MMBN2 Progress. I beat Shadow Man, got Wood Guts as my first style, and did some grinding to get Elec Guts style after that. Got my 2nd Folder from Mr. Famous by beating GateMan V2. And I beat Guts Man V3 once. Though I guess not quick enough cause I didn't get his level 3 chip. I know Team Style let's you get V4 chips, but I want to get my Guts Styles first. I mostly wanted Heat and Aqua, but hey it is what it is.
Grinding in these games is actually fun since the combat is engaging. And most fights don't take too long unless you're trying to go for bosses. Got some better chips in my main folder too. Still have to whittle down the letters for the regular chips to 3 or so not counting stars.
Styles seem to come in like 200 fights won or so, which isn't as bad it sounds. Guts Styles are won by mostly using the buster, Shield by using Healing Items/Barriers, Team by using Navi chips and Custom by using a lot of chips in general, so we'll see how it goes. Not sure if I can even be allowed all 16 or so styles in one playthrough, but I want to guarantee I get one of each element.