Dark Ermac's gaming life started back with Super Mario World played on his cousin's SNES which got him hooked on gaming ever since. His love of Nintendo games stayed strong and it lead him to look for a possible fan made Smash game online. "I had played the first two games to death, but they started to grow old and I wanted more.I always thought it would be really cool for someone else to make a Smash Bros game that featured characters and such that I thought weren't really possible for the real games due to not being Nintendo-related."
Most of the games he found were striped down versions of his favorite game or simple unfinished. That is until he found the original Super Smash Flash. "Nowadays, a lot of people like to hate on the game due to its many flaws. Sonic OCs, only one attack button, Anime characters, wonky collisions, and glitches everywhere but at the time it was unlike anything else."
So what lead him into hosting tournaments for the game? It all began with hosting spontaneous online tournaments smash 64 on Emularena Grounds but grew into something a bit more when he met LiteTheIronman on /r/smashbrosonline. "Back then, most tournaments allowed the players to play their games on their own time, but this resulted in tournaments that would take months to complete and weren't a good indicator of player skill in the NOW sense. He hosted a Brawl tournament, but he used IRC to arrange an online, real-time tournament a la the ones I used to do on Emularena. and I thought, 'Why didn't I ever think of doing this?'"
When an Wi-Fi event for Project M called Project M: Origins had to be canceled at the last minute Dark Ermac ran Project M Origins: Revival in its place and the turnout was good. This kept him hosting online until he began The Smash Island series. While it's now one of the more popular tournaments for Super Smash Flash 2 it didn't start that way. It began as a Smash 64 tournament, and eventually became an all purpose tournament with Melee, Brawl, and Project M in the mix.
With the severs shutting down the tournament interest was started to die so he added Super Smash Flash 2 for Smash Island IV where all of the other events had to be canceled due to lack of interest. From there onward Smash Island events were purely for Super Smash Flash 2 with the all time best best being Smash Island XII.
"It currently hold the record for most signups for any SSF2 event ever, with over 200 people taking part. I even got mentioned on the official SSF2 Facebook page, which just drove that number even higher. Of course, on the actual day of the event, only ~50 people showed up, but that was more than enough for me. It probably had the most diverse player base, too. I had people coming in from South America, Europe, North Africa, and even a Pakistani player showed up!"
Hosting events online comes with its own set of challenges. The servers can sometimes go down, players have to be disqualified due to lag or being unable to connect, and potential drama. "Sometimes the players themselves create drama due to some perceived problem that 'made them lose the game'. I've had at least one case of someone faking a desynch when they realized that they could not win. I had a single set that stretched on for nearly 2 hours because of a combination of player feuding and lag." Despite these issues he plans to keep hosting with the next Smash Island event likely to be held on Octobor 24th.
Hopefully this has gotten some players interested in tryout out Super Smash Flash 2 and potentially entering tournaments online. For those who would like a chance to play soon Dark Ermac recommended the upcoming X Series tournament hosted by fellow tournament organizer DoqK. It takes place this Saturday, September 26th so go learn more and maybe enter.