Don't listen to a word I said in that previous post. I was talking out my ass. I've just been playing a lot of GG lately, and I only vaguely remembered how I played Noel.
I just gave her a spin a couple hours ago.
Yeah, 3C is unsafe, I still use it a lot, but as my primary knockdown move, mid-combo, for Silencer. However, I do occassionally punish with it.
I mostly open with 2A, 2B, 6C and j.C.
I don't like 6B in CSE because it's got some mean lag, and leaves you wide open on a whiff. Still 2D is still a decent combo opener in CSE. It's quick and somewhat unexpected if you mix it up. The same doesn't seem to apply in CP with that insane start up and huge arch.
2D and 6D are the main ways I start up her drive, maybe an ocassional j.D, but that's it, everything else is too slow or too situational, and I never got good at timing 4D.
My usual combo routes go:
2A>5A>6A>6C+follow up>Revolver Blast
Bait into 6C>2C>3C>Silencer
Dunno, may go back to Noel in BB, but I'm just so damn hooked to GG. Friggin Sol is so much fun to use. Those Sidewinder Loops. Also, I ended up taking more of a liking to Mu-12, she's just so effortless in CSE. I wonder if she got any new tools in CP...