Brace for girlfriend fueled rant.
We hit a bit of a rough spot lately. It basically came to light after I went to one of the final nights of Game Universe (Store I've run tournaments at for 2 years, running over 20, that closed recently) with a few smashers instead of going to a dance with her that was apparently completely casual except for the fact it was senior dress up day which would have made it amazing that she didn't tell me. Anyway, I let her now early into the day and she starts saying I ditched her, yelling at me, calling me an ***, etc.
That was the day before Halloween, btw.
Then **** hit the fan when I was too stubborn to apologize, and told her to go away while I was at a party on halloween night.
She started saying how I'd been treating her badly in the last month and everything. Saying how I'm pushing her away. She likes me enough to talk it out with me and wants me to be open with her but whenever I tell her what I'm really feeling apparently it counts as pushing her away, despite when we started going out when I told her those things she would support me and calm my fears. I wish she'd still do that. We got into a few more arguments last week. We haven't had sex since she got on the pill, and I was prepared for a month of no sex anyway (For those who don't know you gotta wait a month to use no condom), but I eventually began to be bothered by a lack of sex saying how I don't want to go a month without it. Yeah, that was pretty dumb because I was basically whining and we all know how much girls love a whiner right? They don't.
Well, at the time I guess I didn't realize that. She's recently told me she isn't too much into sex, and that's why we haven't had it lately. My birthday weekend came up last weekend, and I'm thinking I finally get to try it out without the condom. lol wrong, period to the face. Then she leaves early the next day to go to her dads, and I got pretty upset over that and kind of took it out on her. Fueled by the fact it was my birthday weekend and her being with me would have been really nice instead of leaving me all bothered by the fact she left to see her dads cuz he didn't see her wednesday.
I did admit the other day that was wrong of me and all, and I guess she took the apology. Sunday we had a pretty nice conversation, reminded me of when we first started going out. Then throughout all of today I didn't get a single message from her. The reason I didn't send one to her is because I wanted to see if she'd start a conversation with me, which means she would want to talk to me. She didn't, and I didn't get anything from her which said goodnight. That... didn't really sit well with me.
My last few relationships ended somewhat like this. Minus the arguments. I have no idea how to respond the arguments. I really love this girl, and she's a great catch. I'm determined to not have it end like this.
But, as it stands I'm getting hurt by this relationship and I'm doing my best to try to fix it and I have no idea how to. I'm trying to put all those feelings behind me, and act.. normal, and it's really hard. I guess it's not how I am. It feels like I'm bottling things up and when I'm not with her I'm ready to explode, which hasn't occurred until recently..
I figure if we pull out of this then we'll be all good and happy, but I just gotta figure out how to.
<end rant/help-me post>
Um, nobody really needs to read that but I wouldn't mind anybody PMing me or replying in this thread with advice or whatevers.
Also I feel a lot better after posting this.