It's a bit quiet here, so I'll share a new moveset idea.
Basic Jab: Marsupial Maelstrom

For his Standard Jab, Crash punches in a circular motion. He cycles his fists and alternates with each punch, moving remarkably fast while doing so. The hitstun is solid, strong enough to disrupt victims and fast enough to make reacting difficult.

Then as a follow-up, he can slam his fists onto the ground to knock away anyone in striking range. The move has alright knockback and is performed quickly, but has just a touch of ending lag to gently emphasize the move's strength.
That's the gist of the attack. Personally this was meant to be a 3-hit Jab sequence, where you press the A Button once and Crash would perform the first 2 hits automatically, then press A again for him to slam his fists down. As I started working on it though, I realized those rotating punches could also be an Infinite Jab/Flurry Attack like his
Forward Tilt, except this time he'd have a proper Finisher. Anyway, for my moveset I'm having Crash perform circular movements for his attacks. Spinning, turning, rotating, etc; I feel like his body shape and lack of a neck means that linear punches don't really work for him, so he'll only swing his fists with curves.