So recently, I have grown pretty tired of playing Brawl competitively. The combination of several factors has lead to me the decision to retire playing competitvely. But mainly it is because of school. I have no time to actually play seriously anymore. I am no prodigy and so I need to invest a lot of time into getting better. And thus, this is where reality sets in.
However, don't get the wrong impression about this post. This is not a gigantic, goodbye post, or a "**** Brawl" post of anything of the sort. Instead, I have decided to focus my energies in this game in a different avenue. There are two things that I still legitimately love doing in relation to this game: hosting regionals and teaching. I already host the most successful Brawl series in Michigan. However, I have yet to really devote myself as a teacher. And so I would like to announce that I will be starting an "academy" of sorts in the Southeastern Michigan area. Michigan is growing into a respectable state for Brawl again but we lack the sharing of information.
I will elaborate. Michigan Brawl is one big family yet at the same time is comprised of several cliques. At the end of the day, these cliques stay within their own circle for information and growth. There isn't enough interaction at tournaments and advice dropping. I believe that is what is holding us back as a region period. And so I would like to host some Classfests as I'm going to call them. These are not going to be simple smashfests. I want to offer decidated time specifically for answering questions. I want tiime for serious video recording and group analysis. I also want to offer "Serious Analysis". By that I mean this:
vs Staco 
Game 1:
[COLLAPSE="Game 1"]
[COLLAPSE="Staco's First Stock"]
1. Grenade (12%)
2. Forward Tilt 1 & 2 (21%)
3. Grenade Hit (2%) > Grenade (11%) =13%
4. Neutral Air 4 (14%)
5. Grenade (12%)
6. Grab > Down Throw (13%) > F-Tilt 1 & 2 (19%) = 32%
7. Up-Tilt (14%)[/COLLAPSE]
Staco’s First Stock: 114%
Calzorz’s First Stock: 201%
[COLLAPSE="Staco's Second Stock"]1. Forward Tilt 1 & 2 (18%)
2. Grab > Down Throw (13%) > F-Tilt 1 + Grenade (21%) = 34%
3. Grab > Pummel (2%) >Down Throw + Jab (15%) > F-Tilt (20%) = 37%
4. Dash Attack (12%)
5. Up Tilt (13%)
Staco’s Second Stock: 115%
[COLLAPSE="Staco's Third Stock"]1. Back Air Sourspotted (10%)
2. F-Tilt 1 (8%)
3. Back Air Sourspotted (9%)
4. Grab > Pummel (2%) > Down Throw (12%) = 14%
5. F-Tilt 1 & 2 (16%)
6. Grenade (13%)
7. Back Air Sweetspotted (15%)
8. Down Air 1 (5%)
9. Up-Smash Mortar (10%)
10. Up-Smash Both Hits (13%)[/COLLAPSE]
Staco’s Last Stock 115%
Cal did an excellent job killing Staco at the appropriate percent while maximizing his stock. If you notice, Staco died at 114% for the first stock and 115% for both of his remaining stocks.
Cal really took advantage of his tech chasing options during this match. While he messed up his last tech chase, his other ones yield around 35% on average. Considering Staco's life span during this game was 115%, we are talking about a little bit more than a third of stock just from one neutral punish. Because of this, he was able to get Staco's stock in only 5 neutral punishes on his second stock. This can be contributed from his simple but effective uses of Jabbing and Pummeling when he could.
Cal completely switched up how he punished Staco on his last stock and was unable to land some very risky and usual punishes that probably would not have worked, had he tried them earlier in the match.
117% of Cal's damage came from Grabs and follow ups he yielded from tech chasing. That is literally one of Staco's stocks in this match.
61% of Cal's damage came from Forward Tilting as a punish.
50% of Cal's damage from Grenades in a neutral position.
I've done this for Sparta Kick. He said he finds this kind of analysis immensely useful.
I'm looking to offer my expertise, knowledge, experience and accomplishments and give them back to the community in a positive manner.I've revived a dead scene, joined the BBR, recreated a metagame for an entire character and held my place in the rankings for 4seasons. Why not be a teacher?
We talk about how we want to get better and what we need to do and yet it doesn't get done. And so the old dusty veteran retires from the front line and becomes a teacher in hopes that this goal is realized. A new generation of high level players is making its way into the upcoming year. Let's work together and cultivate those who really want to achieve their dreams.
Details, an updated thread with times and whatnot will be posted later on. I'm looking to make this once a month or so and anyone is welcome. Thanks for reading.