Since we're talking ships (vaguely; I only just dropped in and am trying to read back like ten pages), I have a question regarding romances in games.
Dragon Age II and Dragon Age Inquisition took two different approaches to making companion characters romanceable. In DAII, all romantic interests were bisexual; regardless of what your player character's gender is and no matter how "good" or "bad" your decisions, they'll always be romanceable. DA:I, by comparison, set limits on which characters are into what (i.e. Cullen not being into elves, Cassandra not being into women, Sera only liking women and being way more attracted to Qunari than elves, Solas only liking Elven women, etc.). And only some characters would respond well to a "rivalry romance" like in DAII.
Which is more important regarding these romances in RPGs: making as many options available to the player as possible or crafting more unique characters with their own preferences that won't necessarily coincide with the player's choice? Basically: wish fulfillment or world building?