I legitimately couldn't think of more than 1 instance (and I struggle to even think of that) where I j.4D'd after air tech. Yeah, there were a couple of instances where I did Revolver Blast raw, and one or two instances of 4D though. That being said, I swear I wasn't hitting anything as I was blocking other than A+B in attempts to barrier block. Not sure on the occasional running 6A as an anti-air thing though, other than well, it's supposed to be a quasi-anti air as it is, and it's not really like there's much choice in cases since literally everything Ragna does beats everything Noel does in what seems like every situation. Plus, I'm pretty sure she just doesn't have an attack period that's faster than his 2A so it's not like I can counter that.
I was just feeling way out of it and off about things for some weird reason tonight, and sorry if this sounds mean or disrespectful as it's not meant to, but after 5 games or so, my mind just was like "okay, not today, I can't do this tonight" as it would feel like "oh, I'll punish him and he'll still get 4k" or, "I make one small mistake and take 5k meterless with nothing I can do but burst". Was weird tonight. Not like, "oh ugh, I never want to play this again" weird, just...odd weird.