Yuss Toon Zelda. Didn't see this until it reopened.
Anyways, I had some thoughts for Toon Zelda, but they might've been stated before.
I'm pretty sure we all know toon link and link aren't full out clones, and I'd expect the same with Toon Zelda. If we take a look, most of toon links normals are completely different than of link, but specials are pretty much exactly the same. It would be the opposite for Toon Zelda, her normals would be mostly the same, thus keeping the lightning kicks, awesome spike etc., but her specials would be different. I haven't really thought what her specials would be, but it would probably have most to do with what she does in wind waker/spirit tracks. For instance, her up-b could be her turning into phantom Zelda, and she'd float in whatever direction, similar with lucarios up-b. I know a lot of people want her to be able to transform into tetra, but this isn't happening because the split between Zelda and shiek was because the 3ds couldn't handle it, and itd be much the same with Toon Zelda. I still don't have much of an idea what her specials would be if her specials end up being different, but what would any of you think?