I never had a multimedia portible device...until I purchased a Nintendo DSi. The DSi was so incredible to me:
-Pictures (even if it's a 0.3megapixel camera)
-Downloadable games
-Listen to music
One day, my cousins came to play Brawl and Halo with me. My cousin's little sister said that her DS Lite ran out of battery life and she wanted to borrow my DSi. I did share my DSi with most people. As a result, I had TONS of scratches on the touch screen. Since the DSi was so valuble to me, I said "No".
As you may know, little kids have a reputation of telling on another person. She told on my teenage sister. My sister said I was selfish and demanded that I let my cousin's little sister borrow my DSi. My sister had a bad habit of getting away with everything, or how she likes to call "winning". I said no again and she insulted me more. That's when a fight broke through. My cousins seperated me and my sister. One of my cousins decided to give in his own DSi for her little sister. I felt guilty for him.
One week later, my sister told on my uncle. My uncle, agressively, told me to share my DSi with others. After the conversation ended, I saw that my sister had an evil grin on her face and harassed me. My uncle then told on my parents, which got more agressive then him.
Three months later, my sister toke my DSi when I was asleep in the sofa last night. I desperately told her to give it back to me. She said I must wait to give it back to me, but I didn't trust her. My uncle reminded me that I had to share my DSi with others. I didn't care anymore because it was MY DSi. I snatch the DSi from my sister, which who slap me across the head. I was irated and punch my sister. My uncle broke up the fight, toke away my DSi and told my parents what happen. I then stay in my bed all day, all gloomy and miserably.
I like my uncle, my cousins, and my parents but I really hate my sorry excuse of a sister.