Meanwhile Ragna will get his 6B -> 5C gatling back, dash cancel out of 5D, and Devoured by Darkness will get a damage buff.
... if this happens and Ragna gets top tier spot again in the last version of Chrono Phantasma again, I will laugh. Laugh SO HARD.
Hoping that he doesn't, though I could definitely benefit from getting the 6B -> 5C gatling back. I don't get why it was taken out.
I'm glad it was taken out. Forces Ragna players to take a little more risk by not being able to do 6B at max range or make them get used to hit confirming faster.
None of that max range 6B 5C into Gauntlet Hades mixup lol. Same goes for not autopiloting and gatling into 6A.
Edit: Kuraudo, I found a better punish on cornered Kokonoe doing reversal flame super. If you're running and you can't IB, you can do
CH Carnage Scissors > Hold D to cancel follow up > 623C (just before the flame comes back down to hit you) > j236C > j236C > 3C > 22C.
Then do D ID for over 3k damage total. If you have 50 more heat and 50 percent health with a Burst, you can OD Cancel and get over 5k
Going to try a raw OD after the CH Carnage Scissors and see how that turns out. It'll probably be even better.
Double Edit: Looks like raw OD after CH CS is the way to go. 5171 unburstable damage if you have the health and resources.