Hi Oval, hope you're doing alright.
The more we talk about all the kinds of SE reps, the more I feel like so many of them would be great and I think the best would actually be a crossover game from SE themselves to have all of them.
I have mixed feelings about the hero, as some people might know. One is that nowadays I mostly always want to play as a gal if I can, and it really didn't jive with me that they didn't even add the models for the female versions in smash one way or another. I can't even talk about it on smashboards too much because people think i'm making some kind of argument instead of me speaking from my heart and my own vantage point. I think it's great that dq made it in smash, but it's bittersweet for me because I can't carry most of my personal link to it. I think the play style is very fun for casual, but even my friends around have a pretty big distaste for the character (competitive side), and I find that sad, and don't connect to flashing the hero in their face to tease or upset them. So, all in all, it's actually a pretty big blow because I have trouble appreciating the positive about it. I play with the character once in a while for a bit of fun, but move pretty quick to keep enjoying myself.
I probably use eight and luminary the most in smash, surprisingly.
I'm for the most part over it, because in the end my goal is to enjoy myself, so even if something is really unfortunate, it's not worth dwelling on it.
And now I'm back wondering about what kinds of chances there are for more SE characters, since it really is one of my favorite companies for games

As not good as they are with some things, there's just so many great game series from them. (helps to be an rpg fan ;p)
I wonder how many dlc sakurai will keep working on.