Actually, I want some suggestions on how I can improve. I know the choices are make a really poor at tons of parts. I want to know what people are noticing and abusing the most when they face me. Even if I might already know I'm bad at a certain area, I kinda want to know which are the biggest problems that I should fix asap.
At least with Ragna, combo-wise I notice how you like to go for the Inferno Divider finish off a basic midscreen combo instead of ending on Hell's Fang for corner push. I know you're doing it for oki, but wouldn't it be better to leave Inferno Dividers for ending corner combos or countering someone off the C-ID? Or is it for the sake of being easier to capitalize online with ending midscreen with ID?
I know we as players are all different in how we handle our opponents. Otherwise though your game is pretty solid. I have to say though, after what we all played last night? I hafta say your Rachel is really awesome. I won't even bother saying anything about combos because, ffffff online plays a big factor in what we miss or don't miss sometimes.
I wish I knew what else to say asides for that one little Ragna bit, and that may just be a preference for you that works. For Hazama vs. Ragna, I'd just 6A after you came in with ouroboros sometimes. So I out for that?
You're the better player, I know that much, and I don't know how much this is of worth to you, but there's my fail 2 cents.