I'll work on adding everyone's tag to the OP.
Is ending Noel's Drive combo with Bloom Trigger always safe on block?
He always ends his blockstrings with that if I didn't get hit.
And thanks, Lythium, for that list for characters getting hit by Haida Loop.
Knowing that I couldn't be hit by that as Tsubaki was nice. If I'm Rachel, say goodbye to 4000 life.
No problem.
Bloom Trigger isn't exactly safe, in terms of frame data (it's -13 on block), but it pushes your opponent far enough away that it's mostly safe. The safest move to end a drive string with on block is Optic Barrel, but you could probably DP out of it. I'm not sure.
I am pretty sure you can throw out a jab before the Bloom Trigger comes out.
EDIT: If he is using Noels Drives in a block string you could most likely DP through that pretty easily.
Not always. Depends on which drives you're using. Some have huge holes in them, but some are pretty tight.
If you hit someone with a 5D, and they block it, 5D > d.6A > d.6C > d.6A > d.6C > 236D works really well for me (even if it's a poverty blockstring), and pretty safe. And if they block the whole thing they lose two primers. I use this all the time against a Jin player and if he tries to DP out, he gets hit.
But yeah, that's not to say that all drivestrings are tight, because they're definitely not. If someone was spamming drive, you could definitely DP out of it.
Speaking of that, what's a good way to end a blockstring with Noel's Drive? I've kind of programmed myself to use Bloom Trigger. Is Assault Through any good?
Bloom Trigger is always safe. Assault Through is safe, but if you hit with it, and you're not in the corner, it will send your opponent skidding to the other side of the screen, effectively negating any pressure you had. Also, it only has invincibility on its start-up, so once that wears off, any opponent worth his salt will throw you out of it, and you'll end up eating a nice fatty combo. It's a good mixup, but use it sparingly.
I'm not sure, I usually end with Spring Raid out of habit.
Spring Raid is the best one to end a drivestring with if you hit with it, because you can combo after it. However, if your opponent blocks it, it's extremely punishable.