Hello, Isaac fans! Never been in here before now, but I just thought to pop in to say how much my opinion of Isaac's chances has changed. This direct has basically confirmed to me that the ballot-era speculation thread popularity order is the same order that these characters are being revealed, and that the top five or so will see confirmation. As such, Isaac will most certainly be next.
As for when he could be revealed...I think you guys might be short selling the idea of him being a surprise in the general direct. For all we know, and I'm being completely serious here, there could be a new Golden Sun game announced in that direct. Or, more realistically, a package deal of the Golden Sun series, possibly as a 3DS support game, or even a remake of the first two titles. It's possible, and honestly, if any Smash character is in that direct, I imagine they would be tied to an announcement of one of the games in it. Isaac is the only character in the running that I think could pull that off.
Either way, I think Golden Boy's chances are as high as they've ever been. And this is coming from someone who was very pessimistic about his chances before. I'm rooting for you guys!
I'm pretty sure Sakurai said that you'd get every stage right from the start. I mean I guess he COULD be lying but misdirection seems more like Sakurai's style...rather than just outright lying about something.
To be honest something what's making me more nervous is that they added the stages page to the official Smash website, and it only has space for two new stages. That can't be right....
If there are only about 6 new stages left, I find it hard to imagine any of them being old stages. It seems to me like they've already shown us all the stages that are returning. (there are some strange omissions, Jungle Hijinkx and Pac Maze comes to mind, but then Smash Bros has been known to have weird omissions.

The Jungle Hijinx we're talking about is the Returns one, yes? I think the reason that one's out should be pretty clear: it had the distance gimmick, where you could fight in the background. That would work fine on a TV, but in portable mode, it might be too hard to see eight fighters clearly. In fact, I'd imagine any stages not returning are ones that wouldn't work well with 8-player smash, especially in portable mode.
...unless that's not the stage in question. In which case, please disregard, lol.