To the person with college issues, I say: I know. I have to start next year (January) because I missed the deadline because the stuff was complicated. Now I know what to do though, and the break is much needed. (from school, I just graduated)
You guys ever have perfectionist issues? Like when I play games, I have to get a 100%, and on games that it's too hard (like Excal2 in FFIX) I tend to make exclusions and set my ideal 100%.
I won't lie, Pokemon is a real bugger. I have:
Ruby/Fire Red/Emerald/Diamond/Platinum/Soul Silver, and none are beaten.
My Dilemma : I plan to fully beat the trainer card of Soul Silver and get everything I need done. (Also gives me a reallllyyy good competitive team to use for fun on wifi)
Once Soul Silver is beaten though, should that count for the other 5 games, who have nearly the EXACT SAME CHALLENGES. (Pokedex/E4/BattleTower+ 2 BS easy challenges)
Part of me says (80%), Beat SS thoroughly, keep the other games how they are for Soft Restarting legends, etc, and be happy. Yet it still bothers me a bit, like I'm slacking.
And no I have a life, I just also have completion issues...