Smash Champion
=== This Week at SSF | January 6th - 7th ===
[Saturday | 1/6] Salem Showdown Monthly! (Saturday)
Games & Schedule:
Masks are required for all SSF events! 
(Due to the entry cap you must pre-register to enter! | Current Entrant Cap: 35 people)

Stream: https://twitch.tv/SalemFighters
[Sunday | 1/7] Salem Showdown Monthly! (Sunday)
Games & Schedule:
Masks are required for all SSF events! 
(Due to the entry cap you must pre-register to enter! | Current Entrant Cap: 35 people)

Stream: https://twitch.tv/SalemFighters
Don't forget to vote for the games you want to see at SSF next month!
(Voting closes tomorrow, 12/31)
[Saturday | 1/6] Salem Showdown Monthly! (Saturday)
Games & Schedule:
- 11:30am | Setup & Casuals [Venue Fee: $5 (reduced by bringing a receipt from The Ike Box or a setup - if you bring both, it's free!)]
- 12:00pm | Street Fighter 6 [Entry: $5]
- 1:00pm | Guilty Gear Strive [Entry: $5]
- 3:00pm | Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising [Entry: $5]
- 6:30pm | Pack up & Leave

(Due to the entry cap you must pre-register to enter! | Current Entrant Cap: 35 people)

Stream: https://twitch.tv/SalemFighters
[Sunday | 1/7] Salem Showdown Monthly! (Sunday)
Games & Schedule:
- 11:30am | Setup & Casuals [Venue Fee: $5 (reduced by bringing a receipt from The Ike Box or a setup - if you bring both, it's free!)]
- 12:00pm | Tekken 7 [Entry: $5]
- 1:00pm | King of Fighters XV [Entry: $5]
- 3:00pm | BlazBlue CentralFiction [Entry: $5]
- 6:30pm | Pack up & Leave

(Due to the entry cap you must pre-register to enter! | Current Entrant Cap: 35 people)

Stream: https://twitch.tv/SalemFighters

(Voting closes tomorrow, 12/31)