So I beat Symphony of the Night. Great game, and it’s a quick one. I didn’t get 200.6% or anything, I only got about 184%, but the gameplay is good, and I really do like Alucard.
He’d be great in Smash too. Put him on the list of “Top Assist Trophy upgrades”.
I started Rondo of Blood too. I already missed the first “secret” in the 2nd level, so I won’t be getting any special endings, but it’s definitely tough. It has that old school weighting where you have to commit to your jumps, so that took some adjusting. But I feel like it’s definitely built on the player learning the strategies in the levels.
As I said in the old thread, one thing I try to do is play a game from each series with a playable character in Smash. I already am finding that i’m really glad that Castlevania is in Smash, and i’m also fortunate to be able to get the Requiem collection. Alucard is great, Richter is pretty cool so far. Maybe i’ll play the original for Simon...but not right away.
I may play Mega Man 11 next, but after that comes Resident Evil 2 Remake and Kingdom Hearts 3. I have...a lot of gaming to do.