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If you need any more proof that Halloween is slowly dying out
This seems more like a business expansion than anything else. Spirit already makes tons of sales every year with animatronics, costumes and other decor, and they're also owned by a larger gift and novelty store company, so in hindsight, it actually kind of makes sense that they'd eventually expand their horizons to seasonal pop-up Christmas stores as well.
As for Halloween dying out...Yeah, I can't say I agree. People have seemed eager to resume Halloween activities as COVID becomes just slightly less common, many neighborhoods still tend to decorate heavily for Halloween, Halloween Candy mixes are still sold in large quantities at grocery stores, videos covering new animatronics from Spirit, Home Depot, Party City and other major animatronic sellers tend to gain lots of views, horror movies are still massively popular and several are still premiering near September and October every year...That's not even getting into theme parks with like Uinversal's Halloween Horror Nights or Disneyland's Oogie Boogie Bash, which started even earlier than usual this year.
Heck, last year we saw larger group of trick-or-treaters at our neighborhood than we have in years, even the last few pre-COVID.
Ma'am, that just means you're getting old.
I'm kidding. I get it. I still LOVE Halloween, but it's harder to be engaged in it when you're too old to really 'do' anything. Like, as someone who lives in an apartment with zero trick or treaters or people who put up decorations, it SUCKS.
Ok grandpa, lets get you to bed
But yeah, i dont really do anything on halloween anymore. Like i said before, my friends siblings are older, there is no kids on my street, my friend live in a different state. It sucks but at least i get all the candy to myself. People on my street still decorate their yards and stuff but each year very little kids show up so it's not as fun anymore
I feel like this is less of an issue with getting older and more simply one's neighborhoods changing. As people grow up or move out, their interets can change and people who aren't as interested in most holidays sometimes move in. The end result is that the neighborhood is either less lively in general or just doesn't celebrate holidays as much as it once did.
I can speak from experience that sadly, the same thing has happened to the neighborhood I live and grew up in. A lot of people moved out, only a handful of people who've moved in still enjoy Halloween enough to decorate their yards and houses compared to when it used to be nearly the whole block, and even fewer of the neighbors who've lived here since I was young are still decorate at all.
Sure, Halloween is definitely one of those holdiays that changes as you grow up, since you kinda stop trick-or-treating when you're a teenager at the earliest or in college at the latest, and some of the mnagic from when you were a kid is gone, but as long as you still enjoy traditions like passing out candy, going to Halloween parties or events, or even just watching horror films throughout the month, then you can still enjoy and celebrate Hallowen as a holiday. The biggest issue is usually just when neighborhoods or towns as a whole lost interest, but the overall love and hype for Halloween is alive and well to this day. Despite, well, the undead like ghosts and zombies being pretty commonplace with it's theme and originating with it's roots.