I think it's more of a case of them showcasing their upcoming lineup more so than that. And Smash usually outshines most games with a few exceptions.
But like, we'll see I guess. E3 is in 3 and a half weeks No big deal regardless.
TBH none of us know what's gonna go down, ha ha. Just gotta wait and see.
Actually it does. A newcomer is always near the top of Twitter's trending page when the character is revealed.
It gets attention, yeah, but for an extremely brief time. Things like Animal Crossing and Pokemon keep attention longer
and have higher sales potential given the status of brand new, major Switch releases VS. a content update for a preexisting game that will continue selling regardless.
Plus, not everyone cares about Smash the way we do. A lot of people are actually pretty tired of seeing Smash and would like to see new things from Nintendo.