: Andy goes for a very quick punch to his opponent.

(Tilt): Andy lifts his wrench quickly up in the air for a quick strike.

(Tilt): Andy quickly kicks his opponent downwards once again for a quick strike.


(Tilt): Andy strikes his opponent with his wrench quickly.

(Air): Andy lunges his wrench up in the air.

(Air): Andy thrusts his wrench downwards in the air.

(Air): Andy thrusts his wrench vertically at his opponent.

(Air): Andy kicks his opponent behind him.

(Smash): Andy lunges his wrench vertically. Similar to his U-Tilt but stronger

(Smash): Andy quickly lunges his wrench towards the ground like Marth's Down Smash.


(Smash): Andy lunges his wrench at his opponent horizontally for some considerable damage.

Infantry/Mech. Andy summons an infantry or a mech and then the units attack anyone on the battlefield until being struck down.


Recon Ambush. Andy summons a recon unit similar to Bowser Jr's Side B (only he's not inside the recon unit) that moves and fires quickly but can be taken down easily.

T-Copter Rescue: Andy summons a Transport Copter as a recovery move to help him recover back to the stage. The copters can strike opponent's that get in his way.

Tank. Andy summons a tank and for a brief period of time can control a tank and run over/fire at opponents similar to how Wario can summon his bike. The attack can't be spammed though so there's a certain amount of wait period before using the attack again.

(Final Smash):
Air Strike. Andy Summons a huge amount of air units (Battle Copters, Fighters, and Bombers) to attack everyone on the stage leading to a massive assault for everyone other than Andy and his allies.
Andy can also use his CO Power from Advance Wars (Hyper Repair). In Advance Wars this recovers 2HP for all his units in battle but in Smash Bros it works differently. Andy can recover 2HP when holding

for 3 seconds unless attacked by his opponent(s). Additionally, this move gets upgraded to "Hyper Upgrade" (Andy's Super in the 2nd Advance Wars game) when he has the Smash Ball and can heal 5HP instead of the usual 2HP.