I just did some training as

and HOLY CRAP is he fun to play! A little wonky since he's new, but boy howdy does he have some kill power!
Read through the character changes and it looks like most everyone got endlag buffs. I haven't tested anyone else out yet, but so far my standouts are:

got some HUGE and sorely needed buffs. Most notably now you can properly space Luma with jabs like in Smash 4. This seems to have gone unadvertised in the patch notes, but I'm doing it right now in training and it was not possible before the patch. Down tilt also does this which is big with the buff to Luma's Dtilt range. Dtilt is now a really good edge poke tool as Rosa can hang back a little more and let Luma do the dirty work.

Losing Chromcide was expected. If

were to die first, then it's only fair. It's still great if you've got a stock lead though and Chrom is still no sleeper.

The blunderbuss vacuum effect doesn't seem to have lessened, but now you can't just hold vacuum indefinitely. It's still deadly and a great move, but you can't sit and hold it at the edge like a camping turd anymore.


losing bury time at low % was sorely needed. It seems that the moves are generally easier to mash out of even at mid %, but I'd have to lab it to actually see. Both characters don't really stand to lose a lot from these nerfs, but it makes the game far less janky and honestly more in line with what other bury moves do in the game.
Overall I think this was a really good, well thought-out patch.