Smash Champion
=== This Week at SSF | February 21st - 25th ===
[Tuesday | 2/21] Netplay Night: Tekken 7(PC)
Dre's going to be running another Tekken night this week - it'll be happening at 7pm like always, so make sure you stop by and hang out!
Discord Event: https://discord.gg/JcvZP7DZ?event=1076397241209720923
[Thursday | 2/23] Netplay Night: King of Fighters XV(PC)
TheLivingShadow is hosting a Netplay Night for KoFXV this Thursday at 7:00pm!
Everyone is welcome, whether you're brand-new or a seasoned veteran - come say hi, play and learn!
Discord Event: https://discord.gg/JHjUcqCm?event=1076397388547240096
[Saturday | 2/25] Offline Salem Smashfests Tournament!
Games & Schedule:
Masks & Proof of Vaccine Required
(Due to the entry cap you must pre-register to enter! | Current Entrant Cap: 35 people)

Stream: https://twitch.tv/SalemSmashfests
[Tuesday | 2/21] Netplay Night: Tekken 7(PC)
Dre's going to be running another Tekken night this week - it'll be happening at 7pm like always, so make sure you stop by and hang out!
Discord Event: https://discord.gg/JcvZP7DZ?event=1076397241209720923
[Thursday | 2/23] Netplay Night: King of Fighters XV(PC)
TheLivingShadow is hosting a Netplay Night for KoFXV this Thursday at 7:00pm!
Everyone is welcome, whether you're brand-new or a seasoned veteran - come say hi, play and learn!
Discord Event: https://discord.gg/JHjUcqCm?event=1076397388547240096
[Saturday | 2/25] Offline Salem Smashfests Tournament!
Games & Schedule:
- 11:30am | Setup & Casuals [Venue Fee: $5 (or equivalent purchase at the Ike Box!)]
- 12:00pm | Guilty Gear XX Accent Core +R Showmatch: Gomikubi VS McHerpyDerps!
- 12:15pm | King of Fighters XV [Entry: $2]
- 1:00pm | Smash Ultimate [Entry: $5]
- 2:00pm | Guilty Gear -Strive- [Entry: $3]
- 5:30pm | Pack up & Leave

(Due to the entry cap you must pre-register to enter! | Current Entrant Cap: 35 people)

Stream: https://twitch.tv/SalemSmashfests