Mega Man: The only mega man games i've played are X7 and Command Mission (the RPG). Needless to say my hype wasn't as much as most people's AND someone told me before I could see it so. . .
Villager: I wanted him so bad in melee. Was also spoiled so I wasn't exactly hype about it, as much as I should have been. Stil mad there is no fishing rod in his moveset
Wii Fit Trainer: I expected her so I kind of just laughed a little when I saw her reveal. It wasn't until FatManOnIce's mini-rant here about WFT that I really gave her a chance though. Probably one of my favorite additions now
Rosalina: was awesome on release because she was one of my faorite mario characters at the time. Her moveset and a few things I won't mention because no one wants that argument has made me care for her inclsuin much MUCH less than initially.
Little Mac: Was straight up my most wanted charcter. The fat he used the hoodie AND Doc showed up blew my mind. Those were things I wanted so so so so so so so SOOOOOO badly. And I got them both. I was unbelievably hyped for that one. Would have been more hype if it weren't for the fact that he was the only character I saw as a shoo-in initially other than Villager and WFT
Robin and Lucina: At the time they were my second and third most wanted (1st was Ridley)
I assumed they were no-hopers because of Chrom. I made inhuman noises that day from hype. Still my second most hype reveal and I rewatced that reveal quite a few times by now
Palutena: The anime reference made me so happy. I really wanted Palutena at the time ( I think I was midway through Uprising or just beat it?) too bad her moveset is ass and she is only fun in customs, which no one plays. Dissapointing.
Greninja: THAT'S NOT MEWTWO!!!11!!!11!
Got over it because ninja frog. Now I think he is cool
Shulk: I had gotten pretty far into the game and knew I loved the game. This was a fun reveal and i'm mad he was leaked because I can guarantee I would have loved it. I mained him for pretty much the entire 3DS lifetime and all the way until Cloud reveal so. . .yeah I liked him

IT'S ****ING PAC MAN. Pac Land is dumb. Pac Maze is awesome. Pac Man was who I intended to main before release. He was my very first character I played other then the demo. I used his f air once and saw it do nothing and didn't touch him again for a long time.
Bowser . . . . .. Jr.: My most wanted for Brawl but I totally forgot about him. The clown Kart was better than anything I thought of involving the paint brush.
Miis: *sigh* was one of my least wanted but I knew they were inevitable by the time E# rolled around. I genuinely think they are the worst handled character ever added to smash. Their movesets are generic and they have horrendous implementation. They have a huge focus on customization that there is no way to use easily. They also can't be used online for reasons that are downright illogical. If I could play them maybe I wouldn't hate them. But it seems like no one wants people to play them. Swordfighters and mii costumes are pretty cool though.
Dark Pit: At the time, I pretty much wanted any Kid Icarus character not named Magnus. I got one. I was excited. based on the fact I defended Dark Pit every time he was insulted (which was really hard to do in the Ridley thread which hated him) and the fact I changed my sig to defend him I would think it's apparent I liked his inclusion. Fun character too. Same with his light counterpart.
DuckK Hunt: ALL I could think was "Awww he is so adorable! Plus ducks are cool!" I'm mad he doesn't ave the laugh and his moveset is wayyyyy too awkward for me but he is still cool to have even if I never touch him
Mewtwo: it's mewtwo. lol. Him being terrible made me stay away. I should try him again after the buffs maybe. Stil nice to have though
Roy: ROYS OUR BOY ROYS OUR BOY ROYS OUR BOY. I wanted him so badly. I was so happy when he got leaked. I was even happier when we saw his awesome new look and new moves. So good. Makes me wish he wasn't leaked.
Lucas: Lucas was probably my most played in Brawl. He CAME OUTTA NOWHERE and was awesome. I can't play him now that I do more than spam smashes and specials but i'm just happy I can see him in the roster. (Mother 3 when?)
Ryu: Never thought about him. Cool character. Can't really get behind his moveset. Feels too weird for me.
Cloud: My most hype moment in smash ever. My favorite character to ever be added to smash. Period. #1. Imagine if I had played FF7 BEFORE then. So hype and still my favorite moment in smash (that I can think of)
Corrin: I laughed. I straight up laughed. I have not played Fates. I have not bought Corrin. I do not have an opinion on them other than the fact i'm happy because I hate the "reps" thing being such a focal point of smash speculation and am happy it got a swift kick in the face.
Bayonetta: People know by now I was not happy. All speculation surrounding her was obnoxoius. The people that happened to talk about her (sometimes here sometimes other sites) were annoying way too often for me to handle. One of 4 or 5 characters I downright didn't want to see. Like Corrin, have not bought her because I haven't been playing much smash. Played Bayo 1 and I don't hate her anymore but she is still towards the bottom for newcomers for me. But now it is a much more positive outook