kanna, but also... Because another building has taken its place, as if it was always what the Northwest Manor looked like-
Iroha: "I'm glad you're free from having to fight him, at least..."
Ophanimon: "Nothin personal, I'm just doing my job here"
Kiara: "I understand, however, I refuse to give in to that Beast inside my mind"

Medusa: "She's fine with any sentient race worshipping her" :p
Mabel: "And along with the lyrics to an existing song! It doesn't matter if you do amazing or terrible, the whole point is to have fun!"

Susie: "Basically, the more that exist at any given time, the more the balance of light and darkness gets messed up...If uh, too many exist at once, apparently the whole world or universe is going to get shrouded in darkness. And that's going to summon a bunch of titans to destroy whatever's left..."
-Is that even worse than what Ingrid and Yukari thought or were otherwise informed of?-

Ralsei: "Heh, my people and I won't be able to manifest in Basel for much longer, but until then, I'll take a break and go hang out with my friends!" :grin:

-Before XJ-8 zapped him with explosive dark blue laser beams from her eyes-

Pacifica: "Uh, isn't that wand alive? Shouldn't you be worried about what's happening to her, too?"
Star: "Trust me, Illya's more worried about the powers of Magical Ruby's they're using for several good reasons." :glare:

-The more athletic students are shouting things like "LET US GO, YOU INSANE FREAKS!" at Minou and her cew with pure anger in their voices-

That's a part of all of our goals, but remember that it was Minou and her companions who requested your revival. Your only obligations here are to assist them, and not interfere with the eradication of all life...

-Welp, that's an even worse sign...Whether it's fully magical or not, the Pines and their close allies are gonna have to work hard to prove that Minou and the others have been deceiving the people of the town...-

W-We all are are as far as we know, at least... No other version of him has shown up elsewhere, a-and the ones we have encountered have y-yet to return again in any form...

TLink: "Zelda raises a good point. Did you actually manage to take any pictures of the Ganondorf from, Link...?"

Hekapoo: "I was thinking more along the lines that she'd be able to form an alliance with the kingdom of Mewni's Underworld and the Lucitor family..."
Alear: "Oh, that sounds fun!" :b:

Ingrid: "I suppose that makes sense. Too much darkness snuffs out the light."
Sothis: "So much for a so-called genius." :p
Kanna: "Yeah... Ruby's... not the best..."

-and Pacifica would be mindblow at thatnew mansion-
Link: "I sure did." :p
-Ophanimon's opinion on that?-

Pandora: "Oh... well, that's kinda boring..."

Steven: "Yeah...losing someone you care about can definitely change someone's perception about anyone who was involved or wherever it took place at for the worse..." -Thinking of the Diamonds, and how Yellow Diamond and Blue Diamond have grown to utterly despise the Earth and his mother for shattering Pink Diamond-

-The story begins on a stormy day on a road in Wartwood, as Hop Pop narrates "Long ago, when I was just a young frog, I got my first job as a wagoner...", before showing the taxi wagon in question that Hop Pop is driving along with Bessie towing it traveling across the road-

-...Then he immediately brushes that topic aside to talk about the hair he also had back then, saying "But never mind that! I had the most beautiful thicket of hair that Wartwood had ever seen!"-

-Even though Undyne was the one who brought up the idea of whether or not Hinoka could defeat Urbosa in a fair battle?-
Sothis: "And the humans in her world are also very... gullible, to say the least."
Weiss: "So much for the stories being true..."
Hinoka: "...Maybe with enough luck, I could get something going, but she's had to deal with far worse in her world."

Miyu: "Ah, but I'm busy now"
Ana: "No,you should come"
I meant Nel's but fair enough
-Indeed, even with all the conquest-
Jalter: "...Woah"

Sitonai: "Yeah, still pretty good to know!"
Kazumi: "Thank you! I do my best to do so!" :)
Suzune: Doing better than me, for sure...
-they practically drag her away?-
-or perhaps because of it...-
Shez: "Pretty good, right?"

-and also cool?-
Byleth: -now looking at Suzune-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Nanoha: "I can present you to him later! I know he won't mind"
Ran: "More than once, by this point it's kind of expected"
-Fair LOL-
Breakdown: "I meant some can be triplets, but that's much rarer"
Atalanta: "Hm? Notice what"
-Seems not-
Jack: "Thank you!"
Semiramis: I somehow doubt it if they'll become inanimate objects when not in a Dark World
Girafarig: "(I'd love to meet more friends!)" :b:


... -Sigh- Well, I know Frisk would've appreciated that you guys show a lot of mercy...


Steven: "Even compared to human triplets?"
Connie: "The process of Cybertronians being born is almost completely different from how humans and most organic life is born, Steven..."

(Something that's most likely a coincidence. You need not worry about it.)

-Maybe they can at least provide items to help the fight?-

(Erm, in any case, you sell collections of song and musical instruments here?)

Sothis: "And the humans in her world are also very... gullible, to say the least."
Weiss: "So much for the stories being true..."
Hinoka: "...Maybe with enough luck, I could get something going, but she's had to deal with far worse in her world."
Steven: "Did Angel Land have it's own Earth that the people there looked over...?"

(...Actually, have we seen what Hop Pop's hair used to look like before now? He might at least be telling the truth about that...)

-Either way, it's clear that Hop Pop takes a lot of pride in that supposed big head of styled hair, claiming that "It had bounce. It had shine! It was so thick, when I ran my fingers through it, my hand would get stuck‐", even showing his hand getting stuck in his hair for a few seconds in the supposed flashback before Anne quickly gets fed up with his bragging about his long gone hair and shouts "Enough about the hair!" Hop Pop obliges, but is clearly a bit annoyed as he answers "All right, all right. Geez..."-

... I mean, you both died and became ghosts from a near-apocalyptic-level threat. -Said in a blunt and matter of fact way, but not in a harsh one-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Mabel: "And along with the lyrics to an existing song! It doesn't matter if you do amazing or terrible, the whole point is to have fun!"

Susie: "Basically, the more that exist at any given time, the more the balance of light and darkness gets messed up...If uh, too many exist at once, apparently the whole world or universe is going to get shrouded in darkness. And that's going to summon a bunch of titans to destroy whatever's left..."
-Is that even worse than what Ingrid and Yukari thought or were otherwise informed of?-

Ralsei: "Heh, my people and I won't be able to manifest in Basel for much longer, but until then, I'll take a break and go hang out with my friends!" :grin:

-Before XJ-8 zapped him with explosive dark blue laser beams from her eyes-

Pacifica: "Uh, isn't that wand alive? Shouldn't you be worried about what's happening to her, too?"
Star: "Trust me, Illya's more worried about the powers of Magical Ruby's they're using for several good reasons." :glare:

-The more athletic students are shouting things like "LET US GO, YOU INSANE FREAKS!" at Minou and her cew with pure anger in their voices-

That's a part of all of our goals, but remember that it was Minou and her companions who requested your revival. Your only obligations here are to assist them, and not interfere with the eradication of all life...

-Welp, that's an even worse sign...Whether it's fully magical or not, the Pines and their close allies are gonna have to work hard to prove that Minou and the others have been deceiving the people of the town...-

W-We all are are as far as we know, at least... No other version of him has shown up elsewhere, a-and the ones we have encountered have y-yet to return again in any form...

TLink: "Zelda raises a good point. Did you actually manage to take any pictures of the Ganondorf from, Link...?"

Hekapoo: "I was thinking more along the lines that she'd be able to form an alliance with the kingdom of Mewni's Underworld and the Lucitor family..."
Alear: "Oh, that sounds fun!" :b:

Ingrid: "I suppose that makes sense. Too much darkness snuffs out the light."
Sothis: "So much for a so-called genius." :p
Kanna: "Yeah... Ruby's... not the best..."

-and Pacifica would be mindblow at thatnew mansion-
Link: "I sure did." :p
-Ophanimon's opinion on that?-

Pandora: "Oh... well, that's kinda boring..."
Martha: "And I know a lot of people would enjoy to experience some"

Yukari: "Titans, huh? Sounds like they're even worse than the Cybertronian type"

Lindy: "thank you, you deserve it" :)
Kuroto: "YOU WILL ALL KNEEL BEFORE MY GOD-LIKE GENIUS!" -he finally managed to pull out the God Maximum Mighty X cartridge at last!- "EACH AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU!"
Emu: "You tried that one years ago and Kiriya-san stopped you!"
Kuroto: "But anyone in this other world!" -laughs like a maniac-
Illya: "Yeah... Point is, it's bad since they could go to different worlds now"

Minou: "Hush, commoners. You should be greateful you'll die in honor of my mother"
Alina: "Hm, I wonder which of you would make White Feathers and which ones Black Feathers..."
Sasa: "Oh right, your Magius thingy had ranks"
Alina: "Si, Black Feathers were the cannon fodder, White Feathers were the higher ranking ones. Either way, they will hopefully make for good art pieces~"

Airi: "Yeah, I'm not stupid. Those five would gang on me if I did anything against them and you could just crush me here, so I'm choosing obedience"
-Spoiler alert: It's magical-
Iroha: "They must look rough..."
Ophanimon: "That so? Why is that?"
Kiara: "I didn't ask to become that, a damned demon forced the memories of other mes through the multiverse to create... The Beast..."

Ereshkigal: "Y-Yeah, just that!"
Medusa: "Not like that would stop Pandora"
-they practically drag her away?-
-or perhaps because of it...-
Shez: "Pretty good, right?"

-and also cool?-
Byleth: -now looking at Suzune-
-Before she knows, she is-
Miyu: "...Wait!"
Oriko: "Don't worry, I'll take care of the rest!"
-Yeah, no doubt about that... That's usually not the case-
Jalter: "What is this exactly?"

Sitonai: "Plus it's still pretty neat"
Suzune: "...You're observing me now"
Girafarig: "(I'd love to meet more friends!)" :b:


... -Sigh- Well, I know Frisk would've appreciated that you guys show a lot of mercy...


Steven: "Even compared to human triplets?"
Connie: "The process of Cybertronians being born is almost completely different from how humans and most organic life is born, Steven..."

(Something that's most likely a coincidence. You need not worry about it.)

-Maybe they can at least provide items to help the fight?-

(Erm, in any case, you sell collections of song and musical instruments here?)
Hayate: "Awwww, that sounds so cute~"
Ran: "Honestly it's rare for anyone in Gensokyo to outright kill each other..."
Breakdown: "Yeah, I don't even recall meeting any"
Atalanta: "...If you say so"
Oriko: "Seems he looks out for you a lot"
Atalanta: "He does"
-Well, that doesn't sounds bad...-
Jack: "Like Spotify?"
Last edited:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Hayate: "Awwww, that sounds so cute~"
Ran: "Honestly it's rare for anyone in Gensokyo to outright kill each other..."
Breakdown: "Yeah, I don't even recall meeting any"
Atalanta: "...If you say so"
Oriko: "Seems he looks out for you a lot"
Atalanta: "He does"
-Well, that doesn't sounds bad...-
Jack: "Like Spotify?"
Squirtle: "(What's cute about wanting to make friends?)"

Believe it or not, i actually admire and completely understand that. The Underground was the same way.

Steven: "I wonder if there's are any out there right now..."

(Atalanta is my Trainer, and I couldn't have asked for a better one than her.) -Small smile-

-Will Semiramis inquire about this?-

K_K: "Spot it fly? Spot what fly? I don't birds or hats around here!"
Cap'n: "She probably means app in the Light World, K_K!"
Sweet: "If Spotofy is a music app, then hexk yeah we do!"

Alear: "Oh, that sounds fun!" :b:

Ingrid: "I suppose that makes sense. Too much darkness snuffs out the light."
Sothis: "So much for a so-called genius." :p
Kanna: "Yeah... Ruby's... not the best..."

-and Pacifica would be mindblow at thatnew mansion-
Link: "I sure did." :p
-Ophanimon's opinion on that?-

Pandora: "Oh... well, that's kinda boring..."
Martha: "And I know a lot of people would enjoy to experience some"

Yukari: "Titans, huh? Sounds like they're even worse than the Cybertronian type"

Lindy: "thank you, you deserve it" :)
Kuroto: "YOU WILL ALL KNEEL BEFORE MY GOD-LIKE GENIUS!" -he finally managed to pull out the God Maximum Mighty X cartridge at last!- "EACH AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU!"
Emu: "You tried that one years ago and Kiriya-san stopped you!"
Kuroto: "But anyone in this other world!" -laughs like a maniac-
Illya: "Yeah... Point is, it's bad since they could go to different worlds now"

Minou: "Hush, commoners. You should be greateful you'll die in honor of my mother"
Alina: "Hm, I wonder which of you would make White Feathers and which ones Black Feathers..."
Sasa: "Oh right, your Magius thingy had ranks"
Alina: "Si, Black Feathers were the cannon fodder, White Feathers were the higher ranking ones. Either way, they will hopefully make for good art pieces~"

Airi: "Yeah, I'm not stupid. Those five would gang on me if I did anything against them and you could just crush me here, so I'm choosing obedience"
-Spoiler alert: It's magical-
Iroha: "They must look rough..."
Ophanimon: "That so? Why is that?"
Kiara: "I didn't ask to become that, a damned demon forced the memories of other mes through the multiverse to create... The Beast..."

Ereshkigal: "Y-Yeah, just that!"
Medusa: "Not like that would stop Pandora"
Mabel: "Then I'm even happier to bring the karaoke machine! Just remember not to raise the dead this time, Dipper..."
Dipper: "That was one time, Mabel!" :glare:

Susie: "Sounds about right in both cases..."

Ralsei: "If the Time Space Administration Bureau ever needs help, you can count on us and rhr Dark World!"

-Quickly flies by Kuroto and tries to snatch cartridge to prevent him from.using it-

Marco: "Then we've just got to stop them before they can invade any other dimensions!"

-One of the students is like "What are you even talking about?!" and another outright shouts "Your mother sounds like a psycho!"-

Good. Rest assured, undead such as yourself will still be spared.
-At least that means it can be dispelled, but it's at least three times the size of Northwest Mabor...-

Peridot: "Uhh, do we really need to see them.. ?"

Hekapoo: "Somehow I'm not surprised..."

-While not a demon, Hekapoo's own looks probably don't help...Although unlike Pandora and Medusa, she's not teasing or flirtatious with Eresh because (IIRC) the show gives no hints or indications that she's into women-
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Steven: "Did Angel Land have it's own Earth that the people there looked over...?"

(...Actually, have we seen what Hop Pop's hair used to look like before now? He might at least be telling the truth about that...)

-Either way, it's clear that Hop Pop takes a lot of pride in that supposed big head of styled hair, claiming that "It had bounce. It had shine! It was so thick, when I ran my fingers through it, my hand would get stuck‐", even showing his hand getting stuck in his hair for a few seconds in the supposed flashback before Anne quickly gets fed up with his bragging about his long gone hair and shouts "Enough about the hair!" Hop Pop obliges, but is clearly a bit annoyed as he answers "All right, all right. Geez..."-

... I mean, you both died and became ghosts from a near-apocalyptic-level threat. -Said in a blunt and matter of fact way, but not in a harsh one-
Sothis: "Yes, it did. How else do you think the deities there drew their power from?"
Weiss: "I doubt it..."
Hinoka: "I... guess so, but that doesn't mean our skills are equal..."

-Before she knows, she is-
Miyu: "...Wait!"
Oriko: "Don't worry, I'll take care of the rest!"
-Yeah, no doubt about that... That's usually not the case-
Jalter: "What is this exactly?"

Sitonai: "Plus it's still pretty neat"
Suzune: "...You're observing me now"
Shez: "Just a simple fruit cocktail. I'm... not really good at remembering the names of them but I still know how to do them." :lol:

Alear: "Other Emblems also have very strong abilities of their own." :)
Byleth: "Can you show me your skills with that sword?"

Martha: "And I know a lot of people would enjoy to experience some"

Yukari: "Titans, huh? Sounds like they're even worse than the Cybertronian type"

Lindy: "thank you, you deserve it" :)
Kuroto: "YOU WILL ALL KNEEL BEFORE MY GOD-LIKE GENIUS!" -he finally managed to pull out the God Maximum Mighty X cartridge at last!- "EACH AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU!"
Emu: "You tried that one years ago and Kiriya-san stopped you!"
Kuroto: "But anyone in this other world!" -laughs like a maniac-
Illya: "Yeah... Point is, it's bad since they could go to different worlds now"

Minou: "Hush, commoners. You should be greateful you'll die in honor of my mother"
Alina: "Hm, I wonder which of you would make White Feathers and which ones Black Feathers..."
Sasa: "Oh right, your Magius thingy had ranks"
Alina: "Si, Black Feathers were the cannon fodder, White Feathers were the higher ranking ones. Either way, they will hopefully make for good art pieces~"

Airi: "Yeah, I'm not stupid. Those five would gang on me if I did anything against them and you could just crush me here, so I'm choosing obedience"
-Spoiler alert: It's magical-
Iroha: "They must look rough..."
Ophanimon: "That so? Why is that?"
Kiara: "I didn't ask to become that, a damned demon forced the memories of other mes through the multiverse to create... The Beast..."

Ereshkigal: "Y-Yeah, just that!"
Medusa: "Not like that would stop Pandora"
Mabel: "Then I'm even happier to bring the karaoke machine! Just remember not to raise the dead this time, Dipper..."
Dipper: "That was one time, Mabel!" :glare:

Susie: "Sounds about right in both cases..."

Ralsei: "If the Time Space Administration Bureau ever needs help, you can count on us and rhr Dark World!"

-Quickly flies by Kuroto and tries to snatch cartridge to prevent him from.using it-

Marco: "Then we've just got to stop them before they can invade any other dimensions!"

-One of the students is like "What are you even talking about?!" and another outright shouts "Your mother sounds like a psycho!"-

Good. Rest assured, undead such as yourself will still be spared.
-At least that means it can be dispelled, but it's at least three times the size of Northwest Mabor...-

Peridot: "Uhh, do we really need to see them.. ?"

Hekapoo: "Somehow I'm not surprised..."

-While not a demon, Hekapoo's own looks probably don't help...Although unlike Pandora and Medusa, she's not teasing or flirtatious with Eresh because (IIRC) the show gives no hints or indications that she's into women-
Alear: "R-Raise the dead?" :urg:

Ingrid: "So, shall we proceed then?"
-Shez tried the same with her superspeed-
Kanna: "... Can Sapphire knows where Ruby is?"

-magical mansion...-
Link: "Too late." -showing a picture of Ganondorf in his Demon King form-
-so not all Beasts become so willingly...-

Pandora: :chuckle: -while posing cutely-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Sothis: "Yes, it did. How else do you think the deities there drew their power from?"
Weiss: "I doubt it..."
Hinoka: "I... guess so, but that doesn't mean our skills are equal..."
Steven: "I-I just assumed that most just kind of had their powers by default..." :lol:

-Hop Pop goes onto to state, "So, one day, I picked up a very strange customer..." Seeing the customer in question, he gets Bessie to slow down by telling her "Whoa there." before looking over his list of customers who've requested a ride and gladly asks the individual "Let's see here... Mr. Littlepot, I presume?" The tall frog, speaking with the distinctive voice of George Takei, answers "You presume correctly." with a grin-

-His design alone, complete with the cane, brings to mind characters such as Dr. Facilier from the Princess and the Frog or Mr. Dark from Something Wicked This Way Comes-


I never said that, but it also doesn't mean that it'd be impossible for you to win a duel with her.

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Steven: "I-I just assumed that most just kind of had their powers by default..." :lol:

-Hop Pop goes onto to state, "So, one day, I picked up a very strange customer..." Seeing the customer in question, he gets Bessie to slow down by telling her "Whoa there." before looking over his list of customers who've requested a ride and gladly asks the individual "Let's see here... Mr. Littlepot, I presume?" The tall frog, speaking with the distinctive voice of George Takei, answers "You presume correctly." with a grin-

-His design alone, complete with the cane, brings to mind characters such as Dr. Facilier from the Princess and the Frog or Mr. Dark from Something Wicked This Way Comes-


I never said that, but it also doesn't mean that it'd be impossible for you to win a duel with her.
Sothis: "Some do, some do not but regardless, a goddess is nothing without the faith of others."
Weiss: "I don't like how he looks..."
Weiss "That's... fair."

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Squirtle: "(What's cute about wanting to make friends?)"

Believe it or not, i actually admire and completely understand that. The Underground was the same way.

Steven: "I wonder if there's are any out there right now..."

(Atalanta is my Trainer, and I couldn't have asked for a better one than her.) -Small smile-

-Will Semiramis inquire about this?-

K_K: "Spot it fly? Spot what fly? I don't birds or hats around here!"
Cap'n: "She probably means app in the Light World, K_K!"
Sweet: "If Spotofy is a music app, then hexk yeah we do!"
Hayate: "Your excitement from it!"
Ran: "Indeed, even if things can escalate, most around prefer to avoid fatal methods"
Kazumi: "Phew! That's good!"
Breakdown: "Me t- Wait... Oh.... Oh no..."
Atalanta: -Translates-
Oriko: "A trainer? Of familiars?"
Atalanta: "He's a Pokémon"
Jack: "It is, so that lets us know!"
Semiramis: "I wonder if you sell anything else"
Shez: "Just a simple fruit cocktail. I'm... not really good at remembering the names of them but I still know how to do them." :lol:

Alear: "Other Emblems also have very strong abilities of their own." :)
Byleth: "Can you show me your skills with that sword?"
-INDEED, Miyu not having an idea how she got in this-
Jalter: "Well, who cares about the specifics like that if it's good?"

Sitonai: "Well, after all onee-sama has an Emblem copy, from what I know"
Suzune: "Very well" -there's a Bison dummy that she'll practice on-
Mabel: "Then I'm even happier to bring the karaoke machine! Just remember not to raise the dead this time, Dipper..."
Dipper: "That was one time, Mabel!" :glare:

Susie: "Sounds about right in both cases..."

Ralsei: "If the Time Space Administration Bureau ever needs help, you can count on us and rhr Dark World!"

-Quickly flies by Kuroto and tries to snatch cartridge to prevent him from.using it-

Marco: "Then we've just got to stop them before they can invade any other dimensions!"

-One of the students is like "What are you even talking about?!" and another outright shouts "Your mother sounds like a psycho!"-

Good. Rest assured, undead such as yourself will still be spared.
-At least that means it can be dispelled, but it's at least three times the size of Northwest Mabor...-

Peridot: "Uhh, do we really need to see them.. ?"

Hekapoo: "Somehow I'm not surprised..."

-While not a demon, Hekapoo's own looks probably don't help...Although unlike Pandora and Medusa, she's not teasing or flirtatious with Eresh because (IIRC) the show gives no hints or indications that she's into women-
Alear: "R-Raise the dead?" :urg:

Ingrid: "So, shall we proceed then?"
-Shez tried the same with her superspeed-
Kanna: "... Can Sapphire knows where Ruby is?"

-magical mansion...-
Link: "Too late." -showing a picture of Ganondorf in his Demon King form-
-so not all Beasts become so willingly...-

Pandora: :chuckle: -while posing cutely-
Martha: "Um, I don't think she meant it literal!" -she totally did-
Yukari: "I have no problem now myself, you arrived days before my hibernation"
Lindy: "Something tells me we'll really do in the future" :)
Illya: "I'm not so sure of that..."
Tart: "If not, I'm sure there must still be a lead!"

Kagari: "Oh don't worry, you won't think about anything soon~"
Minou: "Indeed, it's why I'll let that insult to my moher pass. Else, you would be fed to a Witch now"

Airi: "Alright, I signed to being a magical girl already knowing I'd be a zombie and potentially a Witch anyway" So long the Pleiades is gone, I'll be glad...
-But so far, no one in Gravity Falls seems to acknowledge the difference, even fron outside...-
Iroha: "He looks so... Human"
Ophanimon: "So it was a death of personality..."
-Kiara slowly nodded-

Medusa: "Told you" :p


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Sothis: "Some do, some do not but regardless, a goddess is nothing without the faith of others."
Weiss: "I don't like how he looks..."
Weiss "That's... fair."
Steven: -Heavy sigh- "That would explain a lot..."

(He looks like a shady businessman himself at best...)

-Hopediah tells him to hop aboard, and Mr. Littlepot tells him that he's mightly obliged before stepping aboard the rider's seats of the wagon. As boards the wagon, he tells Hopediah what he wants to take the trip for, and instructs him "We'll stop at each of these addresses in order, if you please. And when I ask you to drive on, you do so. Understood?" grinning the entire time-



-Weiss showed up just to agree with that statement- :V


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Hayate: "Your excitement from it!"
Ran: "Indeed, even if things can escalate, most around prefer to avoid fatal methods"
Kazumi: "Phew! That's good!"
Breakdown: "Me t- Wait... Oh.... Oh no..."
Atalanta: -Translates-
Oriko: "A trainer? Of familiars?"
Atalanta: "He's a Pokémon"
Jack: "It is, so that lets us know!"
Semiramis: "I wonder if you sell anything else"
Vulpix: "(Isn't wanting to make friends normal?)"

...That's actually a big relief. Heh, Frisk would be happy to see a place like Gensokyo. :)

Steven: "Breakdown? What's wrong...?" :urg:

-The Luxray nods, confirming what Atalanta said is correct-

-Oriko wonders what a Pokemon is?-


Sweet: "We used to sell food."
Cap'n: "But that was to support our rebellion!"
K_K: "We've still got some food in stock, but we've given more it to the Seam at the general store!"

-"Seam" is pronounced "Shawm" as a reminder-

Alear: "R-Raise the dead?" :urg:

Ingrid: "So, shall we proceed then?"
-Shez tried the same with her superspeed-
Kanna: "... Can Sapphire knows where Ruby is?"

-magical mansion...-
Link: "Too late." -showing a picture of Ganondorf in his Demon King form-
-so not all Beasts become so willingly...-

Pandora: :chuckle: -while posing cutely-
Martha: "Um, I don't think she meant it literal!" -she totally did-
Yukari: "I have no problem now myself, you arrived days before my hibernation"
Lindy: "Something tells me we'll really do in the future" :)
Illya: "I'm not so sure of that..."
Tart: "If not, I'm sure there must still be a lead!"

Kagari: "Oh don't worry, you won't think about anything soon~"
Minou: "Indeed, it's why I'll let that insult to my moher pass. Else, you would be fed to a Witch now"

Airi: "Alright, I signed to being a magical girl already knowing I'd be a zombie and potentially a Witch anyway" So long the Pleiades is gone, I'll be glad...
-But so far, no one in Gravity Falls seems to acknowledge the difference, even fron outside...-
Iroha: "He looks so... Human"
Ophanimon: "So it was a death of personality..."
-Kiara slowly nodded-

Medusa: "Told you" :p
Mabel: "I actually kind of did..." :lol:
Dipper:- Sighs- "Long story short, three years ago, nobody in Gravity Falls really believed in all the supernatural stuff that was in the town, so when some government agents showed up to investigate it, I tried to prove it to them using Great Uncle Ford's journal ,and when that didn't work, I panicked and just recited the first spell I could find, and that spell just so happened to turn out to be one that raises up a bunch of zombies!"

Susie: "Uh, hibernation?" :confused:

Ralsei: "I-I promise we won't let you down!" :grin:

-But would either Jenny or Shez be able to retrieve the cartridge in time?!-

Star: "Can't we just ask Enkidu to find her? Maybe the Rulers already considered that..."

-One student outright curses, rather fearlessly telling Minou "You're a witch with a capital B!"-

Have you any further inquiries?
-Only the Pines, Soos, Melody, Wendy, McGucket and Pacifica will upon returning...-

Tetra: "...What...happened to him?"
TLink: "Even the few Ganondorfs that we've fought before have never entered a form like this.."

Hekapoo: "...You wanna dish out a real punishment? Try having crummy employees drink a full glass of orange juice after brushing their teeth. It tastes absolutely awful." :p

-She may have overheard their conversation earlier- :V
Last edited:


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
-Once they were there, they could smell pies were being baked-
White-haired woman: "Lady Lilithmon herself wouldn't, but Kuzuhamon or Rosemon could follow the order"
Mash: "I'll admit, I am not very much..."
-Neo at least would see the decorated Poké Ball-
-Yes, it has the top hat too-
Kazemon: Only I am left... -she tries to fly, but her wings are too damaged- "No... I won't end here!" -she tried to slide digivolve- "...Ah, I need to focus...I must put my all into this...!"
Tamamo: "Okay, it's affecting him now!"
Neo: -looks at it with confusion... but really likes the top hat-
-Totodile's reaction?-

Star: "Please fully work, please fully work..."

-you know those old cartoons where people literally hover because of the scent coming off from the pies?-
-that's what's happening-

-just does a dark chuckle to hide the fact he's actually legit terrified of the prospect of the former getting involved-

I see....then I suppose you'll be learning along with Monika.

-notices the Ball-

-both the mermaid and the guard robot are unable to break free-
-gotta do something, Spirit of Wind, at least before the Tamer shows up :V-

-his struggles are getting weaker as the potion is working like smelling salts and seeming to snap him back to his senses, reversing the triggered Mega Evolution-

(Sorry for the late reply everyone; going through a lack of motivation for damn near everything in life.)
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-INDEED, Miyu not having an idea how she got in this-
Jalter: "Well, who cares about the specifics like that if it's good?"

Sitonai: "Well, after all onee-sama has an Emblem copy, from what I know"
Suzune: "Very well" -there's a Bison dummy that she'll practice on-
-but the idea of bonding with her sisters eventually won over her questioning?-
-forgot dragons and Iskandar-

Nel: Perhaps he can be trusted with the Divine One's safety...
Shez: "That's the spirit!" :grin:

Alear: "The Ring of the Princess Exalt, if I recall?"
Byleth: -after getting Shez to set up the dummy (might as well have her do something if she's there)- "No holding back. In a real battle scenario, your foe would not either."

Steven: -Heavy sigh- "That would explain a lot..."

(He looks like a shady businessman himself at best...)

-Hopediah tells him to hop aboard, and Mr. Littlepot tells him that he's mightly obliged before stepping aboard the rider's seats of the wagon. As boards the wagon, he tells Hopediah what he wants to take the trip for, and instructs him "We'll stop at each of these addresses in order, if you please. And when I ask you to drive on, you do so. Understood?" grinning the entire time-

-Weiss showed up just to agree with that statement- :V
Sothis: "Or perhaps I'm just messing with you, using my status as a Progenitor God to say whatever I want and you'd believe it by my title alone." :p

Byleth: -not even surprised Sothis would troll like that- Well, at least she's teaching him a lesson about questioning what other people say...
Weiss: "I don't like that..."
-I am too lazy to edit it to say Hinoka said that, assume I did :V-

Martha: "Um, I don't think she meant it literal!" -she totally did-
Yukari: "I have no problem now myself, you arrived days before my hibernation"
Lindy: "Something tells me we'll really do in the future" :)
Illya: "I'm not so sure of that..."
Tart: "If not, I'm sure there must still be a lead!"

Kagari: "Oh don't worry, you won't think about anything soon~"
Minou: "Indeed, it's why I'll let that insult to my moher pass. Else, you would be fed to a Witch now"

Airi: "Alright, I signed to being a magical girl already knowing I'd be a zombie and potentially a Witch anyway" So long the Pleiades is gone, I'll be glad...
-But so far, no one in Gravity Falls seems to acknowledge the difference, even fron outside...-
Iroha: "He looks so... Human"
Ophanimon: "So it was a death of personality..."
-Kiara slowly nodded-

Medusa: "Told you" :p
Mabel: "I actually kind of did..." :lol:
Dipper:- Sighs- "Long story short, three years ago, nobody in Gravity Falls really believed in all the supernatural stuff that was in the town, so when some government agents showed up to investigate it, I tried to prove it to them using Great Uncle Ford's journal ,and when that didn't work, I panicked and just recited the first spell I could find, and that spell just so happened to turn out to be one that raises up a bunch of zombies!"

Susie: "Uh, hibernation?" :confused:

Ralsei: "I-I promise we won't let you down!" :grin:

-But would either Jenny or Shez be able to retrieve the cartridge in time?!-

Star: "Can't we just ask Enkidu to find her? Maybe the Rulers already considered that..."

-One student outright curses, rather fearlessly telling Minou "You're a witch with a capital B!"-

Have you any further inquiries?
-Only the Pines, Soos, Melody, Wendy, McGucket and Pacifica will upon returning...-

Tetra: "...What...happened to him?"
TLink: "Even the few Ganondorfs that we've fought before have never entered a form like this.."

Hekapoo: "...You wanna dish out a real punishment? Try having crummy employees drink a full glass of orange juice after brushing their teeth. It tastes absolutely awful." :p

-She may have overheard their conversation earlier- :V
Alear: "...................."
Veyle: "Big Sister...?" :urg:
Nel: "She's never been the fondest about the undead..."

Ingrid: "Yukari likes the sleep. A lot. She calls it hibernation because it sounds cooler."
-what KoP asked?-
Kanna: "They might have already. It'll be nice to have my sister's Servant along in general too." :)

Epimenides: They'll give their position away far too easily... but the sheer size of it can still give them an advantage.
Link: "He used to look even more human..." -showing a picture of the fight's first phase-

Zelda: "But then he stole one of the Zonai's secret stones, which allow it user to dramatically enhance their power. However, I should point out that it does not give new powers but merely amplify one's innate powers. Merely using its power was enough to turn him into a Demon King."
Sothis: "It's only thanks to having a Master who knows what a fractured mind is that she's able to maintain her original self..."

Pandora: "That's pure evil, Hekapoo..." :urg:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Sothis: "Or perhaps I'm just messing with you, using my status as a Progenitor God to say whatever I want and you'd believe it by my title alone." :p

Byleth: -not even surprised Sothis would troll like that- Well, at least she's teaching him a lesson about questioning what other people say...
Weiss: "I don't like that..."
-I am too lazy to edit it to say Hinoka said that, assume I did :V-
Steven: "...Is uh, any of that actually true?" :confused:

(That's...an odd request...)

-Hopediah says can do, and shortly after driving after off, Mr. Littlepot is about to pay him for the trip with some coppers in a bag, but to his confusion, Hopediah declines receiving payment yet and tells him "Oh, nonsense. You can pay at the end. If you're satisfied with your service!" Pleasantly surprised, Mr. Littlepot states "My, oh, my! An honest businessman? You are a rare sort, indeed."-

-But Hinoka still isn't quite up the challenge of dueling Urbosa yet?-
Last edited:

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Neo: -looks at it with confusion... but really likes the top hat-
-Totodile's reaction?-

Star: "Please fully work, please fully work..."
-you know those old cartoons where people literally hover because of the scent coming off from the pies?-
-that's what's happening-

-just does a dark chuckle to hide the fact he's actually legit terrified of the prospect of the former getting involved-

I see....then I suppose you'll be learning along with Monika.

-notices the Ball-

-both the mermaid and the guard robot are unable to break free-
-gotta do something, Spirit of Wind, at least before the Tamer shows up :V-

-his struggles are getting weaker as the potion is working like smelling salts and seeming to snap him back to his senses, reversing the triggered Mega Evolution-

(Sorry for the late reply everyone; going through a lack of motivation for damn near everything in life.)
Artoria: "Then we'll get some of the pie, got it" :) -also hungry on her own-
White-haired woman: -Sigh- "Are we fully in the clear about this?"
Mash: "Well... It might be fun?"
Monika: "But still means a lot of responsibility"
Frankenstein: "It's something for the future... Maybe!"
-And as they do, she's starting to focus in a similar way that Mermaimon did before... Wanting to use all the power she had, concentrating to attain it-
Medea: "Lucario... Can you hear me?"
(It's fine, it has happened to me many times)
Vulpix: "(Isn't wanting to make friends normal?)"

...That's actually a big relief. Heh, Frisk would be happy to see a place like Gensokyo. :)

Steven: "Breakdown? What's wrong...?" :urg:

-The Luxray nods, confirming what Atalanta said is correct-

-Oriko wonders what a Pokemon is?-


Sweet: "We used to sell food."
Cap'n: "But that was to support our rebellion!"
K_K: "We've still got some food in stock, but we've given more it to the Seam at the general store!"

-"Seam" is pronounced "Shawm" as a reminder-
Hayate: “Yes, but everyone reacts differently to it”
Ran: “Well, there is still a lot of conlifct and tensions… But the combat system we use ensures no meaningless death on the least”
Breakdown: “They’re here!” -highlights shine over them now-
Oriko: “I heard that word a few times now…”
Atalanta: “But are still unfamiliar, it seems”
Jack: "The shom? What is a shom?"
-but the idea of bonding with her sisters eventually won over her questioning?-
-forgot dragons and Iskandar-

Nel: Perhaps he can be trusted with the Divine One's safety...
Shez: "That's the spirit!" :grin:

Alear: "The Ring of the Princess Exalt, if I recall?"
Byleth: -after getting Shez to set up the dummy (might as well have her do something if she's there)- "No holding back. In a real battle scenario, your foe would not either."
-Helps that they were too insistent to refuse- :V
Oriko: Kids should be enjoying their time...
-Safety for if anything happens to them?-
Jalter: "Cheers~!" -sips some more-

Sitonai: "Yep! The one with the homunculus who looks a lot like her!"
-Suzune nodded, already little her blade on fire-
Mabel: "I actually kind of did..." :lol:
Dipper:- Sighs- "Long story short, three years ago, nobody in Gravity Falls really believed in all the supernatural stuff that was in the town, so when some government agents showed up to investigate it, I tried to prove it to them using Great Uncle Ford's journal ,and when that didn't work, I panicked and just recited the first spell I could find, and that spell just so happened to turn out to be one that raises up a bunch of zombies!"

Susie: "Uh, hibernation?" :confused:

Ralsei: "I-I promise we won't let you down!" :grin:

-But would either Jenny or Shez be able to retrieve the cartridge in time?!-

Star: "Can't we just ask Enkidu to find her? Maybe the Rulers already considered that..."

-One student outright curses, rather fearlessly telling Minou "You're a witch with a capital B!"-

Have you any further inquiries?
-Only the Pines, Soos, Melody, Wendy, McGucket and Pacifica will upon returning...-

Tetra: "...What...happened to him?"
TLink: "Even the few Ganondorfs that we've fought before have never entered a form like this.."

Hekapoo: "...You wanna dish out a real punishment? Try having crummy employees drink a full glass of orange juice after brushing their teeth. It tastes absolutely awful." :p

-She may have overheard their conversation earlier- :V
Alear: "...................."
Veyle: "Big Sister...?" :urg:
Nel: "She's never been the fondest about the undead..."

Ingrid: "Yukari likes the sleep. A lot. She calls it hibernation because it sounds cooler."
-what KoP asked?-
Kanna: "They might have already. It'll be nice to have my sister's Servant along in general too." :)

Epimenides: They'll give their position away far too easily... but the sheer size of it can still give them an advantage.
Link: "He used to look even more human..." -showing a picture of the fight's first phase-

Zelda: "But then he stole one of the Zonai's secret stones, which allow it user to dramatically enhance their power. However, I should point out that it does not give new powers but merely amplify one's innate powers. Merely using its power was enough to turn him into a Demon King."
Sothis: "It's only thanks to having a Master who knows what a fractured mind is that she's able to maintain her original self..."

Pandora: "That's pure evil, Hekapoo..." :urg:
Martha: "Oh..." How many undead people do we have around? -this was before the megucas-
Yukari: "What can I say? I like resting well" :p -somewhere, Tiki felt kinship-
Lindy: "In the meanwhile, go on! These evildoers won't cause any harm as long as I can take a look over them"
-For a moment, yeah-
Kuroto: "HUH?!" -however, neither of them would be able to destroy the cartridge as he'll recover it in a bit-
Emu: "Alright, that should take care of that. As of you" -he pulls out a cartidge of his own, which when pressed said cartridge yells "MIGHTY BROTHERS XX!" before putting it in his GamerDriver, leading to this!-
(I am you!)
OMAE GA ORE DE! (You are me!)
-As a result, there are now two of him-

Illya: "I wouldn't be surprised if they come with him"
Tart: "I'd love to fight alongside Jeanne again as well!" :)

Minou: "May I kill this one?" Wait, why am I asking? I usually just would
Kanna: "No, not yet at least"
Sasa: "Heheh~ Maybe they can serve us doing chores when not in battle like the gnomes!"
Alina: "I still want to vent my frustrations on something..."
Kagari: "You may when we get to Gravesfield. And speaking of, we shall return and then go there"

Airi: "None right now..."
???: "A smart choice of words~" -Airi would turn to see whoever just spoke, turning to see one of the two children Alina brought for their plans, having recovered her full coloration and walking around with a childish smile while holding a parasol-

Airi: One of those kids! They must have brainwashed her to be more active...
Touka: "Pleasure to meet you, Airi Anri! I am Touka Satomi. I had heard from Alina of what happened"
Airi: "Uh, what do you mean what happened?"
Touka: "Indeed, that the awakening of Embryo Eve was interrupted once by that brat of Iroha Tamaki and her friends, causing a surge that blew up our Earth and forced us into a new universe and few survived"
Airi: That's not at all what happened... What the heck is an Embyo Eve? Whetever, I guess I'll play along... "Yeah. It sucks"
Touka: "Indeed, however, the proof of the multiverse's existence proves that the Wings of the Magius's goals can still go on: The liberation of all magical girls from our curse. To never become those pesky Witches"
Airi: "Uh-huh... With, uh, all the sacrifices that come with them, right?"
Touka: "Of course. After all, magical girls are already all undead, so why care for lesser beings?"
-The weirdest part is that Airi can't tell wether this child says this because of her brainwash... Or if she already has this mentality-

-But what if... Maybe that's what they want?-
Iroha: "So it's kinda like summoning a Doppel... Ah, now I'm rambling, sorry!"
Ophanimon: "That sounds horrible for you both. I'm sorry"
Kiara: "No, you're not bad intentioned"

-That even made both Medusa and Ereshkigal tremble for a second-
Last edited:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Hayate: “Yes, but everyone reacts differently to it”
Ran: “Well, there is still a lot of conlifct and tensions… But the combat system we use ensures no meaningless death on the least”
Breakdown: “They’re here!” -highlights shine over them now-
Oriko: “I heard that word a few times now…”
Atalanta: “But are still unfamiliar, it seems”
Jack: "The shom? What is a shom?"
K_K: "Plus, it helps that you four little critters are so cute!"
Squirtle: "(Aw c'mon!)" :urg:

Honestly, that's still an improvement over the crimes and total wars in most other worlds...

Connie: "They're here...?"
Steven: "Who's "they"?!" -:urg:

-Are they...a specific type of Familiar, maybe? Or are they just an animal? Or an alien species?-

-Okay, the "the" is actually a remnant of an earlier draft when I was going to have K_K refer to him as "Seam the Shopkeeper". How a "the" got in front of Seam is an error on my part lol, so rewriting that line!-

K_K: "We've still got some food in stock, but we've given more it to Seam the Seapkeeper at the general store!

-you know those old cartoons where people literally hover because of the scent coming off from the pies?-
-that's what's happening-

-his struggles are getting weaker as the potion is working like smelling salts and seeming to snap him back to his senses, reversing the triggered Mega Evolution-

(Sorry for the late reply everyone; going through a lack of motivation for damn near everything in life.)
Artoria: "Then we'll get some of the pie, got it" :) -also hungry on her own-

Medea: "Lucario... Can you hear me?"
(It's fine, it has happened to me many times)
Pie sounds good! Maybe I should call Alphys, Moana and Burrito for this...

Star: (Please tell me it worked, please tell me it worked...) -Hopeful-

(No worries. Are you alright?)

Alear: "...................."
Veyle: "Big Sister...?" :urg:
Nel: "She's never been the fondest about the undead..."

Ingrid: "Yukari likes the sleep. A lot. She calls it hibernation because it sounds cooler."
-what KoP asked?-
Kanna: "They might have already. It'll be nice to have my sister's Servant along in general too." :)

Epimenides: They'll give their position away far too easily... but the sheer size of it can still give them an advantage.
Link: "He used to look even more human..." -showing a picture of the fight's first phase-

Zelda: "But then he stole one of the Zonai's secret stones, which allow it user to dramatically enhance their power. However, I should point out that it does not give new powers but merely amplify one's innate powers. Merely using its power was enough to turn him into a Demon King."
Sothis: "It's only thanks to having a Master who knows what a fractured mind is that she's able to maintain her original self..."

Pandora: "That's pure evil, Hekapoo..." :urg:
Martha: "Oh..." How many undead people do we have around? -this was before the megucas-
Yukari: "What can I say? I like resting well" :p -somewhere, Tiki felt kinship-
Lindy: "In the meanwhile, go on! These evildoers won't cause any harm as long as I can take a look over them"
-For a moment, yeah-
Kuroto: "HUH?!" -however, neither of them would be able to destroy the cartridge as he'll recover it in a bit-
Emu: "Alright, that should take care of that. As of you" -he pulls out a cartidge of his own, which when pressed said cartridge yells "MIGHTY BROTHERS XX!" before putting it in his GamerDriver, leading to this!-
(I am you!)
OMAE GA ORE DE! (You are me!)
-As a result, there are now two of him-
View attachment 398826View attachment 398827
Illya: "I wouldn't be surprised if they come with him"
Tart: "I'd love to fight alongside Jeanne again as well!" :)

Minou: "May I kill this one?" Wait, why am I asking? I usually just would
Kanna: "No, not yet at least"
Sasa: "Heheh~ Maybe they can serve us doing chores when not in battle like the gnomes!"
Alina: "I still want to vent my frustrations on something..."
Kagari: "You may when we get to Gravesfield. And speaking of, we shall return and then go there"

Airi: "None right now..."
???: "A smart choice of words~" -Airi would turn to see whoever just spoke, turning to see one of the two children Alina brought for their plans, having recovered her full coloration and walking around with a childish smile while holding a parasol-
View attachment 398828
Airi: One of those kids! They must have brainwashed her to be more active...
Touka: "Pleasure to meet you, Airi Anri! I am Touka Satomi. I had heard from Alina of what happened"
Airi: "Uh, what do you mean what happened?"
Touka: "Indeed, that the awakening of Embryo Eve was interrupted once by that brat of Iroha Tamaki and her friends, causing a surge that blew up our Earth and forced us into a new universe and few survived"
Airi: That's not at all what happened... What the heck is an Embyo Eve? Whetever, I guess I'll play along... "Yeah. It sucks"
Touka: "Indeed, however, the proof of the multiverse's existence proves that the Wings of the Magius's goals can still go on: The liberation of all magical girls from our curse. To never become those pesky Witches"
Airi: "Uh-huh... With, uh, all the sacrifices that come with them, right?"
Touka: "Of course. After all, magical girls are already all undead, so why matter for lesser beings?"
-The weirdest part is that Airi can't tell wether this child says this because of her brainwash... Or if she already has this mentality-

-But what if... Maybe that's what they want?-
Iroha: "So it's kinda like summoning a Doppel... Ah, now I'm rambling, sorry!"
Ophanimon: "That sounds horrible for you both. I'm sorry"
Kiara: "No, you're not bad intentioned"

-That even made both Medusa and Ereshkigal tremble for a second-
Dipper: "I could be a pretty dumb 12 year old..." :urg:
Mabel: "...I'm sorry for bringing the zombies up again..." :urg: -Now feels bad for bringing up bad memories for both her twin brother and Alear-

-So what Undyne and Kazumi heard about Yukari was either an exaggeration or straight up BS- :V
Kris: "Sounds like the local shopkeeper in our town...Who looks weirdly identical to someone I've seen around here..." -Referring to Sans-

Ralsei: "A-Alright, I will!" :grin: -Goes to see his friends while waving goodbye at Lindy and another other TSAB Bureau agents-

You don't seem like as much of a genius without this, huh? :smirk:

-Then Emu transforemd, and Jenny was shocked-

There's two of Emu, now?! :surprised:


-Before the Rulers return, the majority of the group would hear a sneeze from what sounded like a small animal, but couldn't see what it was-
-Medea Lily, however, would recognize it's voice as being that of her Pokemon-

-Is it because Minou's at least growing to care about these four and wants to be considerate of their opinions? Or hear their thoughts and suggestions?-

-The Lich listens to what Touka and Airi are saying, but otherwise pays it little mind for now as it's irrelevant to his goal. At the very least, he doesn't interrupt their conversation-
-And it's entirely possible that it's a mix of both...-

-To attract obvious attention form their enemies, but have an advantage due to it being a large complex that they're familiar with unlike their opponents...-

Tetra: "...Did the Triforce of Power grant him those abilities?"
TLink: "I've seen Ganondorf turn into gigantic, hog-like monsters before, but this doesn't make sense...Since when did he have the powers of a demon?"
Tetra: "And what the hekc is a Doppel?!"

Th-That's another long story...

Hekapoo: "That's the whole point." :p -Drank a glass of orange punch-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-notices the Ball-
Frankenstein: "It's something for the future... Maybe!"
Neo: -looking at it with ponder and curiosity-

Roman: "What is this strange yet delightfully stylish device? Love the hat, by the way."

Steven: "...Is uh, any of that actually true?" :confused:

(That's...an odd request...)

-Hopediah says can do, and shortly after driving after off, Mr. Littlepot is about to pay him for the trip with some coppers in a bag, but to his confusion, Hopediah declines receiving payment yet and tells him "Oh, nonsense. You can pay at the end. If you're satisfied with your service!" Pleasantly surprised, Mr. Littlepot states "My, oh, my! An honest businessman? You are a rare sort, indeed."-

-But Hinoka still isn't quite up the challenge of dueling Urbosa yet?-
Sothis: "Did you really believe the power of gods relied on the people's prayers? How would malevolent ones even be as powerful as they were?" :p
Weiss: "He's... sadly not wrong."
-she feels she could get a couple hits but the technique known as Urbosa's Fury is just a bit too out of her league-

-Helps that they were too insistent to refuse- :V
Oriko: Kids should be enjoying their time...
-Safety for if anything happens to them?-
Jalter: "Cheers~!" -sips some more-

Sitonai: "Yep! The one with the homunculus who looks a lot like her!"
-Suzune nodded, already little her blade on fire-
-and thankfully, this one will-
-Jannus be like "SHE HAS A FRIEND?"-

Alear: "Oh, you meant Corrin? I'm... still not used to these honorifics, honestly."
-ready to destroy the dummy?-

Martha: "Oh..." How many undead people do we have around? -this was before the megucas-
Yukari: "What can I say? I like resting well" :p -somewhere, Tiki felt kinship-
Lindy: "In the meanwhile, go on! These evildoers won't cause any harm as long as I can take a look over them"
-For a moment, yeah-
Kuroto: "HUH?!" -however, neither of them would be able to destroy the cartridge as he'll recover it in a bit-
Emu: "Alright, that should take care of that. As of you" -he pulls out a cartidge of his own, which when pressed said cartridge yells "MIGHTY BROTHERS XX!" before putting it in his GamerDriver, leading to this!-
(I am you!)
OMAE GA ORE DE! (You are me!)
-As a result, there are now two of him-
Illya: "I wouldn't be surprised if they come with him"
Tart: "I'd love to fight alongside Jeanne again as well!" :)

Minou: "May I kill this one?" Wait, why am I asking? I usually just would
Kanna: "No, not yet at least"
Sasa: "Heheh~ Maybe they can serve us doing chores when not in battle like the gnomes!"
Alina: "I still want to vent my frustrations on something..."
Kagari: "You may when we get to Gravesfield. And speaking of, we shall return and then go there"

Airi: "None right now..."
???: "A smart choice of words~" -Airi would turn to see whoever just spoke, turning to see one of the two children Alina brought for their plans, having recovered her full coloration and walking around with a childish smile while holding a parasol-
Airi: One of those kids! They must have brainwashed her to be more active...
Touka: "Pleasure to meet you, Airi Anri! I am Touka Satomi. I had heard from Alina of what happened"
Airi: "Uh, what do you mean what happened?"
Touka: "Indeed, that the awakening of Embryo Eve was interrupted once by that brat of Iroha Tamaki and her friends, causing a surge that blew up our Earth and forced us into a new universe and few survived"
Airi: That's not at all what happened... What the heck is an Embyo Eve? Whetever, I guess I'll play along... "Yeah. It sucks"
Touka: "Indeed, however, the proof of the multiverse's existence proves that the Wings of the Magius's goals can still go on: The liberation of all magical girls from our curse. To never become those pesky Witches"
Airi: "Uh-huh... With, uh, all the sacrifices that come with them, right?"
Touka: "Of course. After all, magical girls are already all undead, so why care for lesser beings?"
-The weirdest part is that Airi can't tell wether this child says this because of her brainwash... Or if she already has this mentality-

-But what if... Maybe that's what they want?-
Iroha: "So it's kinda like summoning a Doppel... Ah, now I'm rambling, sorry!"
Ophanimon: "That sounds horrible for you both. I'm sorry"
Kiara: "No, you're not bad intentioned"

-That even made both Medusa and Ereshkigal tremble for a second-
Dipper: "I could be a pretty dumb 12 year old..." :urg:
Mabel: "...I'm sorry for bringing the zombies up again..." :urg: -Now feels bad for bringing up bad memories for both her twin brother and Alear-

-So what Undyne and Kazumi heard about Yukari was either an exaggeration or straight up BS- :V
Kris: "Sounds like the local shopkeeper in our town...Who looks weirdly identical to someone I've seen around here..." -Referring to Sans-

Ralsei: "A-Alright, I will!" :grin: -Goes to see his friends while waving goodbye at Lindy and another other TSAB Bureau agents-

You don't seem like as much of a genius without this, huh? :smirk:

-Then Emu transforemd, and Jenny was shocked-

There's two of Emu, now?! :surprised:


-Before the Rulers return, the majority of the group would hear a sneeze from what sounded like a small animal, but couldn't see what it was-
-Medea Lily, however, would recognize it's voice as being that of her Pokemon-

-Is it because Minou's at least growing to care about these four and wants to be considerate of their opinions? Or hear their thoughts and suggestions?-

-The Lich listens to what Touka and Airi are saying, but otherwise pays it little mind for now as it's irrelevant to his goal. At the very least, he doesn't interrupt their conversation-
-And it's entirely possible that it's a mix of both...-

-To attract obvious attention form their enemies, but have an advantage due to it being a large complex that they're familiar with unlike their opponents...-

Tetra: "...Did the Triforce of Power grant him those abilities?"
TLink: "I've seen Ganondorf turn into gigantic, hog-like monsters before, but this doesn't make sense...Since when did he have the powers of a demon?"
Tetra: "And what the hekc is a Doppel?!"

Th-That's another long story...

Hekapoo: "That's the whole point." :p -Drank a glass of orange punch-
Alear: "It's alright. I'm trying to get past that, actually."
Shez: "Okay, that's really cool."

Sothis: "Agreed." :) You can join the fight any time, Arcueid.
-a cute little critter?!-

-either way, Alina having friends who can manipulate memories and brainwash certainly came handy; she might even be serving Alina willingly-
Zelda: "I... already mentionned it was the secret stone he stole, Tetra..."
Sothis: "You are simply doing your duty..."

Pandora: "I never thought I'd meet a soul more evil than Hades." -said jokingly-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
K_K: "Plus, it helps that you four little critters are so cute!"
Squirtle: "(Aw c'mon!)" :urg:

Honestly, that's still an improvement over the crimes and total wars in most other worlds...

Connie: "They're here...?"
Steven: "Who's "they"?!" -:urg:

-Are they...a specific type of Familiar, maybe? Or are they just an animal? Or an alien species?-

-Okay, the "the" is actually a remnant of an earlier draft when I was going to have K_K refer to him as "Seam the Shopkeeper". How a "the" got in front of Seam is an error on my part lol, so rewriting that line!-

K_K: "We've still got some food in stock, but we've given more it to Seam the Seapkeeper at the general store!
Fate: "I can't deny that"
Kazumi: "Yeah, I agree!"
Ran: "Now back to her..."
Dropkick: "That would be us"
Atalanta: "Think of them akin to sentient animals with various abilities"
Oriko: "I see..."
Jack: "General store? So they sell a whole lot of stuff?"
-and thankfully, this one will-
-Jannus be like "SHE HAS A FRIEND?"-

Alear: "Oh, you meant Corrin? I'm... still not used to these honorifics, honestly."
-ready to destroy the dummy?-
-Unlike her... But in her case, it was self-enforced-
-Sounds like a fair assumption with how the evening is going so far-
-Only Jeanne Lily is since Jeanne and Tart had spotted her before-

Sitonai: "It's alright, but yeah, her"
-Indeed, Suzune on to quickly deliver a cut to the neck-
Dipper: "I could be a pretty dumb 12 year old..." :urg:
Mabel: "...I'm sorry for bringing the zombies up again..." :urg: -Now feels bad for bringing up bad memories for both her twin brother and Alear-

-So what Undyne and Kazumi heard about Yukari was either an exaggeration or straight up BS- :V
Kris: "Sounds like the local shopkeeper in our town...Who looks weirdly identical to someone I've seen around here..." -Referring to Sans-

Ralsei: "A-Alright, I will!" :grin: -Goes to see his friends while waving goodbye at Lindy and another other TSAB Bureau agents-

You don't seem like as much of a genius without this, huh? :smirk:

-Then Emu transforemd, and Jenny was shocked-

There's two of Emu, now?! :surprised:


-Before the Rulers return, the majority of the group would hear a sneeze from what sounded like a small animal, but couldn't see what it was-
-Medea Lily, however, would recognize it's voice as being that of her Pokemon-

-Is it because Minou's at least growing to care about these four and wants to be considerate of their opinions? Or hear their thoughts and suggestions?-

-The Lich listens to what Touka and Airi are saying, but otherwise pays it little mind for now as it's irrelevant to his goal. At the very least, he doesn't interrupt their conversation-
-And it's entirely possible that it's a mix of both...-

-To attract obvious attention form their enemies, but have an advantage due to it being a large complex that they're familiar with unlike their opponents...-

Tetra: "...Did the Triforce of Power grant him those abilities?"
TLink: "I've seen Ganondorf turn into gigantic, hog-like monsters before, but this doesn't make sense...Since when did he have the powers of a demon?"
Tetra: "And what the hekc is a Doppel?!"

Th-That's another long story...

Hekapoo: "That's the whole point." :p -Drank a glass of orange punch-
Alear: "It's alright. I'm trying to get past that, actually."
Shez: "Okay, that's really cool."

Sothis: "Agreed." :) You can join the fight any time, Arcueid.
-a cute little critter?!-

-either way, Alina having friends who can manipulate memories and brainwash certainly came handy; she might even be serving Alina willingly-
Zelda: "I... already mentionned it was the secret stone he stole, Tetra..."
Sothis: "You are simply doing your duty..."

Pandora: "I never thought I'd meet a soul more evil than Hades." -said jokingly-
Alear some while later seeing any of the megucas:

-Not really, she just hibernates legit once a year- :V
Yukari: "In any case, we should get ready"

-Good, as Lindy makes sure to incarcerate all those criminals, hoping they cause them no trouble-
Arcueid, who was punching clones: On it!
Emu: "More or less. Let's go, Parado!"
Sayori: "Wait, that's Parado?!" :O
Poppy: "That's him alright!" -punches a zombie dead-
-And I'll assume one of the XJs ask offscreen-
Sayori: "He's a Bugster infecting Mr. Emu who was once really bad but he became good and now they're almost like siblings!"
Parado: "Thanks, you flatter me" -both he and Emu would go leaped at Kuroto together and KICK-
Lily: "Ah, are you okay now?"
Kazumi: "...What is that cute little buddy?" :O

Minou: No, they're just a bunch of commoners. They're just useful, that's all "Maybe we should go see the other town first, then get my mother her offerings"
Kanna: "Not a bad plan, I already have eyes over Los Angeles after all. My familiars will tell me of anything"
Kagari: "Indeed, but let's clean our Soul Gems first" -they each put Grief Seeds over their Soul Gems, purifying them after having used plenty of magic before arriving-
Sasa: "Phew, hopefully I don't forget this out being too much in that dumb town"
Alina: "Of course, Alina won't let her amiche to not be around any longer. In any case, let's move" -to the Demogorgons- "Gravesfield, State of Connecticut"

-On the very least, it seems the child is willing to cooperste with him so long she achieves this 'liberation'-
Touka: "In any case, Alina has told me that alongside others have been recruited as new White Feathers"
Airi: "I suppose... Do like, I have to put on some fancy uniform?"
Touka: "Later~ I just wanted to say I appreciate how you're tarnishing Iroha Tamaki's image! She's been such a thorn on mine and Nemu's sides, I'm glad her friends the veteran, the invisible girl, the so called mightiest and the bratty merc are all gone. But I heard she's replaced with some new ones anyway"
Airi: "Whose images I've also been putting an effort to dirt" So long they don't question me not shapeshifting into Jeanne d'Arc. Seriously, how am I the only one that sees the resemblance?

-Indeed that might be the case...-
Iroha: "Um, it's a... Long story, sorry"
Ophanimon: "Even at times when I'd just rather not, it's as it is"

Medusa: "And that is a record"
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Unlike her... But in her case, it was self-enforced-
-Sounds like a fair assumption with how the evening is going so far-
-Only Jeanne Lily is since Jeanne and Tart had spotted her before-

Sitonai: "It's alright, but yeah, her"
-Indeed, Suzune on to quickly deliver a cut to the neck-
-anyway, she sees kiddos playing?-
-it makes Nel smile a bit-
-and the Jannus are proud?-

Alear: "I suppose it might be strange to have the real one and the Emblem, right?"
Byleth: "Efficient..."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Fate: "I can't deny that"
Kazumi: "Yeah, I agree!"
Ran: "Now back to her..."
Dropkick: "That would be us"
Atalanta: "Think of them akin to sentient animals with various abilities"
Oriko: "I see..."
Jack: "General store? So they sell a whole lot of stuff?"
Girafarig: "(I don't think it's a bad thing!)"
Pichu: "(Big brother and our parents have said similar things! Even a bunch of the other people at the Pokemon Center have, too!)"

Oh, right! Do you have a map of this region you can give us? Or can you at least point us in the direction of Tengu Mountain?

Steven: "Huh?!" -Turns to face them-
-Connie actually drew her sword, figuring Breakdown's fearful reaction was more than likely justified-

-Still sounds a lot like a Familiar?-

Sweet: "That's right! Seam runs the only one in town so far"!

Sothis: "Did you really believe the power of gods relied on the people's prayers? How would malevolent ones even be as powerful as they were?" :p
Weiss: "He's... sadly not wrong."
-she feels she could get a couple hits but the technique known as Urbosa's Fury is just a bit too out of her league-
Connie: "To be fair, there do commonly exist cults as well as well people who aren't aware of a deity's true nature who worship many such deities..."

(I've heard of and even known several who aren't...)

-Speaking of businessmen, Hopediah chats with his current passenger by first asking him "So, what kinda business are you in?" out of curiosity. Mr. Littlepot rather ominously says "Oh, let's just say I'm in the frog business..." before chuckling quietly yet sinisterly, with an equally sinister grin. Unnerved, Hopediah pauses for a few seconds before rather awkwardly responding "The frog business! Uh, ain't we all...", though still tries to keep his smile up and not judge his customer without further context-


-Any real chance she'd have to defeat Urbosa is likely one she'd only be able to gain with a lot of training...-

Alear: "It's alright. I'm trying to get past that, actually."
Shez: "Okay, that's really cool."

Sothis: "Agreed." :) You can join the fight any time, Arcueid.
-a cute little critter?!-

-either way, Alina having friends who can manipulate memories and brainwash certainly came handy; she might even be serving Alina willingly-
Zelda: "I... already mentionned it was the secret stone he stole, Tetra..."
Sothis: "You are simply doing your duty..."

Pandora: "I never thought I'd meet a soul more evil than Hades." -said jokingly-
Alear some while later seeing any of the megucas:
View attachment 398849

-Not really, she just hibernates legit once a year- :V
Yukari: "In any case, we should get ready"

-Good, as Lindy makes sure to incarcerate all those criminals, hoping they cause them no trouble-
Arcueid, who was punching clones: On it!
Emu: "More or less. Let's go, Parado!"
Sayori: "Wait, that's Parado?!" :O
Poppy: "That's him alright!" -punches a zombie dead-
-And I'll assume one of the XJs ask offscreen-
Sayori: "He's a Bugster infecting Mr. Emu who was once really bad but he became good and now they're almost like siblings!"
Parado: "Thanks, you flatter me" -both he and Emu would go leaped at Kuroto together and KICK-
Lily: "Ah, are you okay now?"
Kazumi: "...What is that cute little buddy?" :O

Minou: No, they're just a bunch of commoners. They're just useful, that's all "Maybe we should go see the other town first, then get my mother her offerings"
Kanna: "Not a bad plan, I already have eyes over Los Angeles after all. My familiars will tell me of anything"
Kagari: "Indeed, but let's clean our Soul Gems first" -they each put Grief Seeds over their Soul Gems, purifying them after having used plenty of magic before arriving-
Sasa: "Phew, hopefully I don't forget this out being too much in that dumb town"
Alina: "Of course, Alina won't let her amiche to not be around any longer. In any case, let's move" -to the Demogorgons- "Gravesfield, State of Connecticut"

-On the very least, it seems the child is willing to cooperste with him so long she achieves this 'liberation'-
Touka: "In any case, Alina has told me that alongside others have been recruited as new White Feathers"
Airi: "I suppose... Do like, I have to put on some fancy uniform?"
Touka: "Later~ I just wanted to say I appreciatehow you're tarnishing Iroha Tamaki's image! She's been such a thorn on mine and Nemu's sides, I'm glad her friends the veteran, the invisible girl, the so called mightiest and the bratty merc are all gone. But I heard she's replaced with some new ones anyway"
Airi: "Whose images I've also been putting an effort to dirt" So long they don't question me not shapeshifting into Jeanne d'Arc. Seriously, how am I the only one that sees the resemblance?

-Indeed that might be the case...-
Iroha: "Um, it's a... Long story, sorry"
Ophanimon: "Even at times when I'd just rather not, it's as it is"

Medusa: "And that is a record"
-Hopefully it's not as bad as Byleth's PTSD around Cybertronians- :V
Mabel: "Have you made any big progress in defeating your fears or bad memories of them?"

-For like a month? I doubt Yukari would show up that often here if her annual hibernation lasted any longer- :V
Kris: "Let's go. We shouldn't need to prepare with any extra supplies unless we get ambushed, and that doesn't seem likely at this point..."

-It seems that accounts for all of the known surviving leaders and individual mercenaries and warlords among the Alliance...-

Girls, I say we follow suit!

XJ-5: "Now we're talking! Let's show this know-nothing-know-it-all how the XJs deal with villains!"

-All 9 of the XJs immediately flew towards Kuroto, XJ-1 being carried by XJ-4-

-They'd all see what resembles a tiny hedgehog spliced with plant and flower DNA approaching Lily and the group rather worriedly-

(W-Well...I heard you and Star saying that you would be going somewhere dangerous, and I...I wanna help!)

-The Demogorgon at the front of the group obliges, opening a portal in the wall of the alleyway to the town of Gravesfield, Connecticut-
-The sight of the monstrous and alien Demogorgons only freaks out the students even more-

-So long as all Magical Girls are truly undead, The Lich sees no issue in sparing them. His objective is to wipe out all life, and by virtue of their Souls being fully transferred into containers, they very much aren't alive in the true sense-

-But it's not like they even know about this new mansion yet...-


Tetra: "You also said that these secret stones only amplify powers that someone already has. That means he already had the potential to be a literal demon king, and to use all the powers that he did once he got a hold of one..."
TLink: "But the Ganondorfs we've before met never showed any signs of having powers or a like that, or a humanoid demon form..."

Hekapoo: "I'll take that as a compliment." ;)
Last edited:

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-anyway, she sees kiddos playing?-
-it makes Nel smile a bit-
-and the Jannus are proud?-

Alear: "I suppose it might be strange to have the real one and the Emblem, right?"
Byleth: "Efficient..."
-Indeed, in a tea party, even with classy music-
-Would Veyle notice?-
Tart: "I wonder what theyre talking about, but it wouldn't be good to meddle!"

Sitonai: "And also with the other onee-sama"
Suzune: "I try to make it quick"
Girafarig: "(I don't think it's a bad thing!)"
Pichu: "(Big brother and our parents have said similar things! Even a bunch of the other people at the Pokemon Center have, too!)"

Oh, right! Do you have a map of this region you can give us? Or can you at least point us in the direction of Tengu Mountain?

Steven: "Huh?!" -Turns to face them-
-Connie actually drew her sword, figuring Breakdown's fearful reaction was more than likely justified-

-Still sounds a lot like a Familiar?-

Sweet: "That's right! Seam runs the only one in town so far"!
Nanoha: "...I do think most of you are cute"
Ran: "I'll send you the coordinates, please be discreet"
Shatter: "Breakdown, we have come for you"
Breakdown: "NO! NO! GET AWAY FROM ME!"
Oriko: "Is that so? Are they born from magic?"
Atalanta: "Not at all"
Jack: "Ooooh, that sounds very interesting!"

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Alear some while later seeing any of the megucas:

-Not really, she just hibernates legit once a year- :V
Yukari: "In any case, we should get ready"

-Good, as Lindy makes sure to incarcerate all those criminals, hoping they cause them no trouble-
Arcueid, who was punching clones: On it!
Emu: "More or less. Let's go, Parado!"
Sayori: "Wait, that's Parado?!" :O
Poppy: "That's him alright!" -punches a zombie dead-
-And I'll assume one of the XJs ask offscreen-
Sayori: "He's a Bugster infecting Mr. Emu who was once really bad but he became good and now they're almost like siblings!"
Parado: "Thanks, you flatter me" -both he and Emu would go leaped at Kuroto together and KICK-
Lily: "Ah, are you okay now?"
Kazumi: "...What is that cute little buddy?" :O

Minou: No, they're just a bunch of commoners. They're just useful, that's all "Maybe we should go see the other town first, then get my mother her offerings"
Kanna: "Not a bad plan, I already have eyes over Los Angeles after all. My familiars will tell me of anything"
Kagari: "Indeed, but let's clean our Soul Gems first" -they each put Grief Seeds over their Soul Gems, purifying them after having used plenty of magic before arriving-
Sasa: "Phew, hopefully I don't forget this out being too much in that dumb town"
Alina: "Of course, Alina won't let her amiche to not be around any longer. In any case, let's move" -to the Demogorgons- "Gravesfield, State of Connecticut"

-On the very least, it seems the child is willing to cooperste with him so long she achieves this 'liberation'-
Touka: "In any case, Alina has told me that alongside others have been recruited as new White Feathers"
Airi: "I suppose... Do like, I have to put on some fancy uniform?"
Touka: "Later~ I just wanted to say I appreciatehow you're tarnishing Iroha Tamaki's image! She's been such a thorn on mine and Nemu's sides, I'm glad her friends the veteran, the invisible girl, the so called mightiest and the bratty merc are all gone. But I heard she's replaced with some new ones anyway"
Airi: "Whose images I've also been putting an effort to dirt" So long they don't question me not shapeshifting into Jeanne d'Arc. Seriously, how am I the only one that sees the resemblance?

-Indeed that might be the case...-
Iroha: "Um, it's a... Long story, sorry"
Ophanimon: "Even at times when I'd just rather not, it's as it is"

Medusa: "And that is a record"
-Hopefully it's not as bad as Byleth's PTSD around Cybertronians- :V
Mabel: "Have you made any big progress in defeating your fears or bad memories of them?"

-For like a month? I doubt Yukari would show up that often here if her annual hibernation lasted any longer- :V
Kris: "Let's go. We shouldn't need to prepare with any extra supplies unless we get ambushed, and that doesn't seem likely at this point..."

-It seems that accounts for all of the known surviving leaders and individual mercenaries and warlords among the Alliance...-

Girls, I say we follow suit!

XJ-5: "Now we're talking! Let's show this know-nothing-know-it-all how the XJs deal with villains!"

-All 9 of the XJs immediately flew towards Kuroto, XJ-1 being carried by XJ-4-

-They'd all see what resembles a tiny hedgehog spliced with plant and flower DNA approaching Lily and the group rather worriedly-

(W-Well...I heard you and Star saying that you would be going somewhere dangerous, and I...I wanna help!)

-The Demogorgon at the front of the group obliges, opening a portal in the wall of the alleyway to the town of Gravesfield, Connecticut-
-The sight of the monstrous and alien Demogorgons only freaks out the students even more-

-So long as all Magical Girls are truly undead, The Lich sees no issue in sparing them. His objective is to wipe out all life, and by virtue of their Souls being fully transferred into containers, they very much aren't alive in the true sense-

-But it's not like they even know about this new mansion yet...-


Tetra: "You also said that these secret stones only amplify powers that someone already has. That means he already had the potential to be a literal demon king, and to use all the powers that he did once he got a hold of one..."
TLink: "But the Ganondorfs we've before met never showed any signs of having powers or a like that, or a humanoid demon form..."

Hekapoo: "I'll take that as a compliment." ;)
-it... used to be but she's better at it...-
Alear: "I'm more capable of defending myself against them, at least."

Ingrid: "Yukari and I are prepared for anything."
-Sothis and Alear also rushed into the fight-

-Byleth was a bit slower because the sword is heavy-
Kanna: "Awwwwww~ He's so cute~" :b: -makes her dragon tail waggle-

-wonder what that means for Epimenides, who basically knows spirit transfer-
Zelda: "Then the one we've faced must have been an entirely different beast. After all, if there are many Links and many Zeldas..."
Sothis: "I suppose it can't be helped sometimes..."

Pandora: "You wouldn't go that far right, Eresh-cutie?"

Connie: "To be fair, there do commonly exist cults as well as well people who aren't aware of a deity's true nature who worship many such deities..."

(I've heard of and even known several who aren't...)

-Speaking of businessmen, Hopediah chats with his current passenger by first asking him "So, what kinda business are you in?" out of curiosity. Mr. Littlepot rather ominously says "Oh, let's just say I'm in the frog business..." before chuckling quietly yet sinisterly, with an equally sinister grin. Unnerved, Hopediah pauses for a few seconds before rather awkwardly responding "The frog business! Uh, ain't we all...", though still tries to keep his smile up and not judge his customer without further context-


-Any real chance she'd have to defeat Urbosa is likely one she'd only be able to gain with a lot of training...-
Sothis: "I suppose this would make my fib a believable one."
Weiss: "I was raised by one..."
-and some luck-

-Indeed, in a tea party, even with classy music-
-Would Veyle notice?-
Tart: "I wonder what theyre talking about, but it wouldn't be good to meddle!"

Sitonai: "And also with the other onee-sama"
Suzune: "I try to make it quick"
-she would and it would make her smile-
Shez: "No offense, but I wouldn't have expected a grumpypants like you to... not be grumpy. I think that's a cool side of you we should see more often."

Alear: "Yes... yes..." -confused and not getting it at all-
Byleth: "No wasting time on flair or flourish, just going for what's practical... That is a trait we both share."
Last edited:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Sothis: "I suppose this would make my fib a believable one."
Weiss: "I was raised by one..."
-and some luck-
Connie: "I believe it could be true for at least some deities. Some mythologies even mention specific deities needing prayer in order to retain most of their power!"

(And based on everything I've heard about him, it sounds like he was a total jerk at best.) :glare:

-Also Weiss' thoughts on Mr. Littlepot's rather eerie statement?-

-That's probably fair- :V

Whaddya think?

Nanoha: "...I do think most of you are cute"
Ran: "I'll send you the coordinates, please be discreet"
Shatter: "Breakdown, we have come for you"
Breakdown: "NO! NO! GET AWAY FROM ME!"
Oriko: "Is that so? Are they born from magic?"
Atalanta: "Not at all"
Jack: "Ooooh, that sounds very interesting!"
Squirtle: -Sighs- "(At least that's supposed to be a compliment...)"

We'll do our best! I've had to do stealth missions before, so this isn’t totally beyond my field.

Steven: "Who are you two?" :glare:-Summons shield-

(We're closer to animals, but are our own class of species.)

(...It sounds like a standard grocery snd general store, Jack.)
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Connie: "I believe it could be true for at least some deities. Some mythologies even mention specific deities needing prayer in order to retain most of their power!"

(And based on everything I've heard about him, it sounds like he was a total jerk at best.) :glare:

-Also Weiss' thoughts on Mr. Littlepot's rather eerie statement?-

-That's probably fair- :V

Whaddya think?
Sothis: "Oh, is that the case? Interesting."
Weiss: "That sounds about right. Also,,, frog business?" :urg:
Hinoka: "Don't worry about it." :p


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Sothis: "Oh, is that the case? Interesting."
Weiss: "That sounds about right. Also,,, frog business?" :urg:
Hinoka: "Don't worry about it." :p
Steven: "But it doesn't aeem to be the case for any of the deities here?-

(...Wh-Whatever he means by that, it's certainly an unsettling way to put it...) :urg:

-Mr. Littlepot then tells Hopediah that they're at his first stop, which turns out to be a normal-sized two story house. Hopediah notes "Oh, hey. This is Old Man Hopkins' house! Poor guy's been laid up with Red Leg for weeks now...", in a callback to the Contagi-Anne episode-

Fair. Camilla and you might be able to defeat Papyrus and I at some point at least. :p

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Steven: "But it doesn't aeem to be the case for any of the deities here?-

(...Wh-Whatever he means by that, it's certainly an unsettling way to put it...) :urg:

-Mr. Littlepot then tells Hopediah that they're at his first stop, which turns out to be a normal-sized two story house. Hopediah notes "Oh, hey. This is Old Man Hopkins' house! Poor guy's been laid up with Red Leg for weeks now...", in a callback to the Contagi-Anne episode-

Fair. Camilla and you might be able to defeat Papyrus and I at some point at least. :p
Sothis: "But none of the deities here follow that rule. Though some are weaker due to needing a different human host."
Weiss: "Oh no..."
Hinoka: "Oh, I could see that." :p

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-Hopefully it's not as bad as Byleth's PTSD around Cybertronians- :V
Mabel: "Have you made any big progress in defeating your fears or bad memories of them?"

-For like a month? I doubt Yukari would show up that often here if her annual hibernation lasted any longer- :V
Kris: "Let's go. We shouldn't need to prepare with any extra supplies unless we get ambushed, and that doesn't seem likely at this point..."

-It seems that accounts for all of the known surviving leaders and individual mercenaries and warlords among the Alliance...-

Girls, I say we follow suit!

XJ-5: "Now we're talking! Let's show this know-nothing-know-it-all how the XJs deal with villains!"

-All 9 of the XJs immediately flew towards Kuroto, XJ-1 being carried by XJ-4-

-They'd all see what resembles a tiny hedgehog spliced with plant and flower DNA approaching Lily and the group rather worriedly-

(W-Well...I heard you and Star saying that you would be going somewhere dangerous, and I...I wanna help!)

-The Demogorgon at the front of the group obliges, opening a portal in the wall of the alleyway to the town of Gravesfield, Connecticut-
-The sight of the monstrous and alien Demogorgons only freaks out the students even more-

-So long as all Magical Girls are truly undead, The Lich sees no issue in sparing them. His objective is to wipe out all life, and by virtue of their Souls being fully transferred into containers, they very much aren't alive in the true sense-

-But it's not like they even know about this new mansion yet...-


Tetra: "You also said that these secret stones only amplify powers that someone already has. That means he already had the potential to be a literal demon king, and to use all the powers that he did once he got a hold of one..."
TLink: "But the Ganondorfs we've before met never showed any signs of having powers or a like that, or a humanoid demon form..."

Hekapoo: "I'll take that as a compliment." ;)
-it... used to be but she's better at it...-

Ingrid: "Yukari and I are prepared for anything."
-Sothis and Alear also rushed into the fight-

-Byleth was a bit slower because the sword is heavy-
Kanna: "Awwwwww~ He's so cute~" :b: -makes her dragon tail waggle-

-wonder what that means for Epimenides, who basically knows spirit transfer-
Zelda: "Then the one we've faced must have been an entirely different beast. After all, if there are many Links and many Zeldas..."
Sothis: "I suppose it can't be helped sometimes..."

Pandora: "You wouldn't go that far right, Eresh-cutie?"
-Alear didn't answer to Mabel-

-More than that and it's canon LOL-
Yukari: "In that case..." -GAP OPENED-

-Indeed, though some prisoners that had previously joined with Koyanskaya are deceased, specefically Mesogog and Venjix-
-By now, Kuroto was becoming combo food by all those involved-
Lily: "Awwww, but you don't have to... ah, this is Shaymin, a Pokémon!"
Tart: "And such an adorable one!" :D

Alina: -Giggles- "Those wonderful expressions fill me with such gioia~ I'm confident you'll be wonderful art pieces~"
Kanna: "Cool, now let's get going, shall we?" -thus, after detransforming, the five girls cross towards Gravesfield-

-Indeed, they're basically magical zombies-
Touka: "Thankfully, this strange little town's barrier of weirdness is playing into our favor! Despite how it's limiting reach by a bit, it's otherwise providing with a whole lot of energy! In fact Nemu has been creating Rumors non-stop without a sign of tiring"
-They would turn to lok to the other child, who using a book, was creating various Rumors to spread through Gravity Falls, before she turned back to them and politely bowed-

Nemu: "My name is Nemu Hiiragi. I am one of the Magius. I expect your cooperation to achieve magical girls liberation"
Airi: "Yeah, yeah" And this one looks so monotone it's creepy... Heck, they're staring at the Lich and they don't react in fear, there must be something wrong in their heads! But then again, I don't care, not needing to turn into a Witch to kill the Pleiades sounds good anyway.
-Both of those are good questions...-
Iroha: "That sounds so scary..."
Ophanimon: "But after all things are cleared, I wouldn't mind revisiting" :p
Artemis: "Ooooh!"

Ereshkigal: "What kind of madman would do such act?!"
-she would and it would make her smile-
Shez: "No offense, but I wouldn't have expected a grumpypants like you to... not be grumpy. I think that's a cool side of you we should see more often."

Alear: "Yes... yes..." -confused and not getting it at all-
Byleth: "No wasting time on flair or flourish, just going for what's practical... That is a trait we both share."
Alice: "And we made your special brew today!"
Miyu: ❗
-Though time will tell if this new sense of comradery will last'
Jalter: "...Where did you hear that I'm grumpy?!"

Sitonai: "The purple haired one"
Suzune: "Good, I hate wasting time on a kill"
Squirtle: -Sighs- "(At least that's supposed to be a compliment...)"

We'll do our best! I've had to do stealth missions before, so this isn’t totally beyond my field.

Steven: "Who are you two?" :glare:-Summons shield-

(We're closer to animals, but are our own class of species.)

(...It sounds like a standard grocery snd general store, Jack.)
Nanoha: "I don't see how it couldn't be"
Kazumi: "And magical girls used to do that all the time! So I can too!"
Ran: "Good"
-Then the two go back to their robot forms-
Shatter: "Greetings, human with powers. My name is Shatter, this is my partner Dropkick, and we are here for the fellow Cybertronian behind you"
Oriko: "I see. I still have yet to know about all races here..."
Atalanta: "We are a lot after all..."
Jack: "Still would be fun to see!"

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Alear didn't answer to Mabel-
Now she did :V

Alice: "And we made your special brew today!"
Miyu: ❗
-Though time will tell if this new sense of comradery will last'
Jalter: "...Where did you hear that I'm grumpy?!"

Sitonai: "The purple haired one"
Suzune: "Good, I hate wasting time on a kill"
-but for now, she's giggling about it, enjoying that her sister has a new friend-
Shez: "Word of mouth spreads like a virus sometimes... but it doesn't matter because what I saw was a chill and open-minded person. One I wouldn't mind hanging out with more." :)

Alear: "Oh, you mean Camilla, the Emblem of Conquest."
Byleth: "You've done quite well here, Suzune. Very well, even, so I'm assuming the reason you're here is more about how to be a better teammate rather than your own skills."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Nanoha: "I don't see how it couldn't be"
Kazumi: "And magical girls used to do that all the time! So I can too!"
Ran: "Good"
-Then the two go back to their robot forms-
Shatter: "Greetings, human with powers. My name is Shatter, this is my partner Dropkick, and we are here for the fellow Cybertronian behind you"
Oriko: "I see. I still have yet to know about all races here..."
Atalanta: "We are a lot after all..."
Jack: "Still would be fun to see!"
Squirtle: "(Sparky started taking it in pride eventually...)"

We'll get Aya to her home mountains as soon as we can. We'll wait to receive the coordinates!

Steven: "Why's that...?"

(I suspect some have lost count...Admittedly I can hardly blame them.)

(They said they have food there!)
(And with everything we've seen in this dimension so far? They've probably got awesome weapons and artifacts, too!) :p

Sothis: "But none of the deities here follow that rule. Though some are weaker due to needing a different human host."
Weiss: "Oh no..."
Hinoka: "Oh, I could see that." :p
Steven: "Like Ishtar with Rin?"

-Upon hearing Mr. Littlepot then states "Oh, I'm sure it won't ail him for much longer..." while watching a pocket watch with a grimace that borders on being a grin-


-Shortly before the pocket watch strikes 12, Mr. Littlepot gets up with his cane, and walks up to Mr. Hopkins' house before opening the door to enter it. Hopediah, not thinking much of it, remarks "I probably woulda knocked first, but that's just me."-

But you'll both have to give it your very all to EARN that win!

-it... used to be but she's better at it...-
Alear: "I'm more capable of defending myself against them, at least."

Ingrid: "Yukari and I are prepared for anything."
-Sothis and Alear also rushed into the fight-

-Byleth was a bit slower because the sword is heavy-
Kanna: "Awwwwww~ He's so cute~" :b: -makes her dragon tail waggle-

-wonder what that means for Epimenides, who basically knows spirit transfer-
Zelda: "Then the one we've faced must have been an entirely different beast. After all, if there are many Links and many Zeldas..."
Sothis: "I suppose it can't be helped sometimes..."

Pandora: "You wouldn't go that far right, Eresh-cutie?"
-Alear didn't answer to Mabel-

-More than that and it's canon LOL-
Yukari: "In that case..." -GAP OPENED-

-Indeed, though some prisoners that had previously joined with Koyanskaya are deceased, specefically Mesogog and Venjix-
-By now, Kuroto was becoming combo food by all those involved-
Lily: "Awwww, but you don't have to... ah, this is Shaymin, a Pokémon!"
Tart: "And such an adorable one!" :D

Alina: -Giggles- "Those wonderful expressions fill me with such gioia~ I'm confident you'll be wonderful art pieces~"
Kanna: "Cool, now let's get going, shall we?" -thus, after detransforming, the five girls cross towards Gravesfield-

-Indeed, they're basically magical zombies-
Touka: "Thankfully, this strange little town's barrier of weirdness is playing into our favor! Despite how it's limiting reach by a bit, it's otherwise providing with a whole lot of energy! In fact Nemu has been creating Rumors non-stop without a sign of tiring"
-They would turn to lok to the other child, who using a book, was creating various Rumors to spread through Gravity Falls, before she turned back to them and politely bowed-
View attachment 398854
Nemu: "My name is Nemu Hiiragi. I am one of the Magius. I expect your cooperation to achieve magical girls liberation"
Airi: "Yeah, yeah" And this one looks so monotone it's creepy... Heck, they're staring at the Lich and they don't react in fear, there must be something wrong in their heads! But then again, I don't care, not needing to turn into a Witch to kill the Pleiades sounds good anyway.
-Both of those are good questions...-
Iroha: "That sounds so scary..."
Ophanimon: "But after all things are cleared, I wouldn't mind revisiting" :p
Artemis: "Ooooh!"

Ereshkigal: "What kind of madman would do such act?!"
Mabel: "Then that's a big step forward!" :)

-How long is her hiberation usually, then?- :V
-And Yukari's gap would take them directly to the extended Dark Fountain...-

-With the circumstances behind the sentient computer virus Venjix's demise remaining a mystery...-


Mabel: "Oh my gosh, it's ULTRA cute!"
Pacifica: "That's a Pokemon?"
(B-But what if you get hurt...?) :urg:

-The other Demogorgons follow them, along with the Demobats and Demospiders-

-They clearly care about their fellow Magical Girls and want to prevent any more from suffering or turning into Witches, yet they're still working with Minou and her friends with no issue, despite several of their plan contradicting their goals, and they seem to be the only two people here who aren't the least bit intimidated by the Lich, which seems to be the case even for the extremely powerful Isabeau...-

-There's no way to be certain until the Pines and their allies return to Gravity Falls once more-

Tetra: "There must be many Ganondorfs..."
TLink: "Only one different male Gerudo is born every 100 years, right? He could've easily been a completely different Gerudo King with the same name..."

Hekapoo: "Someone who's willing to put their foot down with lazy or manipulative employees." :p -The MHC doesn't actually make people combine brushing their teeth with drinking orange juice as a punishment, but Hekapoo's just responsible enough and just enough of a troll to suggest it as one in this case- :V
Last edited:

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-but for now, she's giggling about it, enjoying that her sister has a new friend-
Shez: "Word of mouth spreads like a virus sometimes... but it doesn't matter because what I saw was a chill and open-minded person. One I wouldn't mind hanging out with more." :)

Alear: "Oh, you mean Camilla, the Emblem of Conquest."
Byleth: "You've done quite well here, Suzune. Very well, even, so I'm assuming the reason you're here is more about how to be a better teammate rather than your own skills."
-Judging from when Miyu tastes, they do!-
-Good, as they discuss more things!-
Jalter: "...Well, it's not like I'm ever planning to do that again, hmph!"

Sitonai: "Yeah, you finally get it" :p
Suzune: "No" -immediate response-
Kazumi: "Awwww..."
Squirtle: "(Sparky started taking it in pride eventually...)"

We'll get Aya to her home mountains as soon as we can. We'll wait to receive the coordinates!

Steven: "Why's that...?"

(I suspect some have lost count...Admittedly I can hardly blame them.)

(They said they have food there!)
(And with everything we've seen in this dimension so far? They've probably got awesome weapons and artifacts, too!) :p
Fate: "Good to know" :)
-And thus the coordinates are given!-
Shatter: "We mean no harm to you"
Dropkick: I do mean harm to them.
Shatter: "We simply want to discuss matters with him"
Atalanta: "It'd be stranger if everyone could"
Oriko: !Fair viewpoint"
Semiramis: "Artifacts?" -interested-
Last edited:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Fate: "Good to know" :)
-And thus the coordinates are given!-
Shatter: "We mean no harm to you"
Dropkick: I do mean harm to them.
Shatter: "We simply want to discuss matters with him"
Atalanta: "It'd be stranger if everyone could"
Oriko: !Fair viewpoint"
Semiramis: "Artifacts?" -interested-
Pichu: "(Does that mean the rest of us should?)"
Squirtle: "(I'm fine as long as people realize that I'm cool, too...)"


Sweet! Thanks, Ran! We'll get her back to her homeland faster than you can say "waterfall"!

Steven: "What for? We don't want a fight, either, but I trust Breakdown. He must've been worried about you for a reason. " :glare:

-There's humans, former humans made of magic, deities, dragons, monsters, aliens made of minerals and hardlight...-

Cap'n: "Oh yeah, Seam's store has tons of those!"
Sweet: "Most of them aren't for sale, though."
K_K: "He's more of a curator when it comes to ancient and weird artifacts!"

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Alear didn't answer to Mabel-

-More than that and it's canon LOL-
Yukari: "In that case..." -GAP OPENED-

-Indeed, though some prisoners that had previously joined with Koyanskaya are deceased, specefically Mesogog and Venjix-
-By now, Kuroto was becoming combo food by all those involved-
Lily: "Awwww, but you don't have to... ah, this is Shaymin, a Pokémon!"
Tart: "And such an adorable one!" :D

Alina: -Giggles- "Those wonderful expressions fill me with such gioia~ I'm confident you'll be wonderful art pieces~"
Kanna: "Cool, now let's get going, shall we?" -thus, after detransforming, the five girls cross towards Gravesfield-

-Indeed, they're basically magical zombies-
Touka: "Thankfully, this strange little town's barrier of weirdness is playing into our favor! Despite how it's limiting reach by a bit, it's otherwise providing with a whole lot of energy! In fact Nemu has been creating Rumors non-stop without a sign of tiring"
-They would turn to lok to the other child, who using a book, was creating various Rumors to spread through Gravity Falls, before she turned back to them and politely bowed-
Nemu: "My name is Nemu Hiiragi. I am one of the Magius. I expect your cooperation to achieve magical girls liberation"
Airi: "Yeah, yeah" And this one looks so monotone it's creepy... Heck, they're staring at the Lich and they don't react in fear, there must be something wrong in their heads! But then again, I don't care, not needing to turn into a Witch to kill the Pleiades sounds good anyway.
-Both of those are good questions...-
Iroha: "That sounds so scary..."
Ophanimon: "But after all things are cleared, I wouldn't mind revisiting" :p
Artemis: "Ooooh!"

Ereshkigal: "What kind of madman would do such act?!"
Mabel: "Then that's a big step forward!" :)

-How long is her hiberation usually, then?- :V
-And Yukari's gap would take them directly to the extended Dark Fountain...-
-With the circumstances behind the sentient computer virus Venjix's demise remaining a mystery...-


Mabel: "Oh my gosh, it's ULTRA cute!"
Pacifica: "That's a Pokemon?"
(B-But what if you get hurt...?) :urg:

-The other Demogorgons follow them, along with the Demobats and Demospiders-

-They clearly care about their fellow Magical Girls and want to prevent any more from suffering or turning into Witches, yet they're still working with Minou and her friends with no issue, despite several of their plan contradicting their goals, and they seem to be the only two people here who aren't the least bit intimidated by the Lich, which seems to be the case even for the extremely powerful Isabeau...-

-There's no way to be certain until the Pines and their allies return to Gravity Falls once more-

Tetra: "There must be many Ganondorfs..."
TLink: "Only one different male Gerudo is born every 100 years, right? He could've easily been a completely different Gerudo King with the same name..."

Hekapoo: "Someone who's willing to put their foot down with lazy or manipulative employees." :p -The MHC doesn't actually make people combine brushing their teeth with drinking orange juice as a punishment, but Hekapoo's just responsible enough and just enough of a troll to suggest it as one in this case- :V
Alear: "I like to think that it is." :)
-with Byleth ending it with a strike from her sword, which is practically as big as her own body-

Kanna: "Does it like being petted?" :)

-even Epimenides, who seeks to kill a Goddess who would arguably have stomped over the Lich if she were at full power, still chooses to plan around him than do any direct attack (though he's justified right now due to himself also not being at full capacity yet), so these two girls showing no fear is notable-
-must be all a result of the brainwashing...-
Zelda: "That is my theory..."
Sothis: "I would be glad to have you around once more as well. You seem very open-minded for such a high-ranked enforcer." :)
Ingrid: "Better than Yggdrasil, that is for sure."

Pandora: "Then it's a good thing you're not leading the Commission." :p

Steven: "Like Ishtar with Rin?"

-Upon hearing Mr. Littlepot then states "Oh, I'm sure it won't ail him for much longer..." while watching a pocket watch with a grimace that borders on being a grin-

-Shortly before the pocket watch strikes 12, Mr. Littlepot gets up with his cane, and walks up to Mr. Hopkins' house before opening the door to enter it. Hopediah, not thinking much of it, remarks "I probably woulda knocked first, but that's just me."-

But you'll both have to give it your very all to EARN that win!
Sothis: "Precisely. Or me with Byleth before I found a way to become corporeal once more. Though I am still capable of interacting with her body shall I decide to do as such."
Weiss: "Oh..." :urg: -does NOT like the implications-
Hinoka: "Wouldn't want it any other way." :smirk:

-Judging from when Miyu tastes, they do!-
-Good, as they discuss more things!-
Jalter: "...Well, it's not like I'm ever planning to do that again, hmph!"

Illya: "Yeah, you finally get it" :p
Suzune: "No" -immediate response-
Kazumi: "Awwww..."
-is big brother Pit also a part of it?-
-getting along very quick-

Alear: He really is like Morion...
Shez: "What about surfing some waves? You ever gonna do that again?"
-....it was really cool, wasn't it?-

Illya showed up? :V
Alear: "So 'onee-sama' is like an older sister? Interesting." :)
Byleth: -just as bluntly as Suzune- "I'll take that as a yes."

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Pichu: "(Does that mean the rest of us should?)"
Squirtle: "(I'm fine as long as people realize that I'm cool, too...)"


Sweet! Thanks, Ran! We'll get her back to her homeland faster than you can say "waterfall"!

Steven: "What for? We don't want a fight, either, but I trust Breakdown. He must've been worried about you for a reason. " :glare:

-There's humans, former humans made of magic, deities, dragons, monsters, aliens made of minerals and hardlight...-

Cap'n: "Oh yeah, Seam's store has tons of those!"
Sweet: "Most of them aren't for sale, though."
K_K: "He's more of a curator when it comes to ancient and weird artifacts!"
Nanoha: "Why not?"
Hayate: "Yeah, you can be cute and cool!"
Ran: "I'll trust in your word, until then" -call ends-
Kazumi: "Doesn't sounds so difficult!"
Breakdown: "T-These two are dangerous hunters! They killed countless under Megatron's orders!"
Shatter: "Now, I can't deny his claim. However, I have no reason to put my arms against the humans of this planet"
Dropkick: Shame...
Breakdown: "Then why are you here?!"
Shatter: "For you... And not really to kill you"
-Plus different sorts of robots too...-
Semiramis: "Oh, a shamme then..."
-is big brother Pit also a part of it?-
-getting along very quick-

Alear: He really is like Morion...
Shez: "What about surfing some waves? You ever gonna do that again?"
-....it was really cool, wasn't it?-

Illya showed up? :V
Alear: "So 'onee-sama' is like an older sister? Interesting." :)
Byleth: -just as bluntly as Suzune- "I'll take that as a yes."
-Maybe he gets dragged into it because why not? Not like he'll complain- :V
-Indeed, just without sons-
Jalter: "...I wouldn't be opposed to, I mean..."
Sitonai: "Yeah, though there's a lot of ways to say it"
Suzune: "I've always worked alone. I'm better off that way"
Homura: Um... I feel strangely familiarized with that...
Mabel: "Then that's a big step forward!" :)

-How long is her hiberation usually, then?- :V
-And Yukari's gap would take them directly to the extended Dark Fountain...-

-With the circumstances behind the sentient computer virus Venjix's demise remaining a mystery...-


Mabel: "Oh my gosh, it's ULTRA cute!"
Pacifica: "That's a Pokemon?"
(B-But what if you get hurt...?) :urg:

-The other Demogorgons follow them, along with the Demobats and Demospiders-

-They clearly care about their fellow Magical Girls and want to prevent any more from suffering or turning into Witches, yet they're still working with Minou and her friends with no issue, despite several of their plan contradicting their goals, and they seem to be the only two people here who aren't the least bit intimidated by the Lich, which seems to be the case even for the extremely powerful Isabeau...-

-There's no way to be certain until the Pines and their allies return to Gravity Falls once more-

Tetra: "There must be many Ganondorfs..."
TLink: "Only one different male Gerudo is born every 100 years, right? He could've easily been a completely different Gerudo King with the same name..."

Hekapoo: "Someone who's willing to put their foot down with lazy or manipulative employees." :p -The MHC doesn't actually make people combine brushing their teeth with drinking orange juice as a punishment, but Hekapoo's just responsible enough and just enough of a troll to suggest it as one in this case- :V
Alear: "I like to think that it is." :)
-with Byleth ending it with a strike from her sword, which is practically as big as her own body-
View attachment 398861
Kanna: "Does it like being petted?" :)

-even Epimenides, who seeks to kill a Goddess who would arguably have stomped over the Lich if she were at full power, still chooses to plan around him than do any direct attack (though he's justified right now due to himself also not being at full capacity yet), so these two girls showing no fear is notable-
-must be all a result of the brainwashing...-
Zelda: "That is my theory..."
Sothis: "I would be glad to have you around once more as well. You seem very open-minded for such a high-ranked enforcer." :)
Ingrid: "Better than Yggdrasil, that is for sure."

Pandora: "Then it's a good thing you're not leading the Commission." :p
Martha: "That fills me with relief"

-Yes- :V
Yukari: "Quite psychedelic, if you ask me. Like some spells back home"

-Though his robotic body strangely leaked a purple substance that was unidentifiable...-
-Helps that by that moment, Emu and Parado did discount Bros. Attacks on Kuroto-
Lily: "Aw, don't worry, I'll be alright. We've faced worse! Oh, and sure!"
Iroha: "Oh, can I?"

-And thus, they land right on the entrance to Gravesfield-

-It is likely, not that Airi and Epimenides can fully tell, but at the same time, the former doesn't cares about the two of them-
Nemu: "I will also admit the convenience of this location. Creating Rumors usually takes too much magic that it's harmful for me, however, the field here has allowed me to recreate various of them without any issue"
Touka: "Of course~! Including Hotel Fendt Hope in place of that old rusty place!"
-There was a reason why Lapin and Corbeau were very much destroying the Northwest Manor, it wasn't colateral damage, it was instructed to craft the new building in a fitting location-
-So long a new one isn't reboorn, which is unlikely by now judging by Riju being in command-
Ophanimon: "thanks, maybe I could even invite some friends for Valentine's day" :p
Luvia: "...To get with someone?"
Ophanimon: "Remember I said Seraphimon and Cherubimon tend to argue over who will marry me every month or so? Most of them get the same from others"

Medusa: "Else, who knows how bad they would get it?" :p
Last edited:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Nanoha: "Why not?"
Hayate: "Yeah, you can be cute and cool!"
Ran: "I'll trust in your word, until then" -call ends-
Kazumi: "Doesn't sounds so difficult!"
Breakdown: "T-These two are dangerous hunters! They killed countless under Megatron's orders!"
Shatter: "Now, I can't deny his claim. However, I have no reason to put my arms against the humans of this planet"
Dropkick: Shame...
Breakdown: "Then why are you here?!"
Shatter: "For you... And not really to kill you"
-Plus different sorts of robots too...-
Semiramis: "Oh, a shamme then..."
Squirtle: "(I guess that's not so bad, then.)" 😅

We still need to be careful on the road to the mountains. We might run int other Yokai who are either hostile or think we might be a threat since we're new here.

Connnie: "Prove it. How do we know that you're telling the truth?" :glare: -Learned from Aquamarine and Topaz's first visit here-

-Including standard, if often extremely intelligent and self-aware robots, robots that can turn into vehicles, and even full-blown androids, several of which have Souls of their own...-

Cap'n: "Think Seam might be willing to part with any of them?"
Sweet: "Beats me. He does sell a variety of weapons and defense items as well."
K_K: "Maybe if he doesn't see a need for the items anymore or a good price? The only way to know would be to ask, I guess!"

Sothis: "Precisely. Or me with Byleth before I found a way to become corporeal once more. Though I am still capable of interacting with her body shall I decide to do as such."
Weiss: "Oh..." :urg: -does NOT like the implications-
Hinoka: "Wouldn't want it any other way." :smirk:
Connie: "So you really did need a human host similar to several of the deities summoned as Servants..."

-Seconds later, the sounds of a loud thud a few plates falling and breaking on the ground can be heard, and about a second later, Mr. Littlepot leaves the house, twirling his cane, before walking back up to the wagon. Surprised and clearly not getting why Mr. Littlepot visited Old Man Hopkins' resisdence in the first place,, Hop Pop remarks "Well, that was fast..." Littlepot simply casually states and requests "Always is. Onto the next one." Hop Pop obliges, but as he drives off, the shot focuses on Old Man Hopkins' house as a female nurse or caretake can be heard shouting "Mr. Hopkins? Mr. Hopkins, wake up!" with increasing concern-

(...D-Did he just KILL that guy?!) :crazy:

-Meanwhile, how is Camilla reacting to the photos of Undyne wearing a dress among the other bridesmaids at Kamui's wedding?-

Alear: "I like to think that it is." :)
-with Byleth ending it with a strike from her sword, which is practically as big as her own body-
View attachment 398861
Kanna: "Does it like being petted?" :)

-even Epimenides, who seeks to kill a Goddess who would arguably have stomped over the Lich if she were at full power, still chooses to plan around him than do any direct attack (though he's justified right now due to himself also not being at full capacity yet), so these two girls showing no fear is notable-
-must be all a result of the brainwashing...-
Zelda: "That is my theory..."
Sothis: "I would be glad to have you around once more as well. You seem very open-minded for such a high-ranked enforcer." :)
Ingrid: "Better than Yggdrasil, that is for sure."

Pandora: "Then it's a good thing you're not leading the Commission." :p
Martha: "That fills me with relief"

-Yes- :V
Yukari: "Quite psychedelic, if you ask me. Like some spells back home"

-Though his robotic body strangely leaked a purple substance that was unidentifiable...-
-Helps that by that moment, Emu and Parado did discount Bros. Attacks on Kuroto-
Lily: "Aw, don't worry, I'll be alright. We've faced worse! Oh, and sure!"
Iroha: "Oh, can I?"

-And thus, they land right on the entrance to Gravesfield-

-It is likely, not that Airi and Epimenides can fully tell, but at the same time, the former doesn't cares about the two of them-
Nemu: "I will also admit the convenience of this location. Creating Rumors usually takes too much magic that it's harmful for me, however, the field here has allowed me to recreate various of them without any issue"
Touka: "Of course~! Including Hotel Fendt Hope in place of that old rusty place!"
-There was a reason why Lapin and Corbeau were very much destroying the Northwest Manor, it wasn't colateral damage, it was instructed to craft the new building in a fitting location-
-So long a new one isn't reboorn, which is unlikely by now judging by Riju being in command-
Ophanimon: "thanks, maybe I could even invite some friends for Valentine's day" :p
Luvia: "...To get with someone?"
Ophanimon: "Remember I said Seraphimon and Cherubimon tend to argue over who will marry me every month or so? Most of them get the same from others"

Medusa: "Else, who knows how bad they would get it?" :p
Mabel: "I'm still sorry for bringing up bad memories. That goes double for you, bro-bro..."
Dipper: "It's fine. Defeating that horde of zombies with the power of karaoke was one of the coolest things we've ever done." :p

Kris: "And this is just a weaker version of a Dark Fountain that got created by siphoning power from another one..."
Susie: "Still looks just as bright and colorful...erm, I mean, what Yukari said!" 😅

-Which only raised further questions as to what the heck happened to him...-

-Which elsewhere caused Mario, Luigi and a snarky but ultimately well-meaning Star Sprite to all sneeze-

(But I can fight!) :urg:
-The Shaymin doesn't reject being pet, if only because Lily and Star seem to know and trust these people, but the hedgehog's expression is still worried-

-The portal would lead to a nearby hill in Gravesfield, allowing them to would immediately get a good look at the town:

-Except the majority of the trees still all had green leaves as it's currently summer-

-But does Epimenides take issue with the fact that some of them have outright brainwashed two of their fellow Magical Girls?-

Tetra: "...What if another male Gerudo is eventually born?"
TLink: "Would he turn out the same somehow...?"

Peridot: "Uh, maybe their parents can just make complete a difference by not naming him:"Ganondorf"?" :lol:

Hekapoo: "It's led by the three of us who are left. We used to just hand out time-outs."

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Maybe he gets dragged into it because why not? Not like he'll complain- :V
-Indeed, just without sons-
Jalter: "...I wouldn't be opposed to, I mean..."
Sitonai: "Yeah, though there's a lot of ways to say it"
Suzune: "I've always worked alone. I'm better off that way"
Homura: Um... I feel strangely familiarized with that...
Pit: -sipping the tea-
Alear: "Have you ever had children in life?"
Shez: "If you wanna ride some waves with someone, you can always gimme a call." :p
Alear: "Very interesting." :)
Byleth: "If you carry all your burdens alone and refuse to work with people who share the same goals, all that will end up doing is get yourself killed. And I don't think you'd want to squander your second chance at life."

Connie: "So you really did need a human host similar to several of the deities summoned as Servants..."

-Seconds later, the sounds of a loud thud a few plates falling and breaking on the ground can be heard, and about a second later, Mr. Littlepot leaves the house, twirling his cane, before walking back up to the wagon. Surprised and clearly not getting why Mr. Littlepot visited Old Man Hopkins' resisdence in the first place,, Hop Pop remarks "Well, that was fast..." Littlepot simply casually states and requests "Always is. Onto the next one." Hop Pop obliges, but as he drives off, the shot focuses on Old Man Hopkins' house as a female nurse or caretake can be heard shouting "Mr. Hopkins? Mr. Hopkins, wake up!" with increasing concern-

(...D-Did he just KILL that guy?!) :crazy:

-Meanwhile, how is Camilla reacting to the photos of Undyne wearing a dress among the other bridesmaids at Kamui's wedding?-
Sothis: "Need is a strong word... Not to mention I had never asked for this. This was done against my will... but I have grown fond enough of Byleth that I am content with the events that transpired."
Weiss: "Seems like he did..."
Camilla: "How utterly adorable~" :b:

Martha: "That fills me with relief"

-Yes- :V
Yukari: "Quite psychedelic, if you ask me. Like some spells back home"

-Though his robotic body strangely leaked a purple substance that was unidentifiable...-
-Helps that by that moment, Emu and Parado did discount Bros. Attacks on Kuroto-
Lily: "Aw, don't worry, I'll be alright. We've faced worse! Oh, and sure!"
Iroha: "Oh, can I?"

-And thus, they land right on the entrance to Gravesfield-

-It is likely, not that Airi and Epimenides can fully tell, but at the same time, the former doesn't cares about the two of them-
Nemu: "I will also admit the convenience of this location. Creating Rumors usually takes too much magic that it's harmful for me, however, the field here has allowed me to recreate various of them without any issue"
Touka: "Of course~! Including Hotel Fendt Hope in place of that old rusty place!"
-There was a reason why Lapin and Corbeau were very much destroying the Northwest Manor, it wasn't colateral damage, it was instructed to craft the new building in a fitting location-
-So long a new one isn't reboorn, which is unlikely by now judging by Riju being in command-
Ophanimon: "thanks, maybe I could even invite some friends for Valentine's day" :p
Luvia: "...To get with someone?"
Ophanimon: "Remember I said Seraphimon and Cherubimon tend to argue over who will marry me every month or so? Most of them get the same from others"

Medusa: "Else, who knows how bad they would get it?" :p
Mabel: "I'm still sorry for bringing up bad memories. That goes double for you, bro-bro..."
Dipper: "It's fine. Defeating that horde of zombies with the power of karaoke was one of the coolest things we've ever done." :p

Kris: "And this is just a weaker version of a Dark Fountain that got created by siphoning power from another one..."
Susie: "Still looks just as bright and colorful...erm, I mean, what Yukari said!" 😅

-Which only raised further questions as to what the heck happened to him...-

-Which elsewhere caused Mario, Luigi and a snarky but ultimately well-meaning Star Sprite to all sneeze-

(But I can fight!) :urg:
-The Shaymin doesn't reject being pet, if only because Lily and Star seem to know and trust these people, but the hedgehog's expression is still worried-

-The portal would lead to a nearby hill in Gravesfield, allowing them to would immediately get a good look at the town:
-Except the majority of the trees still all had green leaves as it's currently summer-

-But does Epimenides take issue with the fact that some of them have outright brainwashed two of their fellow Magical Girls?-

Tetra: "...What if another male Gerudo is eventually born?"
TLink: "Would he turn out the same somehow...?"

Peridot: "Uh, maybe their parents can just make complete a difference by not naming him:"Ganondorf"?" :lol:

Hekapoo: "It's led by the three of us who are left. We used to just hand out time-outs."
Alear: "You don't need to worry about me, Martha. I... have plenty of people who do that already." :lol:
Shez: "Yo, cool teamwork out there."
Kanna: -happily petting the Shaymin with a smile-

-if they had to resort to brainwashing, then it means they never would have joined them by their own will, so he's proud of the girls :V-
Zelda: "I... doubt the name has anything to do with that. Every girl born from the Royal Family goes by the name of Zelda by tradition, but not all of them had to face off against calamities and demon kings."
Sothis: "Oh my, this could lead to very funny conversations." :p

Pandora: "Makes sense, I guess..."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Sothis: "Need is a strong word... Not to mention I had never asked for this. This was done against my will... but I have grown fond enough of Byleth that I am content with the events that transpired."
Weiss: "Seems like he did..."
Camilla: "How utterly adorable~" :b:
Steven: "The story's very personal to Sothis, but the most I know is that she was dead before being connected to Byleth..."
Connie: "Oh...I'm really sorry, Sothis. I didn't know..."

(This got surprisingly dark, even for Amphibia...) -A bit disturbed, but not outright scared yet-

-The next stop on Mr. Littlepot's list turns out to be the home of an old lady. She currently seems to be in the process of baking, as her silhouette can be seen stirring a bowl in the window and a very elderly voice can be heard singing "🎵 Mama's little tadpole loves shortbread, shortbread! 🎵" While Hop Pop hums and pats his knees,e oblivious as to why Littlepot wanted to stop by another seemingly random frog's house, he spots...this snake slithering in her front yard, before it climbs into her house via an open window-



-The dress in question isn't really Undyne's style, but it still looks cute- :V
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